

单词 柔情侠骨

See also:


gentle feelings
tender sentiments

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,我們應該積極果斷㆞善 用我們擁有的機會,而不是在毫無充分理由 情 況 ㆘ ,以 柔 寡 斷 、消極負面的態度, 將努力的成果毀諸㆒旦。
So let us be positive, determined to make the best use of what we have, rather than be pusillanimous and negative by scrapping all the good work that has been done for no good reason.
侠:哥谭骑士是一个2008的六个短动画超级英雄片之间的电影“蝙 侠 前 传 ”(2005)和黑暗骑士(2008)的设置直接到DVD选集电影。
Batman: Gotham Knight is a 2008 direct-to-DVD anthology film of six short animated superhero films set in between the films Batman Begins (2005) [...]
and The Dark Knight (2008).
光透视报告中的记录是缔约国当局企图掩盖 当时已经存骨折的情况。
He claims that these notes in the above X-ray
reports were an attempt by the State party’s authorities to
[...] conceal the fractures that had already [...]
existed at that time.
中央領導人多次強調香港要走向和諧,但在所謂“朱門酒肉臭,路有凍骨”的情況下 ,我看不到有任何和諧的機會。
The central leadership stressed a number of times that Hong
Kong had to move towards harmony, however,
[...] in view of the situation of the rich enjoying [...]
the luxuries and the poor lingering
at the brink of starvation, I cannot see any chance of achieving harmony.
剧组阵容强大,包括奥斯卡提名人著名摄像师克劳迪奥·米兰达(Claudio Miranda)**(《本杰明·巴顿奇事》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)、《创:战记》(Tron: Legacy))和有着不俗表现的新晋演员苏拉·沙玛(Suraj Sharma)、伊凡·卡汗(Irrfan Khan)(《超凡蜘侠》(The Amazing Spider-Man)、《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire))、拉夫·斯包尔(Rafe Spall)(《普罗米修斯》(Prometheus)、《无名氏》(Anonymous))以及杰拉尔·德帕迪约(Gerard Depardieu)(《巴黎,我爱你》(Paris, je t’aime)、《幽灵都市》(City of Ghosts)),《少年派的奇幻漂流》3碟蓝光3D版本内含超过两个小时的幕后特辑,包括删剪镜头(同样以3D方式呈现),这将有助于观众梳理整个 情 的 发 展;深入视觉特技的五个幕后花絮片段;60余幅精彩图片和脚本等。
With incredible cinematography from Oscar nominee Claudio Miranda** (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Tron: Legacy) and masterful performances from newcomer Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan (The Amazing Spider-Man, Slumdog Millionaire), Rafe Spall (Prometheus, Anonymous) and Gerard Depardieu (Paris, je t’aime, City of Ghosts), the LIFE OF PI 3 Disc Blu-ray 3D edition is loaded with over two hours of behind-the-scenes special features, including deleted scenes that will make you rethink the story (also presented in 3D), five featurettes [...]
that dive into the making of the
visual spectacle, 60 pieces of inspirational artwork, storyboards and more.
7-8.5毫米的小穗,小花(2-)3-5,小穗轴被微柔毛,节间1-1.5毫米; 颖片披针形,背黑色紫色,边缘膜质,黄棕色,无毛; 更低的颖片3.5-5毫米,锐尖;
[...] 上面颖片4.5-6毫米,锐尖的或钝; 外稃薄, 背除了黄褐色在基部和先端黑棕色, 在外部口盖,先端锐尖的或微缺上具短缘毛,松弛被 柔 毛 的 内稃 骨。
Spikelets 7–8.5 mm, florets (2–)3–5, rachilla puberulous, internodes 1–1.5 mm; glumes lanceolate, dorsally black-purple, margins membranous, yellowish brown, glabrous; lower glume 3.5–5 mm, acute; upper glume 4.5–6 mm, acute or obtuse; lemmas thin, dorsally black-brown but yellow-brown at base and apex, lowest 5–5.5 mm, margins and lower keel loosely pilose, apex denticulate,
middle vein exserted into a
[...] short mucro; palea keels ciliolate, loosely puberulous on outer flaps, [...]
apex acute or emarginate.
鑒於工人罹患骨骼疾病的情況日 趨普遍,李議員詢問當 局會否考慮將該疾病列為職業病,以及將會採取甚麼措施以加 [...]
In view of
[...] the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorder among [...]
workers, Mr LEE asked whether consideration would be given to
including the disease as an occupational disease, and the measures to be taken in strengthening publicity to promote the services of occupational health clinics and preventive measures against occupational diseases.
侠和芭 芭拉小丑的尸体埋阿卡姆庇护之下,而哈雷掉进一个深坑后,她被战斗Batgirl,从来没有发现,但她被认为已经死亡。
Batman and Barbara buried [...]
the Joker’s body beneath Arkham Asylum, while Harley fell into a pit after she was fighting Batgirl
and was never found but she is presumed dead.
颖片3或4,上部短柔毛; 更低的颖片4-5毫米,3-5脉; 第二颖片5.5-6毫米,7脉;
第3 和第4 颖片7-8毫米;
[...] 卵状披针形的外稃,7-11毫米,11脉,钻形的顶; 约栅极短柔毛,毛浓密,胼胝体约0.5毫米毫米; 披针形的内稃,8-9毫米,或者大约倍于外稃,被 柔 毛 的 龙 骨 , 具 刚毛在先端的精确; 鳞被红棕色,长圆状披针形,或侧生的近卵形,约3毫米,基部脉,上面边缘具缘毛。
Glumes 3 or 4, distally pubescent; lower glume 4–5 mm, 3–5-veined; second glume 5.5–6 mm, 7-veined; third and fourth glumes 7–8 mm; lemma ovate-lanceolate, 7–11 mm, 11-veined, apex subulate; callus
ca. 0.5 mm, densely
[...] pale pubescent, hairs ca. 0.8 mm; palea lanceolate, 8–9 mm, or about as long as lemma, keels puberulent, [...]
minutely setose at apex;
lodicules red-brown, oblong-lanceolate, or lateral ones subovate, ca. 3 mm, basally veined, upper margin ciliate.
提供新侠情缘的 游戏介绍、游戏新闻、补丁、宣传动画及游戏功略秘技。
Provides new
[...] knight-errant swordsman sentiment reason game introduction, [...]
game news, patch, propaganda animation and game meritorious slightly secret.
提供演员参与海外电影制作,包括「火拼时速2」(美国)、「盗贼同盟」(韩国)、「特工阔少爷」第1集及第2集 (法国/比利时)、「世纪役战」(美国)、「蝙 侠 黑 夜 之神」(美国)、「太 侠 」 (美国)、「金田一香港九龙财宝杀人事件」(日本) 及「I Trust You」(意大利)。
Provided artiste agency services to films "Rush Hour 2" (USA), "The Thieves" (South Korea), "Largo Winch" 1 & 2 (France/ Belgium), Contagion (Hollywood), "Bat Man - The Dark Knight" (USA), "Man of Tai Chi" (USA), "Kindaichi Case Files - Hong Kong Kowloon" (Japan) and "I Trust You" (Italian).
珍妮尔 (Janelle)的柔情怀和 她的企业家领导力使其居此领域的领导地位。
Janelle's gentle heart, mixed with [...]
her entrepreneurial leadership, places her on the cutting edge of her industry.
應有盡有的中西方音樂,包括經典的搖滾和爵士樂曲、動人的交響樂團演奏、您最喜愛的電影配樂,以及溫 柔情 的 輕 音樂。
You will find a wide range of premium audio entertainment showcasing the newest and best of East and West music performances.
(b) 請簡介加強規管私骨灰龕的工作 情( 包括私營骨灰龕 發牌制度的規管範 圍、力度、私營骨灰龕牌照委員會的設立、《私營骨灰龕條例》的制定等細節)、 進度及開支預算。
(b) the details and progress of the work to enhance the regulation of private columbaria (including [...]
the scope of the licensing
scheme for private columbaria, the intensity of regulation, the setting up of the Private Columbaria Licensing Board and the introduction of the Private Columbaria Ordinance), as well as the estimated expenditure involved.
1998-2007年期间出品及制作的电视剧集逾800小时,包括「射雕英雄传」、「聊斋奇女子 I及II」、「别爱我」、「少年杨家将」、「仙剑 侠 传 」 、「天外飞仙」、「杨门女将」、「书剑恩仇录」、「醉拳」、「天下无双」、「聊斋」、「鱼美人」、「宝莲灯」、「蒲公英」、「西街少年」及「绝代双骄」。
The company produced over 800 hours of TV dramas from 1998 to 2007, including "The Eagle Shooting Heroes", "Strange Tales of Liaozhai", "Strange Tales of Liaozhai Part II", "Till Death Do Us Apart", "The Young Warriors", "Chinese Paladin", "The Little Fairy", "Legendary Fighter - Yang’s Heroine", "Book and Sword, Gratitude and Revenge", "Drunken Kung Fu", "The Luckiest Man", "The Beauty Mermaid", "Po Lien Lantern", "Dandelion", "West Side Story" and "The Legendary Siblings".
宽的叶鞘,纸质,重叠并且隐瞒那些节, 骨 状 , 具 柔 毛 沿 边缘; 叶片线形 10-20 * 0.5-1 厘米,无毛,先端渐尖; [...]
Leaf sheaths broad, papery, overlapping and concealing
[...] the nodes, keeled, papillose-pilose along margins; [...]
leaf blades linear, 10–20 × 0.5–1
cm, glabrous, apex acuminate; ligule 1–2 mm, usually with tawny hairs on back.
但对楼宇及消防安全构成明显或实时危险的私 骨 灰 龛 ,在任 情 况 下均不应获豁免。
However, under no
[...] circumstances should private columbaria that pose obvious or [...]
imminent danger in terms of building and
fire safety be exempted from the licensing scheme.
叶鞘具粗毛,浓密如此在嘴; 叶片平,最后内卷,苍绿色, 2-9 * 0.2-0.5 厘米,具粗毛到近无毛,基部圆形,先端锐尖; 叶舌撕裂了, 楔形的小穗,5-6.5(-11)毫米,小花2-5; 小穗轴无毛,节间的1-2.5毫米; 披针形的颖片,略带紫色的通常,边缘透明,松弛具柔毛的无毛或的背; 更低的颖片3-5毫米; 上面颖片4-6毫米; 外稃略带紫色棕色到棕色黑色或斑点具紫色,低4.5毫米,具柔毛全部-5(-7)通过,锐尖或短尖; 沿着骨具柔毛的内稃,在上面龙骨之间和在外部口盖上,顶2裂。
Spikelets cuneate, 5–6.5(–11) mm, florets 2–5; rachilla glabrous, internodes 1–2.5 mm; glumes lanceolate, dorsally often purplish, margins hyaline, glabrous or loosely pilose; lower glume 3–5 mm; upper glume 4–6 mm; lemmas purplish brown to brown-black or blotched with purple, lowest 4.5–5(–7) mm, pilose all over, acute or mucronate; palea pilose along keels, between upper keels and on outer flaps, apex 2-lobed.
香水就像是夢、義大利航海、氛圍、優質亞麻床單清新的氣味以及裸露的皮膚 (…) 沁人心脾的清新與奪目的光亮之間的對比,某種似水 柔情 、 性 感和強大,縈繞在噴灑此香水的女性的身體和衣服周圍。
The perfume is like a dream, an Italian voyage, an ambience, the clean scent of crisp linen sheets and naked skin,(...) a contrast between a great freshness and apparent lightness and a type of tender veil, sensual, and strong, that envelops the body and the clothing of the woman who wears the fragrance.
毫无疑问,这位年轻的男演员会是这款壁纸中最耀眼的明星,他会穿着蜘 侠 套 装 ,摆着炫酷的造型,出现在你的屏幕上。
The young actor is also the undisputed star of this wallpaper,l in which you can see the defiant pose and superhero costume looking at the screen.
这些标志性的手表包括猫王、超人、神奇 侠 、 绿 灯 侠 、 神 奇宝贝、蝙 侠 、 史 努比和闪 侠 等 的 纪念手表。
These iconic watches
[...] celebrate Elvis Presley, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Pokémon, Batman, Snoopy, and Flash.
您可选择我们的亚洲混合式按摩、巴厘岛按摩、Island Dew 式按摩、夏威夷式按摩、素可泰式按摩、​​瑞典式按摩 柔情 触 感式按摩、背部按摩、体育按摩和悦榕足部按摩。
Choose from our Asian Blend, Balinese, Island Dew, Lomi Lomi, Sukhothai, Swedish, Tender Touch, Back, Sports and Banyan Foot massages.
我在最近的伦敦之行期间去观看了最新的蝙 侠 电 影 《蝙 侠 前 传 3:黑暗骑士崛起》。
I went to see the latest Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises” during my recent London trip.
ZINK)、舍弗勒大中华区汽车事业部总裁张艺林博士、舍弗勒离合器面片产品线副总裁Jochen KLEE、舍弗勒亚太区首席运营官贺瑞德(Reinhold
[...] HEIDNER)、舍弗勒大中华区首席财务官尹 侠 ( Fr ancesco INGARSIA)出席庆典仪式并与上百名客户、供应商和苏州工厂员工一起庆祝了这一历史时刻。
Mr. Matthias Zink, Schaeffler Asia Pacific Automotive President, Dr. Zhang Yilin, Schaeffler Greater China Automotive President, Mr. Jochen Klee, Schaeffler Clutch Facing Production Line Vice
President, Mr. Reinhold Heidner, Schaeffler
[...] Asia Pacific COO, Mr. Francesco Ingarsia, [...]
Schaeffler Greater China CFO, attended
and celebrated the ceremony together with over one hundred clients, suppliers and employees.
小穗3-4(-5)毫米,小花2-4,微染具紫色; 小穗轴青春期,颖片(2-)2.8-3(-3.5)毫米; 不久具柔毛的外稃骨适合长度,边缘静脉1/2适合1/3长度,地区在精确有毛的静脉之间为下部的1/3; [...]
胼胝体网状; 精确有毛的内稃接近在龙骨之间。
Spikelets 3–4(–5) mm, florets
2–4, tinged with purple;
[...] rachilla pubescent, glumes (2–)2.8–3(–3.5) mm; lemma keel shortly villous [...]
for 1/2 of length, marginal
veins for 1/3 length, area between veins minutely hairy for lower 1/3; callus webbed; palea minutely hairy proximally between keels.
颖片1或2,第1 5-8毫米,不明显5-9,先端和中脉,第2长,7-11-脉; 外稃紫红色,1.6-1.8厘米,背面的最初粗糙的和短柔毛,正面上部被 柔 毛 ,11-13脉; 内稃骨具长 缘毛,先端钝的或微缺,在龙骨,每侧面4脉之间的5脉; 鳞被3,上半部分膜质,边缘具缘毛。
Glumes 1 or 2, 1st 5–8 mm, inconspicuously 5–9-veined, apex and midvein puberulent, 2nd longer, 7–11-veined; lemma purple-red, 1.6–1.8 cm, abaxially initially scabrid and pubescent, adaxially distally puberulent, 11–13-veined; palea keels long ciliate, apex obtuse or emarginate, 5-veined between keels, each flank 4-veined; lodicules 3, upper part membranous, margins ciliate.
雖然現階段並無符合現時認可標準的多代研究資料,但實驗顯示, 在小鼠妊娠期第 11 天餵服單次劑量每公斤體重 300 至 1 000 毫克氨基甲 酸乙酯,胎骨骼異常的情況會 隨劑量增加。
While no multigeneration studies that meet currently accepted standard protocols are available, dose-related increases in skeletal anomalies have been observed in mice given single oral doses of EC at 300 – 1000 mg/kg bw on day 11 of gestation.
有關政府部門會繼續各自根據相關的法例及/或土地契 約所賦予的權限,對私骨灰龕的相 情 況 採 取執法行動。
Relevant government departments would continue to take enforcement actions against relevant aspects of private columbaria in accordance with their respective mandate as empowered by the relevant legislation and/or land lease.
今㆝的香港雖無「朱門酒肉臭, 路有凍骨」的情形,但㆒個有良心的社會,亦不應坐視部份市民長期在貧窮困境之 ㆗渡日,在無法改善生活的絕望㆗生存。
However, if Hong Kong society has a heart, no one should sit around doing nothing while seeing some members of society struggle endlessly to make ends meet without any chance of ever improving their hopeless lot in any sort of way.
[...] [...] 了“2012年世界设计之都”的大奖,你可以看到,这里到处都有设计:从奇亚斯玛现代艺术画廊的咖啡厅内专门为孩子设计的古怪高椅,到伊利尔•沙里宁那儿,花岗岩雕刻的提灯巨人静静守卫着的中央魔法火车站(第一部《蝙 侠 》 中 ,哥谭市(Gotham City)的灵感便来源于此)。
There’s good design everywhere in Helsinki, from quirky high chairs for cultured nippers in the cafe at the Kiasmamodern art gallery to Eliel Saarinen’s magical central train
station, which is guarded by lamp-bearing giants carved from granite that inspired Gotham
[...] City in the first Batman film.




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