单词 | 柔和的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:(灯光颜色等)柔和的 adj—subdued adj See also:柔和 adj—soft adj • softer adj • bland adj 柔 adj—soft adj • supple adj 柔—flexible • yielding • rho (Greek letter Ρρ) 的和 pl—counterfeit medicines pl
順 柔和的海岸 曲線修建的長廊,連綿不斷, 實增 加了發展文化設施及商業用途的機會。 legco.gov.hk | The combination of uses proposed lends a great vitality to the scheme, and a continuous [...] promenade along the smooth curvature [...]of the waterfront further enhances the development for cultural and commercial purposes. legco.gov.hk |
镀金穹顶和柔和的色彩 营造出童话般的氛围。 msccruises.com.cn | Gilded domes and pretty pastel colours contribute to the story-book [...] atmosphere. msccruises.com.hk |
使用全新的撫滑皮膚筆刷來添加 柔和的 模 糊 效果,為人像製作更平滑的肌膚效果。 mammals.org | Use the Skin Smoothing [...] brush to apply a gentle blur effect, creating [...]smoother-looking skin. mammals.org |
我们无皂,柔和的泡泡浴液完美滋养宝宝的娇嫩肌肤。 cn.iherb.com | Our soap-free, gentle Bubble Bath is perfect for your baby's [...] delicate skin. iherb.com |
專責委員會 已在沿文物徑的洪聖廟和北帝廟安裝 了 柔和的 照 明 以彰顯其建築特色。 devb.gov.hk | The Special Committee has completed the [...] installation of soft architectural lighting [...]at Hung Shing Temple and Pak Tai Temple which are featured on the trails; and devb.gov.hk |
湿用可得到浓郁的深色效果;涂抹在干爽皮肤上可呈 现 柔和的 色 彩。 clarinsusa.com | Glide on wet for high-intensity color; dry for a subtle look. clarinsusa.com |
至于声音小的、柔和的、可 预知的唱片、磁带、CD 或其它音源的摇篮曲、简单的歌 曲、节拍或童谣等,依然对婴儿有吸引力。 cpsc.gov | Records, tapes, CDs, and other audio sources of lullabies, simple songs, rhythms or nursery rhymes that have gentle, predictable sounds and are played at low volumes are appealing. cpsc.gov |
余味可以是刺激的,炙热的,柔和的 或 者 悠长的,短暂的,涩味的或者几乎不存在的。 emw-wines.com | May be harsh, hot, soft and lingering, short, [...] smooth, tannic, or nonexistent. en.emw-wines.com |
许多常用吊衣还带有垫有柔软合成羊皮的腿部支撑或带环,为身体和皮肤带来 更 柔和的 感 觉。 liko.com | Many common slings are also available with leg supports or strap loops [...] padded with soft, synthetic sheepskin, which feels gentler against the body and skin. liko.com |
功能強大又不失女人味,柔和的曲線 ,拋光鋼/緞面這些手錶戴在鱷魚皮設計的焦特布爾(皮革切割具體再現的形狀著名的騎馬褲),關閉一扣,一個體育鋼絲網手鐲細膩,完美整合的肩膀。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Powerful yet [...] feminine with their soft curves, these watches [...]available in polished steel / satin are worn on alligator leather [...]with a design Jodhpur (leather cutting specific reproducing the shape of the famous riding pants), closed by a buckle, or more on a sporting steel mesh bracelet delicate, integrating perfectly in line with the shoulders. en.horloger-paris.com |
闹钟除了有多种高级日程表选项外,还允许您自由选择唤醒方式 , 柔和的 钟 声,或曼妙的音乐。 bang-olufsen.com | Besides advanced scheduling options, the alarm clock gives you a [...] choice between the gentle chime or waking [...]to the sound of music. bang-olufsen.com |
强制性生产者责任制的威胁可敦促产业界制订自愿协定,是 较为柔和的办法 ,可有效地促进环境的改善。 daccess-ods.un.org | The threat of mandatory producer [...] responsibility encourages industry to develop [...] voluntary agreements, a softer approach which [...]can be effective in delivering environmental improvements. daccess-ods.un.org |
这款手表堪称精美绝伦的艺术杰作, 柔和的 曲 线 和有趣的细节完美突出其时尚、现代而醒目的设计。 hk.ashford.com | s individualistic streak like the Arena Perpetual [...] Calendar. This watch is a masterpiece [...] whose characteristic soft curves and playful [...]details give way to a modern and striking design. ashford.com |
皮埃蒙特红葡萄品种,有多汁的黑色水果味 、 柔和的 单 宁和适中的酸度。 emw-wines.com | Piemontese black variety with [...] juicy black fruit,soft tannins and moderate [...]acidity. en.emw-wines.com |
把有關發展作綜合用途的建議 ,為 這項計劃注入澎湃的 活力。 順 柔 和的海岸 曲線 修 建的長廊, 連綿不斷,着實增加了發展文化設施及商業用途的 機 會。 legco.gov.hk | The combination of uses proposed lends a great vitality to the scheme, and a continuous promenade along the smooth curvature of the waterfront further enhances the development for cultural and commercial purposes. legco.gov.hk |
柔焦] 该图像效果通过有意模糊整张图像来创 建 柔和的 外 观。 us.leica-camera.com | This effect creates a soft appearance by intentionally [...] blurring the entire picture. us.leica-camera.com |
使用柔和的空气 喷雾器或真空吸尘器,或使用微纤维布(Brillianize [...] Detailer Wipes提供的无绒、超软的一次性非研磨抹布;目录号826 6488)清洁。 graphics.kodak.com | Use a gentle air spray or vacuum, [...] or gently clean with a microfiber cloth (a lint-free, ultra-soft disposable non-abrasive [...]wipe provided with the Brillianize Detailer Wipes; CAT No. 826 6488). graphics.kodak.com |
织物的表面附有树脂涂层,可制造出 柔和的 照 明 效果。 unitika.co.jp | A resin-coated woven fabric [...] designed to create a soft lighting effect. unitika.co.jp |
2310標準柔音小號的設計吸收了高級專業型號的優點特質,它不但擁有圓 潤 柔和的 傳 統 柔音小號的音色,而且具有準確度極高的聲調,並提供舒適的演奏體驗。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The 2310 is a standard model flugelhorn which features many of the same specifications as our pro models, and delivers a traditional flugelhorn sound-extremely round and mellow- with accurate intonation and easy playability. tomleemusic.com.hk |
与“未初榨”橄榄油不同的是,此款橄榄油手工选取成熟的橄榄提前入厂生产,得 到 柔和的 带 有 奥新布兰卡橄榄独具的甜味的橄榄。 tmedco.com | Hojiblanca olive oil differs in its production from Picual oil in that the ripe olives are previously selected before going to the factory. tmedco.com |
柔和的色调 流露低调气息,相比黄金手表更显精致典雅之感。 hk.ashford.com | Its softer tone is seen as [...] classier and less offensive than yellow gold watches. ashford.com |
达尔文是一座三面环海的热带城市, 柔和的 海 风 和舒适的气候条件,营造出全年皆宜的户外生活方式。 australiachina.com.au | Darwin is a tropical city that is bordered by the sea on three sides, and the moderating sea breezes and climate mean an outdoor lifestyle can be enjoyed all year round. australiachina.com.au |
口感:中等酒體,柔和的黑和 紅色水果與淡淡的綠色青草味道,強勁的單寧酸和香草醛橡木,有層次和深度 sfgourmet.com | Palate : [...] medium to full body, soft dark and red fruits [...]with hint of green flavors, oak with powerful tannin and vanillin, with layers and depth. sfgourmet.com |
木頭具有溫暖的觸感、豐富的木紋,以 及 柔和的 色 調 ,利用這個充滿魅力的素材所打造的木頭隨身碟禮品, [...] 讓人格外有溫馨的感覺,集比打造出貼近現代生活的創意木頭隨身碟,將溫暖的木頭車出成色、不僅融合木頭質感、更附予隨身碟實用功能。 en.xebe.com | The warm touch, soft colors and environmental [...] protection meaning of Wooden USB drive make Wooden USB drive is in great demand now. en.xebe.com |
作品從人物的臉部表情出發,到微妙的眼神 、 柔和的 膚 質、虛幻的發色,以及人物膚色的霧面處理和母親頭發的釉面處理所形成鮮明對比,無不帶給人壹種超現實的感覺。 tipschina.gov.cn | Both the expressions of [...] their faces, and the softness of the skin and the [...]unreal hues of their hair, plus the contrast between [...]the matte of their skins and the glazed finish of the enveloping hair, removes this scene from the real world and bring it closer to a state of pure feeling. tipschina.gov.cn |
BenQ Senseye®真色彩,全盤考量照明環境、觀視距離,透過對人 眼 柔和的 亮 度 控制,調節出最適合觀賞的畫面亮度。 benq.com.tw | BenQ Senseye® Human Vision Technology automatically considers the ambient lighting and viewing distance and calibrates the necessary components in the digital display to deliver images crisp and stable, with no flickering and muddled detail. ap.benq.com |
或許是香港獨有的繁雜興味 — 停下急促的城市步伐,上酒樓品嚐茗茶點心;同時希望享受醇厚香檳,甚至舊式茶餐廳的鴛鴦紅茶— [...] 環抱一室卻是舒適愜意的Art Deco風情,在柔和的燈光 下,細味清香的明火白粥。 think-silly.com | Hong Kong flavour evokes an eclectic lifestyle — tasting great dim sum in Chinese restaurant, accompanied with a drink selection that ranges from champagne to [...] authentic old-school style Hong Kong milk tea or ‘Yin Yang’; dining traditional [...] Chinese gastronomy in an art deco interior. think-silly.com |