

单词 染指于鼎

See also:


very important

External sources (not reviewed)

正如约翰·戴利专指出的那样,非 染 性 疾病 在人们尚于人生鼎盛阶 段时降低其工作能力。
As Commissioner John Dalli pointed out, NCDs reduce people’s ability to work while they are [...]
still in the prime of life.
在前全国保卫人民大会兵鼎盛时 期,专家于 2012 年 4 月 13 日到北基 伍后勤基地,以查明武器和弹药的情况。
At the height of the ex-CNDP mutiny, the Group visited the logistics base in North Kivu on 13 April 2012 to establish the situation regarding arms and ammunition.
值得注意的是,空气质量指数不于 在 中国使用的空气 染指 数。
Please note that AQI is
[...] different from the Air Pollution Index (API) used in China.
Grimble然后牺牲自己,让猫头鹰飞走寻求“大树的Ga'Hoole” 于 纯 问 鼎 “ 计 划对他们发出警告神秘的守护者,他们所看到的东西。
Grimble then sacrifices himself to allow the owls to fly away seeking the ‘Great Tree of Ga’Hoole’ to warn the mythical Guardians about the Pure Ones’ plan against them, and what they saw.
人员 流失意味着,剩下的工作人员须继续承担多重职责,而且该办公室仍然有 于其 工作人鼎力支 持,以完成法庭的任务。
Attrition has meant that remaining staff members continue to undertake multiple roles and the Office remains indebted to its staff for their commitment to the completion of the Tribunal’s mandate.
它还记录了于鼎盛时 期的英国经济扩张主义,并说明了英国的商业利益、殖民部和社会及福音活动人士之间的相互联系。
It also records British economic expansionism at its peak and illustrates the interconnections between British business interests, the Colonial Office, and social and evangelical activists.
于防止恐怖分染指大规 模毁灭性武器的措施,萨尔瓦多作为联合国会员 国和美洲国家组织的成员国签署并批准了以下国际文书
With regard to measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring [...]
weapons of mass destruction, El Salvador, as a State Member
of the United Nations and of the Organization of American States, has signed and ratified the following international instruments
预测排泄物指示物和病原体的扩散 工程师和海洋科学家已经开发了于 估 算 入海废水中排泄物 染指 示 物 的稀释、扩 散和衰减的预测模式。
Improvements in safety and efficiency marine operations that depend primarily on the measurement and analysis of physical variables are discussed elsewhere (e.g., Adams et al., 2000; Droppert et al., 2000).
該等陳述包括有關公司的預期:收購計劃將於二零一二年第四季度完成;這次收購 鼎 微 電 子公司 (Power Analog [...]
Microelectronics) 將可擴展Diodes的產品陣容,從而加強我們作為環球優質模擬產品供應商的地位,包括創新的『無濾波器』數碼音頻放大器、特殊應用功率管理集成電路,以及高性能LED驅動器與DC-DC轉換器;有關公司旗下各種業務相輔相成,將可即時為客戶提供效益,長遠來說更為股東及員工帶來價值;這次收購有助促進雙方的協作關係。
Such statements include statements regarding our expectation that: the acquisition is expected to close
in the fourth quarter of 2012; the
[...] acquisition of Power Analog Microelectronics [...]
will strengthen our position as a global
provider of high-quality analog products by expanding Diodes' product portfolio with innovative "filter-less" digital audio amplifiers, application-specific power management ICs, as well as high-performance LED drivers and DC-DC converters; the highly complementary nature of our businesses will provide immediate benefits to our customers, while generating long-term value for our shareholders and employees; and there are tremendous synergies to be leveraged through the acquisition.
我們有需要 檢討有關監管清盤制度的現行條文,以提高制度對債權人的透明度、 確保獲委任的破產從業員力能勝任、加強對公司的保障以免公司為犯 罪高級人員及破產從業員染指,以及確保破產從業員在執行清盤程 序時,其工作受到適當管制。
There is a need to review the existing provisions concerning the regulation of the winding-up regime to improve transparency for creditors, ensure appointment of competent insolvency practitioners, better insulate companies from delinquent officers and insolvency practitioners as well as to ensure that proper control can be exercised over the work of insolvency practitioners when they administer the winding up process.
b) 當建議的新指數系統證實可予接受時,開發一個可隨即使用的系 統,並隨附內容詳盡的使用手冊、所需軟件和全面的人員培訓課 程;以及提議一項詳細計劃,確保現行空氣 染指 數 公 布系統順 利過渡至新公布系統。
b) when the proposed new API reporting system is found to be acceptable, to develop the turn-key system to come with detailed instruction manuals, necessary software and a thorough staff training package; and to recommend a detailed plan for smooth transition from the existing to the new reporting system.
全世界需 要的国际合作应于尊重 主权、自决和各国人民享有尊严的原则;这种合作应当不 受利染指并且 是无条件的,合作应当以实现全世界人民享有所有人权为原则。
The international cooperation the world needs should be based on the respect for the principles of sovereignty, self-determination and dignity of peoples; cooperation should be disinterested and unconditional, and have as its principle the achievement of the enjoyment of all human rights of all the world’s inhabitants.
希望我們日後申請撥款時,各位議員能夠 鼎 力 支 持。
We hope that when we apply for funds later, Members will give us their staunch support again.
反过来,海洋科学水平的提高,又可以帮助确定观 测项目和分辨率,还可以帮助确定 于 显 示 未来变化的主要参数和辅助参数,测量这些 参数要比测量有关的原始变量(比如可作为海洋 染指 标 的 雌性腹足类软体动物呈现雄 性特征化)要容易一些。
As the number and density of people living in the coastal zone increases, the demands on coastal systems to support commerce, living resources, recreation, and living space
and to receive, process, and dilute the
[...] effluents of human society will continue to grow, e.g., land-based sources account for about 80% of the annual input of contaminants to the coastal ocean (UNEP, 1995).
该组织敦促柬 埔寨充分遵守《人权维护者宣言》,采取步骤,确保律师不会受到不正当的影响染指腐败 ,此外,律师协会不应受到干涉。
It urged Cambodia to observe fully the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, and to take steps to ensure that lawyers are not subject to inappropriate influence or corruption, and the Bar Association is protected from interference.
[...] 个氟氯化碳生产企业的情况,载有关于定义氟氯化碳和氟氯烃分子重量和分子式的附件, 并且提供了于被污染数量 的分析证明。
The verification report, which included an introduction and an executive summary, reported on each of the four CFC producers, and included annexes that defined the
molecular weights and formulas for CFCs and HCFCs and provided certificates of
[...] analysis for the contaminated quantities.
当指数为大于300时,代表有害的空气质量。值得注意的是,空气质量指数不 于 在 中国使用的空气 染指 数。
Please note that AQI is
[...] different from the Air Pollution Index (API) used in China.
在经济领域,我们提供鼎力相助于 我 们 的客户的快捷有效的顾问成果,包括: 企业经营管理、金融、企业资源计划、工业运转和控制、公关创意、国际技术转让项目、医疗医药、化工、能源、农业、航海造船、汽车、电子、IT通讯领域等等。
The economic sectors where we have provided fast and effective results for the benefit of our clients include: General Management; Finance; Enterprise Resource Planning; Industrial Operation & Control; PR and Creative; International Technology-Transfer Projects; Medical & Pharmaceutical; Chemical; Energy; Agri-Business; Marine; Automotive; Electronic; IT & Telecommunications Sectors etc.
大会第六十六届会议强指出继 续对《 于 进 一 步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 [...]
要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于更 好地执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛
屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the
[...] General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued [...]
substantive consideration of the
follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
它还将这些系统与其他生成相关数据 (如气候和染指标) 的地球观测网络连接起来。
It will also connect those systems to other Earth-observation networks that generate relevant data, such
[...] as climate and pollution indicators.
莫斯科办事处不仅在教育领域、也在文化和社会科学 领域扩大了对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的干预,包括 于 “ 应对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的当代艺术” 和“通过在人权领域的教育和将艾滋病毒/艾滋病 染 人 群融入社会在俄罗斯区域解决 艾滋病毒/艾滋病流行病的社会后果”的项目。
The Moscow Office intervention in the field of HIV/AIDS has expanded not only in education, but also in culture and social science areas, with projects on “Contemporary arts in response to HIV/AIDS” and “Addressing social consequences of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russian regions through information and education in the sphere of human rights and social integration of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)”.
2 是 次 補 選 得 蒙 以 下 政 府 決 策 局 和 部鼎 力 支 持 , 提 供 協 助 : 政 制 及 內 地 事 務 局 、 民 眾 安 全 服 務 隊 、 律 政 司 、 機 電 工 程 署 、 食 物 環 境 衞 生 署 、 民 政 事 務 總 署 、 香 港 天 文 台 、 香 港 警 務 處 、 香 港 郵 政 、 房 屋 署 、 廉 政 公 署 、 政 府 新 聞 處 、 地 政 總 署 、 康 樂 及 文 化 事 務 署 、 政 府 資 訊 科 技 總 監 辦 公 室 、 公 務 員 事 務 局 法 定 語 文 事 務 部 及 政 府 物 流 服 務 署 , 選 管 會 謹 此 致 謝 。
8.2 The EAC would like to express its gratitude to the following government bureau and departments for their dedicated support and unfailing assistance: Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, CAS, D of J, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, HAD, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong Police Force, Hongkong Post, Housing Department, ICAC, Information Services Department, Lands Department, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Office of the Government Chief Information Officers, Official Languages Division (of the Civil Service Bureau) and Government Logistics Department.
在此背景之下,他们欢迎不结盟运 动从联合国大会第65/66号决议“召开联合国大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特 别会议”中获得鼎力支 持,他们敦促联合国秘书长提供所有必要的技术、财 务和人类资源以执行这一决议。
In this context, They welcomed the overwhelming support received by Non-Aligned Movement’s UNGA resolution 65/66 entitled “Convening of the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament” They urged the UN Secretary-General to make available all necessary technical, financial and human resources to implement the resolution.
鼎亚太公司于多方 面的原因被公认为亚洲创业投资及私募基金的先锋,其中包括:于1986年设立台湾首家“硅谷”式创投公司;唯一一家于1987到1991年间在东盟设立4个办事处;1993年首批进入中国的基金之一(与中国银行共同管理);亚洲金融危机过后首次重振一家韩国证券公司并大获成功;于2002年在日本首次实现由外国创投公司投资的日本高科技公司成功上 市。
H&Q Asia Pacific is recognized
[...] as a pioneer of Asian venture capital and private equity [...]
in a number of respects, including
being the first firm to bring "Silicon Valley" style venture capital to Taiwan in 1986, the only firm to open four offices in ASEAN countries between 1987 and 1991, one of the first funds to enter China in 1993 (jointly managed with the Bank of China), the first firm to execute a turnaround in Korea following the Asian financial crisis, and the first foreign private equity firm to take a Japanese technology company public in Japan in 2002.
鼎泰丰”创于1972年 ,就像很多餐饮领导品牌一样,起初只是一家不起眼的小铺,卖大众食品小笼蒸包,掌柜杨秉彝同时也身兼伙计招呼客人。
Founded in 1972, Din Tai Fung was an insignificant restaurant at the beginning like so many leading brands in catering industry, dealing with popular diet: steamed dumplings and Mr. Bingyi Yang, the boss, yet also was the waiter to serve the guests.
參與者可訂定如何在空氣染指數偏 高的日 子,採取減少廢氣排放的措施,例如鼓勵員工 [...]
在上下班使用公共交通、與顧客及供應商合作 減少價值鏈中其他環節的廢氣排放、更改本身 的營運流程、材料或設備,或重新編排工作時 間。
Each participant can determine how they can reduce emissions
[...] on days of high pollution, such as promoting [...]
use of public transportation, by working
with their customers or vendors to reduce emissions elsewhere in the value chain, by substituting a different process, material or equipment at their own facilities, or by re-scheduling things that could be done at another time.
通过下列活动促进了非洲人的科技能力建设:2008 年 6 月 23 至 25 日在利比亚的黎波
[...] 议;在摩洛哥举办了基因技术和生物信息技术课程,在南非举办了一次 于 感 染 的 分 子和细 胞基的讲座;2008 年 6 [...]
月 26 至 28 日举办了关于神经变性疾病的培训课程。
Human capacity-building in S&T in Africa was promoted through the following activities: UNESCO together with the Libyan Biotechnology Centre organized a regional meeting from 23 to 25 June 2008 in Tripoli, Libya, to promote networking in biotechnology in Africa; teaching courses were organized in genomics and bioinformatics in Morocco and
a lecture course on the molecular and
[...] cellular basis of infection was held in South [...]
Africa; a training course on neurodegenerative
diseases was organized in Dakar, Senegal, from 26 to 28 June 2008.
该行动计划包括几组方案和项目活动:海洋和沿海资源;跨界保护自然资源; 气候变化以及于污染、能 力建设和技术转让等相关问题的跨行业问题的交叉问 题。
The action plan includes clusters of programmatic and project activities on: marine and coastal resources; cross-border conservation of natural resources; climate change; and
cross-cutting issues building upon the related problems
[...] of, inter alia, pollution, capacity-building [...]
and technology transfer.




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