

单词 某人


a certain person
some people
I (self-address after one's surname)



bring sb.v


please sb.v

培养 某人v

train sb.sb.v

See also:

a certain
sb.or sth.indefinite



External sources (not reviewed)

反过来说,不存在长期公然侵犯人权的现象并不意 味某人其具体个人情况就不会遭受酷刑。
Conversely, the absence of a consistent pattern of flagrant violations of human rights does not mean that a person might not be subjected to torture in his or her specific circumstances.
是否像私人防卫通常要求的那 样,只有迫在眉睫、近在咫尺的威胁才算威胁,或者,是否在执法行动中的某些 情况下可以扩大这一界限,因而可以将未来或更遥远的威胁(例如,逮捕过程中 看来嫌疑犯今后还可能再次决定攻某人况)视作让警察可以有理由使用致 命武力的生命威胁?
Does a threat count only when it is imminent and at hand as is the normal requirement with private defence, or can this be broadened under certain circumstances in the context of law enforcement operations, so that a future or more remote threat (e.g., where it appears in the context of an arrest that the suspect may in the future again decide to attack someone) can be regarded as a threat to life that justifies the use of lethal force by the police?
新立法容许这种程度的监护权,个别评估是否需要监护, 从而确保避免不必要地剥某人公民的权利。
The new legislation allows for various degrees of guardianship, individual
assessment of the need for guardianship and thus ensures that persons are not
[...] unnecessarily deprived of their rights as [...]
凡以上述理由之一拒绝某人其他人同等的条件进入 某一场地,观看演出,参观展览,参加会议或类似的向公众开放的活动的,均可 予以同样处罚。
Anyone who, for one of the abovementioned reasons, refuses to give a person access on the same terms as others to a venue, performance, exhibition, meeting or similar event open to the public is liable to the same punishment.
如被请求的缔约国有充分理由认为,以第 15 条 a 分段至 c 分段所述之违约行为要求引 渡,或以第 15 条所述之违约行为要求提供相 互司法协助的目的是为了某人族、宗 教、国籍、族裔或政治观点而对该人进行起诉 和惩罚,或认为顺从这一请求将使该人的处境 因上述任何一种理由受到损害,则本《议定 书》的任何条款都不应被解释为规定该缔约国 有进行引渡或提供相互司法协助的义务。
Nothing in this Protocol shall be interpreted as imposing an obligation to extradite or to afford mutual legal assistance if the requested Party has substantial grounds for believing that the request for extradition for offences set forth in Article 15 subparagraphs 1 (a) to (c) or for mutual legal assistance with respect to offences set forth in Article 15 has been made for the purpose of prosecuting or punishing a person on account of that person’s race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or political opinion or that compliance with the request would cause prejudice to that person’s position for any of these reasons.
根据残疾人的实际需要和生活环境做出相应的调整:按照第 1/2007 号《民 事诉讼法》第 760 条,并参考《民法典》第 267 条、第 289 条和第 290 条,在宣 布或申某人为能力时,应同时明确他/她是否可以在不需要监护人干预的 情况下实施法律行为。
As regards proportionality and adaptation to the circumstances of a person with disabilities, article 760 of the Civil Judgements Act No. 1/2007 (LEC), taken in conjunction with articles 267, 289 and 290 of the Civil Code, require the declaration of incapacity to specify the extent and limits thereof, the acts which the person concerned can perform unaided and those requiring the intervention of a guardian or the assistance of a curator.
但是,因考某人受监管工作之适合性 (以及考某人2007 年法令》中指定的任何其他相关目的之适合性) 而询问其之前的判罪,仍视为询问豁免问题,因为此类职 位属於 ROA 2003 年修正令规定排除的职位类型。
However, asking a person about their previous convictions forthe consideration of that person’s suitability to do regulated work (and consideration of a person’s suitability for any of the other related purposes specified in the 2007 Act) is still deemed to be asking an exempted question because it is these types of positions are excluded from the provisions of the ROA by amendments made to the 2003 Order.
(h) 提请委员会注意可能成为除名理由的新情况或值得注意的情况,例如公 开报道的关某人的信息
(h) To bring to the Committee’s attention new or noteworthy circumstances that may warrant a delisting, such as publicly-reported information on a deceased individual
反过来 说,不存在一贯严重侵犯人权的现象也不意味着不能认某人定情况下会遭 到酷刑。
Conversely, the absence of a consistent pattern of gross violations of human rights does not mean that a person cannot be considered to be in danger of being subjected to torture in his or her specific circumstances.
故 此 , 虽 然 法 律 可 能 有 给某 人在 调 查 及 检 控 过 程 中 的 各 个 阶 段 说 ‘ 别 问 我 问 题 , 我 一 条 也 不 会 答 ’ , 但 此 人 在 依 赖 这 权 利 时 , 先 思 量 一 下 旁 人 会 如 何 理 解 他 的 行 为 方 是 明 智 之 举 。
Accordingly, although the law may give a person the right to say at all stages of the process 'Ask me no questions, I shall answer none', in relying upon this right, he would be wise to have regard to how people are likely to interpret his conduct.
第 5711-1951 号《妇女平等权利法》(《妇女平等权利法》)也于 2008 年作 了修改,增加了两个与信息收集和处理有关的重要条款:第 3A 条规定,任何人 或任何机构要某人格或其他文件中列述其父母一方的姓名时,应当要求填 写父母双方的姓名(凡此人确知的)。
The Equal Rights for Women Law 5711-1951, (the “Equal Rights for Women Law”) was also amended in 2008, to add two important sections relating to the collection and processing of information: Section 3A determines that any person or an entity requiring a person to state, in a form or other document, the names of one his/her parents should require the names of both parents (as long as the person has that knowledge).
羁押是例外,只有在某个案件的具体情况下为确某人判时到庭但存在如下 严重危险时才有理由采用:(a) [...]
此人可能潜逃;(b) 为防止此人阻碍或危及调查 或法庭诉讼;或(c) 为阻止此人涉嫌犯下的那种行为再次发生。
Detention is the exception, which may be
justified in the concrete circumstances of a case
[...] (a) to ensure a person’s appearance [...]
at trial whenever there is a serious danger
that he or she may abscond; (b) to prevent him or her from obstructing or endangering the investigation or the court proceedings; or (c) to prevent a repetition of the kind of conduct of which he or she is suspected.
Whether it's setting up a quick conference call in someone's office, or taking it along on the road, collaboration is made easy.
b) 任何有某人疗诊断和治疗事宜的决定或作法只能在征得当事人同意(因为根据了解到的情况,该 决定是适宜的),并在当事人不断参与的情况下作出或实施。
b) Any decision or practice regarding the medical diagnosis and treatment of a person shall only be made or carried out with the consent of the person concerned, based on information appropriate to the decision, and with the ongoing participation of such person.
(i) 充分尊重国际难民和人权法规定的不推回义务,同时在充分尊重这些义 务和其他法律保障措施的情况下,一旦发现可信的相关证据显某人国际难 民法排除条款所述犯罪行为,包括恐怖主义行为,即复核先前关于此人难民地位 的决定是否有效
(i) To fully respect non-refoulement obligations under international refugee and human rights law and, at the same time, to review, with full respect for these obligations and other legal safeguards, the validity of a refugee status decision in an individual case if credible andrelevant evidence comes to light that indicates that the person in question has committed any criminal acts, including terrorist acts, falling under the exclusion clauses under international refugee law
但有某些例外,例如如果纳税人触犯聯邦法律、或者恐 怖活动调查、或者当国税局认某人税法。
There are some exceptions, for example if the taxpayer is involved in federal criminal or terrorism investigations or when the IRSthinks someone is breaking a tax law.
委员会还提醒缔约 国必须禁止报复,例如因参加依法举行的抗议和示威活动而解某人必须为 受害者提供救济。
The Committee also reminds the State party that reprisals such as the loss of employment for the participation in protests and strikes carried out in conformity with law must be prohibited and that redress must be granted to the victims of abuse.
根据安全理事会第 1989(2011)号决议附件二第 16(b)段的规定,某人被添加到名单中而且相关国家已获通知时,如有已知地址,监察员应向该人 或实体直接发送一份通知。
In accordance with paragraph 16 (b) of annex II to resolution 1989 (2011), when an individual or entityis added to the list and relevant States have been notified, the Ombudsperson is to send a notification directly to that individual or entity if there is a known address.
然 而 , 在 断某 人署 是 否 其 委 托 人 的 [...]
综 合 签 署 的 一 部 分 , 将 该 票 据 理 解 为 一 个 整 体 是 有 必 要 和 恰 当 的 ; 任 何 新 条 文 应 尌 这 一 点 作 出 规 定 。
[...] in determining whether thesignature [...]
of a person is part of the composite signature of his principal, it is necessary
and proper for the document to be construed as a whole; any new provision should provide for this.
对残疾的骚扰行为例子包括口头或书面形式的侮辱性言論或一些令人反 基於他人的种族而给予该人较差的待遇,或某人近亲的种族而向该人作出不受欢迎、 谩骂、侮辱或令人反感的行为,以致令该人感到受冒犯、羞辱或难堪,这些行为可被视为触 犯《种族歧视条例》,或会引致法律诉讼。
Treating people less favourably on the basis of their race or engaging in an unwelcome, abusive, insulting or offensive behavior because of another person’s or his / her near relative’s race, which makes the person feel threatened, humiliated or embarrassed might have contravened the Race Discrimination Ordinance and would entail legal consequences.
[...] 反对票的情况下通过批准以该方式提出动议的决议案,而就本项章程细则而言,批准委某人某人受委任的动议,即为委任该人士的动议。
At a general meeting a motion for the appointment of two or more persons as directors by a single resolution shall not be made, unless a resolution that it shall be so made has been first agreed to by the meeting without any vote being given against it, and for the purposes of this Article a motion for
approving a person’s appointment or for
[...] nominating a person forappointment shallbe treated as [...]
a motion for his appointment.
眼下本案 与某人可能遭酷刑之地的案例毫不相关。对于典型的案例,遣送发生之际 [...]
才有可能出现违约现象的属时原因是符合逻辑的思维,因为违约取决于当事人是 否被遣送回去的情况下才存在。
The current case does not have anything [...]
to do with possible cases of deportation to a place where a person might be tortured;
in that type of case, it is logical to consider ratione temporis the possible violation at the moment that the ordered deportation occurs, since the violation depends on the circumstances that exist in the country to which the person is sent.
第 26 A 条规定,如某人国籍或依照第 24⑴条或第 26(1)(a)条被剥夺 [...]
国籍,联邦政府可命令剥夺此人登记为公民的 21 岁以下子女或登记为此人子女 或此人妻子或丈夫的子女的国籍。
Article 26A provides that
[...] where a person has renounced his citizenship [...]
or has been deprived thereof under article 24 (1)
or article 26 (1) (a), the Federal Government may by order deprive of his citizenship any child of that person under the age of 21 who has been registered as a citizen or was so registered as being the child of that person or of that person’s wife or husband.
委员会要审议的问题是:将申诉人及其子女遣返回刚果民主共和国是否违 反了缔约国根据《公约》第3 条所承担的义务,即如果有充分理由相某人一国家将有遭受酷刑的危险,则不得将该人驱逐或遣返至该国。
8.2 The issue before the Committee is whether, in deporting the complainant and his children to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the State party would be failing to fulfil its obligation under article 3 of the Convention not to expel or to return (refouler) a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would be in danger of being subjected to torture.
就本细则而言,如董事向董事会提交一般通告,而大意是 指:(a)
其为特定公司或商号之股东,并被视作在此通告日期後可能与 该公司或商号订立之任何合约或安排持有权益;或(b)
[...] 其被视作在此 通告日期後可能某人(董事有关聯的人士) 订立之任何合约或 [...]
安排持有权益,则根据本细则该一般通告会被视为就任何该等合约或 安排作出适当及足够之利益披露;除非该一般通告在董事会召开之会
议上提出或该董事采取合理步骤以确保该一般通告会在发出後之下一 次董事会会议上提呈及诵讀,否则有关通告将被视作无效。
For the purposes of this Bye-Law, a general notice to the Board by a Director to the effect that (a) he is a shareholder of a specified company or firm and is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the notice be made with that company or firm or (b) he is to be regarded as
interested in any contract or arrangement
[...] which may after the date of the notice [...]
be made with a specified person who is connected
with him, shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest under this Bye-Law in relation to any such contract or arrangement; provided that no such notice shall be effective unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or the Director takes reasonable steps to secure that it is brought up and read at the next Board meeting after it is given.
简短回顾集体驱逐外国人的问题,纯粹是为消除委员会一些成员对第 7 条草 案第 3 款仍存在的关切,即在武装冲突情况下,某人武装活动对与其国籍 国发生冲突的居留国的安全造成损害,可予以驱逐。
The question of the collective expulsion of aliens is briefly reverted to in order simply to dispel a persistent concern on the part of certain Commission members with regard to paragraph 3 of this draft article 7, which deals with the possibility of expelling a group of persons acting as a group, in the event of armed conflict, for armed activities endangering the security of the State of residence engaged in conflict with their State of nationality.




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