

单词 柏节松操

See also:


moral principle

External sources (not reviewed)

该控件可以快速压缩数据节约了 硬盘空间和带宽,并且可以 松操 作 和 使用压缩后的数据。
Quickly compress data, saving disk space and network bandwidth, and easily manipulate and work with [...]
compressed data.
這可真厲害,今天發生了一件這麼突然的 事情,而我又突然拾獲一張松柏先 生 的名片。
It is really remarkable that such an unexpected incident has occurred today and I have suddenly found this name
[...] card belonging to Mr WANG Songbai.
最新款戴森 Ball™ 圆筒式真空吸尘器的吸尘头既可以针对不同地板类型自动 节 , 又能够在手柄处进行控制,用户无需弯腰,便可 松操 控。
The latest Dyson Ball™ cylinder vacuums have cleaner heads that either adjust automatically for different floor types, or can be controlled at the handle, with no need to bend down.
主 席,我再說一次,松柏先生 的名片請快點拿回去,我還想說,如果 是你批准政府這樣做,我會服氣,因為是你親自放進去的。
I still wish to say that, if you permit the Government to do so, I will be convinced because it is you, President, who personally put it there.
2013年2月9日柏林电影节开幕 第三天,正逢中国的新年除夕夜,上海国际电 节 在 柏 林 举 行了隆重的推介会。
On Feb. 9, 2013, the third day of this year’s Berlinale and also the
[...] traditional Chinese New Year Eve, Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) held a grand promotion campaign in Berlin, Germany.
此操作可调用函数参考里的任何函数或编 操 作 章 节 里 的 数据修改运 算符,还可运行一个程序。
This action may invoke any of the functions from the
Function Reference or the data modification operators described in the
[...] Writing Actions section, or it may run a [...]
2008年3月8日,安老院舉辦了2007松柏學 院 畢業典禮,共26位院友獲頒發畢業證書,他們均於2007年間曾出席學習課程不少於20個小時。
A Graduation Ceremony named 松柏學院畢業禮 was held on 8 March 08 to award certificates to those residents who had attended not less than 20 hours of study during the year of 2007.
松柏林或 混交林山坡上,潮湿的山谷,沟银行里的归化。
Naturalized in coniferous or mixed forests on slopes, moist valleys, ditch banks.
采用下文清单的同时,必须辅以良好的系统设计, 充分的日常清洁,以及有效的检查过程( 操 作 规 程第 2.1.3 节)。
Application of this list must be combined with: good
design of the system; adequate cleaning routines; and, effective
[...] inspection procedures (see Section 2.1.3 of the Code).
QMA 接口具有与 SMA 非常相似的性能,除了更容易、更快速、更安全的连 操 作 之 外, 节 省 了 客户生产过程中的时间。
The QMA interface has a very similar performance to the SMA, but in addition it offers an easier, faster and safer coupling operation, helping customers to save significantly time during production.
它已加入了开放源代码JBoss 应用服务器项目,通过使用Javassist对 节 码 操 作 为JBoss实现动态AOP框架。
It has joined the open source JBoss application server project , through the use of Javassist bytecode for dynamic operation of the JBoss AOP framework .
答: N7000 通过其内置的以太网标准功能,提供即时 节 省 人 力 操 作 的 远程打印机访问与控制。
Answer: The N7000 provides instant labor-saving remote printer access and control through its built-in Ethernet standard feature.
如果CBI06和09系列插头采用嵌入式安装,为了保证断开 连接操作更轻松,抓 握更容易,必须选用带加强轴肩锁 紧环的CBI06和09型插座。
When recessed mounting CBI 06 and 09 plugs, to improve grip when disconnecting, it is essential to use the enhanced shoulder locking ring type CBI 06 and 09 sockets.
在这种应用领域中,脚踏开关的特点:使用多功能元件; 操 纵板节手术椅的位置;通操纵杆 或脚踏板进行旋转控制;具有紧急停 止功能的保护/承载手柄;手术应用保护等级最高可达IPX8(等级AP); 各种不同的起动元件。
The special features of foot controls for these applications: Use of multi-function elements, »joypad« for adjustment of the chair position; revolution control via lever or foot pedal; protective/carrying handle with emergency-stop function; protection class up to IP X8 for operating applications (class AP); actuating elements in different variations.
彩色的触摸屏提供简单明了的图形 用户界面 (GUI),让您松操作设备和分配输出。
The color touch screen offers a simple, graphical user interface (GUI) to operate the device and direct the output.
松柏是可 以抵禦嚴寒的,我相信在我們議會內各個民主 黨派的朋友,以及在外面支持民主運動的朋友,包括“80後 ”很多朋友, 也是一棵一松柏,可 以抵禦嚴寒,然後最後可以看到春天。
Pines and cypresses can withstand the cold, and I believe friends from democratic parties and groupings within this Council and friends outside supporting the democratic movements, including many "post-80s" youths, are just like pines and cypresses that can withstand [...]
extreme cold weather;
they will eventually herald the arrival of spring.
(c) 建造八座污水泵房,其中六座位於沙頭角公路一 帶,一座位松柏朗村 ,另一座則位於坑頭;以及
(c) eight sewage pumping stations – six along Sha Tau Kok Road, one in Tsung Pak Long Tsuen and one in Hang Tau; and
该器件上有 LED 指示灯,便于用户即时观察输出状态,且通过输出电压控制触头可 松 调 节 输 出 电压。
An LED indicator gives the user an immediate visual indication of the output status, and the output voltage can be adjusted easily via the output voltage control contacts.
一些重要操作细节,包 括避免中毒的措施都应事先告知这 些人。
For all these reasons it is important to prevent their proliferation.
我 在前廳拾獲一張名片,上面寫着“中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯 絡辦公室辦公廳副主任松柏”,就在我們的前廳,如有哪一位同事 遺失了,可找我取回失物。
The colleague who has lost this name card may approach me.
ACDNetwork为客户进行市场推广,参与国际展,例如戛纳电 节 , 柏 林 电影节,釜山电影节,美国电影市场, 世界视听内容交易会等等,为电影制作者、荧屏制造商、发行商及参展商,提供首映礼、行业盛事所需的播放服务。
ACDNetwork will promote the ACDNetwork web poratl together with various clients
in International trade shows such as
[...] Cannes Film Festival, Berlin Film Festival, [...]
Pushan Film Festival, AFM, MIPCOM etc.,
supporting film premieres, industry events for filmmakers, screen producers, distributors and exhibitors.
自动可靠,操作者可以尽量减少的节 操作: 优化生产周期,减短生产过程中停顿的时 间,并行操作时间……史陶比尔换枪盘特 别适用于工作节奏快及重复性的工作。
Automatic and reliable, they reduce the need for operator interventions: optimised cycle time, reduced downtime in production, concurrent operation time… They are adapted to repetitive tasks and high speed rates.
学前教育的可获得性通过多功能学前机构网络(标准、专业的幼儿学前教育 中心)的发展,以及符合家长需求的新型学前教育机制(游戏和 节 性 操 场 、 私人 幼儿园、家庭幼儿园,在家里教授学前教育课程等)的应用予以保障。
Access to preschool education has been made possible through the creation of a network of specialized preschool institutions (paediatric medical day care, special day care and preschool childhood development centres) and the adoption of new preschool education models in response to parent requests (part-day seasonal playgroups, family day care, in-home day care, in-home preschool education programmes, etc.).
对配水管理员来说最具挑战性的问题或许就是彻底颠覆传统的人工操作系统,由上游 控制转变为需求即基于“下游”的控制模式,所有上游 节 设 施 的 操 作 满 足下游需 求。
Perhaps the most challenging issue for water distribution operators is the complete reversal of the traditional manually operating systems, from an upstream control to a
demand or “downstream” based control paradigm - where
[...] all upstream regulating devices are operated to [...]
meet downstream needs.
尽管需要拟定实操作的细 节(例如 薪酬级别和这两个组织若不在一个工作地点的话会涉及的搬迁成本),但 各机构认为这种交流对工作人员和组织都有利。
While the actual implementation details would need to be developed (for example regarding the level of remuneration and the costs of relocation if the two organizations are not in the same duty stations), agencies viewed such exchanges as beneficial to both the staff members and the organizations.
旺 角 和 油麻地 有 3 個 主 題 :第一,是以海濱風光 為 主 題 , 配 合 西 九龍的 海 濱 特色, 為 該 區 居 民 創造一 個 海 濱 休 閒 帶 ; 第 二 ,是以 綠 色 萬 花 筒 作 為中 部 核 心地區的主題 , 加 強 現 有 景 點 的 固 有 特色, 包括例 如 天 后廟、 玉 器 市 場 和 花 墟 等;及第三,是 以休憩 園 地為主 題,描繪一 系 列 相 連 的 優 質休憩 用地, 包括京柏山和 港 鐵 紅 磡 站 等 。
There are three themes for Mong Kok and Yau Ma Tei: first, with Coastal Scenery as the theme, coupled with the waterfront character of West Kowloon, a waterfront recreation zone is created for the local residents; second, with Green Kaleidoscope as the theme of the central core area, the inherent characteristics of the existing attractions such as Tin Hau Temple, Jade Market, Flower Market, and so on, are enhanced; and third, with Parkland as the theme, a series of high quality linked open spaces, including King's Park, MTR Hung Hom Station, and so on, is depicted.
报告覆盖范围包括亚太地区、曼 谷、巴塞罗那柏林、 北京、布里斯班、布里斯托尔、 布鲁塞尔、布达佩斯、伦敦中心区、成都、重庆、大连、 [...]
爱丁堡、欧洲地区、法兰克福、格拉斯哥、广州、杭州、 胡志明市、雅加达、香港、印度、日本、吉隆坡、卢森 堡、马德里、曼彻斯特、墨尔本、米兰、南京、纽卡斯
尔、巴黎、波兰、布拉格、青岛、罗马、首尔、上海、 沉阳、深圳、新加坡、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、台北、天津、 乌克兰、华沙、武汉、西安。
Coverage includes Asia Pacific,
[...] Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Brisbane, Bristol, [...]
Brussels, Budapest, Central London, Chengdu,
Chongqing, Dalian, Edinburgh, Europe, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, India, Jakarta, Japan, Kuala Lumpur, Luxembourg, Madrid, Manchester, Melbourne, Milan, Nanjing, Newcastle, Paris, Poland, Prague, Qingdao, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tianjin, Ukraine, Warsaw, Wuhan, Xian.
就象 1989 年后我们帮助推柏林墙的人建立起 健全的民主政体和市场经济那样;就象 [...]
1994 年我们 欢迎南非选择走和解与民主而非种族冲突的道路,因 而重返英联邦那样;如今在 2011 年,在北非和中东 人民挺身而起,表达他们希望建立更开放、更民主的
社会之时,我们有机会,同时也有责任,去 帮助他们。
Just as after 1989 we helped those
[...] who tore down the Berlin Wall to build robust [...]
democracies and market economies, just
as in 1994 we welcomed South Africa back into the commonwealth of nations when it chose the path of reconciliation and democracy instead of racial conflict, so now in 2011, as people in North Africa and the Middle East stand up and give voice to their hopes for more open and democratic societies, we have an opportunity, and, I would say, a responsibility to help them.
柏林對 民主的看法,他說:「民主就 是:認為促進社會公義和個㆟自由,未必意味 有效管治不再存在;權力和秩序並 [...]
不等於要受到經濟或政治教條的束縛;而個㆟自由 ― 社會㆒個鬆散的特質 ― 與不可或缺的最少量組織和權力是可以調和的。
I have always been
[...] moved by Isaiah BERLIN's description of democracy [...]
as "the view that the promotion of social justice and
individual liberty does not necessarily mean the end of all efficient government; that power and order are not identical with a straitjacket of doctrine, whether economic or political; that it is possible to reconcile individual liberty — a loose texture of society — with the indispensable minimum of organising and authority".




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