单词 | 架子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 架子noun—shelvesplless common: framen standn frameworkn 架子noun, plural—rackspl架子—airs arrogance Examples:官架子—putting on official airs 端架子—put on airs 架子车—wooden wheelbarrow See also:架n—rackn framen frameworkn
目标应用包括用于驱动高速底板的数据分发、基于 架子的设 备、电信/数据通信、自动测试设备、高清视频广播、数据存储和服务器。 tipschina.gov.cn | Targeted applications include data distribution for driving [...] high-speed backplanes,rack-based equipment, [...]Telecom/Datacom, Automatic Test Equipments, [...]HD Video Broadcast, Data Storage, and Servers. tipschina.gov.cn |
因此您不想选择一副只用三个月就坏或者因为您的员工不想用它而放在 架子上沾 灰尘的耳麦是很容易理解的。 jabra.cn | It’s understandable, then, that you want to [...] choose a headset that won’t break after three months or [...] gather duston the shelfbecauseyour employees [...]don’t want to use it. jabra.com |
我觉得,好的profiling应该能够根据不同的人群按需使用,同时在功能不断复杂和强大的过程中仍然能够保证较轻的 架子。 javakaiyuan.com | I think , a good profiling should be used on demand according to different [...] groups of people , while in the functional process of increasingly complex [...] and powerfulStill less can guarantee ashelf . javakaiyuan.com |
拆除前门和架子之间的泡沫塑料板。 printronix.com | Remove the foam pad between the front door and the frame. printronix.de |
原因:有铅焊料的库存不多了,准备改用无铅焊料的时候,将剩的有铅焊料和将要使用的 无铅焊料放到同一架子上保管了。 ricoh.co.jp | Cause: Since the inventory of leaded solder was [...] small and scheduled to be replaced with lead-free one after consumption of the inventory, [...] they were kept onthe same shelf. ricoh.co.jp |
目标应用包括时钟和数据分发、热交换应用、基于 架子的设备以及自动测试设备。 tipschina.gov.cn | Targeted applications include clock and data distribution, hot [...] swap applications,rack-based equipment [...]and Automatic Test Equipment. tipschina.gov.cn |
昨天,初来报到的第一天,饭店的老板竟然帮我扛我的背包到我的宿舍,令我非常敬佩这位毫无 架子的老板。 4tern.com | Yesterday, after I reported to work, the Heartland Hotel’s managing director helped me to carry my backpack to the employee’s hostel. 4tern.com |
您可能想改变一下您所租的地方,比 如,把墙油漆成不同的颜色或在墙壁上 打孔安装架子,在您这么做之前,应该 事先征得房东的书面许可。 welcomebc.ca | You may want to make changes in the place you rent–for example, paint the walls a different colour or drill holes in the walls for shelves. welcomebc.ca |
最近更新时间: 2012/2/28 // 挪威这个三重奏组合是一个非典型爵士乐小组,其乐器组成是非常规的哈蒙德B3电子管风琴、钢琴和 架子鼓。 norway.org.cn | Last updated: 28/02/2012 // This Norwegian trio is not a typical jazz band as it is based upon the uncommon line upHammond B3organ, pianoand drums. norway.cn |
媒体文化艺术中心”(mediatheque)是造出来的一个词,将“媒体”(media)和“中心”(theque,法语意为‘ 架子’或‘容器’)两个词结合在一起。 shanghaibiennale.org | The term “mediatheque” is a made up term combining ‘media’ and [...] ‘theque’ meaning “shelf”or “container” [...]in French. shanghaibiennale.org |
一个集成的自动化存储和恢复系统(ASRS), 能够自动抓取存放容器,放置在相应架子上,并且最后能够恢复它们到加工,印刷和现金指令等。 peccorp.com | An integrated automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS), which [...] will automatically pick up the containers, [...] store them inthe racksand finallyretrieve [...]them for processing, printing or cash orders. peccorp.com |
在初始安装的时候购买好更换电池,放置在 架子上的某个地 方,以备随时使用,另外购买一个新电池以替换这个电池。 adaptec.com | A replacement battery had been purchased at the time of the initial installation and [...] is sitting on a shelf somewhere, ready to go. adaptec.com |
拜耳的第一个商标图案是一只狮子站在圣劳伦斯殉难的 架子上。 career.bayer.cn | The first Bayer trademark [...] depicted a lion with the grid [...]on which Saint Lawrence was martyred. career.bayer.cn |
Kurt Kinetic油阻骑行台多年来一直冠居roadbikereview.com测评网站骑行台类产品排行榜首,油阻器提供超长的五年质保,骑行台 架子终身 质保。 chainssprockets.com | The Kurt Kinetic oil resistance riding station over the years has been the crown ranking roadbikereview.com evaluation [...] website riding Desk products ranking first oil resistance Long a five-year [...] warranty, riding desk shelf lifetime warranty. chainssprockets.com |
作为欧洲的装饰艺术的其中一个种类而受到欢迎和得到好评的高贵的迈森塑像、人或动物的形状的雕塑成为欧洲宫廷食卓上的装饰、及放在瓷器室的 架子上及瓷器柜等作装饰、作为室内装饰的一部分而受到爱戴的装饰美术品。 est-ouest.co.jp | In Europe, Meissen’s figure is very popular as a genre of decorative art, sculpture of humans and animals, is used on decoration of tables, shelves and consoles of porcelain cabinets, and a part of decorative art works in European Imperial court. est-ouest.co.jp |
便于安装 不论应用场合或工作场所如何, DPM 检验器都能提供最大的灵活 性,可用作独立的台式设备、便 携式检验器或安装在其它架子上。 files.microscan.com | For maximum flexibility within any application or workspace, the DPM Verifier can be used as a standalone desktop unit, portable verifier or mounted to an optional stand. files.microscan.com |
有必要综整出版的文献中,有关架子牛、肥育牛、母牛与女牛喂饲高粱谷粒、 高粱青贮与高粱蒸馏酒糟的性能表现,以教育家畜饲养者与相关专业人员能了解 高粱在肉牛产业的真实价值。 sorghumcheckoff.com | A comprehensive review of the published literature concerning the performance of growing cattle, finishing cattle, brood cows and heifers when fed sorghum grain, sorghum forage and sorghum distillers grains is needed to help educate livestock producers and other professionals on the true value of sorghum to the beef cattle industry. sorghumcheckoff.com |
相处久了之後,我发现他们毫无架子、勤劳、知足和乐於助人。 4tern.com | After we got to know each other for sometime, I found out Mara and Ulla are humble, hardworking, appreciates and helpful. 4tern.com |
1886年,拜耳开始使用该商标,但象征着埃尔伯福尔德市的狮子和 架子的图 案依旧清晰可见。 career.bayer.cn | From 1886 this trademark from Bayer was used. Also here you can still find the lion with the grid based again on the Elberfeld town crest. career.bayer.cn |
可以配备一个特别的架子,用于进行房间之间的计划转移。 liko.com | Can be equipped with a special carriage for planned transfers between different rooms. liko.com |
设计由Kevin [...] Fawley,小屋(都市部落的栖所)是裂开装备客厅套装与二把椅子、loveseat、咖啡桌和 架子的一个便携式的存储单元。 architecture-page.com | Designed by Kevin Fawley, HUT (Habitat for the Urban Tribe) is a [...] portable storage unit which comes apart to furnish a living room set with two chairs, a [...] loveseat, coffee tableand shelf. architecture-page.com |
将含有纸浆的水在木质的框架内来回来去逛荡,木 架子里绷着一个筛子。 news.groz-beckert.com | Turbid water runs slowly [...] across the wooden frame, which is spanned [...]by a sieve. news.groz-beckert.com |
独一无二的长毛象骨骼架子,在日本举办的EXPO2005展出过!全身体骨骼的58%包括象牙属于一个长毛象,只构造身体的4%。 museodelmamut.com | The unique mammoth skeleton was exhibited at the international show EXPO 2005 in Japan. 58% of bones belong to one animal, including tusks; 4% restoration rate. museodelmamut.com |
2、正品板子一面光滑(光面还覆膜--这点很重要ps),一面磨砂,光面拍拍摄有倒影的效果,透光性能优越,防老化,Y货板子发黄,容易老化; 3、正品架子为铝合金材质,经过阳极氧化处理,接头配件螺丝为不锈钢材质,Y货用的铁管,铁螺丝容易生锈,安装後不平;4、送优质帆布包一个,大力夹8个 本店产品是厂家直销保证正品,考虑到此产品运输途中表面会有磕破、划伤,厂家特意把板上光面覆上薄膜,很好的避免了拍摄出不理想的画面。 tw.evershooting.com | Genuine board side smooth (glossy coating - This point is very important ps) side matte , glossy film shooting a reflection of the effect of light transmission superior performance , anti-aging the Y goods board yellow , easy to aging ; genuine shelves for aluminum alloy , anodized fittings screws stainless steel , the Y goods with iron pipes , iron screws rust easily installed uneven ; 4 , to send high-quality canvas bag is a vigorously folder 8 Our products are factory direct guaranteed authentic , consider this the surface of the product in transit will be scraped , scratched, manufacturers deliberately covered board glossy film , avoid shooting ideal screen . evershooting.com |
单日计划项目可以包括室内或室外油漆、安装新架 子、清理贮藏区域、整理儿童房间、美化窗户、春季大扫除或大规模的种花除草工作. soroptimist.org | Projects can include interior or exterior painting, installing new shelves, cleaning out storage areas, organizing the children’s room, hanging window dressings, doing a thorough spring cleaning. or extensive yard and gardening work. soroptimist.org |
与使架子本身能提供输入功能相比,我们更倾向使用手机来创建那些提示,然后与 架子接近 时自动无线同步( 架子被配备上某种常用的区域无线电连接和传输技术,比如蓝牙)。 uigarden.net | Instead of equipping the shelfwith inputcapabilities, we reasoned, the phone could be used to create those reminders and then automatically wirelessly synchronise the phone and shelfwhen theycome in proximity(the shelfbeingequipped [...] with a popular form [...]of local connectivity radio, e.g. Bluetooth). uigarden.net |
小组成员们在解释其组合名称由来的时候说,他们那时对钢琴、管风琴和 架子鼓共同演奏的声音都十分着迷,而且认为这种组合不太多见是一件人遗憾的事情。 norway.org.cn | The band members explain their band’s name by how they were all fascinated by the sound of the piano, organ and drums together, and thought it was too bad this line up was not more common. norway.cn |