单词 | 枯竭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 枯竭 noun —depletion n枯竭 adjective —depleted adj枯竭 —dried up • used up • exhausted (of resources) • desiccation Examples:枯竭的 adj—dry adj See also:枯—dried up
应该加强环境保护、保养文化和再生能源的使用,以帮助阿拉伯地区的会员国对付 全球性环境问题如污染和自然资源的 枯竭 问 题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Strengthening should be accorded to the protection of the environment, a culture of maintenance, and the use of renewable energies so as to help Member [...] States in the Arab region to tackle global environmental problems such as [...] pollution and depletion of natural resources. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一些大型 珊瑚礁可能永远消失,枯竭鱼类 种群复原将需要很长时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some major coral reefs have likely been lost forever and the recovery of depleted fish populations will take a long time. daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 过去的开采活动已导致储量严重枯竭 , 致 使手工开采方法无利可图。 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) The deposits have been heavily depleted by past activity, making them unprofitable by artisanal mining methods. daccess-ods.un.org |
它将首次限制渔业方面的补 贴,这种补贴促使我们海洋的枯竭。 daccess-ods.un.org | It will for the first time discipline the fishery subsidies that are [...] contributing to the depletion of our oceans. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际上公认,小岛屿发展中国家对造成气候变化、资 源枯竭和全球经济危机的责任最轻,而且太平洋小岛屿发展中国家的 [...] 应对能力也最弱。 daccess-ods.un.org | As recognized internationally, while small island developing [...] States contribute the least to climate [...] change, resource depletion and global economic [...]crises, they also have the least, and [...]in the case of the Pacific small island developing States, a declining capacity to respond. daccess-ods.un.org |
在第 64/72 号决议第 119 段(d)分段中,大会吁请区域渔业管理组织和安排 根据鱼量评估和现有最佳科学信息采取养护和管理措施,包括监测、控制和监视 措施,确保深海鱼类种群和非目标鱼种的长期可持续性,并恢 复 枯竭 种 群。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 119 (d) of resolution 64/72, the General Assembly called upon RFMO/As to adopt conservation and management measures, including monitoring, control and surveillance measures, on the basis of stock assessments and the best available scientific information, to ensure the long-term sustainability of deep-sea fish stocks and non-target species and the rebuilding of depleted stocks. daccess-ods.un.org |
我真正的灵感来自经典的时尚设计师和女 商人Liz Davenport和她的永不枯竭的能量和热情。 enviefashion.com | I am truly inspired by Iconic Fashion Designer and business woman Liz Davenport and her never ending energy and zest. enviefashion.com |
这一现 [...] 象已经到了致使科霍戈地区的地方政府行政官员企图禁止手工开采黄金的地步, 因为黄金开采已导致当地劳动力市场 枯竭 、 农 田荒芜和环境遭到破坏。 daccess-ods.un.org | This phenomenon has reached such a level that local Government administrators in the Korhogo area have attempted to ban artisanal gold mining because of its drain on [...] the local labour market and the detrimental environmental impact it is having [...] owing to the neglect of agricultural land. daccess-ods.un.org |
衞福局常任秘書長解釋,由於 水產養殖業可為捕魚作業的漁民提供機會,讓他們轉而 從事其他可持續發展的業務,因此協助養魚戶拓展可持 續發展的水產養殖業務,定能吸引更多捕魚作業的漁民 轉而從事養殖業,減低本港日漸枯竭 的 漁 業資源承受的 壓力。 legco.gov.hk | PSHWF(F&EH) explained that as aquaculture provided one of the opportunities for capture fishermen to switch to other sustainable development, helping the fish farmers develop their sustainable aquaculture operations would certainly provide more incentive for the capture fishermen to turn to this business, thereby reducing pressure on the depleting fisheries resources. legco.gov.hk |
事實上,供應全球90%粉紅鑽的澳洲阿蓋爾(Argyle)礦場已逐 漸 枯竭 , 將 在大約10年內停產。 ravenelart.com | In fact, Australia’s Argyle mine which [...] produces 90% of the world supply of pink diamonds is being depleted and will cease [...] production in approximately 10 years. ravenelart.com |
目前情况似乎显示,这些资金来源之中,有一些来源逐 渐 枯竭 ,一 旦枯竭,这 些费用必须设法在内部匀支。 daccess-ods.un.org | When some of these funding sources dry up as seems to be happening, ways must be found to absorb these costs internally. daccess-ods.un.org |
这不 仅使学生和学校的财政来源陷于枯竭 的 境 地,也使这个国家丧失 了大量的机会。 fgereport.org | This not only drains financial resources of students and institutions—it also is a significant opportunity cost for this country. fgereport.org |
讨论业绩差的领域时注意到,对产卵鱼群 生物量枯竭方面 的估计显示,南部金枪鱼养护委在管理南方蓝鳍金枪鱼方面不成 功。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the discussion of areas of poor performance it was noted that estimates of the depletion of the spawning stock biomass suggested that CCSBT had not been successful in managing southern bluefin tuna. daccess-ods.un.org |
科技咨询机构请各缔约方和被接纳的观察员组织于2011年3月28 日之前 向秘书处提交对将枯竭林地 中再造林列为造林和再造林清洁发展机制项目活动的 影响的意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SBSTA invited Parties and admitted observer organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 28 March 2011, their views on the implications of the inclusion of reforestation of lands with forest in exhaustion as afforestation and reforestation clean development mechanism project activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个因石油而生的城市,在经过60余年的短命开发后,又因石油资源 的 枯竭 开 始 消亡。 shanghaibiennale.org | The city of Yumen grew because of the oil business; today Yumen is dying, because six decades of frenzied excavation has dried up its oil. shanghaibiennale.org |
美国本身正在通过一系列举措采取重 要步骤,与我们的伙伴合作,应对日渐严重的全球 贫困、粮食无保障、疾病、水资源短缺和自然资源 枯竭的挑 战,帮助为建设一个大家更加和平与繁荣 的未来奠定基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States itself is taking important steps through a range of initiatives to work with our partners to confront the growing challenges of global poverty, food insecurity, disease, water scarcity and depleted natural resources, helping lay the foundation for a more peaceful and prosperous future for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
d) 自然资本枯竭构成 潜在的政治、社会、经济和环境风险,发展中国家目前正在 [...] 努力实现或正在开始推行的工业增长,今后都需要各国同时相应加强努力,提 高对自然资源的使用效率和减少废弃物、污染及排放,这样,发展的效益才能 广泛共享和长期持久 greenindustryplatform.org | d) To reduce exposure to the potential [...] political, social, economic and environmental risks [...] posed by the depletion of natural capital, [...]all future industrial growth that developing [...]countries are currently engaged in or embarking upon needs to be accompanied by enhanced efforts to increase the productive use of natural resources and reduce wastes, pollution and emissions if the benefits of development are to be widely shared and lasting greenindustryplatform.org |
然而,爆发国际金融危机以后, 这一短期信贷已开始枯竭。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, in the wake of the international financial crisis this short-term [...] credit has begun to dry up. daccess-ods.un.org |
鑒於以浸籠捕魚若不加以規 管,可損害香港水域的漁業資源,條例草案建議施加的限制, 旨在規管對本港枯竭的漁 業資源構成壓力的捕魚活動,同時使 條例草案對公眾休閒捕魚所造成的影響盡量減至最低。 legco.gov.hk | Given that cage trapping can adversely impact on the fisheries resources in Hong Kong waters if left unregulated, the proposed restrictions imposed by the Bill seek to regulate fishing activities which add pressure to the depleted fisheries resources while keeping the impact on public enjoyment of recreational fishing as a leisure activity by the Bill to a minimum. legco.gov.hk |
以色列这 [...] 样做严重限制了巴勒斯坦人民获得自然资源的途径, 由此造成水资源的枯竭和退 化以及土地和空气的污 染将长期影响环境和公众健康。 daccess-ods.un.org | By so doing it had severely restricted the Palestinian [...] people’s access to national resources, and [...] the resulting depletion and degradation [...]of water resources and land and air pollution [...]would have long-term environmental and public health effects. daccess-ods.un.org |
Renewable resource 可再生资源 一种不必担心枯竭的资 源,因为它像树一样会 不断生长,或者像风和太阳一样是自然界的一部分。 hesperian.org | Renewable resource a resource that can be used without fear of it being used up, because it will grow again, like a tree, or is part of nature, like the wind or the sun. hesperian.org |
森林火灾、工业和家用砍伐森林、 破坏野生动植物、河流枯竭和污染使几内亚萨赫勒化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bushfires, deforestation for industrial and domestic purposes, the destruction of fauna and the drying up and pollution of watercourses are all leading to desertification in Guinea. daccess-ods.un.org |
图B-1)尽管中国 纯艺术仍以近60%的拍卖份额占绝对优势,但由于市场中流通资源的逐 渐枯 竭,拍 卖行不得不寻求新的资源以维持拍卖市场规模,故这一市场份额近几 年逐渐缩减。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Yet, although Chinese Fine Art still had absolute dominance over the auction market with its 60% share, due to market liquidity gradually drying up, auction houses have had no choice but to seek out new capital in order to maintain auction market volumes, causing this market share to slowly contract in recent years. imgpublic.artprice.com |
通過地 質 勘 [...] 探 , 一 度 認 為 資 源 枯 竭 的 毛 公 鐵 礦 , 一 躍 [...]成 為 本 集 團 最 具 發 展 潛 力 和 擴 張 能 力 的 礦 山 之一。 cre8ir.com | Through geological exploration, Maogong [...] mine, the resources of which once were [...]considered exhausted, has become one of the [...]Group’s mines that possess the highest potential of development and expansion. cre8ir.com |
社会变革管理计划的第 [...] 二个主题将重点围绕环境变化引起的社会变革,并认识到必须解决从自然资 源 枯竭 、 粮食和 能源短缺、城市化加速和人口增长带来的压力到气候变化和自然灾害等诸多危机。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The second theme of MOST will focus on the social transformations arising from environmental change, in recognition of the [...] imperative to address numerous crises [...] ranging from the depletion of natural resources, [...]food and energy shortages, the pressure [...]of accelerating urbanization and population growth, to climate change and natural disasters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
b) 我们目前的生产和消费体系不可持续,正在造成资源的迅 速 枯竭 、 污染、生态 系统退化和气候变化的威胁,可能产生不可逆转的灾难性后果,其中一些已经 [...] 正在发生中,特别是对发展中国家的贫穷人群,正在造成其生活更加艰难 greenindustryplatform.org | b) Our current systems of production and [...] consumption are unsustainable and are causing [...] rapid resource depletion, pollution, degradation [...]of ecosystems and the threat of [...]climate change, with potentially irreversible and disastrous consequences, some of which are already being witnessed and are causing further hardship, in particular to poor communities in developing countries greenindustryplatform.org |
由于石油资源的逐步枯竭,油 田企业进行了多次改组改制和经营结构、布局结构的大幅度调整,对近半个世纪以来为服务石油企业而建立起来的地方行政系统、工商企业框架和社会服务体系造成了严重冲击。 shanghaibiennale.org | As the old dried up, the industry went through round after round of restructuring and contraction, which took a heavy toll on the local government, industrial and commercial eco-systems and public services. 1998 was a watershed: since 1998 most local businesses have gone into bankruptcy. shanghaibiennale.org |
在1998 年经济问题峰会上,密克罗尼西亚联 邦商定通过加强环境规划,采用不可再生资 源 枯竭 经 济核算制度,加强参与性社 区规划和资源管理,以及保护、发展和复兴密克罗尼西亚联邦独特的多样性文化 [...] 来实现可持续发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the FSM Economic Summit in 1998, FSM agreed to aim for sustainable development through strengthening of [...] environmental planning, [...] introduction of economic accounting for non-renewable resource depletion, the strengthening [...]of participatory [...]community planning and resource management, and the preservation, development and revitalization of the unique and diverse cultures in FSM. daccess-ods.un.org |
气候变化继续是导致威胁倍增的一个因素,并且 [...] 可能触发或加剧由于海平面上升、自然资 源 枯竭 、荒漠化、气候引起的移徙和至关重要的可持续能源供应 [...]问题——仅举其中几项主要挑战——而爆发的冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | Climate change continues to act as a threat multiplier and risks triggering or exacerbating [...] conflicts stemming from the consequences of [...] sea-level rise, the depletion of natural resources, [...]desertification, climate-induced [...]migration and the crucial question of sustainable energy supply, just to mention some of the main challenges. daccess-ods.un.org |