

单词 枪榴弹

See also:

classifier for rifle shots
substitute for another person in a test
surname Qiang
thing with shape or function similar a gun



guava n

External sources (not reviewed)

尼日尔当局收缴了以下军用物资:2 个火 箭筒、4 挺机枪、1 支 Dragunov 狙击步枪、1 支 G36 突击步枪、1 支轻型自动步 枪、1 支 AK 突击步枪和 1 个枪榴弹发射器。
The military materiel seized by the authorities included
the following: 2 RPGs,
[...] 4 machine guns, 1 Dragunov, 1 G36, 1 FN FAL, 1 AK type assault rifle and 1 pistol grenade launcher.
2012 年5月26 日,还是在霍姆斯省,当局检获一辆被盗车辆,车上载着各 种武器,包括六支俄罗斯步枪、三支泵动式 枪 、 手 榴弹 、 爆炸装置、大量的枪弹药 、军用弹盒、军服和一些假车牌。
On 26 May 2012, also in Homs, the authorities seized a stolen car containing various weapons, including six Russian
rifles, three pump-action
[...] rifles, hand grenades, explosive devices, a large quantity of rifle ammunition, a military [...]
cartridge pouch, military
uniforms and several fake licence plates.
此外,还应拓展《条约》的管辖范畴,使其不仅涵盖所有的常规武器,而且 也涵盖目前尚未纳入联合国常规武器登记册、但却是针对平民的罪行中最常用的 个人武器,例如步枪、枪、手榴弹 等。
In addition, the scope of the treaty should be expanded to cover not only conventional weapons but also individual and personal arms, such as rifles, pistols, grenades, which are at present not included in the Register of Conventional Arms and which are most commonly used in the commission of crimes against the civilian population.
9 时,Basil Abdu al-Sheikh 向 Muhradah
[...] 行政长官报称,4 时,4 名蒙面人 携带军用枪、手榴弹、剑 和木锯进入他在 Muhradah 的家,偷走了 [...]
30 万叙利亚 镑、一枚金戒指和两部手机。
At 0900 hours, Basil Abdu al-Sheikh alleged to the administrator of Muhradah that, at 0400
hours, four masked persons armed with a
[...] military pistol, a hand grenade, a sword and a [...]
wood saw entered his home in Muhradah and
stole 300,000 Syrian pounds, a gold ring and two mobile telephones.
2011 年 1
[...] 月,卢民主力量的一个连袭击了刚果民主共和国武装 力量的Luberizi训练中心,截获 6 挺重枪和 8 支榴弹发射器。
An FDLR company attacked the FARDC Luberizi training centre in January 2011, capturing
[...] six heavy machine guns and eight grenade launchers.
这一年在达尔富尔有 6 名儿童死枪击、手榴弹或炸 弹袭击,一人受伤。
In Darfur, six children were killed and one was injured
[...] as a result of gunshots, grenades or bombs during [...]
the year.
[...] 参加了一门为期一周的武器培训课程,由柬埔寨人 教授如何使用突击枪和手榴弹发射 器。
He said he attended a week-long course given by Cambodian soldiers on how to
[...] use assault rifles and grenade launchers.
[...] 名战斗人员)的战术单位,配备冷战 时期的武器,包括突击步枪、PKM 机枪、火箭榴弹,必要时还有 B-10 无后坐力步 枪。
The tactical unit of the core Al-Shabaab force is typically platoon-sized (30-50 fighters), equipped with cold war-era arms,
including assault rifles, PK general purpose machine
[...] guns, rocket-propelled grenades and when necessary [...]
B-10 recoilless rifles.
其中一名前战斗人员报告,恩塔甘达将军留下了 30 多箱 弹药(AK-47 突击步枪和枪的弹药),以及 1 个火箭筒、2 挺枪、1 枚火榴弹、 15 枚迫击炮弹和 2 个火箭筒。
Ntaganda had left over 30 boxes of ammunition (for
[...] AK-47 rifles and machine guns), as well as 1 rocket launcher, 2 machine guns, 1 RPG, 15 mortar rounds and [...]
2 rockets.
他的收入使其得以重返家园,建立了自己的一支约有 50-60 人的民兵队伍,配备了架着机关枪的‘技术’车辆、PK 通用枪、火箭 榴弹发射器、Heckler 和 Koch G3 组合的半自动步枪、AK-47 和 SAR–80 冲锋 枪。
His earnings enabled him to return home and establish a militia of his own, approximately
50 to 60 men equipped
[...] with several gun-mounted “technical” vehicles, PK general purpose machine guns, RPG launchers, a combination [...]
of Heckler and Koch
G-3 semi-automatic rifles, AK-47s and SAR-80 assault rifles.
这个恐怖团 体还袭击了离上述哨所约 10
[...] 公里处的 Faydat al-Nasiri 边防哨所,打死两名哨 兵,绑架两个人,并夺走六支军用 枪 和 一 枚火 榴弹 发 射 器。
The same terrorist group also attacked the Faydat al-Nasiri border guard post, located some 10 kilometres from the post referred to
above, killing two guards, abducting two others, and capturing
[...] six military rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
6 时,一武装恐怖团体在 Qarabis 和 Qusur 向执法部队枪并发射火榴弹, 打死平民 Muhammad Mayhub,并打伤人民委员会五名成员。
At 0600 hours, an armed
[...] terrorist group fired gunshots and rocket-propelled grenades at law enforcement [...]
forces in Qarabis and
Qusur, killing a civilian, Muhammad Mayhub, and wounding five members of the People’s Committees.
黎巴嫩有关当局还缴获了多个武器,其中包括 26 把自动枪、12 枚火榴弹、20 把奥地利军用手枪、20 部欧星卫星电话、4 [...]
张 Alpha 电话卡和 40 枚火箭弹。
The competent Lebanese authorities also
seized various weapons, including
[...] 26 automatic rifles, 12 rocket-propelled grenades, 20 Austrian [...]
military pistols, 20 Thuraya
satellite phones, 4 Alpha phone cards and 40 rockets.
23 时 10 分,一个武装恐怖团体向 Murabit 街审计机关附近的执法部队枪 和发射火榴弹。
At 2310 hours, an armed terrorist
[...] group opened fire on and launched rocketpropelled grenades at law enforcement [...]
officers near the auditing office in Murabit Street.
根据联利特派团的统计,从 2010 年 2 月 1 日到 4 月 8 日的两个月内,联利特派
[...] 团部队或利比里亚当局报告,发现九件小武器(两支 AK-47 步枪、七枚火榴弹)、 约 60 个爆炸装置(未爆弹药、榴弹、迫击炮弹)以及 [...]
2 500 发各种口径的子弹。
According to UNMIL statistics, in a period of two months from 1 February to
8 April 2010, nine small
[...] arms (two AK-47 rifles, seven rocket-propelled grenades), around 60 [...]
explosive devices (unexploded
ordnance, grenades, mortar shells) and 2,500 bullets of various calibre were reported by UNMIL troops or Liberian authorities.
此外,在马西西的刚果(金)武装部队军官称,Karangwa 上校在叛变前从第 810
[...] 团偷窃了大量武器,包括 1 门 60 毫米迫击炮、1 挺 12.7 毫米机枪以及若干 PKM 机枪和火箭榴弹。
Karangwa had stolen large amounts of weapons, including one 60 mm mortar, one
[...] 12.7 mm machine gun and several PKMs and RPGs from the 810th [...]
24 时,一个武装恐怖团伙用各种武器(步枪、冲 枪 和 火 箭 榴弹 发 射 器)对哈 马市执法检查站开火。
At 2400 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire with various
types of weapons, including
[...] rifles, submachine guns and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, on [...]
law enforcement checkpoints in the city of Hama.
在这些行动中,好几名嫌犯被打死,包括伊斯兰马格 里布基地组织成员,缴获了大批武器,包括突击步枪、 枪 、 火 箭 榴弹 、 车 载高 射重枪、弹药、手榴弹和塞 姆汀塑胶炸弹。
Several of the suspects were killed during the operations, including Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb members, and significant quantities of weapons were seized,
including assault
[...] rifles, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, anti-aircraft heavy machine guns mounted on vehicles, ammunition, grenades [...]
and explosives (SEMTEX).
他们向楼顶枪并投掷手榴弹,大楼 和派出所遭到破坏,但没有人员受伤。
They opened fire and threw hand grenades onto the roof [...]
of the building, damaging it and the police station but no personnel were hurt.
刚果(金)武装部队军官和投降的兵变分子称,Kaina 上校控制了第 805 团的重型 武器,包括 6 挺枪、4 个火榴弹筒、2 挺 12.7 毫米枪、4 门 81 毫米迫击炮 和 5 挺 PKM 机枪。
Kaina had taken control of heavy weapons of the
805th regiment, which
[...] included six machine guns, four RPGs, two 12.7 mm machine guns, four 81 mm mortars [...]
and five PKMs.
7 时 15 分,一个武装恐怖团体向 Rastan 工业区的执法部队枪和发射火榴弹。
At 0715 hours, an armed terrorist
[...] group opened fire with guns and rocketpropelled grenades at law enforcement [...]
forces in the industrial area of Rastan.
联 叙监督团人员发现了大炮、迫击炮和坦克炮直接和间接攻击在各村庄建筑物上留 下的新旧痕迹以及炮弹弹片,包括 23 毫米 ZU-23 式高射枪和 122 毫榴弹炮 炮弹弹片。
UNSMIS personnel identified both recent and potentially older impact marks on village buildings from direct and indirect artillery, mortar and
tank fire, along with
[...] pieces of shrapnel from those shells, including 23 mm ZU-23 anti-aircraft cannons and rounds from a 122 mm howitzer.
这些部队跨界时开着满载来自 利比亚的武器的 79 辆车,这些武器包括 37 毫米枪 和 40 毫榴弹发射器。
Those forces crossed with about 79 vehicles fully loaded with weapons from Libya,
[...] including 37-millimetre guns and 40-millimetre grenade launchers.
专家组关切地注意到,如 2010 年
[...] 11 月 1 日的下列文件所述,2010 年科特迪 瓦总统选举之后,突击枪、破片杀 榴弹 、 120 毫米口径迫击炮和枪所用 的 大量弹药立即被运送至安全行动指挥中心,公然违反了制裁制度。
The Group notes with concern that immediately after the Ivorian presidential
elections of 2010,
[...] a large amount of ammunition for assault rifles, fragmentation grenades, 120 mm mortar shells [...]
and pistols was
delivered to the Security Operations Command Centre (CECOS) in flagrant violation of the sanctions regime, as described in the document below dated 1 November 2010.
黎巴嫩有关当局发现被捕人员拥有下列武器:两个 28 毫米迫击炮、 1 架杜什卡高射枪、3 个火榴弹发射器、8 箱火箭榴弹、8 箱手弹、15 箱各 式弹药、15 把自动步枪和 5 箱迫击炮。
The competent Lebanese authorities discovered the following weapons in the possession of the persons arrested:
two 28-mm mortars, one
[...] DShK (Dushka) machine-gun, three rocket-propelled grenade launchers, eight crates of rocket-propelled grenades, eight [...]
crates of hand grenades,
15 boxes of miscellaneous ammunition, 15 automatic rifles and five crates of mortars.
19 时 30 分一武装恐怖团伙从穆斯塔法清真寺方向朝拉斯坦的执法人员枪、发射火榴弹和火箭筒。
At 1930 hours, an armed terrorist group fired
[...] shots, rocket-propelled grenades and LAW rockets from [...]
the direction of the Mustafa mosque
at law enforcement personnel in Rastan.
执法部队在 Jidu 汽油设施枪击和火箭榴弹的射击。
Gunfire and rocket-propelled grenades were fired at [...]
law enforcement forces at the Jidu petrol facility.
例如在 2010 年 5 月,多枪手带着手榴弹,攻 击阿赫迈底亚教派的两座清 真寺,杀害至少 70 人,并劫持几百名做礼拜的人为人质。
In May 2010,
[...] for example, gunmen armed with grenades attacked two [...]
mosques of the Ahmadiyyah community, killing at least
70 members and holding hundreds of worshippers hostage.24 Members of this religious minority have faced continuous threats, discrimination and violent attacks.
然而,鉴于塞拉利 昂在全国建立和平与安全方面取得很大进展,而且犯
[...] 罪率比较低,人们不清楚为什么警察会需要这种武 器,尤其因为泄漏的提货单表明,运输的货物中似乎 有重型枪,甚至还榴弹发射器。
However, given Sierra Leone’s progress in establishing peace and security throughout the country and its relatively low crime rate, it is not clear why the police would need such weapons, especially
as the shipment, according to a leaked bill of lading, appears to
[...] include heavy machine guns and even grenade launchers.
尽管监察团不能立即确认死亡人数,但注意到这个村庄 已被占领并处于“隐形突击队”人员控制之下,这些人身着便服,并装备有刀 具、枪和火箭榴弹。
While the mission could not directly confirm the numbers of deaths, it observed that the village had been captured and was now under the control of
elements of the “Commando invisible”, dressed in civilian attire and armed
[...] with knives, rifles and rocket-propelled grenades.




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