单词 | 果真 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 果真adverb—reallyadv果真—as expected sure enough if it's really... if indeed...
无线卫星台的票站调查如果真的出现回应偏差,极可能也是基於这个因素。 hkupop.hku.hk | If there isreally discrepancy in [...] the response of TVBS' exit poll, very likely, the above reason accounts for this. hkupop.hku.hk |
果 真如此的话,撤回来函则应被视为第 104 EX/3.3 号决定第 14(k)段所指的友好解决办法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In such cases, the withdrawal must be regarded as a friendly solution within the meaning of paragraph 14(k) of 104 EX/Decision 3.3. unesdoc.unesco.org |
可是,如果真的毫无选择眼睁睁看着债台越筑越高超过收入,您可能必 须宣告破产。 citibank.com.sg | Butif you have no choice and you find your debt continues to pile up higher than your income, you may have to file for bankruptcy. citibank.com.sg |
如果真是为了学术研究的,或是了解选民诉求,我们大可互相协调,资源与数据共享,甚至把研究数据在选举後全面公开,这不是更有意义吗? hkupop.hku.hk | If weare really doing academic studies, or genuinelygauging voters' [...] demands, why can't we pool our resources together [...]to collect and share the data? hkupop.hku.hk |
如果真空装置不是 Malvern 制造的,则所选的真空装置必须满足以下规格要求。 malvern.com.cn | If the vacuum unit is not supplied by Malvern then the chosen vacuum unit must comply to the specifications below. malvern.ru |
加拿大将继续努力,以确保我们在不断提高我们 [...] 援助实效的同时,使我们的发展援助始终侧重于以我 们伙伴国所确定优先事项为核心的可持续发展成果——真正、具体且可衡量的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Canada will continue to work to ensure that our development assistance remains focused on [...] sustainable development results — real, [...] concreteand measurable results —centred on the priorities [...]defined by our partner countries [...]as we continue to strengthen our aid effectiveness agenda. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果真如苏丹政府所言,这些运送不属于禁运范围, 不必获得委员会事先授权,那么第 [...] 1591(2005)号决议就显然存在漏洞。 daccess-ods.un.org | If, as claimed by the Government [...] of the Sudan, such transfers were not covered by the requirement to obtain prior authorization [...]from the Committee, there would be a clear weakness in the formulation of resolution 1591 (2005). daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,我要指出,我国作为审议中的决议草案的 [...] 提案国和支持者,呼吁安全理事会所有成员如果真心希望中东实现和平与安全,就通过这项决议草案。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, I would like to state that my country, which is a sponsor and supporter of the draft resolution under consideration, [...] calls upon all the members of the Security Council [...] to adoptit if they trulydesire peace and [...]security in the Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果真像以色列所声称的那样,特 别委员会的工作和报告被政治化了,那么会员国,包括 [...] 以色列的朋友在本届会议上所做的发言也全都如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | If,as Israel claimed, the [...] work and report of the Special Committee were politicized, then the same must be true of all [...]the statements that had been made by Member States at the current session, including those by Israel’s friends. daccess-ods.un.org |
问责制包括:在全面执行落实联合国政府间机构及其遵照各项决议、条例、 [...] 细则和道德标准设立的其他下属机关核准由秘书处承担的一切任务的过程 中,及时而经济有效地实现目标,创造优秀成果;真实、客观、精确而及时 汇报业绩;负责任地管理资金和资源;业绩的方方面面,包括明确规定的奖 惩制度;实事求是地承认监督机构的重要作用,不折不扣地遵照落实各项得 [...]到接受的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accountability includes achieving objectives and high-quality results in a timely and cost-effective manner, in fully implementing and delivering on all mandates to the Secretariat approved by the United Nations intergovernmental bodies and other subsidiary organs established by them in compliance with all resolutions, [...] regulations, rules and [...] ethical standards; truthful, objective, accurate and timely reporting on performance results; responsible stewardship [...]of funds and resources; [...]all aspects of performance, including a clearly defined system of rewards and sanctions; and with due recognition to the important role of the oversight bodies and in full compliance with accepted recommendations. daccess-ods.un.org |
工会认为,教科文组织若果真希望此次轮调政策取得成功,就应当采用具体的流动支助 和激励措施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | STU believes that, if UNESCOseriously wishes its rotation [...] policy to succeed this time, concrete mobility support and incentive measures should be adopted. unesdoc.unesco.org |
若果真如此,则彼 得 · 马修斯(Peter Matthews)父子无疑算得上是真 正的良匠。 volvospiritmagazine.com | In which case Peter matthews Junior and Peter matthews Senior must be very good workmen indeed. volvospiritmagazine.com |
三战与真菌检索浆果,真菌的Maximus回升的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The three battle with theFungi [...] toretrieve the berry that Fungus Maximus [...]has picked. seekcartoon.com |
此时可能还使用了橡胶子弹:然 [...] 而,尽管有人声称从冲锋舟上还发射了实弹,但调查团不能确认情况果真如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | Plastic bullets may also have been used at this stage: however, despite [...] some claims that live ammunition was also fired from the zodiac boats, the Mission is not [...] satisfied that this was the case. daccess-ods.un.org |
土着人民以这种平等、直接和有意义的方式参与土着大会各个阶 段的筹备工作对于国际社会达成建设性的结果,真正地提高世界各地土着人民的 地位和改善他们的条件至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such equal, direct and meaningful participation by indigenous peoples throughout all stages of the World Conference is essential if the [...] international community is to arrive at a [...] constructive result that will genuinelyimprovethe status [...]and conditions of indigenous peoples worldwide. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果真正的和平进程还有一线 希望,所有各方就必须充分遵守已宣布的停火。 daccess-ods.un.org | The announced ceasefire must be fully respected by all sidesif there is to be any hope of a genuine peace process. daccess-ods.un.org |
项目初期的一个挑战是研究哪种处理工艺最适合该金矿区的矿石类型,这些试验验证了我们的理论,结果真是振奋人心。 tipschina.gov.cn | One of our early challenges is to learn which process is [...] best suited to the styles of ore in the goldfield, these tests are confirming our [...] theories,and that's reallyencouraging. tipschina.gov.cn |
如果真的如此,夏天时蓬莱会出现更多问题,结果是中海油很可能比其2012年的产出目标要向下修正。 youngchinabiz.com | If that’s true, look formore problems [...] at Penglai during the summer, and possibly for CNOOC to make some downward revisions [...]to its 2012 output target as a result. youngchinabiz.com |
情况果真如此的话,2010 年以后 需要的各类氟氯化碳数量可能大幅减少。 multilateralfund.org | Ifthisis the case, the amount [...] of CFCs that might be needed from 2010 could be substantially reduced. multilateralfund.org |
如果真的发生这样的差错,您的订单将会尽快被改正。 worldwidetattoo.ca | If such a mistake should occur, your order will be corrected as the facts may dictate. worldwidetattoo.ca |
但是 世人在冷眼旁观,并且说这是一些些不切 实际的狂热份子,还说,如果真的有一位 上帝,他一定会更理智,更公正。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | But the world coolly looked on, and said that these were unreasonable enthusiasts, and, if there is a God, he is certainly more reasonable and just than that. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
到处发样品然后把每个人都搞烦吧(如果真有人愿意花时间在你那和整体氛围格格不入的展示上的话)。 spla-t.com | Well, you could just have some samples around the place and bore everyone senseless (if anyone actually spends the time to come and visit your un-engaging display). spla-t.com |
尽管考虑到了核武器国家间战备状态的不同级 别,也考虑到了军事武库的不平衡可能会阻碍在广泛 解除待命状态方面取得进展,该小组还是坚持核武器 国家如果真的想要寻求一个更加安全的世界,就必须 想方设法解决这些问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | While mindful of the varying levels of operational readiness among nuclear-weapon States and of the fact that imbalances in military arsenals might hinder progress towards widespread de-alerting, the Group insisted that nuclear-weapon States must find ways to overcome those issues if they were serious in seeking a safer world. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为担负这 样一种使命的组织,安全理事会如果真心希望维护由于“天安号”事件而导致局 势一触即发的朝鲜半岛的和平与安全,就应该采取措施,促使美国和南朝鲜接受 [...] 受害方朝鲜民主主义人民共和国已提议派遣的国防委员会检查团,以协助核实 “调查结果”。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the Security Council, as an organization with such [...] a mission, has agenuine wishforpeace and [...]security on the Korean peninsula, where [...]a touch-and-go situation is being created due to theCheonan incident, it should take measures that can lead the United States and south Korea to receive the inspection group of the National Defence Commission as already proposed by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the victim, to help verify the “investigation result”. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以,你如果真的考虑放弃一种网站服务器而使用另一种的话,你必须严肃认真的好好考虑这个问题;而如果速度是考虑的第一要素的话,建议你考虑一下Zeus。 uigarden.net | If youdo start thinking about dumping [...] one platform for another, you should also seriously consider alternate platforms [...]like Zeus if pure speed is your primary concern. uigarden.net |
但是如果真是要采取这个策略,也需要小心,作为电商搜索服务提供者,需要赚得不偏不倚的好名声,否则当消费者感到百度购物更偏重推荐自家商品时,网页点击量将下滑。 youngchinabiz.com | But it will also need [...] to be careful if ittakes that [...]route, since it will need to maintain a reputation as an impartial [...]provider of e-commerce search services or risk losing traffic if consumers perceive the site as favoring Baidu products. youngchinabiz.com |