单词 | 果核 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 果核 noun, plural —kernels pl核果 noun —drupe n • drupes pl Examples:苹果核—apple core
以核果烈酒為例,果 核所含 的氰甙經酵素作用可分解為氰化物,氰化物氧化後成為氰酸酯, 再與乙醇發生化學作用而產生氨基甲酸乙酯。 cfs.gov.hk | For example, in stone fruit spirits, cyanogenic [...] glycosides from the stones may be degraded through enzymatic action to cyanide [...]which is then oxidised to cyanate and reacts with ethanol to form EC. cfs.gov.hk |
如果核查的 目的是让执行委员会了解所遇 到的问题,某些标准可以只涉及那些可能不遵约的国家。 multilateralfund.org | If the objective of verification was to inform the [...] Executive Committee of problems encountered, certain criteria might pertain [...]only to countries at risk of non-compliance. multilateralfund.org |
取得的成果:核实工 作检查了样本中56 项预期成果的实现程度,发现在几乎所有的案 例中都取得了有助于实现预期成果的成绩。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Achievement of results: The verification examined the [...] extent to which the 56 expected results in the sample were achieved. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其他棘手的事情包括因很难将计划支持和管理费用纳入 成 果核 算 而产生的复杂问题, 如按特定的计划成果对这些类别明确分配是不可能的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Other challenges include complexities arising from the difficulty to incorporate [...] programme support as well as running costs [...] into the costing of results, as a clear-cut [...]allocation of these categories per particular [...]programme result may not be possible. unesdoc.unesco.org |
据监督厅说,如果核定人 员编制不变,该司 在 2010/11 年度只能完成两项方案评价工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to OIOS, the Division [...] would be able to undertake only two programme [...] evaluations in 2010/11 if the authorized [...]staffing level remained unchanged. daccess-ods.un.org |
在过去几年里,随着新裁武条约获得批准,而 且不扩散核武器条约(不扩散条约)缔约国 2010 年审 议大会取得积极成果,核裁军已经形成一定的势头。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nuclear disarmament has gained some momentum in the last couple of years, with the ratification of [...] the New START treaty [...] and the positive outcome of the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). daccess-ods.un.org |
可 是,如果核數師認為董事報告內有些問題未必真確、合理或恰當,其 實核數師也有責任在其報告內指出。 legco.gov.hk | However, if the auditor opines that [...] there are some issues in the directors' report which may not be accurate, reasonable [...]or appropriate, actually the auditor has the duty to point them out in his report. legco.gov.hk |
如果核心無法配置 IRQ 或探索主 機板上的次要 PCI 匯流排,請嘗試此選項。 seagate.com | Try this option, if the kernel is unable to allocate [...] IRQs or discover secondary PCI buses on your motherboard. seagate.com |
最后,报告使用核查消耗臭氧层物质生产淘汰的格式提供 了 核 查 结 果 , 其 中包括生产 淘汰方案开始以来的历史和最新的核 查 结 果 , 核 查 结 果 数 据 提供了按月分列的运行天数、 原材料消费量和氟氯化碳产量吨数。 multilateralfund.org | Finally, the report provided the [...] results of the verification using the format for verification of ODS production phase-out, which includes a history of the production phase-out programme from the beginning and the results from the latest verification with data [...]broken down by month on [...]the number of operating days, raw material consumption, and CFC production tonnage. multilateralfund.org |
员额裁撤:如果核定员 额不再需要用于从事核定活动或用于执行特派团 内其它已获授权的优先活动,拟予以裁撤。 daccess-ods.un.org | an approved post is proposed to be [...] abolished if it is no longer needed to implement the activities for which it was approved [...]or to implement other priority mandated activities within the mission. daccess-ods.un.org |
质量控制 [...] (QC),以确保监视计划实现原来计 划的目标(成果核检)。 itopf.co.uk | quality control (QC) to ensure that [...] the monitoring plan delivers the planned objectives (a check of the product). itopf.co.uk |
为了宣传Eco-Drive Satellite Wave 光动能卫星对时表,Citizen与苹果核战 XIII制造商合作。 iontime.ch | To promote their new Eco-Drive Satellite Wave, Citizen teamed-up with the makers of Appleseed XIII. iontime.ch |
如果核取某 個資料夾旁邊的核取方塊,則會選 擇該資料夾中的所有檔案。 seagate.com | If you place a checkmark next to a [...] folder, it selects all of the files in the folder. seagate.com |
在《不扩散条约》范围内,将 至少有两个理想后果:核燃料 保证将对增强供应的安全做出贡献,这将加强走上 [...] 和平利用核能道路的国家的稳定和信心;同时,这种安排就核燃料循环重要部分 而言,将产生积极的不扩散和建立信任方面的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the NPT context, there would be at [...] least two desirable consequences: MNA will make [...]a contribution to enhanced security of [...]supply, which will increase the stability and confidence of States embarking on the peaceful nuclear road; at the same time, such arrangements will have positive non-proliferation and confidence-building effects in regard to important parts of the nuclear fuel cycle. daccess-ods.un.org |
我覺得這種說法是不恰當的,因為在董事報告中,有一些問題可 能 未達致與財務報表相抵觸的程度,但可能涉及對小股東或一般股東 有 重要意義的利益或資料,又或是 董事報告內某些資料雖然未必涉及 財務報告,但如果核數師認為是 有問題的話,他 也應該作出評論或表 述 他的意見。 legco.gov.hk | I find it inappropriate to present it in such a manner because there may be problems in the directors' report which do not amount to inconsistency with the financial statements, but they may involve interest or information which is of great significance to minority or ordinary shareholders. legco.gov.hk |
如果核准購 樓人需要在償還貸款期間轉換按揭銀行,首先應選擇一間新的參與銀行,在獲得新銀行初步同意後,再向置業資助貸款小組提出申請。 housingauthority.gov.hk | If the approved purchaser intends [...] to change the mortgagee bank during the repayment period, he / she shall first approach [...]another participating bank and obtain an initial approval from that bank. housingauthority.gov.hk |
这个做法是按照《伊拉 [...] 克宪法》的规定,其中要求在选举结 果核 证后 15 天内举行议会的第一次会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | This was done in accordance with the Iraqi Constitution [...] which requires the first session of Parliament to be held within 15 days after the [...] certification of the election results. daccess-ods.un.org |
這類堅果、水果核鼻煙 壺最精彩的雕品似乎是十八世紀雕的,或許乾隆朝以前已經出現過,但它們很少款署創作年月,難以確定。 e-yaji.com | The finest of these [...] miniature nut and fruit-stone carvings seem [...]to date from the eighteenth century, certainly from the [...]Qianlong reign and possibly before, although it is difficult to know, since prior to the Qianlong period they were so rarely dated. e-yaji.com |
例如如果核心工 作方案是进行政治 分析、确保政策协调或提供政府间支助,旨在总结经验教训的活动的结果将涉及 [...] 诸如会员国的主权和政策等问题,因而不适合以透明方式广泛传播。 daccess-ods.un.org | When the core of a programme [...] of work, for example, is to conduct political analysis, ensure policy coordination or provide [...]intergovernmental support, the results of exercises aimed at learning lessons touch upon issues such as sovereignty and policies of Member States and may therefore not be suitable for wide, transparent dissemination. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果核材料 或放射性产品被以暴力或恫吓手段或通过有组织团 体被盗取,应处以 [...] 3 至 8 年监禁。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the nuclear material or radioactive [...] products have been stolen by means of violence or intimidation, or through an organized [...]group, a penalty of imprisonment of from three to eight years shall be imposed. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于这一切,如果核供应 国集团(NSG)要制定应对核扩散更有效的政策,它必须跟几个基本问题做斗争。 thebulletin.org | Given all this, if the Nuclear Suppliers Group [...] (NSG) is to formulate a more effective set of policies for addressing nuclear [...]proliferation, it must contend with several fundamental issues. thebulletin.org |
不过,他们似乎对一个看法达成了基本共识,这个看法我在第一篇文章也提到了 -- 即如果核不扩散条约(NPT)要保持健康运作,伊朗这样的国家以及以色列、巴基斯坦和印度等条约局外者必须全面参与核不扩散项目。 thebulletin.org | However, they seem to express underlying agreement with an idea that I expressed in my first essay -- that a country like Iran, as well as treaty outliers like Israel, Pakistan, and India, must be fully involved in the nonproliferation project if the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is to remain healthy. thebulletin.org |
虽然核裁军是一个长期而艰难的进程,但 如 果核武 器 国家带头实行,则该进程就并非无法实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | While nuclear disarmament was a long and difficult process, it was not unattainable if the nuclear-weapon States [...] would lead the way. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年 7 月委员会完成了根据第 1822(2008)号决议第 25 段进行的对综合名 [...] 单所有名字的全面审查,2011 年委员会借鉴全面审查的结果,核准 了 对基地组织 制裁名单列名和列名理由简述的大量更新,从而进一步提高了制裁名单和简述的 [...]质量。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2011, building on the comprehensive review, completed in July 2010, of all names on the Consolidated List, conducted pursuant [...] to paragraph 25 of resolution 1822 (2008), [...] the Committee approved numerous updates [...]of Al-Qaida Sanctions List entries and [...]narrative summaries of reasons for listing, thereby further improving the quality of the List and narrative summaries. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果核电站出现人为错误,风险和代价甚至会更高。 digikey.cn | When it also happens to be a nuclear power plant, the [...] stakes are even higher. digikey.ca |
我国渴望在全世界实现和平与安全,我们深信, 如 果核 武 器 和其他致人死 命、散布恐怖和毁灭的大规模毁灭性武器库仍存在,那么这一目标将无法实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | My country yearns for peace and security across the world and is [...] fully convinced that this goal will not [...] be achieved with arsenals of nuclear weapons and other [...]weapons of mass destruction [...]that kill and spread fear and destruction. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果核准購 樓人需要在還款期間另行償還部分貸款,必須事先向置業資助貸款小組提出申請,而所償還的款項,須按償還部分貸款當日尚欠房委會和銀行的貸款比例,分別償還給房委會及銀行。 housingauthority.gov.hk | The prepayment shall be applied in repayment of the HA's loan and the bank's loan in proportion to the principal amount outstanding respectively under the HA's loan and bank's loan as at the date of prepayment. housingauthority.gov.hk |
過去多年,各國採取以下兩個方 法,大幅減少氨基甲酸乙酯這種污染物的分量,就是(i)減少食物或飲品 [...] 中主要前體物質的含量;以及(ii)減少這些物質產生化學反應形成氰酸 酯的情況,例如避免瓶裝核果拔蘭 地接觸光線。 cfs.gov.hk | Internationally, major reduction in the level of EC contamination over the past years has been achieved using two approaches: i) by reducing the concentration of the main precursor substances in the food or beverage; and ii) by reducing the [...] tendency for these substances to react to form cyanate, e.g. by the exclusion of [...] light from bottled stone-fruit brandies. cfs.gov.hk |