

单词 果料儿

See also:

retroflex final
non-syllabic diminutive suffix

External sources (not reviewed)

在劝告达不到预期果和儿童继 续与父 母生活在一起有生命或健康危险的情况下,儿童保护工作者会着手把儿童从父母 [...]
In cases where counselling does not
[...] yield expected results and the life or [...]
health of a child are in danger if they continue to live
with parents, a child protection worker may initiate removal of a child from a parent or deprivation of parental rights.
关于这些行动倡议以及有关交付果的详尽资料,将 在私营部门轨道的另一份报告中公布。
An exhaustive list of announcements and related deliverables will be published in a separate private sector track report.
卸下罩 时,入口止回阀组件 (R)应滑落到料活塞柱 (24)上;果滑动 困难,用橡胶锤重敲罩 (19) 的顶部以松开。
Intake check valve assembly (R) should slide down priming piston rod (24) as you remove housing; if it does not slide easily, firmly tap on top of housing (19) with a rubber mallet to loosen.
在下次定期报告中提供有关这一审查 果 的 资 料 , 并就落实独立专家 关于获得安全饮用水的建议以及周转基金倡议如何改善 儿 童 生活条件分别给予 具体的分析。
(c) Provide information in the next
[...] periodic report on the outcome of this review and provide specific analysis on how implementation of the Independent Expert’s recommendations concerning access to safe drinking water and how the revolving fund initiative respectively have improved the living conditions of children.
儿童权利公约》第 21 条规定,缔约国应“确认果儿童不 能安置于寄养或收养 家 庭 ,或不能以任何适 当 的 方 式在儿童原 籍 国加以照料,跨 国 收养可视为料儿 童 的一个替 代 办 法 ” ,并且 “ 确保得到跨 国 收养的 儿童享有与本国收养相 当 的保 障 ……” 。
The Convention on
[...] the Rights of the Child provides, in article 21, that States parties shall “recognize that inter-country adoption may be considered as an alternative means of a child’s care if the child cannot be placed in a foster or an adoptive family or cannot in any suitable manner be cared for in the child’s country [...]
of origin” and “ensure
that the child concerned by inter-country adoption enjoys safeguards […] equivalent to those existing in the case of national adoption”.
在生活成本非常高和父母双方必须为生存而努力的地 区儿童照料已成 为所有马尔代夫人的重要问题。
Where the cost of living is very high and both parents must
[...] work for survival, child care has become a [...]
vital issue for all Maldivians.
指定律师事宜需要有一段等待时间,但委员会将优先考虑某 些类别的案件,例如家庭暴力、 料儿 童 、 绑架儿童以及开始诉讼的时限有可能 会终止的案件。
While there is a waiting time for an appointment with a solicitor, the Board gives priority to certain categories of cases, such as domestic violence, child care, child abduction and cases where there is a danger that the time limits for issuing proceedings may expire.
法和安全理事会的有关决议,包括安全理事会第 1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009)
[...] 号决议,我被授权以工作组主席的身份,确认联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特 派团(联刚稳定团)和联合国在保护 果 民 主 共和 儿 童 方 面所发挥的关键作用。
In follow-up to the recommendations of the Working Group, approved by the Security Council, and subject to and consistent with applicable international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, including Security Council resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), I am entrusted, in my capacity as the Chairman of the Working Group, to recognize the critical role that the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo (MONUSCO) and the United Nations have played in the
[...] protection of children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
执行主任概述了可帮助儿基会充分实现平等方法的承诺, 并为世界上最弱儿童交付成果的 2 011 年四个大目标:(a) 抓住时机,使公平 方法获得支持;(b) 在促进联合国一致性方面成为更强大的伙伴和领袖;(c) [...]
在 全组织运作公平做法;(d) 提高组织的内部效率,改善管理做法。
The Executive Director outlined four broad
objectives for 2011 that would help UNICEF to realize the full promise of the equity
[...] approach and deliver results for the worlds’ most vulnerable children: (a) seize [...]
the moment to build support
for the equity approach; (b) become an even stronger partner and leader in promoting United Nations coherence; (c) operationalize the equity approach across the entire organization; and (d) improve the organization’s internal efficiency and management practices.
在提供关于不同 寻常情况的料时,如果有可 能,应提供最新获得的关于疾病类型、受影响 的大致地理范围和病例数目的数据。
The information provided on events that deviate from the norm will include, as soon as it is available, data on the type of disease, approximate area affected, and number of cases.
这些条款规定,“在解释条约时,条约的背景”应当理解为包含 “与条约有关并为缔约所定的任何协定或文书”(第 69 条第 2 款);而“当 事方所订关于条约之解释之任何协定”以及“嗣后在条约适用方面确定各当 事方对条约解释之协定之任何惯例”,应在解释条约时与其“上下文一并考 虑(第 69 条第 3 款);可在“条约之准备工作及缔约之情况下”,除其他外 使用“解释之补充料”(第 70 条);果断定 缔约方有意使某一措辞具有 特殊含义,则可赋予这一措辞非同寻常的含义。
These articles provide that the “context of the treaty, for the purposes of its interpretation”, is to be understood as comprising “any agreement or instrument related to the treaty and reached or drawn up in connection with its conclusion” (art. 69, para. 2); that “any agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty” and “any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which clearly establishes the understanding of all the parties regarding its interpretation” are to be taken into account “together with the context” of the treaty for the purposes of its interpretation (art. 69, para. 3); that as “further means of interpretation” recourse may be had, inter alia, to the “preparatory work of the treaty and the circumstances of its conclusion” (art. 70); and that a meaning other than its ordinary meaning may be given to a term if it is established conclusively that the parties intended the term to have that special meaning.
然而,联合国深切关 注政治动荡已使巴林王国内的儿童受到了令人不安的影响, 果儿 童 的 生存、保 健和保护等基本权利遭到侵犯。
However, the Committee is deeply concerned that the political unrest has had disturbing influences on
children in the
[...] Kingdom of Bahrain, resulting in breaches of the basic rights to survival, health and protection of children.
缔约国应确保老年妇女,包括负责 料儿 童 的 老年妇女,能够获得适当的社 会和经济福利,例如料儿童福 利,以及在照料老年父母或亲属时获得一切必要 的支助。
States parties should ensure that older women, including those who
have responsibility
[...] for the care of children, have access to appropriate social and economic benefits such as childcare benefits, as well [...]
as access to all necessary
support when caring for elderly parents or relatives.
料所能实现的果取决于铝料的 类 型(润湿性能、颗粒大小、形状)以及涂料体系的配方。
The effect achieved by the coating depends on the type of aluminium pigment (wetting behaviour, particle size and shape) and the formulation of the coating system.
教科文组织的幼儿教育活动对妇女有直接的影响,因为 这些活动的目的是:改善幼儿教育服务;宣传和帮助家 长,特别是帮助母亲更好地料其子 女;宣 儿 童权 利,特别是宣传女孩享有平等的机会;培训从事幼儿保 育和教育的保育员及培训人员(绝大多数为妇女);传播 有关直接影响少年儿童及其家庭的组织、政策和学习环 境的信息。
UNESCO’s early childhood activities have a direct impact on women as they seek to improve early childhood services; to inform and help parents, in particular mothers, to better take care of their children; to inform and provide advocacy for children’s rights, in particular equality of opportunities for young girls; to train caregivers and trainers (in majority women) in early childhood development and education; and to disseminate information on organizations, policies and learning environments directly affecting young children and their families.
重度或极重度残疾儿童的法律代理人或《社会福利法》第 252(1)节定制照 顾者,有资格得到国家供资儿童照 料 服 务,直到儿童到达 18 岁的历年年底, 条件是在儿童康复计划中讲明儿童需 儿 童 照 料 服 务, 照 料儿 童 不 保障与其 他社会服务同时提供(除了收养),而且同时儿童也不留在教育机构中。
The legal representative of a child with severe or profound disability or the caregiver specified in § 252 (1) of the Social Welfare
Act is entitled to
[...] state-funded child-minding service until the end of the calendar year during which the child attains 18 years of age, provided that the need for child-minding services for a child [...]
is set out in the
child’s rehabilitation plan, caring for the child is not guaranteed simultaneously with other social services (except for foster care), and the child is not staying at an educational institution at the same time.
在编写本报告时,特别报告员参考了儿童权利委员会对各国提交的各类定期 报告的分析果、儿童权 利委员会的建议和意见、各国在普遍定期审议框架内提 [...]
交的报告、前任报告员编写的报告、特别报告员本人及其前任进行的国别访问、 联合国和欧洲委员会相关机构完成的报告和研究以及国际机构完成的研究。
The Special Rapporteur drafted this report on the basis of an analysis of various periodic reports
submitted by States to the Committee on
[...] the Rights of the Child, the Committee’s [...]
recommendations and comments, reports submitted
by States as part of the Universal Periodic Review, the reports of previous rapporteurs, country visits made by her and her predecessors, reports and studies of United Nations agencies, the Council of Europe and studies by international organizations.
果儿童以 集体的方式表达其意见,则会增加评估工作的难度。即 使在评估年龄和成熟度方面困难重重,缔约国也必须将儿童视为一个整体,听取 [...]
其意见,并且委员会强烈建议缔约国尽一切努力倾听或征询以集体形式表达意愿 的儿童们的意见。
Even when confronting difficulties in assessing age and maturity, States
[...] parties should consider children as [...]
a group to be heard, and the Committee strongly
recommends that States parties exert all efforts to listen to or seek the views of those children speaking collectively.
然而,因使用了“就其本身而言”这一短语,人们也得以对这一激进意见 加以限定:虽然法院并不认为自己受罗马尼亚单方面提出的解释约束,但这也不 排除单方面解释作为一种证据手段或可能确证法院根据《维也纳条约法公约》第 31 条所作解释的一份料的效果。
However, the use of the expression “as such” allows one to shade this radical observation: while the Court does not consider itself bound by the unilateral interpretation proposed by Romania, that does not preclude the unilateral interpretation from having an effect as a means of proof or a piece of information that might corroborate the Court’s interpretation “in accordance with Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties”.
[...] [...] Mpa弹射进大气压,此时摄氏200度左右的饱和水蒸气在巨大的压力差下,在0.00875秒内对粮食及淀粉进行绝热膨胀做功,不存在初喷、中喷、末喷过程,全部 料 处 理 结 果 高 度 一致,全部 料 均 在 0.00875秒内从摄氏200度降至摄氏30度左右,完成粮食及淀粉的熟化过程。
When the starch processing industry, food wine and steam blasting method using supersonic alternative cooking method, food and starch in about 200 degrees Celsius temperature to exceed the speed of sound from 2 Mpa ejected into the atmosphere, about 200 degrees Celsius at this time saturated water vapor pressure difference in the great, the food in 0.00875 seconds and starch within the adiabatic expansion work done, there is the beginning of spraying, the spray,
spray the end of the
[...] process, all material handling highly consistent results, all materials are from within [...]
in 0.00875 seconds
200 degrees Celsius down to 30 degrees Celsius, to complete the process of ripening grain and starch.
实际上,即使气温和雨量 发生小小的变化,也会改变谷类、纤维和 料 作 物 以及 果 的 质 量, 果 也 会影 响到它们的价格和贸易。
Indeed, even small changes in temperature and rainfall could
generate changes on the quality of
[...] cereals, fibre and beverage crops and fruits with consequences on their prices [...]
and trade.
[...] 身体残疾或其他特殊需要的儿童设立的中心、营地、工作场所及其他负责 料儿 童的地方。
Competent authorities and others concerned are also encouraged to make use of the present Guidelines, as applicable, at boarding schools, hospitals, centres for children with mental and physical
disabilities or other special needs, camps, the workplace and other places which may be
[...] responsible for the care of children.
为了使公平做法充分发挥良好作用并更有效地取得有利于世界上最脆弱儿 童和家庭的果,儿基会正在:(a) 为采取公平做法建立伙伴协作;(b) 在整个 组织实施这种做法;(c) 努力成为一个更加强有力的合作伙伴和领导者,从而促 [...]
进联合国全系统的一致性;3 (d) 改进整个组织的内部效率和管理做法,以帮助 取得成果。
To realize the full promise of the equity
[...] approach and deliver results more effectively for the world’s most vulnerable children and families, [...]
UNICEF is: (a) building partnerships for
the equity approach; (b) operationalizing the approach across the entire organization; (c) working to become an even stronger partner and leader in promoting United Nations system-wide coherence;3and (d) improving the organization’s internal efficiency and management practices in support of delivering results.
编制为处境危险的婴儿而设 计的培训 料 / 模 块: 鉴于处境危险的婴儿包括 受到艾滋病蔓延影响的婴儿的人数在不断增长,以及幼小的流 浪儿童越来越多,“生活价值观”将与教科文组织和其他合作者一起,在 2001 年期间设 计一些初步的培训料/模块,供流 儿 童 和 为他们工作的人员以及为感染艾滋病的婴幼 儿工作的人员使用。
In response to the growing number of young children at risk, of younger children affected by the spread of AIDS but also the increasing number of younger street children, Living Values, in cooperation with UNESCO and other partners, will design during 2001 some draft materials/modules to use with young street children and those who work with them, and [...]
also for working with young children affected by AIDS.
[...] 2009 年所欢迎 的《关于失去父母料儿童的 替代照料问题准则》应作为中期战略计划各项目标 [...]
The NGO Committee on UNICEF Working Group on
Children said that the Guidelines for the
[...] Alternative Care of Children without Parental [...]
Care, welcomed by the General Assembly
in 2009, should be used as a complementary framework to the goals of the MTSP.
截至 2012 年 1 月 31 日,收到联合国系统以下实体提供的书面 料 : 儿基 会 、生物多样性公约秘书处、联合国人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)、联 合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)、联合国人口基金(人口基金)、亚洲开 [...]
As of 31 January 2012,
[...] written submissions had been received from the following entities of the United Nations system: UNICEF, the secretariat [...]
of the Convention on
Biological Diversity, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Asian Development Bank and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
[...] 尤其是,剥夺儿童和青少年自由应只作为不得已而采取的措施,时间尽可能短, 尤其是在审判之前,果儿童和 青少年被逮捕、拘留或监禁,必须确保尽可能将 儿童与成人分开,除非认为不分开对儿童最有利
Reaffirming that the best interests of the child must be a primary consideration in all decisions concerning deprivation of liberty and, in particular, that depriving children and juveniles of their liberty should be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time, in particular before
trial, and the need to
[...] ensure that, if they are arrested, detained or imprisoned, children should be separated [...]
from adults, to
the greatest extent feasible, unless it is considered in the child’s best interest not to do so
如果“未经过辐照的直接使用材料”定义适用,那么某些形式的核料如果从经 过辐照的状态转变到未经过辐照的状态,那么这些材料将受“禁产条 [...]
约”的约束,反过来说,一旦未经过辐照的核材料变成经过辐照的核材料,便不 再受禁产条约约束。
If the “unirradiated direct use material” definition [...]
applied, certain forms of nuclear material would become subject to
an FMCT when moving from the irradiated form to the unirradiated form, and conversely, unirradiated nuclear material might no longer be subject to an FMCT once irradiated.
通过游戏,儿童理解彼此间的社会交往和对物理环境的参与可能会引起疼痛和不确定 性,所以“为了把不适看做‘背景噪音’而抑制他们的情绪权重” (Pellis and Pellis2006: 265);果在游戏中儿童伤 到了他们自己或被其他儿童伤到了,尽管疼痛是“真实”的,但是它 可能没有在非游戏性环境中严重,以为毕竟,“我们只是在进行游戏”。
Through playing, children appreciate that social interaction and engagement with each other and the physical environment may involve some pain and uncertainty, and so ‘dampen their emotional weighting in order for that discomfort to be regarded as “background noise”’ (Pellis and Pellis 2006: 265); if a child hurts themselves or gets hurt by others in play, while the pain is ‘real’ it may matter less than in nonplay contexts as, after all, ‘we were just playing’.




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