单词 | 林立 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 林立 —stand in great numbersSee also:林 n—forest n • woods pl 林—surname Lin • circle(s) (i.e. specific group of people) • a collection (of similar things)
在遍佈無線網路設施的城市裡,街邊不再需要電動車充電 站 林立 , 而是由路面直接釋出電力,讓往來車輛直接充電。 thisbigcity.net | In a city equipped with wireless utilities, instead of streets lined with electric car charging stations we will have roads that emit electricity, charging the cars that travel over them. thisbigcity.net |
我們必須組織和訓練我們的管理隊伍,使他們有效率地妥善管理這些大 廈 林立 的 現 代屋邨。 housingauthority.gov.hk | We must design and train our management teams so that they can manage these modern vertical townships effectively and efficiently. housingauthority.gov.hk |
布城阿拉曼达(Alamanda)是城中最主要的购物区,商城自然采光,出入便利,各种商 店 林立 , 货 品琳琅满目。 shangri-la.com | Alamanda Putrajaya is the premier shopping destination for the city, with a wide range of shops set in an easily navigable, naturally-lit mall. shangri-la.com |
假如舊工業區 亦完全依照現時市區重建策略的方向進行發展,同樣變成了摩天大 廈 林立 的商 業地帶,這對於當地居民及商戶是否最為合適,我實在有很大的保留 和疑問。 legco.gov.hk | Assuming that the old industrial areas are developed a la the direction of the [...] prevailing urban renewal [...] strategy and become business areas packed with high-rise buildings, I have great reservation and queries about whether this [...]is the most desirable [...]for the local residents and shop operators. legco.gov.hk |
昭柏耶河(Chao Phraya [...] River)兩岸,除可找到不少附設於酒店內的別緻酒廊,更是 獨 立 酒 吧 林立。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Along Chao Phraya River, hotel [...] bars and some standalone pubs and restaurants [...]offer a laid-back, carefree ambience (Sapan Taksin BTS). homeandaway.hsbc.com |
2012 年,即本报告概列预计所需资源所涉及的一年,利比里亚问题专家小组 [...] 将继续收集各国执行安全理事会所定相关措施情况的资料以及违反这些措施的 [...] 相关资料,评估在达到安理会所定解除这些措施所需条件方面取得的进展,评估 利比里亚森林立法执 行情况以及利比里亚遵守金伯利进程证书制度的情况,并就 [...]如何加强各国推动执行其余制裁措施的能力提出建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2012, the projected requirements for which are outlined in the present report, the Panel of Experts on Liberia will continue to collect information on the implementation by States of the relevant measures imposed by the Security Council and on any violations of those measures; assess the progress made towards meeting the conditions of the Council for lifting those [...] measures; assess the [...] implementation of the Liberian forestry legislation as well as compliance [...]by Liberia with the Kimberley [...]Process Certification Scheme; and make recommendations on how the capacity of States to facilitate the implementation of the remaining sanctions can be strengthened. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 由於近年超級廣場、超級市場及新鮮糧食 店 林立 , 《香港規劃 標準與準則》內的公眾街市規劃標準不合時宜。 legco.gov.hk | (c) the planning standard for public markets in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines was outdated as a result of the abundant supply of superstores, supermarkets and fresh provision shops in recent years. legco.gov.hk |
东京香格里拉大酒店位于东京市中心,周边繁华购物 区 林立。 shangri-la.com | Shangri-La Hotel, Tokyo, is located in central Tokyo and surrounded by some of the city's most popular shopping areas. shangri-la.com |
座落於登巴道23號,DUNBAR PLACE是太古地產參與發展及銷售的何文田全新住宅項目,區內名 校 林立。 swirepacific.com | Located at 23 Dunbar Road, DUNBAR PLACE is the latest residential development in Ho Man Tin in which Swire Properties is involved in the development and sale. swirepacific.com |
就 需 要 特 別 留 意 的 事 項 中 提 及 「 監 察 新 《 市 區 重 建 策 略 》 的 推 行 情 況 , 特 別 是 九 龍 城 市 區 更 新 地 區 諮 詢 平 台 及 市 區 更 新 信 託 基 金 的 運 作 , 以 及 市 建 局 以 其 他 模 式 進 行 重 建 的 進 展 」, 當 局 可 否 告 知 本 委 員 會 : (a)當 局 有 否 初 步 評 估 現 時 市 區 更 新 地 區 諮 詢 平 台 及 市 區 更 新 信 託 基 金 運 作 的 成 效 ; 如 有 , 成 效 為 何 ; (b)當 局 會 否 考 慮 把 上 述 諮 詢 平 台 進 一 步 拓 展 至 其 他 如 深 水 埗 等 舊 樓 林 立 的 地 區;及 (c)以「 需 求 主 導 」 模 式 和 以 「 促 進 者 」 角 色 協 助 舊 樓 業 主 進 行 重 建 工 作 的 進 展 如 何 ? devb.gov.hk | Will the Administration inform this Committee (a) whether it has made preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of the work of the District Urban Renewal Forum (DURF) and the Urban Renewal Trust Fund; if so, of the assessment results; (b)whether it will consider further extending the establishment of DURF to other districts where there are a large number of old buildings like Sham Shui Po; and (c) of the progress of the work as to help owners of old buildings carry out redevelopment by taking forward “demand-led” schemes and acting as “facilitator”. devb.gov.hk |
汉科的东海港,是芬兰最大的旅客港,港畔餐 厅 林立 , 都 是欣赏海岸风景并品尝美味海鲜的佳处。 visitfinland.com | The numerous restaurants in the harbour area are ideal for enjoying a meal surrounded by the beautiful seaside scenery. visitfinland.com |
这里高楼林立,有世界上最高的住宅楼之一的Q1。 australia.com | Its skyline is dominated by high-rise buildings, including the Q1, one of the world’s highest residential towers. australia.com |
對西方城市而言,關鍵在於自我再造,例如巴黎聖傑曼區在一九二零年代時,吸引諸多知識份子與作家聚集,如今更像個觀光勝地,各種獨家零售商店與外籍人士經營的餐 廳 林立 , 讓好奇遊客在此尋找過往文人墨客駐足的體驗與痕跡(如上圖)。 thisbigcity.net | St. Germain in Paris, for example, is no longer a place where intellectuals and writers such as 1920s Hemingway gather, rather it feels more like a tourist trap with exclusive retail stores and foreign owned restaurants for visitors seeking a “boho” experience in a place where once famous artists lurked around (see above). thisbigcity.net |
最初要求设计出与新加坡摩天轮类似大小的一个轮型结构, 但上海这个华丽、高楼林立的城 市迸发出的浪漫和激情启发了史蒂芬•平博理负责的团队,进而催生出了一个焕然一新而激动人心的弗雷斯大转轮方案。 chinese-architects.com | Stephen Pimbley, Spark's founding director, conceived and designed an exciting alternative to the Ferris wheel inspired by the romance and passion of Shanghai. chinese-architects.com |
在获奖公告中,FORM 2000被誉为革命性的变革:“在强手 林立 的 组 别中,它具有高度的创新性,必将带来一场革命——彻底改变放电加工市场。 gfac.com | In the award announcement, the FORM 2000 was heralded as revolutionary: “In a strong category, featuring a high degree of innovation, this was transformational—could revolutionize the EDM market. gfac.com |
周边高档餐厅和店铺林立,步行即可找到一切生活所需,UBC和温哥华市中心距此仅数分钟车程。 zh.rew.ca | Surrounded by high-end restaurants and shops, everything you need is within walking distance, while UBC and downtown Vancouver are just minutes away by car. rew.ca |
我们中国人都喜欢坐北向南的房子,不光风水好,家里的采光也好,而在西温, 坐北朝南的房子和土地更是来自世界各地人们争相追捧的热点,因为有机会看到海天一色的美景,如果在西温山上眺望,东起高贵林,本拿比,温哥华,北温,正南看到温哥华市中心的高 楼 林立 , 五 帆酒店,史旦立公园,狮门桥,列治文, 西到温哥华岛,中间由大海连接,大山陪衬,难怪人说“Million Dollar View” (百万难买的风景)。 homewithtyra.com | From top of Glenmore, view from the east of Coquitlam, Burnaby, Vancouver and North Vancouver, then south of Vancouver Downtown, Lions Gate Bridge, and Stanley Park, to the west of Vancouver Island…Once you see the view, you will understand why people saying “Million Dollar View”. homewithtyra.com |
近年澳門經濟急速發展,城市面貌不斷改變,以往平靜的小城變成了一個高 樓 林立 , 人 口密度極高的城市。 yp.mo | The rapid economic growth enjoyed by Macao over recent years has given the urban landscape endless facelifts like never before. yp.mo |
北京道一号附近高级名店林立,在顶楼更有各式各样的食府供您选择。 servcorp.com.cn | Servcorp's One Peking location is also home to high-end boutique stores and fine dining options on the top floors of the building. servcorp.bh |
但是,您并不是真的需要离开北英格兰进行旅游观光,因为北英格兰本身就拥有非常丰富的历史和遗产、壮丽的风景、完善的体育设施、多元的文化、精彩的城市生活 和 林立 的 娱 乐场所。 englishuk.com | Though, there is no real need to travel outside the region for excursions as the North benefits from rich history and heritage, scenery, sport, culture, city life and entertainment. englishuk.com |
通过对传感器数据与 GPS 位置进行处理,即便在 GPS 信号微弱 (如城区高楼林立的环境) 或 GPS 信号缺失 (如隧道和地下停车场) 的情况下也能达到 100% 的覆盖、提供高精度和持续定位。 fastrax.fi | Sensor data and GPS position are both processed, achieving 100% coverage, highly accurate and continuous positioning even in GPS hostile environment (e.g. urban canyons) or in case of GPS absence (e.g. tunnels and parking garages). fastrax.fi |
整座山整个领域,笼罩着神气能量,成为山岳信仰的对象,一走进杉 木 林立 的 林 道 , 就成了参拜自然与山之格式。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | As the whole mountain area is considered Shinto shrine precinct for worship, proceeding along a long entrance path is already a part of paying a visit to the Shrine. en.tohokukanko.jp |
汉科的东海港,是芬兰最大的旅客港,港口可容纳四百艘船;而且港畔餐 厅 林立 , 都 是欣赏海岸风景并品尝美味海鲜的佳处。 visitfinland.com | The numerous restaurants in the harbour area are ideal for enjoying a meal surrounded by the beautiful seaside scenery. visitfinland.com |
巴林、立陶宛 和委内瑞拉的代表对各国教育部、教科文组织全国委员会以及其它政府机构如何与非政府组 织联络,吸收他们在加强正规教育系统或发挥补充作用方面的能力和力量,借助非政府组织 [...] 的特长(即它们与边缘化群体和脆弱群体联系的能力)问题提出了自己的看法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The representatives of Bahrain, Lithuania and Venezuela [...] provided insights into how Ministries of Education, National Commissions [...]for UNESCO and other government bodies reach out to NGOs and draw on their competence and capacities in reinforcing or complementing the formal education system, building on the strengths of NGOs, in particular their ability to reach marginalized and vulnerable population groups. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会注意到缔约国为打击北爱尔兰境内的宗派主义所作的立法努力,关 切鉴于这种内部宗派和种族之间形成的派 别 林立 局 面 ,使得北爱尔兰被完全置于 《公约》和《德班行动方案》防范歧视的框架之外。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting the State party’s legislative efforts to combat sectarianism, in Northern Ireland, the Committee is concerned that this situation, given the inter-sectionality between sectarianism and racism, is kept entirely outside the framework of protections against discrimination provided by the Convention and the Durban Programme of Action. daccess-ods.un.org |
酒店地理位置极为优越,座落于墨尔本剧院区中心地带,信步可至店 铺 林立的 B ourke 街或 Collins 街、墨尔本博物馆、皇家展览馆,以及汇聚中国传统文化与烹饪厨艺的唐人街。 marriott.com.cn | Featuring spacious rooms, starting from 36 square meters in size, our luxury Melbourne hotel's accommodations are at the center of the city's theater precinct and just minutes from the shopping delights of Bourke and Collins streets, as well as the cultural and culinary extravaganza of Chinatown, Melbourne Museum and Royal Exhibition Building. marriott.com.au |
百得利路六号是新加坡顶级商业大厦之一,位于新加坡商业中心莱佛士广场中段,拥有绝佳的位置优势,在这里您可以观赏到美丽的海港全景,周边大 厦 林立 直 入 云霄,周围众多高档商城和餐厅环绕。 servcorp.com.cn | Located right in the middle of Raffles Place, Six Battery Road is sited in the commercial hub of lively, active Singapore and is recognised as one of the city's top commercial buildings. From its excellent vantage point, this location boasts wonderful panoramas over the city and harbor. servcorp.bh |
有许多城市的甜点和菜肴的美味荆棘的冠冕,鼓鼓的面包圈混有杏仁 和 林立 的 四旬期期间在天禁食,紧瘦的尖点,可以吃,因为没有鸡蛋和细油软化橄榄油,caggionetti的云(或neole方言发音),所谓的,因为它们是由炽热的铁模形的云,泡芙,甜杏仁,杏仁糊的表面装饰用好奇的人物和兽性,圣基亚拉的尼姑曾经有过的杏仁和巧克力,bocconotti,茴香,真正地道的爱抚腭的首要地位mostaccioli。 tv-atri.it | There are many desserts and dishes of the city: the delicious [...] crowns of thorns, bulging donuts mixed [...] with almonds and bristling with sharp points [...]that can be eaten during Lent in the [...]days of fasting and tight skinny because made without eggs and softened by fine oil olive oil, the caggionetti; clouds (or neole with dialect pronunciation), so called because they are made from red-hot iron mold shaped cloud, the puffs, the marzipan, sweet almond paste to the surface adorned with curious human figures and animalistic, the nuns of Santa Chiara once had the primacy of mostaccioli with almonds and chocolate, bocconotti and fennel, real authentic caresses the palate. tv-atri.it |