

单词 枉法



bend the law for one's own profit [idiom.]


corruption and abuse of the law (idiom); take bribes and bend the law

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

In the ruling class on the Mainland, [...]
many top party cadres lead a corrupt and decadent life.
我恐怕香港的新聞自由、表達意見的權利,將被收服在一國之 下,屆時,社會便沒有能力阻止更多濫 枉法 的 事情在香港發生。
I am afraid that press freedom and the right to expression in Hong Kong will be subjugated to the "one country".
在乌干达警察部队内部成立了一个专业标准股,以便对发现徇 枉法 或 侵 犯 普通人的权利的警务人员进行受理、调查和采取纪律行动。
A Professional Standards Unit (PSU) has been established within the UPF to receive, investigate and
take disciplinary action against UPF
[...] Officers found acting outside the law or infringing [...]
on rights of ordinary persons.
「…中 國的法治建設仍面臨一些問題:民主法治建設與經濟社會發展的要求還不完全適應;法律體系呈現一定的階段性特點,有待進一步完善;有法不依、執法不嚴、違法
[...] 不究的現象在一些地方和部門依然存在;地方保護主義、部門保護主義和執行難的問題時有發生;有的公職人員貪 枉法 、 執 法 犯 法 、以言代法、以權壓法,對社會 主義法治造成損害;加強法治教育,提高全社會的法律意識和法治觀念,仍是一項艱巨任務。
The development of democracy and the rule of law still falls short of the needs of economic and social development; the legal framework shows certain characteristics of the current stage and calls for further improvement; in some regions and departments, laws are not observed, or strictly enforced, violators are not brought to justice; local protectionism, departmental protectionism and difficulties in law enforcement occur from time to time, some government functionaries take bribes and bend the
law, abuse their power when
[...] executing the law; abuse their authority to override the law, and substitute [...]
their words for the
law, thus bringing damage to the socialist rule of law, and the task still remains onerous to strengthen education in the rule of law, and enhance the awareness of law and the conception of the rule of law among the public.
今天 , 我們擔心 香港會 出現一些徇枉 法的情況。
Today, we are worried that situations like playing favouritism and committing irregularities will appear in Hong Kong.
[...] 而異,以至有不同的標準,亦可令㆟啞口無言,或扮演了傳聲筒的角色,其實根本只是 幫助了那些弄權枉法的官員,令他們繼續危害㆟民。
Should one think that freedom of the press differs from one place to the next and is subject to different standards, or it is not a big deal when journalists are gagged or become merely a mouthpiece of those in
power, one is actually helping officials who abuse power
[...] and pervert the law to sustain their [...]
oppression of the people.
當下級人員幫助上級人枉法時,彼此之間其實 已經建立了一種關係,這是一種互動的關係。
When a subordinate assists his supervisor in doing unlawful acts, a relations, which is interactive, has actually been developed between them.
主席,由於我擔任保安事務委員會的主席、副主席多年,很多人 會向我提供一些資料,會對我說別人犯法的事,或政府內部的貪枉 法、某些人的瀆職等。
Chairman, as I have been Chairman or Deputy Chairman of the Panel on Security for many years, I have received information from many people, telling me about the crimes of others, the corruption in government, misconduct of officials, and so on.
報道讓所有人知道特首原來是那麼卑鄙 無耻、貪枉法的,原來他貪心的行為遍及海、陸、空和中、日、泰, [...]
Those news articles exposed to the world that the Chief Executive is a despicable and shameless person who
[...] accepts bribes and perverts the law.
我 很 擔 心 以 政 治 程 序 對 待 以 公務作為終身職 業 而 非 政 治委任 的 官 員,在 不 涉 及 貪枉法 、 不 道 德 、 不 誠 實 的 情況下 ,立法會又 不作獨 立 審 查 , 不 給 予 官 員申辯 , 便 單 憑 民 情來“ 處 決”官 員 的 做 法,對 公務員會有 很 深遠的 影 響 。
I am worried that subjecting officials who are not politically appointed but who take public service as a lifetime career to political procedures, and "adjudging" them merely on the basis of public sentiments for charges other than corruption, immorality, dishonesty without any independent hearing conducted by this Council and any chance for defence will have a far-reaching impact on the Civil Service.
我很想告訴香港市民,有很多人說既然“長毛”在攪事那 便壓制他,因他是在攪亂香港,但大家必須明白,當一個政權的高層 暗示下屬可枉法、誣告、無緣無故阻撓市民行使正常司法權利的時 候,你們以為警察還是不是人呢?
While many people said that "Long Hair" should be suppressed if he stirs up trouble in Hong Kong, there is one thing they should understand. Do you still regard police officers as human being when someone in the high echelon of the regime implicitly granted permission for his subordinates to do unlawful acts, make false accusations and unreasonably obstruct people's exercise of their normal legal rights?
他知 道上級人員有求於他、暗示或明示他可以這樣做,便會生出自己為何 不可枉法的念頭。
Once he is aware that his supervisor is asking for his favour, or is implicitly or explicitly granting him permission to do something, he might be lured to think that unlawful acts can be done.
[...] 僭建物,包括廣告招牌,必須進行電腦紀錄和排序,因為必須有電腦 紀錄和排序,才能夠堵塞有人貪 枉法 , 私 相授受,行賄受賄。
Fifth, we have repeatedly asked the Government to computerize and prioritize all unauthorized buildings works in
the territory, including advertizing signs, because
[...] this is the only way to stop corruption, [...]
secret dealings and bribery.
我想透 過 主席問 局長,如果不 是 由 公務員擔 當 這 類 執 法工作 , 如 何 確 保 不 會 出 現 徇枉 法的情況?
May I ask the Secretary, via the President, how he can ensure that there will be no abuse of power and corruption when such enforcement duties are not discharged by civil servants?
調查刑事案件的警察可一直調查投訴人例如有否藏毒,並可盡量控告 他;而猶如廉署般的投訴警察課則可以繼續調查有關的警察是否貪 枉法、 瀆 職、做“大龍鳳”等而無須暫停調查,這是沒有問題的。
On the other hand, the CAPO, which in that case will be similar to the ICAC, can continue to carry out investigation, so as to ascertain whether the police officer concerned is indeed involved in corruption, abuses, dereliction of duties and framing up, rather than having to suspend investigation.
媒體的責任 是要為無權無勢的弱者發聲,當政府濫權 枉法 時 ,傳媒更要如實報 道,讓公眾知情。
The media should boldly disclose facts even though this might antagonize people in power. The media is not only responsible to speak for the weak and powerless, but also to report the facts to the public when the Government abuses its power and does something unlawful.
但是,無 論如何,今後如果行政長官貪枉法 , 在 廉署進行調查後,如果有理由懷疑 行政長官可能觸犯了條例所訂的罪行,廉政專員可把該事宜提交律政司司 長。
Causing the delay that spanned nearly a decade is an act that should be given 100 spanks and marked 10 severe faults.
以法例來一律 禁 制這等法, 似 乎是枉 過正
Restricting all of them
[...] in a blanket manner by law would be an overkill.
誠然,我們必須有㆒些法及途徑去消除或減少這些弊端,但切勿 枉 過 正 以致 影響整個行業。
Yes, we must have ways and means of eliminating or minimizing abuses, but let us not go [...]
overboard and affect the industry overall.
很多人面對現實,很明白法會是做 不來,因為它在憲制上的權力小,又有保皇黨,把資料呈交上來也 枉 費 的
Many people will just accept the reality and understand that the Legislative Council cannot do anything because of its limited power in the [...]
and because of the presence of the royalist party, so it is futile to refer the information.
因此,我們毋須進行可行性研究,也可以 證實開徵資產增值稅對本港物業市場必定會 枉 過 正
As such, we do not need a feasibility study to confirm the overkill which CGT can surely bring to our property market.
我們還須慎 防犯㆖枉過正的毛病,不要因粗略察看市場連串的反應而貿然行動。
We must also avoid the mistake of over-correction based on a snap-shot view of a continuum of events in the market cycle.
在香 港,若教師被裁定干犯刑事罪行,教育局會以 法 、 合 理、枉不縱的原則,根法庭判 詞、案件的性質及嚴重程度來 處理有關教師的註冊資格。
In Hong Kong, if a teacher is convicted of a criminal offence, the Education Bureau will handle the
registration status of the
[...] teacher in a lawful, reasonable and just manner, taking into consideration the Court proceedings, [...]
the nature and gravity of the offence.
那 麼 , 我 相信要花 費 的 這些錢 , 便 絕 對 是枉 錢 。
Should this happen, the money spent will absolutely be money wasted.
過 去 ,政府一直 甘 願 做 鴕 鳥 , 在 每次的 辯 論 中,不 是 掩 飾 問題, 便 是 以 確
[...] 保 市場高 度開放 和 自由運 作為擋箭牌 ; 甚 至 混 淆 視聽, 恐 嚇 說如果法便 會枉過正的 危 險 。
In the past, the Government has always been willing to be an ostrich: in every debate, it either covered up problems, or hid behind the excuse of ensuring maximum market
openness and free operation; or even confused people and
[...] threatened that legislation would run the risk of overcorrecting.
可是,實際上,他們一定 知道職員在能夠達致所設定銷售額的同時,出現了大量的投訴,沒可能全部 投訴都是假投訴,也沒可能特意枉 電 訊 公司擬要求賠償等的。
However, in practice, they will know that while the staff can reach the sales targets set, there is bound to be a large number of complaints and it is unlikely that all of these complaints are unfounded and all of them are false claims on the telecommunications companies meant to demand compensation.
即使找到適合地點建 設這個集散批發市場,但活魚批發的運作複雜,來自不同魚塘的貨源經常混 雜批發,當有活魚出事時,當局又如何確保能夠追蹤到正確的禍源,而不會枉好人呢?
Fish from different fish ponds are often mixed together in the wholesale process and when problems are found in the live fish, how can the authorities be sure that the right source can be traced and the innocent will not be blamed?
主席女士,如 果 以上種種問 題 最 少 可以啟發政府 認 真 考慮全面改革憲 制,令情況出現曙 光,也便枉 我們今天 辯論這項議 案。
Madam President, if all these could, at least, act as a catalyst for our Government to seriously consider the need for a total constitutional reform, this debate could at least claim one silver lining.
代理主席,如果香港政府任由所謂的10點協議及“第二支管治隊伍” 透過黨的機制在香港出現,這不僅違背了“一國兩制”,更漠視了中國的 發展方向進程,摒棄了香港本有的優勢 枉 費 香 港人百多年來努力的成 果及不盡義務的表現,亦辜負鄧小平先生“一國兩制”的偉大構思。
Deputy President, if the Hong Kong Government tolerates the so-called 10-point agreement and the existence of the "second governing team" in Hong Kong through the mechanism of the party, not only will it contravene "One Country, Two Systems", it will also be overlooking the direction of the progress of China's development, compromising the competitive edge of Hong Kong, wasting the collective efforts of Hong Kong people which have been accumulated over the past century, failing to fulfil its obligation and defying the great idea of "One Country, Two Systems" put forth by Mr DENG Xiaoping.
世界㆖有許多引入了「國 際㆟權公約」的國家,亦要好幾十年才能把㆟權發展到現今的階段,若果我們不用多 些資源把尊重㆟權的訊息灌輸給㆘㆒代,豈不 枉 費 了我們多年的心血?
It has taken them several decades to promote human rights to what they are today. If we do not spend more resources on inculcating in young people's mind the importance of human rights, we will have wasted our previous efforts, will we not?




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