

单词 极了

极了 ()



棒极了 adj

super adj



External sources (not reviewed)

而且,从 PM 9 项目开始,Saica 和 Voith 之间就建了极其深 厚的合作关系,两个技术团队都给予了高度公开赞赏。
Besides, since the PM 9 project, we have established a very high cooperation level between Saica and Voith, with a high and open commitment of the two technical teams.
电台担了极其重要的社会作 用,是人民群众最广泛使用的通讯方式,每个区至少有一个社区电台。
Radio assumes a highly important social function as the means of communication most used by the population, and all districts have at least one community radio.
在众多1000GMS的新设计功能中,GAMA™ 2.0 (格里森自动测量和分析系统),Windows®  “目标定向” 应用软件包最为强大,它们不仅极大地提高了测量速度,而且还提 了极 佳 的 菜单驱动式的人机交互界面,大大简化了日常操作。
Among the many new design features now available on the new 1000GMS is the powerful GAMA™ 2.0 (Gleason Automated Measurement and Analysis), Windows® “object oriented” applications software suite, which offers users not only significantly faster cycle times, but also a highly desirable menu-driven human/machine interface that greatly simplifies day-to-day operation.
双 年度第二年果断地进行了机构精简和合理化调整,从而使情况 了极 大 的好转,并为制订一项可行的方针政策 并在此基础上继续将大部分文件外包奠定了基础。
Resolute streamlining and rationalization action undertaken during the second semester of the biennium made it possible to substantially improve the situation and to lay the foundations for a possible policy approach based on progressive outsourcing of the greater part of the production.
[...] 次非正式磋商表示祝贺,中国也参加了这几次磋商, 并为达成共识表现了极大的灵活性。
Her delegation was grateful that the main sponsor of the draft resolution had held several informal
consultations; it had taken part in those consultations
[...] and had shown great flexibility with [...]
a view to reaching a consensus.
亚太经社会代理副执行秘书 Nagesh Kumar
[...] 先生在其欢迎致词中 指出,亚太区域受了极端气候事件增加的影响,经历了一些前所未 [...]
有的大规模灾害,并说,这些灾害不仅造成了直接的经济损失和生命 损失,也对人类发展造成了长远的影响。
The Acting Deputy Executive Secretary of ESCAP in his welcoming address noted that the
Asia-Pacific region had been affected by
[...] an increase in extreme weather events [...]
and had witnessed unprecedented large-scale
disasters which not only caused immediate economic damage and loss of life, but had a lasting impact on human development.
那时,巴拉圭遭到了三国联盟的破坏、抢劫和掠夺,陷 了极 度 贫困当中; 不过,在当时的美国总统拉瑟福德·海斯的调解下,巴拉圭通过占领军指派的临 [...]
时政府收回了查科地区的部分领土,这个地区当时是被阿根廷占领,阿根廷与巴 西一样吞并了巴拉圭大片富饶的土地。
As a result, Paraguay was invaded, sacked and
[...] pillaged, and thrown into extreme poverty; but under [...]
a provisional Government appointed by
the occupation forces it was still able, through an arbitral award by United States President Rutherford B. Hayes, to retain the part of the Chaco (western region) claimed by Argentina – which, like Brazil, annexed large and rich territories.
我们的设身处地为用户着想的设计理念使我们的产品达 了极 高 的 易用性,只需轻点鼠标+简单录入即可完成商城管理。
We put ourselves in the design concept for the sake of users, so that our products meet a high ease of use, simple click of the mouse input to complete the mall management.
一个现代化厨房,颜色及形状清新不俗、与众不同、极具感染力,而且最重要的是它选 了极 为 “坚实”且质感浑厚的材料:经过锈迹效果加工处理(镀铜金属)、消光处理(花岗岩台面)或通过其他处理, 给人带来一种天然、本色的印象,时刻提醒我们烹饪是一个古老的仪式。
A contemporary kitchen with fresh appeal, distinctive in its colour and shapes, but above all in its choice of very “concrete”, tactile materials: processed and treated with a rusted effect (the bronze-finish metals), with a mat finish (the granite work-tops) or put through procedures that give a raw, earthy impression, and remind us that cooking is an ancient rite.
2006 年开展的社会经济影响研究说明,艾滋病毒对受影响家
[...] 庭的就业、收入、储蓄和入学情况造 了极 大 的不利影响。根据这项研究结果, [...]
开发署启动了一项多管齐下的宣传和技术支助战略,参与该战略的有国家艾滋 病控制组织、各邦办事处和民间社会组织,包括艾滋病毒感染者网络。
Based on a
[...] socio-economic impact study done in 2006 that showed [...]
considerable negative impacts of HIV on employment, income,
savings and school attendance in affected households, UNDP launched a multi-pronged strategy of advocacy and technical support involving the National AIDS Control Organization, state offices and civil society organizations, including networks of people living with HIV.
现在,通过共同使用一家保 险公司,已使特派团工作人员的保险标准化,为实施和监测与保险相关的系统提了极大便利,这些系统鉴定并向保险公司提供数据。
Insurance for mission staff has now been standardized through a common service provider, greatly facilitating the implementation and monitoring of insurance-related systems that validate and transmit data to the insurance provider.
应莫桑比克政府的邀请,2004 年 5 月 14 日星期五至 18 日星期二,就《2006--2007 年 计划与预算草案》(33 C/5)举行了总干事与非洲地区全委会的磋商会议,莫桑比克教科文 组织全国委员会和教科文组织马普托办事处在后勤方面给 了极 为 宝 贵的支持。
At the invitation of the Government of Mozambique, the Director-General’s Consultation on the Draft Programme and Budget for 2006-2007 (33 C/5) was held in Maputo from Friday 14 to Tuesday 18 May 2004, with the invaluable logistic support provided by the Mozambique National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Office in Maputo.
当前中国面临的情况是:由于中央、省级和私营 层面之间的利益冲突,能源政策的制定与执行遭了极大的阻碍。
This is being done in a situation where policymaking and implementation are hindered by competing interests at the state, provincial and private levels.
许多发展中国家没有节制地使用生物量,给人类健康和环境都造 了极 大 的危 害。
The rampant use of biomass in many developing countries poses significant hazards to human health and the environment.
我们同南非一道于 2007 年在开普敦举办了第一 次这种区域讲习班,对确定非洲联盟如何进行安全部 门改革的进程以及对加强非洲联盟同联合国在安全 部门改革领域中的合作,作了极大 贡 献。
The first such regional workshop, which we organized together with South Africa in Cape Town in 2007, contributed a great deal to the process of defining the African Union’s approaches to security sector reform, as well as to enhancing the African Union-United Nations cooperation in the area of SSR.
人们发现,在因 加入《蒙特利尔议定书》相对较晚或经济政治形势不稳定而导致消耗臭氧层物质淘汰进程 的执行工作处于较低级阶段的国家,该方案的影响最为显著,在那里,各自的情报处为加 速以履约为目标的进程做了极大的 贡献。
The most significant impact of this programme has been identified in the case of countries less advanced in the implementation of the ODS phase-out process due either to the relatively late accession to the MP or to unstable economic or political conditions where the respective information services have contributed most to speeding up the process towards compliance.
欧洲委员会和项目合作伙伴认为欧洲地名项目是一项十分成功的项目,它现 在为欧洲地理协会及其成员、欧洲国家制图和地籍局协会提 了极 佳 的机会,以 国家和欧洲空间资料基础设施的参考资料提供者的身份,来满足今后的需要(例 如欧洲共同体空间信息基础设施 INSPIRE)。
Recognized as a very successful project by the European Commission and the project partners, EuroGeoNames now provides excellent opportunities for EuroGeographics and its members, the European association of national mapping and cadastral agencies, to meet future requirements (e.g., INSPIRE) in their role as reference information providers for national and European spatial data infrastructures.
我们从秘书长报告(S/2010/318)中看到,尽管阿 富汗政府和国际社会作了极大的努力,但该国的整 体安全局势依然严峻。
We note from the Secretary-General’s report (S/2010/318) that, in spite of the strong efforts of the Afghan Government and the international community, the overall security situation in the country remains serious.
数据安全性也通过集中存储数据得 了极 大 增 强。
Data security is also greatly enhanced through data being stored centrally.
各位部长表示严重关切,当前的全球金融和经济危机已开始通过不断显现 的保护主义威胁到全球贸易,特别是在发达国家,给发展中国家的出口造了 极为不利的影响。
The Ministers expressed serious concern over the adverse impacts of the current global financial and economic crisis on global trade through, inter alia, rising protectionism, in particular, in developed countries which have serious adverse impact on the exports of developing countries.
[...] 他边缘群体流离失所,继而引发了资源冲突,粮食主权也受 了极 大 的 威胁。
Thus, small farmers, peasants, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, fishers and other marginalized communities
that depend on common property resources are displaced, creating resource
[...] conflicts and greater threat to food [...]
(b) 除了极有限 的案件之外,其不受理被告事实证明;(c) 没有考虑 作为被告的公共利益;或者(d) 它假设所控的诽谤申诉是恶意的,由被告承担举 证责任。
The author maintains, in particular, that the criminal sanction of imprisonment established by the Philippine Revised Penal Code for libel is neither necessary nor reasonable, because of the following reasons: (a) there are less severe sanctions available; (b) it admits no proof of truth as a defence except for very limited cases; (c) it does not take into account the public interest as a defence; or (d) it presumes malice in the allegedly defamatory statements placing the burden of proof on the accused.
尽管实施的挑战相当 大,大量动议已经(加上市场刺激)帮助创 了极 大 改 善可持续渔业前景的系统 和行动的“道德圈”。
Although the challenges of implementation can be considerable, a number of initiatives have, together with market incentives, helped to create the prospects of a “virtuous circle” of systems and actions that can significantly improve the prospects of sustainable fisheries.
中国对空间碎片和其他重大问题进行研究,并在减灾防灾、空间科学 技术以及发射服务领域进了极有成 果的国际交流与合作。
It actively conducted research on space debris and other significant issues and engaged in highly productive international exchanges and cooperation in the areas of disaster mitigation and prevention, space science and technology, and launch services.
2005-2007年,我们对技术平台进行了全面检修,使得我们拥有了领先竞争对手的优势,因为我们的电话和网络系统真正实现了整合,我们独特的系统架构在支持客户不断发展的技术标准和要求方面也给他们提 了极 大 的 灵活性。
The major overhaul of our technology platform from 2005-2007 has given us an edge over our competitors because our phone and web systems are truly integrated and our unique system
architecture allows clients tremendous flexibility in support of their evolving
[...] technological standards and requirements.
这种制动方式提了极其出色的 操作特性(更平顺的扭力、更长的使用寿命、极佳的扭 力再现性、更高程度的可控性、极低的维护成本和停机 时间),使其成为各种原物料加工过程中用来作为精确 张力控制的首选。
This method of braking provides far superior operating characteristics (smoother torque, longer life, superior repeatability, high degree of controllability, and less maintenance and down time) which make them the preferred choice for precise tension control during the processing of nearly any material, web or strand.
来自马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、中国大陆、台湾、香港和日本的 18
[...] 个确认车队参加了本次比赛,亚洲挑战赛的首个周末在两场竞争激烈的比赛中充分展 了极 致 、 永不妥协和纯粹的意大利超级赛车。
With 18 confirmed teams coming from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan,
the opening weekend of the Asia
[...] Series saw the brand’s extreme, uncompromising and [...]
quintessentially Italian super race cars
showcased at their best in two fiercely competitive races.




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