

单词 极为害怕

See also:

害怕 adj

afraid adj


be afraid
be scared

害怕 n

chill n

External sources (not reviewed)

防止酷刑小组委员会对大多数儿童和青少 年表露害怕遭到报复极为关切
The SPT was very concerned at the fears of reprisals expressed by most children and adolescents.
它还注意到举报害儿童 的暴力案件的程 极 其 耗 费时间,缺 乏作出反应为受影 响者提供照顾的全面措施。
It also noted that procedures for
[...] [...] reporting cases of violence against children were extremely long and lacked comprehensive measures to respond [...]
and provide care to those affected.
许多成员害怕,为寻求 特定的修订,他们将被迫在其它方面作出让步, 那将可能不会给他们带来净利益。
Many members fear that in seeking particular [...]
amendments they would be obliged to compromise elsewhere in ways that may not bring a net benefit to them.
提交人基于没有证实的怀疑害怕今 后 可能遭到恶劣对 待,但缔约国根据其对亚美尼亚的了解, 为 提 交 人的这一畏惧并不可信。
The author’s fear that he would suffer harsh treatment in the future is based on unsubstantiated suspicions, which the State [...]
party, given its knowledge of Armenia, considers implausible.
我知道有未成年人和女孩正在经历与我一样的遭遇,但他们 为害怕 而 不 敢说出来。
I know there are teenagers and girls who are going through the same situation and who don't
[...] speak out because of fear,” said Olga.
根据第31 号一般性建议(2005)
[...] ,委员会提醒缔约国,在种族歧视行为方面的申 诉、起诉或定罪的数字很小,这不一定可以看作是 极 的 , 因 为 它 也 可能表明害者害怕社会指责或报复,可能表明对警察和司法当局缺乏信任,甚至是当局对 歧视行为的申诉没有足够的警觉或者认识。
In light of its general recommendation No. 31 (2005), the Committee reminds the State party that the absence or small number of complaints, prosecutions and convictions relating to acts of racial discrimination
should not be viewed as
[...] necessarily positive, since it could also be an indicator of, inter alia, the victims’ fear of social censure [...]
or reprisals, the
lack of trust in the police and judicial authorities, or even that the authorities are insufficiently alert to or aware of complaints of acts of discrimination.
这种状况极为可怕的方式损害了《联合国宪 章》第十条,因为该条规定大会有权讨论《宪章》范 围内的一切问题或事项,或者与《宪章》规定的任何 机关——安全理事会、经济及社会理事会、托管理事 [...]
会、国际法院和秘书处——的职权和职能相关的任何 问题或事项,但明确规定的例外情形除外。
Such a state of affairs is the most appalling disservice to Article 10 of [...]
the United Nations Charter, which vests in the
Assembly the power to discuss any questions or matters within the scope of the Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any of the organs provided for in the Charter, namely, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat, save those expressly excluded.
我请求多给 Dina 一些时间,为我害怕她会因为意识到自己是智碍人士而感到难过。
I asked to be given time to
[...] inform Dina as I was afraid she’d feel uncomfortable [...]
because she was aware she was had intellectual disabilities.
实施了两个重大项目:其一是改进师资培训单元;其二是促进对 处境困难的儿童特别是流浪儿的预防教育,目标有二:(i)使儿童尤其是弱势儿童享受到《国 际儿童权利公约》规定的基本权利;(ii)保护这一小部 极为 脆 弱 的人群免受上述流行病的害或减少对他们的影响。
Two major projects have been implemented, one to improve teacher-training modules, the other to promote preventive education for children in difficult situations, in particular street children, with the dual aim of: (i) giving children, in particular underprivileged children, access to the fundamental rights set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and (ii) protecting or lessening the impact of the epidemic on this highly vulnerable section of the population.
提供此类服务的其他中介为害怕被罚 款或在美国的销售受到威胁,也不与古巴旅游实体建立关系。
Other intermediary providers of those services
refrain from dealing with Cuban tourist
[...] organizations for fear of being fined and [...]
seeing their sales in the United States threatened.
( 第六条) 忆及其提出的关于刑事司法的运作与管理的第31(2005号)
[...] 认为,对于没有关于种族歧视行为的申诉,不能理解为没有种族主义或种族歧 视,这可能是为受害者缺 乏对其权利的了解 害怕 报 复,复杂的司法程序限制 了受害者切实得到补救的可能性,对司法机构缺乏信任,或主管机构不愿进行法 [...]
Recalling its general recommendation No. 31 (2005) on the functioning and administration of the criminal justice, the Committee is of the view that absence of complaints of acts of racial discrimination cannot be understood as absence of racism or racial discrimination and that it can
be the result of lack
[...] of awareness of their rights by victims, fear of reprisals, complex judicial procedures [...]
limiting the
effective access to remedies by victims, lack of confidence in the judicial authorities or unwillingness of competent authorities to institute legal proceedings.
他接到与警察面谈的传唤,为非常 害怕 , 他 与家人逃离了阿曼,没有 参加面谈。
He was summoned to a police
[...] interview, became very afraid and fled Oman with [...]
his family instead of appearing.
对匿名证人有单独的条款,因为这类证人在审判恐怖主义案件中往往至关重 要 (他们也许为害怕被杀 ,或因身为不愿意或不允许透漏自己身份的情报人 员)。
Separate provisions concern anonymous witnesses, who are often
crucial in trials relating to terrorism
[...] (either because they fear for their lives [...]
or because they are intelligence officials
who are not prepared, or allowed, to disclose their identity).
为害怕失去 业务独立性、受关注度及调动资金的能力,不是所有的组织都采 [...]
The fear of losing operational [...]
independence, visibility and ability to mobilize funds explains why not all organizations are equally supportive.
一位代表对秘书处为支持他的国家所做出 的努力表极为赞赏,并说秘书处交流了此方面的知识,特别是关于 空间技术应用以建立抵御洪水害的 能 力。
One representative expressed profound appreciation for the secretariat’s efforts to support his country by sharing knowledge, especially regarding space technology applications to build resilience to floods.
委员会希望亚太经社会的印度洋和东南亚国家防范海啸、灾害和 气候变化多方捐助者信托基金能够成为一个增进本区域抵御各种害 的更为积极主动的机制,并为此呼吁国际社区对之提供更多的支持。
The Committee hopes that the ESCAP Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Tsunami, Disaster and Climate Preparedness in Indian Ocean and
Southeast Asian Countries
[...] becomes a more proactive mechanism to improve regional resilience to disasters and, in that [...]
regard, appeals to
the international community for additional support.
目前弥漫着互不信任的气氛,一方的得 就是另一方的失,这是对政治意愿 极 大 损 害 , 实 际上在破坏国际社会提供援助 的努力为冲突重新爆发埋下伏笔。
The current atmosphere of pervasive mistrust, in which any gain by one party is viewed as a loss by the other, dramatically undermines that political will, effectively disrupts international efforts to assist, and sets the stage for renewed conflict.
在 2011 年 12 月大会通过国际公务员制度委员会(公务员制度委员会)的休养 框架之前,行政首长理事会人力资源网外勤小组已确定一个频率在六周至六个月 不等的休养框架,而且,四周周期只能 为 框 架 外的一个例外措施在下列情况中 适用:使工作人员更加艰苦和隔绝的极端安全情况(例如,工作人员不得不在没 有自然光的掩体式住宿居住,社交活动非常有限,而且行动非常受限), 极端 的自然害情况(如海地地震)。
Prior to the adoption by the General Assembly of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) rest and recuperation framework in December 2011, the Human Resources Network Field Group of the Chief Executives Board for
Coordination had
[...] established a rest and recuperation framework with frequencies ranging between six weeks and six months, and the four-week cycle would be applicable only as an exceptional measure outside the framework under circumstances where the security situation was so extreme that it placed additional hardship and isolation on staff (e.g. staff had to be accommodated in bunker-like accommodation with no natural light, very limited social interaction and very confined movements) or extreme natural disasters (e.g. the earthquake [...]
in Haiti).
其次,由于所述外国人群体在其居留国与群体成员的国 籍国发生武装冲突时为国籍 国的利益对居留国采取武装敌对行动,所以这些群 体成员如被驱逐或在驱逐过程中不可能“因其政治意见或宗教信 害怕 受 到迫 害”。
Secondly, in so far as the group of aliens in question carries out its hostile armed activities in the interest of the State of
nationality of its members
[...] engaged in an armed conflict with the State of residence, the members of the group who have been or are being expelled cannot “fear persecution for [their] political opinions or religious beliefs”.
国际社会面对侵犯人权为的态 度不一致导致 了不确定性,引起了对正义的不信任,以 害怕出 于 意识形态或政治方面的考量而采用双重标准。
Lack of consistency on the part of the
international community with
[...] regard to human rights violations created uncertainty, undermined the credibility of the justice system and created the [...]
spectre of a system
of double standards based on ideological or political motivations.
另一名青年男子在受访时告诉代 表团成员,为害怕受到其他囚犯的歧视,他编造了他的民族身份。
Another young man interviewed admitted to members of the
[...] delegation that, for fear of being discriminated [...]
against by other inmates, he had lied about his nationality.
在某些文化背景下,由于二三十年前手术过程中发生了因麻醉而死亡的案例,因此全身麻醉往往是令 害怕 和 需 要 极 力 避免的,这种情况仍然时常发生。
In some cultures general
[...] anesthesia is often feared and avoided because [...]
20-30 years ago death during surgery from anesthesia
was still a frequent occurrence.
开发署“提供保护以免遭报复”政策的宗旨是要确保有责任举报不当 为并 配合审计和调查的工作人员不会 害怕 报 复 而不举报。
The aim of the UNDP “Protection against retaliation” policy is to ensure that staff members who have a duty to report
misconduct and cooperate with
[...] audits and investigations will not be prevented from doing so out of fear of retaliation.
使用者付费”和自愿模式可能被视为比较公平,因为这些方式不会对不使 用办公室服务或不为值得为将来 可能使用服务而缴款的人收取费用, 怕 是收 取极少费用。
User-pays” and voluntary models are likely to be viewed as more fair, as they do not impose costs, even nominal ones, on those who do not use the services of the Office or see no value in contributing in the event that they might use them in the future.
[...] 待,在这方面着重指出青年人极易受到各种形式和表现的种族主义、种族歧视、 仇外心理及相关不容忍为之害, 而且 也 极 易 受 各种崇尚新纳粹、新法西斯和其 他暴力意识形态的极端主义政党、运动及团体的影响
Emphasizing that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood, and in this regard underlining
the particular vulnerability of young people to all forms and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
[...] intolerance, and also to various extremist political parties, movements [...]
and groups
that are based on neo-Nazi, neo-fascist and other violent ideologies
[...] 修改或颁布了国家立法,以使本国司法机关的专职检 察官和法官能够将犯极其可怕罪行 的肇事者绳之 以法,不论他们是前总理、军事领导人或宗教领袖, [...]
At the same time, more and more countries have changed or enacted national legislation so as to allow dedicated prosecutors and judges in their own
jurisdictions to bring to justice the
[...] perpetrators of horrendous crimes, even if [...]
they are former prime ministers, military
or religious leaders or wealthy businessmen.
如第(3)款所规定的,时间要求以采购实体的合理需为准,在有限的情形下(例如,在 害 事 件后 的 极 端 情 况下),采购实体的合理 需要重于其他考虑因素。
The time requirement is qualified, as stipulated in paragraph (3), by the reasonable needs of the procuring
entity, which may in
[...] limited circumstances (for example, in cases of extreme urgency following catastrophic events) prevail [...]
over the other considerations.
强调指出以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土的定居点政策、 决定和活动对重启和推进和平进程以及实现中东和平具 极为 有 害 的 影
Stressing the extremely detrimental impact of Israeli settlement policies, decisions and activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, on efforts to resume and advance the peace process and to achieve peace in the Middle East
厄里斯给了他们所有的最糟糕的噩梦:Calissa不能游泳,沉入海洋底部的Kattrin在一切变得缓慢;雷纳塔 为害怕 和 胆 怯;李诗韵成了一个丑陋的鱼;米拉贝拉被封闭在一个狭小的空间。
Eris gave them all their worst nightmares: Calissa was unable to swim and sunk to the bottom of the
ocean; Kattrin became slow at
[...] everything; Renata became scared and timid; Selena [...]
became an ugly fish; and Mirabella became enclosed in a tight space.




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