

单词 极为

极为 ()





极为害怕 v

dread v

极为有用的 adj

invaluable adj

External sources (not reviewed)

我们也与其他代表一样,对今天上午提到的其 它局势感极为关切 ,包括在刚果民主共和国、马 里、苏丹和南苏丹等。
We also share the strong concern of others about the other situations that have been mentioned this morning, including in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, the Sudan and South Sudan.
穷人的生活状况也因其需要将收入的 很大一部分用于购买食品而受极为 严 重 的影响。
The living conditions of the poor had been heavily affected due to the need to spend high shares of their income on food.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护极 为不 满或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
实施了两个重大项目:其一是改进师资培训单元;其二是促进对 处境困难的儿童特别是流浪儿的预防教育,目标有二:(i)使儿童尤其是弱势儿童享受到《国 际儿童权利公约》规定的基本权利;(ii)保护这一小部 极为 脆 弱 的人群免受上述流行病的 侵害或减少对他们的影响。
Two major projects have been implemented, one to improve teacher-training modules, the other to promote preventive education for children in difficult situations, in particular street children, with the dual aim of: (i) giving children, in particular underprivileged children, access to the fundamental rights set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and (ii) protecting or lessening the impact of the epidemic on this highly vulnerable section of the population.
不过,联邦法院和高级法院的诉讼对拟订和确立土著产权法律具 极为 重要 的现实意义,因此对近海的土著产权和利益而言值得研究,原因如下:主要 [...]
的法规:1993 年《土著产权法》(Cth),该法所主张的权利和利益能在普通法第 223(1)(c)条下得到承认;案例法也继续在注释方面提供指导,补充了对一般性
法律的注释;最后,有大量有说服力的司法和学术评论意见,将普通法的共同产 权概念与土著产权和利益进行了对比。
Nonetheless, litigation from the Federal and High Courts
remains highly relevant to the development
[...] and definition of native title law [...]
and this jurisprudence therefore merits an
examination in relation to native title rights and interests offshore, for numerous reasons: the main statute: the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), requires that the rights and interests claimed be capable of recognition under the common law in section 223(1)(c); case law also continues to provide interpretive guidance complementing the reading of the legislation in general; and finally, there is a persuasive body of judicial and academic commentary contrasting the common law concept of communal native title to statutory native title rights and interests.
极为重要 的是,军事司 法机关须立即将所有可能是侵犯人权行为的案例转交给普通的司法系统,同时重 新审查那些在没有得到适当调查情况下已经被军事司法机关结案的案例。
It is imperative that the military justice immediately transfer all cases of possible human rights violations to the ordinary justice system, and that cases that were closed by the military justice without proper investigation be revisited.
电力塔按其形状一般分为:酒杯型、猫头型、上字型、干字型和桶型五种,按用途分有:耐张塔、直线塔、转角塔、换位塔(更换导线相位位置塔)、终端塔和跨越塔等,它们的结构特点是各种塔型均属空间桁架结构,杆件主要由单根等边角钢或组合角钢组成,材料一般使用Q235(A3F)和Q345(16Mn)两种,杆件间连接采用粗制螺栓,靠螺栓受剪力连接,整个塔由角钢、连接钢板和螺栓组成,个别部件如塔脚等由几块钢板焊接成一个组合件,因此热镀锌防腐、运输和施工架 极为 方 便
power tower its shape is generally divided into: the wine glass type, cathead type, font, stem fonts and five bucket Purpose: Strain tower, straight line tower, angle tower, transposition tower(tower replacement wire phase position), terminal tower and across the tower, the structural features of the tower are space truss structure, the rod is composed mainly by single equilateral angle or combination of angle iron, material generally used Q235 (A3Fboth) and Q345 (16Mn), the connection between the rod crude bolt by bolt shear connection, the whole tower angles, connecting steel plates and bolts, the individual components, such as tower leg by a few pieces of steel plate
welded into a combinationparts, hot dip
[...] galvanized anti-corrosion, transportation, and construction is extremely convenient.
除了路线多样化和实施建设新的海上管道系统的联合项目外,欧洲 能源安全新结构另一极为关键的组成部分是建立跨欧洲能源网络,其 重点是建立区域结构和采取其他举措,包括实施大西洋能源安全倡议, 该倡议力求建立参与在大西洋盆地及以远地区开发和支助能源发展的政 府和私人行动者的合作网络。
Apart from diversification of routes and implementation of joint projects to construct new offshore pipeline systems, another vital element of the new architecture of the European energy security is the creation of Trans-European Energy Networks, which focus on regional formation and other initiatives, such as the Atlantic Energy Security Initiative, that seek to create a collaborative network of public and private actors involved in developing and supporting energy development in the Atlantic basin and beyond.
一位代表对秘书处为支持他的国家所做出 的努力表极为赞赏 ,并说秘书处交流了此方面的知识,特别是关于 空间技术应用以建立抵御洪水灾害的能力。
One representative expressed profound appreciation for the secretariat’s efforts to support his country by sharing knowledge, especially regarding space technology applications to build resilience to floods.
仅仅提到各方达成一项违反本规则的协议的可能性, 不会使调和以下两个问题成为可能:《实践指南》中的所有准则只是指示性的,
[...] 当事方仍然可以通过(有效)的相互间协议自由地离开这些准则;与上述情 极为 不同 的是,是否可以说,只因为其他各方保持沉默,就已经有了协议,这是非常 [...]
A mere reference to the possibility of parties reaching an agreement contrary to this rule would not have made it possible to reconcile these two concerns: quite apart from the fact that all the guidelines in the Guide to Practice are only indicative and parties remain free to
depart from them by (valid) agreement
[...] inter se, it is extremely doubtful whether [...]
an agreement could be said to have come
about merely because the other parties all remain silent.
[...] 资、资金、技术、技能和其他重要资 极为 重 要,并认识到,所有国家在各级做 [...]
出有效努力,预防和打击一切形式的腐败,是改善本国和国际商业环境的一个重 要因素
Convinced also that a stable and transparent environment for national and international commercial transactions in all countries is
essential for the mobilization of investment, finance, technology, skills and other
[...] important resources, and recognizing that [...]
effective efforts
at all levels to prevent and combat corruption in all its forms in all countries are essential elements of an improved national and international business environment
人权高专办只极 为一般的指导方针就能继续开展其工作,尽管迄今 为止尚未达成共识,但她希望各代表团能继续就该 问题建设性地开展工作,找到折衷的措辞以处理各 代表团真正关注的问题,并发出明确的信号支持人 权高专办极其重要的工作。
OHCHR required only very general guidelines to be able to continue with its work, and although no agreement had been reached thus far, she hoped that delegations would continue to work constructively on that issue and find a compromise that addressed delegations’ genuine concerns while sending a clear signal of support for the very important work of OHCHR.
最后,我要重申,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维 极为重 视 在冲突后重建社会时伸张正义和实行法治,视之为 旨在实现和解、稳定与持久、不可逆转和平的建设和 平战略的一种全面做法的组成部分。
Finally, I would like to reiterate the importance that Bosnia and Herzegovina attaches to justice and the rule of law in rebuilding post-conflict societies, as parts of a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding strategies aimed at achieving reconciliation, stability and lasting, irreversible peace.
安全理事会回顾其关于冲突后建设和平的各项主席声明,特别是 S/PRST/2009/23 和 S/PRST/2010/7,并重申建设和平作为冲突之后可持续和 平与发展的基础,具极为重要 的意义。
The Security Council recalls the Statements of its President on post-conflict peacebuilding, in particular S/PRST/2009/23 and S/PRST/2010/7, and reaffirms the critical importance of peacebuilding as the foundation for sustainable peace and development in the aftermath of conflict.
许多代表团的意见是,生物技术食品是法典委员会工作的重中之重,在国家一级, 对许多国家来极为重要,而且还认为检测和认证转基因材料非常重要,以确保食品安 [...]
Many delegations expressed the view that foods derived
from biotechnology were a high priority
[...] for Codex and of great importance to [...]
many countries at the national level, and that
the detection and identification of genetically modified material was essential in order to ensure food safety and to address consumer concerns.
有效的监测和报告机制,及时收集关于基于性别暴力的准确 数据,对于确定潜在的武装冲突局势和提供暴力犯罪者资料 极为 重 要
Effective monitoring and reporting mechanisms to gather timely and accurate data on gender-based violence are essential both in terms of identifying potential situations of armed conflict and providing information on the perpetrators of violence.
因此,除了拟订电子可转移记 录的法律条文,发展适当的基础设施对于顺利使用这些记 极为 重 要
Therefore, in addition to the preparation of legal provisions for electronic transferable
records, the development of an adequate
[...] infrastructure was of great importance for [...]
the successful use of those records.
各位部长进一步表极为关切 甲型猪流感(H1N1)疫情出现和蔓延带来的 [...]
威胁;请世界卫生组织和国际金融组织向受影响国家提供充分的后勤和财政支 助,以便迅速有效地抑制该流行病的传播,并向受影响国家提供充分援助,以 防该疾病进一步爆发。
The Ministers
[...] further expressed deep concern over the [...]
threat posed by the emergence and spread of Swine flu A (H1N1); and
requested the World Health Organization and the International Financial Organizations to provide full logistical and financial support to the affected countries, in order to combat this epidemic promptly and effectively as well as provide adequate assistance to affected countries to prevent further outbreak of this disease.
在全面执行《条约》极为重要 的事项中,代 表团同意采取三项具有前瞻性的行动计划;重申实 现《条约》普遍性和落实 1995 年审议和延期大会上 通过的关于中东问题的决极为重要 ;并审议了需 要制定核武器公约,在一个具体的时间框架内全面 消除核武器,还需要就消极安全保证问题制定一项 具有法律约束力的文书。
Among the issues of vital importance for the full implementation of the Treaty, delegations had agreed on three forward-looking action plans; had reaffirmed the critical importance of the universality of the Treaty and the implementation of the resolution on the Middle East adopted at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference; and had examined [...]
the need for a nuclear
weapons convention for the total elimination of nuclear weapons within a specified time frame, as well as a legally binding instrument on negative security assurances.
应莫桑比克政府的邀请,2004 年 5 月 14 日星期五至 18 日星期二,就《2006--2007 年 计划与预算草案》(33 C/5)举行了总干事与非洲地区全委会的磋商会议,莫桑比克教科文 组织全国委员会和教科文组织马普托办事处在后勤方面给予 极为 宝 贵 的支持。
At the invitation of the Government of Mozambique, the Director-General’s Consultation on the Draft Programme and Budget for 2006-2007 (33 C/5) was held in Maputo from Friday 14 to Tuesday 18 May 2004, with the invaluable logistic support provided by the Mozambique National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Office in Maputo.
他们极为关注正式批准会对消费者对那些来自醋酸美伦孕酮处理的动物产品信心的影 响。
They also had significant concerns regarding the impact of an approval on consumer confidence in the safety of products derived from animals treated with melengestrol acetate.
[...] 的数据收集工作和开发新的评估方法,因为虽然内陆渔业资 极为 重 要,但其 经济、社会及营养功能和对生计及粮食安全的贡献却常常被低估。
Taking all of these considerations into account, FAO is leading efforts to improve data collection and develop
new assessment methodologies for inland
[...] fishery resources that are so important [...]
but often underestimated in terms of their
economic, social and nutritional benefits and contribution to livelihoods and food security.
在这方面,会员国为极为重要 的 是良好的森林治理、保有权、地方参与、跨部门和因地制宜的政策框架及更多资 金和政治承诺。
In this respect, good forest governance, tenure security, local participation, cross-sectoral and landscape-level policy frameworks, as well as increased funding and political commitment, were considered of high importance.
虽然对倡导民族、种族或宗教仇恨的言 论,尤其是这种言论煽动暴力极为 担 忧 ,但美国代 表团相信,最好的解药就是坚决反对歧视和仇恨犯罪 的法律保护、积极向种族和宗教团体展开宣传以及大 力提倡言论自由,而不是禁止和处罚。
While greatly concerned about speech advocating national, racial or religious hatred, especially when it included incitement to violence, his delegation believed that the best antidotes were robust legal protections against discrimination and hate crimes, proactive government outreach to racial and religious groups and vigorous freedom of expression, rather than bans and punishments.
驻日内瓦的永久代表对以下方极为 重 要:确保高质量的信息流回各首府;参与非正式的 磋商与谈判;与相似国家建立联盟;具备主持会议资格;更好地从秘书处获得服务和援 助。
Permanent representation in Geneva is important for ensuring good information flows back to capitals; participation in informal consultations and negotiations; alliance building with likeminded countries; eligibility for chairing meetings; and to enable better access to the services and assistance available from the secretariats.
执行委员会审查了申请延长多米尼克体制建设项目的报告 极为 关 切 地注意到 多米尼克未能报告 2001 年 7 月 1 日至 2002 年 12 月 31 日管制期间的 CFC 消费数据, 其报告给臭氧秘书处的消费量高于其 1995-1997 年 CFC [...]
平均消费量,因此,多米尼 克在遵守《蒙特利尔议定书》规定的措施上可能存在困难。
The Executive Committee has reviewed
[...] the report presented with the institutional strengthening project renewal request for Dominica and notes with great concern that [...]
Dominica failed to
report CFC consumption data for the control period 1 July 2001 – 31 December 2002 and that the consumption levels reported to the Ozone Secretariat is higher than its 1995-1997 average CFC consumption and that, as a consequence, Dominica may have difficulties in complying with the Montreal Protocol measures.
在论坛内部,两性平等 观点代表权方面的现有安极为不足 ,限制了论坛的有用程度,以解决气候变化 [...]
Within the Forum,
[...] current arrangements for the representation [...]
of gender perspectives are grossly inadequate, limiting the
degree of usefulness of the Forum in addressing climate change and taking advantage of opportunities for a green economy and demands on States to meet global environmental goals.
喀麦隆作为联合国和其他国际组织的一名成员 极为 关 注威胁国际安全与和 平的问题,尤其是化学、生物和核武器及其运载工具的扩散,并关注采取措施, 确保这些武器不落入非国家行动者,尤其是恐怖分子手中。
As member of the United Nations and other international organizations, Cameroon is highly concerned [...]
with issues that threaten
international security and peace, especially the proliferation of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and their means of delivery, as well as taking measures to ensure that these weapons do not fall into the hands of non-State actors, especially terrorists.
此外,对此案件人道主义情况的总体评估也未显示出有任极 为非同 寻常的情况,可令瑞典当局根据《外籍人法》第2章第4 节考虑批准其居 住许可。
Furthermore, an overall assessment of the humanitarian circumstances of the case, including his health status, did not reveal any exceptionally distressing circumstances to make the Swedish authorities consider granting a residence permit under chapter 2, section 4, of the Aliens Act.




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