单词 | 板 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 板noun—bossn板—catch sight of in a doorway (old)Examples:老板娘—lady boss boss's wife female proprietor 老板n—honchon 老板pl—proprietorspl 老板—business proprietor Robam (brand)
迎接一个有信誉的公司的老板,通常要求审查他的脸,探索是否真正体现了他所领导的品牌个性。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Encountering the bossofa reputable [...] company, one usually seeks to scrutinize his face and his personality in order to explore [...]whether truly embodies the brand he leads. en.horloger-paris.com |
对於入门者来说,可以列出与你有过接触的杂货店、加油站老板、乾洗店、发型师、私人教练等。 mediaink.monavie.com | For starters, list your grocer, service stationowner,dry cleaner, hairstylist, personal trainer, etc. media.monavie.com |
接着,老板带我 们到饭店餐厅,把我们俩交给餐厅主任,由他带领我们参观餐厅的规模。 4tern.com | Ross led us to the restaurant manager, he then took us for a quick tour of the restaurant. 4tern.com |
这可使你和同事不会受 到可能有的损伤﹐并且会让老板有机会在你的工作环境方面作出迁就。 bcepilepsy.com | It will protect you and your co-workers from potential injuries, and it [...] will give your boss the opportunity [...]to make accommodations in your working environment. bcepilepsy.com |
拓展您的业务 - 无论是州际性或国际性-都是一个让小企业老板兴奋的时刻。 servcorp.com.hk | Expanding your business - either interstate or internationally - is an exciting time for small business owners. servcorp.com.hk |
老板会从 薪资中扣除一小部分来付给IRD。 4tern.com | The employer will deduct your pay to IRD automatically. 4tern.com |
请勿随意更改使用码,更改後主机(老板机 )和 分机要重新设定,卡片要重开 卡,以免卡片无法使用. gauss.com.tw | Don't change PERIOD Code too often because once you change it, the MAKER and CHECKER need to be resetted and the card must be modified. gauss.com.tw |
这一消息引起了轰动之间的商人的地方,尤其是餐馆老板广场朱塞佩·朱斯蒂,“ 比萨餐厅的花园 这是运行一个家族企业,通过直接在该领域的经验基础上,保留字符熟悉的,但一直在寻找卓越的产品和技术,烹饪,以获得最终的产品总是远高於标准的HACCP逐年增长。 onlineristoranti.com | The news caused a sensation among the merchants of the place, particularly among restaurateurs Piazza Giuseppe Giusti, The pizza restaurant The Garden which is run a family business, growing year after year by building on the experience in the field directly, retaining a character familiar but always looking for the excellence of the products and technologies of cooking to obtain a final product always well above the criteria of HACCP . onlineristoranti.com |
如果你工作环境方面的改变或会减低发作的可能性﹐请与老板商讨。 bcepilepsy.com | If changes to your work environment may reduce the likelihood of seizures, [...] discuss themwith yourboss. bcepilepsy.com |
受雇於本会盲人工厂的视障顾客服务助理,他们为小型公司老板安排约会及会议,进行电话产品推销,并为附属於盲人工厂工作的视障钢琴调音师安排钢琴调音服务等。 hksb.org.hk | The visually impaired customer service assistants working in our Factory for the Blind, are capableof arranging appointments and meetings for small business entrepreneurs, doing cold calls for sales promotion and handling bookings of piano tuning services for the visually impaired piano tuners attached to the Factory for the Blind. hksb.org.hk |
俱乐部配备最新发展的四个曲目做更多的游戏同时,覆盖轨道板,AMF 老板评分系统的最快 pinspoterami [...] 评分。 vesna-pansionat.g-sochi.ru | The Club is equipped with four tracks on the latest development is [...] the fastest pinspoterami to play more games at the same time, covering [...] tracks-laminate, AMF BOSS scoring system [...]SCORING. g-sochi.ru |
底特律内的社区活动依区域有别,在又名「伍华德走廊」(Woodward Corridor)的市中心与中城区,「底特律中城」(Midtown Detroit)公司老板摩希 (Sue Mosey)长期推动社区倡议;商业区两侧亦有多个组织,努力改善底特律周边地区,也希望效法市中心近年来的成长经验,但任何成长都有阵痛期。 thisbigcity.net | Community efforts in Detroit can be bifurcated along geographic borders: in the Downtown and Midtown area, which includes the quintessentially Detroit Woodward Corridor, you have Sue Mosey, President of Midtown Detroit and the doyenne of Detroit community advocacy. thisbigcity.net |
系统功能 *为全功能完整之主机,因有开卡功能,故为老板专用*无印表功能。 gauss.com.tw | This full-function master card maker [...] is designed for BOSS tomake cards [...]so please keep it away from your employee to avoid cheating. gauss.com.tw |
初创公司老板或者发起人,专业资质、技术、独特 能力强,但是在吸引人才很弱。 gemconsortium.org | Bosses and founders of newly established [...] business who possess professional qualifications, technology and specialized skills [...]may be weak in attracting talents to join their company. gemconsortium.org |
公务经费将再度用於三至六座运动场馆上,而经济学家也将持续说明,场馆对周遭社区的财政助益等同於零(还有很多案例);球队老板将继续反对社会主义,同时运用政府背书的债券,并收下电视转播权合约的利润。 thisbigcity.net | Public funds will be used on between three and six sports stadiums and economists will continue to explain that the positive financial impact on surrounding neighborhoods is essentially null (and here’s more! thisbigcity.net |
在之前,DVR系统提供VGA分辨率的M - [...] JPEG质量优等,但是,寻求未来的扩展系统,药局老板装了松下HCM -581在柏林新开的定点。 plusteksecurity.com | Previously, the DVR system delivers M-JPEG in VGA resolution with fair quality, yet, [...] seeking after future expansion of the system, [...] the drugstore owner picked up Panasonic [...]HCM-581 for the store newly opened in Berlin. plusteksecurity.com |
1985年,TAG(技术前卫),迈凯轮F1车队的老板,收购豪雅表的品牌,并给出了各大媒体:引人注目的广告活动,一级方程式大奖赛的时间,世界杯高山滑雪运动员大使... [...] TAG Heuer豪雅注入强大的营销运动手表(S / EL,Kirium),其圆滑的线条和符合人体工程学的设计标志的钟表制造商。 zh.horloger-paris.com | In 1985, the TAG (Technical [...] Avant-Garde),owner of theMcLaren [...]Formula 1 team, acquired Heuer and gives the brand a major [...]media: advertising campaigns striking, timing of Grand Prix Formula 1, World Cup alpine skiing athlete ambassador ... TAG Heuer injected with powerful marketing for its sports watches (S / el, the Kirium) whose sleek lines and ergonomic design mark watchmaker. en.horloger-paris.com |
或者因为他们喜欢自己所做的事,或者因为 XANGO [...] 赞果产品让他们步伐轻快,又或者因为他们拥有城里最体恤员工的老板—他们自己。 xango.com.tw | It might be that XANGO products put a bounce in their step. Or it might have something to do with [...] havingthe best bossintown—yourself. xango.com.au |
因此,很多人都认同一个成功的创业家大都是一位优秀的销售员,而且他们 人际网络一定要够广,性格需要面面俱圆,不怕被人拒绝,遇强越强,不轻易放弃,他们视争取更 多客户及收入为企业目标,这才是老板成功 之道。 gemconsortium.org | She is not afraid of being rejected by other people. She is tough in facing up to challenges, does not give up easily, and sees acquiring more customers and income as her business goal. gemconsortium.org |
Gerry’s Grill 的老板因热爱品嚐美食,而决定开设一家能让顾客在惬意氛围下享受烧烤亚洲美食的餐馆。 hk.marinabaysands.com | The founder of Gerry’s Grill had a particular fondness for good food and this drove him to create a venue where guests can enjoy grilled Asian favorites in a relaxed atmosphere. marinabaysands.com |
领导力课程的目的是让人们知道如何领导,即预见到会发生什麽事,即传递,激励,如策划,组织,并得到玩家送上他们产生积极的影响,而不是相反,好的领导者是老板蔓延 的积极性,积极性,特别是如何协调和监督的目标和最终评估需要调整,以提高领导。 futbollab.com | The leadership course aims to enable people to know how to lead, namely foresee what will happen, namely transmit, motivate, such as planning, organizing, and getting players to send a [...] positive effect on them and not vice versa, the [...] good leader is bossspreadingpositivity, [...]enthusiasm and especially how to coordinate [...]and monitor the objectives and ultimately to evaluate the leadership needed to tweak to improve it. futbollab.com |
新委任的零塑料产品分享商MB Enviro-Healers的老板莫哈 末依斯甘达对人民对该产品的接受程度持乐观态度,指它将会受到有环保意识人民的欢迎,同时该公司也希望能协助打造一个更清洁和更永续性环境的社会。 insightsabah.gov.my | MB Enviro-Healers, the newly appointed distributor of Zero Plastic, headed by Mohammad Iskandar Shah Ali expressed great optimism that the Zero Plastic bags would be a hit among people who are environmentally conscious, and companies that wish to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable environment. insightsabah.gov.my |
其中他替Joy [...] Division拍摄的一张於Underground地铁站内的经典背影照片,正正跟乐队风格如出一辙,带出扣人心弦的无助失落感,那时Anton刚刚转到英国发展,一句英语也不懂,而Joy Division却是很有名气的Post-Punk乐队,Facto ry老板Tony Wilson对这张全背影的照片不大满意,相反乐队却极之欣赏其拍摄手法,接着还找他到《Love Will Tears Us [...][...]Apart》MV拍摄现场担任摄影师。 think-silly.com | After that shoot the band promptly hired him to be the set photographer for their iconic ‘Love Will Tears Us Apart’ music video. think-silly.com |
MD-7 能给您实现做老板梦想的机会,在您的国家或任何一个被搁置的区域,任何联邦,国家或任何一个区域也可以作为您的“经营领土”,成为我们产品的分配商。 md7skin.com | MD-7 is offering you the OPPORTUNITY to fulfill your entrepreneurial spirit by becoming the distributor of our products in your area or any area still available, be it state, country or region, can be your domain. md7skin.com |
(31) 进行商店老板、店舖老板或买办所经营(亦在其所有有关分店经营)的全部或 任何业务,尤其是购买、出售、制造以及买卖货品、商店、消耗物品、动产及 各种财物 hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk | (31) To carry on all or any of the businesses of store-keepers, shop-keepers, or compradores, in all their branches, and in particular to buy, sell, manufacture, and deal in goods, stores, consumable articles, chattels and effects of all kinds hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk |
奥利维尔精通英文、法文、西班牙文,对国际市场有深厚认识,并曾获多个公职奖项,包括新加坡体育理事会颁发的「新加坡最支持员工的老板」及新加坡保健促进局颁发的「新加坡保健领袖」。 dbs.com | His public service awards included "Singapore [...] most supportive boss" bythe Singapore [...]Sports Council and "Singapore H.E.A.L.T.H. [...]Leader" by the Health Promotion Board. dbs.com |