(f) 基於上文第 74 及 80 段说明的理由,涂谨申议员的第 二及三项对详题的修正案,以及李永达议员对详题的 修正案均不可提出。 legco.gov.hk | (f) for reasons stated in paragraphs 74 and 80, Hon James TO's second and third CSAs to the long title and Hon LEE Wing-tat's CSA to the long title are not admissible. legco.gov.hk |
他强调,他已依照有 关程序处理李永达议员的要求。 legco.gov.hk | He stressed that he had handled Mr LEE Wing-tat's request in accordance with the relevant procedures. legco.gov.hk |
他建 议将议员就处理李永达议员的建议所提出的各 个方案付诸表决。 legco.gov.hk | He suggested that the various options put forth by Members for handling Mr LEE Wing-tat's proposal be put to vote. legco.gov.hk |
内务委员会主席回应刘秀成议员时澄 清,李永达议员的建议是授权发展事务委员会 行使《权力及特权条例》所赋予的权力,而不 是委任小组委员会跟进有关事宜。 legco.gov.hk | In response to Prof Patrick LAU, the Chairman clarified that Mr LEE Wing-tat's proposal was to authorize the Dev Panel to exercise the powers under the P&P Ordinance, and not to appoint a subcommittee to follow up the matter. legco.gov.hk |
我亦在此顺便回答李永达议员的党友涂谨 申议员在6月 22日会议上的质询。 legco.gov.hk | I will also answer in passing to the question raised by Mr LEE Wing-tat's fellow party member, Mr James TO, in the meeting of 22 June. legco.gov.hk |
就李议员的质询,我希望先回应第(二)部分的质询,即是对补偿湿 地的标准和指引,然後再解释监察湿地的保育情况。 legco.gov.hk | I would like to respond to the second part of Mr LEE Wing-tat's question, that is, the standards and guidelines for compensatory wetlands, before explaining how we monitor the conservation of the wetlands. legco.gov.hk |
不过,想不到很有 逻辑、辩才很好的曾议员竟然说支持恢复二读辩论,是因为不想李永达议员 的工作不能见天日。 legco.gov.hk | Who would have thought that the very logical and eloquent Mr TSANG would say that they will support the Second Reading debate because they do not wish to see Mr LEE Wing-tat's work wasted? legco.gov.hk |
换言之,这项条文确是规管具误 导性或欺骗性的行为,但王永平局长当天回答李永达的质询时表示,当局只 可以规管销售行为,不可以规管合约。 legco.gov.hk | In other words, it is true that this section regulates misleading or deceptive conduct, however, when Secretary Joseph WONG replied to Mr LEE Wing-tat's question on that day, he said that the authorities could only regulate marketing practices but not contracts. legco.gov.hk |
鉴 於李永达议员的关注,她已指示人事编制小组 委员会秘书向政府当局转达李议员的关注。 legco.gov.hk | In view of Mr LEE Wing-tat's concern, she had already instructed the Clerk to ESC to relay his concern to the Administration. legco.gov.hk |
李永达议员提出的议案,目的是在现有基础上,在已有的客观资源上, 使香港这个已建立且具相当公信力和为市民所认同的唯一公营广播服务机 构,不论是在身份、管治架构和运作模式上,也能真真正正成为一个与国际 相称的公营广播服务机构。 legco.gov.hk | The purpose of Mr LEE Wing-tat's motion is to enable RTHK, the only public broadcaster established in Hong Kong with credibility and public recognition, to operate as a genuine public broadcaster, on the existing foundation and with the acquired resources, up to international standards in terms of status, governance structure and modus operandi. legco.gov.hk |
我很希望各位同事稍後可以支持李永达议员的议案,亦可以支持 何秀兰议员的修正案。 legco.gov.hk | I hope very much that Honourable colleagues can support Mr LEE Wing-tat's motion as well as Ms Cyd HO's amendment later on. legco.gov.hk |
潘国濂议员的修订动议较为可取,因为他㆒方面用较温和的态度指出㆗港两个政府在 重要的基建问题㆖要协调及配合,而另㆒方面又保留了李永达议员原动议的精神,促请 政府考虑到交通运输问题的重要性。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, at the same time the amendment motion retains the spirit of Mr LEE Wing-tat's original motion which is to urge the Administration to consider the importance of the transportation problems concerned. legco.gov.hk |
副主席先生,我谨此陈辞,支持李永达议员的动议。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Deputy President, with these remarks, I support the Honourable LEE Wing-tat's motion. legco.gov.hk |
李永达议员的议案很清楚,“积极研究把香港电台转型为‘香港公共广 播公司’的可行性,并就有关检讨及研究的结果进行公众谘询”。 legco.gov.hk | Mr LEE Wing-tat's motion has explicitly pointed out the need to "actively study the feasibility of transforming RTHK to become the Hong Kong Public Broadcasting Corporation, and conduct public consultation on the results of the review and the study". legco.gov.hk |
内务委员会主席表示,她会在议员就 此事表达意见後,请他们就如何处理李永达议 员的要求提出意见。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman said that she would invite Members' views on the handling of Mr LEE Wing-tat's proposal after Members had expressed their views on the matter. legco.gov.hk |
李永达参加角逐特首既提名有冇增加或者减少你对民主党既好感或者反感? hkupop.hku.hk | Has Lee Wing-tat's contest for the CE nomination increased or reduced your positive or negative feelings towards the Democratic Party? hkupop.hku.hk |
自 由 党 原 则 上 是 同 意 李永达议员的修正案,建 议政府 有 关 方 面可考虑在 人 口 稠 密 ,人流 量 较 高 的地区 开 辟 更多的 行 人 专 用 区 ,人车 分 隔 , 或 规划更 多 像 中 环 行 人 登 山 电 梯 等 该 类 项目。 legco.gov.hk | The Liberal Party agrees in principle with Mr LEE Wing-tat's amendment, which suggests that the relevant government departments should establish more pedestrian precincts in densely populated areas that have a high pedestrian flow, thus separating vehicular and pedestrian traffic. legco.gov.hk |
但是,无论如 何,据我了解,发展事务委员会主席刘秀成议员已接受李永达议员的 建议在本月底举行会议,希望我们就这宗个案再作详细交代。 legco.gov.hk | But in any case, as far as I understand it, the Chairman of the Panel on Development, Prof Patrick LAU, has accepted Mr LEE Wing-tat's proposal of holding a meeting at the end of this month in the hope that we can give further explanations on this case in detail. legco.gov.hk |
首先,客 户需要在库存周转时间(T A T)上有 明显的改进,这就需要全面检查整个 现有系统。 intermec.com.cn | Firstly, the customer requested a significant improvement in stock Turn-Around Times (TATs), which would require a thorough re-examination of existing systems. intermec.com.br |
对於李永达参加角逐特首的提名,分别有68%及73%被访市民表示有关角逐没有影响其对李永达及民主党的观感,但同时亦分别有15%及12%表示对李永达及民主党产生了负面的感觉。 hkupop.hku.hk | Regarding Lee Wing-tat's contest for the CE nomination, 68% and 73% of the respondents said it had no influence on their perceptions towards Lee Wing-tat and the Democratic Party respectively, 15% and 12% said their negative feelings towards Lee Wing-tat and the Democratic Party have increased. hkupop.hku.hk |
而店内管道交错的天花设计及布满滑浪贴纸的墙身令这地就像型格乡村乐队的音乐室。 ilovelkf.hk | Tatted up servers fill up the canvas of a dimly lit bar while visible ceiling pipes and skate stickers mock the studio of a too-cool suburban garage band. ilovelkf.hk |
7.6 李永达议员关注港台是否获得足够资源以落实数码化 措施,商务及经济发展局常任秘书长(通讯及科技)回应时表示, 除编配额外频谱供港台提供数码电视及新的数码声音广播服务 外,当局亦会以资金形式提供资源,以提升其电视录影厂、电 台播音室及制作设备的质素,并加以数码化,此外亦会提供人 手以推行新措施。 legco.gov.hk | Responding to Mr LEE Wing-tat's concern whether RTHK was adequately resourced to implement the initiatives on digitization, The Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology) (PS(CT)) said that on top of the allocation of additional spectrum enabling RTHK to provide digital television and new digital audio broadcasting services, resources would also be provided in terms of capital to upgrade and digitize its television and radio studios and production equipment, as well as manpower to launch the new initiatives. legco.gov.hk |
泰特族群的歧视,尤其是在进入公共场所、获 取住房和就业方面的歧视,并拨出追加资金,寻求以兼顾到罗姆族群,特别是游 民家庭的生活方式,包括增强这些民族语言的教学工作,适当解决将这些儿童融 入教育体制的问题,以确保这些儿童享有该体制所有各级的教育惠益。 daccess-ods.un.org | Roma, the Committee recommends that the State party take active measures to prevent discrimination against the Roma and Romani/Tater communities, in particular regarding their access to public places, housing and employment, and allocate additional resources to find appropriate solutions for integrating children from Roma and Romani communities, especially those from travelling families, into the educational system, to ensure that they benefit fully from all levels of the system, taking into account the community’s lifestyle and including an enhanced teaching provision in their language. daccess-ods.un.org |
民主派方面,何俊仁和李永达名单的支持者,亦同样超过三分之一是主要考虑政党因素,远高於陈伟业、梁耀忠名单和李卓人名单。 hkupop.hku.hk | On the democratic camp's side, over one-third of supporters of both Albert Ho's and Lee Wing-Tat's lists claimed their main consideration was the political party factor, which was far more than Albert Chan, Leung Yiu-Chung's and Lee Cheuk Yan's lists. hkupop.hku.hk |
首先,根据各名单自己报称的政治联系,我们很容易分出陈伟业、李永达名单、何俊仁名单、梁耀忠名单、李卓人名单和严天生名单是属於民主派。 hkupop.hku.hk | First of all, basing on the self-reported political affiliations of various lists, it could be easily identified that Albert Chan, Lee Wing-Tat's list, Albert Ho's list, Leung Yiu-Chung's list, Lee Cheuk-Yan's list and Yim Tin-Sang's list belonged to the democratic camp. hkupop.hku.hk |
思科和一个由本地及国际专家合作伙伴组成的团体——包括马来西亚领先的系统集成商Mesiniaga和KT U-城市咨询——将制定智能城市总体规划,包括基础设施和服务蓝图等内容。 tipschina.gov.cn | Cisco, and a consortium of local and international expert partners -- including Mesiniaga, a leading Malaysian system integrator, and KT u-City Consulting -- will develop, including smart city infrastructure and services blueprints amongst other deliverables, as part of the Smart City master plan. tipschina.gov.cn |
民主派名单中,除了陈伟业支持者中有较多「过档」李永达名单外,其余四张名单都保留大约五成半的票源给自己,另外二至三成游离於其他友好名单之间,应该是地区配票的结果。 hkupop.hku.hk | Among the democratic camp's lists, while relatively more Albert Chan's supporters had shifted to Li Wing-Tat's list, the other 4 lists could keep around 55% of vote shares for themselves. hkupop.hku.hk |