

单词 杭州湾

See also:


Hangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Zhejiang province in southeast China


Hangzhou n

surname Hang

External sources (not reviewed)

上海位于北纬31度14分,东经121度29分,地处太平洋西岸,亚洲大陆东沿,长江三角洲前缘,东濒东海,南 杭州湾 , 西 接江苏、浙江两省,北界长江入海口,长江与东海在此连接。
Shanghai is located at longitude
121″29″ East and latitude 31 “14″ North. The
[...] city is lying on the western coast of [...]
the Pacific Ocean and on the East border of the Asian continent.
我们的设备已经被用于三峡大坝、青藏铁路、南水北调 杭州湾 跨 海大桥、苏通长江大桥、胶州湾跨海大桥、高速铁路等多项国家重点工程,2009年作为首台国产搅拌站参与海阳核电FCD。
Our equipment have been used in the Three
Gorges Dam, Qinghai-Tibet Railway, South
[...] Water to North, Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Sutong [...]
Yangtze River Bridge, Kiaochow Bay Bridge,
high-speed railway, etc. national major projects.
底栖动物功能群多样性综合反映 杭州湾 南 岸大桥建设区域潮间带大型底栖动物群落变化情况 [动物学报  53(6): 1011–1023, 2007]。
Obtaining species diversity information from the analysis of the composition and diversity of functional groups helps us to understand changes in the ecological relationships underlying complicated community changes [Acta Zoologica Sinica 53(6): 1011–1023, 2007].
我国加入WTO后,随着全球新一轮产业结构的调整发达国家制造业正加速向我国沿海城市转移,因慈溪市是国务院批准的沿海经济开放区之一,地处中国经济发达的长三角地区,位于浙江省东部 杭州湾 南 岸 ,是正在兴建的世界最长的跨海大 桥 - - 杭州湾 大 桥 的南桥端所在地,东邻宁波,西近杭州,北与上海隔海相望,是一个位于沪杭甬经济金三角中的新兴城市,对本省及周边省份具有较强的辐射作用。
After China''s accession to the WTO, with the developed countries, manufacturing of the new round of global industrial structure adjustment are speeding up the transfer to the coastal cities in China, Cixi City, is approved by the State Council, one of the coastal economic open zones, located in China''s economically developed Yangtze River Delta regionlocated
in the eastern Zhejiang
[...] Province, the south bank of Hangzhou Bay, is being built the world''s longest cross-sea bridge - Hangzhou Bay Bridge, South [...]
Bridge end location, east
of Ningbo, West near Hangzhou, the north and Shanghai across the sea, is ain the new cities in the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo economic Golden Triangle, the province and neighboring provinces with a strong radiation effect.
该调查包括三个部分:首先是定义主要的污染“热点”问题,以制定短期的行动计划;其次为对主要污染排放物进行分析,通过建立复杂的计算机模型 杭州湾 的 纳 污能力进行评价;最后为制定一个环境保护和管理计划,包括相应的费用计划和资金计划,并就机构能力建设和规章制度安排提出建议。
The investigation comprised three main parts: first, the definition of major pollution ‘hot spots’ for a short-term action plan; second, the analysis of
emissions and an assessment of the
[...] assimilative capacity of the Hangzhou Bay area by means [...]
of sophisticated computer models and
finally an environmental protection and management plan including costed action programmes and financial plans plus recommendations on institutional and regulatory arrangements.
Positioned in East China's Zhejiang Province, the museum is dedicated to the heritage of silk making in China.
联索政治处的政治活动还包括在 2008 年 1
[...] 月和 2 月与过渡联邦议会一道通 过地方非政府组织在希州和海湾州 采 取建立信任措施。
The political activities of UNPOS also included sponsoring confidencebuilding measures in January and February 2008,
through local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), with the Transitional
[...] Federal Parliament in the Hiraan and Bay regions.
美通社是全球最大的企业通讯社,为企业和机构提供全球范围内的图文和多媒体新闻稿发布、媒体监测和情报、信息披露和投资者传播等服务,在北京、上海、深圳、成都 杭州 、 香 港、 湾 和 新加坡设有办公室。
Mr. Chen has an M.B.A. from UCLA and a B.A. degree from the Beijing Foreign Studies University.
(c) 第 3 区:盖州、海湾州和巴 科勒州(拜多阿)和希兰州西部:该区将部 署从布隆迪和乌干达招收的 [...]
12 000 名兵力(军警人员 2 500 名)
(c) Sector 3: Gedo, Bay and Bakool (Baidoa) [...]
and western part of Hiraan regions: the balance of the 12,000 troops to be generated
from Burundi and Uganda will be deployed in this sector (uniformed personnel strength: 2,500)
中美电动汽车与汽车生产商ZAP Jonway计划将于2010年9月11日(周六)在中 杭州 的 研 发中心招待来自加利福尼 州湾 区 委员会的一个贸易代表团,加州州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格预计将到访。
US-China electric vehicle and auto manufacturing venture ZAP Jonway
plans to host a trade
[...] mission from the Bay Area Council in California at its research and development facilities in Hangzhou, China on Saturday, [...]
September 11, 2010.
谷、巴塞罗那、柏林、北京、布里斯班、布里斯托尔、 布鲁塞尔、布达佩斯、伦敦中心区、成都、重庆、大连、
[...] 爱丁堡、欧洲地区、法兰克福、格拉斯哥、 广 州 、 杭州、 胡志明市、雅加达、香港、印度、日本、吉隆坡、卢森 [...]
堡、马德里、曼彻斯特、墨尔本、米兰、南京、纽卡斯 尔、巴黎、波兰、布拉格、青岛、罗马、首尔、上海、
沉阳、深圳、新加坡、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、台北、天津、 乌克兰、华沙、武汉、西安。
Coverage includes Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Central London, Chengdu, Chongqing,
Dalian, Edinburgh, Europe, Frankfurt,
[...] Glasgow, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, [...]
Hong Kong, India, Jakarta, Japan, Kuala
Lumpur, Luxembourg, Madrid, Manchester, Melbourne, Milan, Nanjing, Newcastle, Paris, Poland, Prague, Qingdao, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tianjin, Ukraine, Warsaw, Wuhan, Xian.
这需要将部队兵 力增至 17 731 名军警人员,还需要一系列增强能力和战斗力的手段,在行动需 要和切合实际的资源数量之间取得良好平衡,途径是:(a) 确定行动区的优先次 序;(b)
分阶段安排行动而不使预期目标产生重大变动;(c) 保持原有兵力,以 增强能力和战斗力的手段弥补兵力的不足;(d)
[...] 请埃塞俄比亚继续支持过渡联邦 政府/非索特派团在湾州、巴 科勒州和希兰州的行动;(e) 为过渡联邦政府安 [...]
It entails raising the troop level to 17,731 uniformed personnel and a set of enablers and force multipliers aimed at achieving a fine balance between the operational requirements and a realistic level of resources through (a) the prioritization of areas of operation; (b) the phasing of the operation without significantly altering the desired objectives; (c) trading force multipliers and enablers for troop levels by maintaining capability; (d) requesting Ethiopia to continue to provide support to
Transitional Federal Government/AMISOM
[...] operations in the Bay, Bakool and Hiraan regions; and [...]
(e) the provision of immediate operational
logistics support to the Transitional Federal Government security forces.
品牌」系列備受到好評,因此,我們會在夏季贊助該系列在數個內地 城市推出新的一輯,內容包括巡迴展覽及研討會,向內地企業推廣香
[...] 港的設計和品牌服務;同時,亦會贊助本年 8 月杭州舉行 的「轉型 升級‧香港博覽 2012」,以鼓勵內地企業在其產品提升及創新的大計 [...]
We will also sponsor the new edition of the well-received “Creativity-in-Business” series with roving seminars and exhibitions during the summer in several Mainland cities to promote Hong Kong’s design and branding services to
Mainland enterprises, and the “SmartHK
[...] 2012” to be held in Hangzhou in August this year [...]
to encourage Mainland enterprises to
engage Hong Kong’s creative industries in their upgrading and innovation.
杭州在地 理位置上靠近上海,我们坚信,以上海这一强大的经济发展区作后盾 杭州 也 一 定会有更多的商机。
We truly believe that Hangzhou with its close proximity to Shanghai will continue to show strong economic growth and many more [...]
businesses will be looking to move here.
個 人 遊 自 2003 年 7 月實施以來, 已 逐 步擴展 至廣東
省 21 個 市 、 北 京 、 上 海 ,福建 省 的福州 、 廈 門和泉 州 ,江蘇 省 的
[...] 南 京 、 蘇州和無錫 , 浙 江 省杭州、 寧 波 和 台 州 , 並在今年的 3 月 [...]
1 日 開 放 予 天 津 及 重 慶 市 。
Since the introduction of the Individual Travel Scheme (the Scheme) in July 2003, the Scheme has been extended gradually and currently covers 21 cities in Guangdong Province, Beijing, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Xiamen and Quanzhou in Fujian Province,
Nanjing, Suzhou and Wuxi in
[...] Jiangsu Province and Hangzhou, Ningpo and Taizhou in [...]
Jiangsu Province, and the Scheme has been
open to Tianjin and Chongqing since 1 March this year.
(c) 於 最 後 實 際 可 行 日 期,各
董 事、獨 立 財 務 顧 問、羅 兵 咸 永 道 會 計 師 事 務
[...] 所、估 值 師 及 國 浩 律 師 集 團杭 州)事 務 所 於 本 集 團 任 何 成 員 [...]
公 司 自 二 零 零 七 年 三 月 三 十 一 日(即 本 公 司 最
近 期 公 佈 經 審 核 綜 合 財 務 報 表 之 編 製 日 期)起 已 經 收 購 或 出 售 或 租 賃,或 擬 收 購 或出售或租賃之任何資產中,概無擁有任何直接或間接權益。
(c) As at the Latest Practicable Date, none of the Directors, the Independent Financial Adviser,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Valuer and
[...] Grandall Legal Group Hangzhou Law Firm had any direct [...]
or indirect interest in any assets
which had been acquired, or disposed of by, or leased to any member of the Group, or was proposed to be acquired, or disposed of by, or leased to any member of the Group, since 31 March 2007, the date to which the latest published audited consolidated financial statements of the Company were made up.
客人来西湖旅游,不能错过闻名世界的龙井茶种植园 杭州 的 夜 市,您一定可以淘到不少小饰品和纪念品。
A visit to the world-famous Long Jing (Dragon Well) Tea Plantation is a must, as is the night market with all sorts of trinkets and souvenirs for sale.
这一最新举措之前,中国移动在深圳采取了类似的措施,进行另一项4 G试验网络,今年初一名高管称深圳 杭州 网 络 今年年底可投入商业化服务。
This latest move comes after China Mobile took similar steps for another one of the 4G trial networks in Shenzhen, and follow comments by
a top executive earlier this year that
[...] the Shenzhen and Hangzhou networks could [...]
be ready for commercial service by the end of this year.
参与此次交易的另外21家银行包括:Rabobank International、苏格兰皇家银行与苏格兰皇家银行(德国)有限公司、 湾 第 一 银行新加坡分行、印度海外银行新加坡分行、卡塔尔国家银行新加坡分行、大华银行有限公司、澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司、三菱东京UFJ银行株式会社新加坡分行、英国阿拉伯商业银行、中国信托商业银行有限公司新加坡分行、瑞弗森国际银行集团有限公司新加坡分行、东亚银行有限公司新加坡分行、天顶银行(英国)有限公司、巴西银行、 湾 银 行 新加坡分行、恒生银行有限公司、泰京银行(大众)有限公司新加坡分行、兆丰国际商业银行股份有限公司新加坡分行、印尼国家银行新加坡分行以及阿拉伯法国联合银行。
The 21 participating banks joining the Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers in the transaction include: Rabobank International, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS (Deutschland) AG, First Gulf Bank PJSC, Singapore Branch, Indian Overseas Bank, Singapore Branch, Qatar National Bank SAQ, Singapore Branch, United Overseas Bank Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Limited, Singapore Branch, British Arab Commercial Bank plc, Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co.
本项目覆盖空中客车公司北京、成都、福州、甘肃、 广 州 、 杭州 、 南 京、青岛、上海、沈阳、深圳和西安等20个城市的VPN代维服务,服务范围包括MPLS [...]
The project covers AIR BUS VPN commissioned maintenance services in 20
cities, sush as Beijing, Chengdu, Fuzhou,
[...] Gansu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qingdao, [...]
Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Xi'an
and etc. Services include MPLS VPN network, central and client terminal equipment on-site maintenance services.
目前,舍弗勒大中华区拥有员工6,000多名,在安亭设有1个研发中心,在太仓、苏州、宁夏设有6个生产基地,在北京、上海、沈阳、广州、南京、济南、成都、武汉、太原、重庆、西安、天津、大连 杭州 、 长沙、哈尔滨、郑州、香港、台北、台中设有20个销售办事处。
Schaeffler Greater China has over 6,000 employees, one R&D center in Anting, six production bases in Taicang, Suzhou, Ningxia and twenty sales offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Jinan, Chengdu,
Wuhan, Taiyuan, Chongqing, Xi’an,
[...] Tianjin, Dalian, Hangzhou, Changsha, Harbin, [...]
Zhengzhou, Hong Kong, Taipei and Taichung.
10月31日在中杭州举办 的中日韩化学品管理政策公开宣讲会上,韩国方面主讲人金弼济先生证实,韩国K-REACH法案已经提交韩国国民议会,预计在2013年上半年发布,并于2015年开始生效。
Speaking at the Open Seminar on
Chemicals Management Policies among China,
[...] Japan and Korea, in Hangzhou of China in 31 Oct [...]
2012, Mr. Pilje Kim confirmed that the
South Korea’s proposed Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals (K-REACH) has been submitted to National Assembly and will be released in the first half of 2013.
Scott Highton常驻在州湾区, 专业领域涉及多媒体摄影,企业摄影以及场景摄影。
Scott Highton is based in
[...] the San Francisco bay area, specializing [...]
in multimedia, corporate and location photography.
林宥嘉的最新巡迴演唱會 <神遊>
[...] 於2011年8月展開,並已先後在台北、上海、 州 、 杭州 、 北 京、成都、深圳、香港、新加坡及倫敦舉行,演出大受好評。
His current world tour Fugue kicked off in August 2011 and has
already travelled to Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing,
[...] Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong [...]
Kong, Singapore and London.
正泰太阳能还积极参于行业协会和技术联盟,是中国光伏产业联盟成员,浙江省光伏产业技术创新战略联盟副理事 长单位,浙江光伏光热及其装备技术产业创新联盟成员,以 杭州 市 光 伏产业协会会长单位。
In addition, Astronergy initiatively participates in industrial association and technical alliance. It is the member of China PV Industry Alliance, vice chairman company of Zhejiang PV Industry Technical Innovation Strategy Alliance, member of Zhejiang PV
Optothermal and Equipment Technical Industry Innovation Alliance and
[...] chairman company of Hangzhou PV Industry Association.
(c) 獨 立 財 務 顧 問、羅 兵 咸 永 道 會 計 師 事 務
[...] 所、估 值 師 及 國 浩 律 師 集 團(杭 州)事 務 所 已 作 出 且 並 無 撤 回 [...]
其 有 關 刊 發 本 通 函,按 本 通 函 之 形 式 及 文 義
載 入 其 函 件 及 於 通 函 中 引 述 其 名稱之同意書。
(c) Each of the Independent Financial Adviser,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Valuer and
[...] Grandall Legal Group Hangzhou Law Firm has given [...]
and has not withdrawn, its written consent
to the issue of this circular with the inclusion of the text of its letter and references to its name, in the form and context in which they respectively appear.
美国报告了以下方面的情况:它与印尼一道探索调查“珊瑚三角区” 内印度尼西亚水域深海栖息地和海洋生物之多样性和分布情况;为确定墨西湾 深海 珊瑚栖息地的特点开展的多年期合作;以及同新西兰举办的关于海洋和海洋 生物科学的双边研讨会,以太平洋盆地冷水珊瑚和其他脆弱海洋生态系统方面合 [...]
The United States reported on exploratory investigations with Indonesia on the diversity and distribution of deep-sea habitats and marine life in Indonesian waters
within the Coral
[...] Triangle region, on a multi-year collaboration to characterize deep-sea coral habitat in the Gulf of Mexico and [...]
on a bilateral workshop
with New Zealand on ocean and marine biosciences that focused on cooperative research on cold-water corals and other VMEs in the Pacific Basin.
[...] 国的国家小武器和轻武器问题委员会积极参与;执行 边境方案,特别是在跨界安全领域;建立和执行警务 合作机制,以便解决六个无法治地区的问题;通过与 西非国家经济共同体,当然还有我们的国际伙伴协 调,使《几内湾安全 战略》付诸实施;执行安全部 门改革政策,以便确保各国的军备可以被追查;提供 各种形式的支持,以确保解除武装、复员和重返社会 进程取得成功,到 2015 年达到约 90%的比率;以及在 信息、提高意识和社会网络方面加强民间社会组织。
Looking to the future, the community’s efforts in this area will be focused on finalizing the legal instrument and its adoption by member States; boosting the active participation of national commissions on small arms and light weapons; implementing the border programme, especially in the area of cross-border security; drawing up and implementing a police cooperation mechanism to address the issue of the six lawless zones;
operationalizing the
[...] Gulf of Guinea securitization strategy in coordination with the Economic Community of West African States and, of course, with our international partners; implementing the policy of security [...]
sector reform in order
to ensure that State armaments are traceable; providing support of all types to ensure the success of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes at rates of around 90 per cent by 2015; and strengthening civil society organizations with regard to information, awareness-raising and social networking.
为了确保从整体上更好地协调国际教育局的计划, 将在与亚太地区教育与革新为发展服务计划(APEID)、教科文组织曼谷办事处和日本基金 会合作已编写的实例研究(东亚和东南亚)或正在筹备的实例研究(七个冲突后的境况), 培训活动(科索沃、阿富汗)及教育局的其它活动 [非洲关于开展政治对话培训的实例研 究、阿拉伯湾国家 教育局(ABEGS)项目等 ]之间建立协作机制。
In order to ensure the best possible overall consistency in IBE’s programme, the aim will be to create synergy between case studies already produced (South and South-East Asia) in partnership with APEID, UNESCOBangkok and the Japanese Fund or in preparation (seven post-conflict situations), training activities (Kosovo, Afghanistan) and other IBE activities (case studies on training and political dialogue in Africa, ABEGS project, etc.).




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