单词 | 来硬的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 来硬的 —get toughuse forceSee also:硬 adj—hard adj • stiff adj 硬—firm • good (quality) • resolutely • doggedly • able (person) 硬来—use force
从长远的角度来说,更为强硬的著作权保护可能有助于促进发展中国家本国文化业的发展, 前提是也必须具备其它影响此类行业发展的条件。 iprcommission.org | In the long term, stronger copyright protection may help to stimulate local cultural industries in developing countries if other conditions affecting the success of such industries are also met. iprcommission.org |
总统 和其他关键的改革者看起来对他们政治地 位 的 实力 很有信心,来自强硬派或者军队的严 重 阻力似乎不 太可能发生。 crisisgroup.org | The president and other key reformers seem [...] confident in the strength of their political [...] position, and serious pushback from hardliners or the military does not appear likely. crisisgroup.org |
CalTronic Flex 操作系统是一种适用于辊子计算和运行控 制 的 可 满足 未 来硬 件 需 求 的 操 作 系统。 voith.com | CalTronic Flex is future-compatible hardware for roll calculation and [...] operation. voith.com |
以前, 他们需要准备种类众多的有机硅来生 产不 同 硬 度 的 产 品 , 现在有了SILPURAN® 2410 A/B, 他们便可以根据具体的需要灵活调整产品的硬度, 只需准备一种有机硅原料便可生产出不同规格的产品。 wacker.com | Whereas they would previously have needed to stock many different grades of silicone if they wanted to make products of different hardness, they now have in SILPURAN® 2410 A/B a product whose hardness can be flexibly adjusted to suit the intended application. wacker.com |
通常会利用排定的休庭时间来对法 庭进 行硬 件和 软件系统方面的基本维护,以及起草判决书和裁决书。 daccess-ods.un.org | The scheduled recesses are normally used to carry out essential maintenance of courtroom hardware and software systems, [...] as well as for [...]drafting judgements and decisions. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的安全 PLC 系统给复杂的安全应用项目带来了传 统 PLC 系统的好处,取代了使自动化过程达到安全状态通常所 需 的硬 接 线 继电器系统。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | Our Safety PLC systems bring the benefits of [...] traditional PLC systems to [...] complex safety applications, replacing the hard-wired relay systems normally required to bring automated processes to a safe state. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
还有一个建议 — 强调建议您将新的硬盘 安装在计算机中相同的位置,并使用与 原 来硬 盘 相同 的电缆 和相同的接口(当然有时是无法实现的,如旧的驱动器是 IDE 接口而新的驱动器为 SATA 接口)。 seagate.com | One more recommendation - it is [...] highly recommended to [...] install the new hard drive to the same position in the computer and use the same cable and the same connector as for the original drive (though [...]this is not always [...]possible, e.g. the old drive may be an IDE and the new drive may be a SATA). seagate.com |
毋庸置疑,Torrent Stream就是这样一款充满魔力的应用程序,方便你观看电视节目和体育比赛,同时又无需下载大量的电影和电 视 来 占 据 你电 脑 硬 盘 的 内 存,就是如此便捷。 torrent-stream...n.uptodown.com | Torrent Stream is almost a magical application that will allow you to watch movies [...] and sports events with excellent audio and [...] video quality, but without having to download tons of GB onto your hard drive. torrent-stream...n.uptodown.com |
高效紧凑 的设计实现了内部负载匹配,你可利用 PEII 系列多种不同的阻抗接头, 而无须另外的硬件,相比其它型号的 电 源 来 说 , 极大地节省了空间。 advanced-energy.net.cn | Their efficient, compact design offers internal load matching, which enables you to take advantage of the PEII [...] series’ wide tap range [...] without additional hardware and at significant space savings over other types of power supplies. advanced-energy.com |
避免咀嚼干硬和粗糙的食物,例如坚果、饼干、酥脆薄片和 坚 硬的 糖 果 ,因 为可能使本来已很 敏感的口腔粘膜受到摩擦损伤。 breastcancersingapore.com | Avoid chewing on dry, hard and coarse foods such as nuts, crackers, crisps, and hard candy that may cause friction and abrasion to the already sensitive mouth lining. breastcancersingapore.com |
该研究指出,不应该用这些公式来 准确 确定不同职能的人员配置水平,取代深思熟虑合理论证的预算提议,因为这 种僵化的方法可能造成情势发生时某些领域关键人员配置需求得不到满足,或者 不需要额外员额的领域硬是造成冗员。 daccess-ods.un.org | The study points out that the [...] formulae should not be used as a replacement for carefully considered and justified budget proposals to precisely determine staffing levels for various functions, because such a rigid approach carries the risk of the understaffing of areas that would be critically needed should special circumstances arise, or could force overstaffing in areas where additional posts are not needed. daccess-ods.un.org |
正由于材料良好的变形能力,在铺设这 些密封材料时比铺设较硬的高密 度聚乙烯材 料 来 说 更 容易。 lucobit.de | Because of their formability, it is easier to lay these sealing membranes on the construction site than stiffer HDPE membranes. lucobit.de |
从 2010/11 [...] 年度拟议预算(A/64/632)第五节 B 部 分提供的资料中,行预咨委会注意到,鉴于联苏特派团在整个任务区执行各项建 设项目的时限、其有限的能力以及旱季进行任何施工时间较短等因素,特派团决 定先兴建一些永久建筑物,以应付因部队重组 而 来 到 区 总部的工作人员的住宿需 求以及在州一级增多的实务人员,然后再替换任何现 有 的硬 墙 宿 舍。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee notes from the information provided in section V.B of the proposed budget for 2010/11 (A/64/632) that, given the time frame for UNMIS to implement the various construction projects throughout the Mission area, the limited capacity and the short time frame available during the dry season to undertake any construction work, the Mission determined that permanent structures would be built to cater for any shortfalls in accommodation requirements for staff in sector headquarters as a result of the [...] reconfiguration of [...] military units and the additional presence of substantive personnel at the state level, before any replacement of existing hard-wall accommodation. daccess-ods.un.org |
进 口禁令对缅甸的强硬派来说没 有明显的压力,他们 既不制定政治议程,其经济利益也不在制造业领 域。 crisisgroup.org | The measure would exert no [...] obvious pressure on hardliners in Myanmar, who [...]are not setting the political agenda and whose [...]economic interests are not in manufacturing. crisisgroup.org |
另外,我们建立了范围广泛的硬件平 台, 用 来 提 供 通用固 件,其中一些型号的固件具有模块化设计功能,其特性包括无线接口、附 [...] 加传统端口和集成智能卡读卡器。 igel.com | In addition, we [...] make a broad range of hardware platforms, with some [...]models offering a modular design that includes features [...]such as wireless, additional legacy ports and an optional internal smartcard reader. igel.com |
随时调整您的架构 使用通用组件和工具可让您根据应用需 求 来 选 择相 应的 硬件和软件。 cn.rockwellautomation.com | Using common components [...] and tools enables you to match your hardware and software to [...]the needs of your application. literature.rock...lautomation.com |
该小组助理将保持一份直接进出该办 公室的所有函件,特别是关于移交通知和结束任务报告的函件的电子日志;复制 并按照时间顺序保留办公室要求保存的所有这些函件和主题文 件 的硬 拷 贝,因为 联黎部队任务结束报告要求该办公室收集这些文件;在工作周延长期间,接待该 办公室的直接来访者 和接听电话,协助联黎部队行政文件的处理,以及视需要执 行其他管理工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Team Assistant will maintain an electronic log of all correspondence directly to or from the Office, in particular handover notes and End of Assignment Reports; reproduce and maintain in chronological order hard copies of and subject files for all correspondence required to be kept by the Office, which is mandated to collect all End of Assignment Reports for UNIFIL; attend to visitors and calls directed to the Office during extended coverage of the working week; assist with the processing of UNIFIL administrative documents; and perform other administrative duties as required. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,小组的消息来源都提到强硬分 子有 意进行这种袭击。 daccess-ods.un.org | The desire by hardline elements to conduct such attacks, however, is commonly cited by the Panel’s sources. daccess-ods.un.org |
标准 化工作站将带来硬件和 软件资产管理方 面 的 改 善,通过规模经济改进与供应商的 合同,并加强信通技术系统的安全性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Standardized workstations will [...] result in improved management of hardware and software assets, leverage [...]contracts with vendors [...]through economies of scale and enhance ICT system security. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这些原则的基础上,该计划制定了一系列循序渐进的行动目标,通过统一 的设施设计和必要的软硬件改造,来 实 现 无障碍通行这一最终目的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It lays down a number of objectives based on these principles and is directed towards achievement of universal accessibility by means of the generalization of design for all and the introduction of certain specific accommodations. daccess-ods.un.org |
如丝般柔软的泡沫只需冷水即可冲净, 并可避免硬水带来的干燥效果。 clarinsusa.com | Protects [...] skin from the drying effects of hard water. clarinsusa.com |
在拟议支助预算核 准之后立即采取的第一个步骤,将是完成总部的过渡管理过程,以建立一个 过硬 的高级管理班子,来领导 加强外地能力以及敲定和实施注重成果的战略计划的工 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The first step, to be taken immediately after approval of the proposed support budget, will be to complete the transition management process at Headquarters so as to put in place a strong senior management team to lead the strengthening of field capacity and the finalization and implementation of a resultsoriented Strategic Plan. daccess-ods.un.org |
拥有设 计和开发行业第一的美誉,CEM通过持续不断地研 发 硬 件 来 结 合 最先 进 的 技 术。 cemsys.com | With a reputation for designing and developing industry firsts, CEM [...] continuously develops hardware to incorporate the very latest in technology. cemsys.com |
抵制考试的硬指标所带来的压力 ,鼓励用能够说明学生学习情况的各种类型 的信息。 aaia.org.uk | Resist pressure for “hard” data from tests and encourage [...] use of a range of types of evidence of pupils’ learning. aaia.org.uk |
计算税收 在软件上的新开支将产生新的IT税收,包括增值税 或 来自 销售IT硬件、软件和服务的销售 税、以及企业和个人所得 税、社会税和消费税。 portal.bsa.org | New spending on software creates new streams of IT [...] tax revenue, [...] including VAT or sales-tax revenues from the sale of hardware, software and services, as well as business and [...]personal income, social and consumption taxes. bsa.be |
在基金 核准的 16 个用戊烷来替换 CFC-11 的硬质泡沫塑料项目中,塞尔维亚的一个项目(第三十 五次会议核准)的生产基准设备与伊拉克钢结构公司和 Nassr 国营工厂安装的设备极为类 [...] 似(即,具有最高输出量为 15 公斤/分的混合头,以及最高泵力为 [...]7.5 公斤/分的多元醇计 量泵和甲撑二苯基二异氰酸脂计量泵的发泡机器)。 multilateralfund.org | Of the 16 rigid foam projects for the replacement of CFC-11 with pentane that have been [...] approved under the Fund, one project [...]in Serbia (approved at the 35th Meeting) had production baseline equipment very similar to that installed at Iraq Steel and Nassr State (i.e., foaming machine with a mixing head with a maximum output capacity of 15 kg/min and polyol and MDI metering pumps each with a maximum capacity of 7.5 kg/min). multilateralfund.org |
但 是,若您采用硬件增益开关来调节 输入增益,则您必须在 Multi-Instrument 的工具 条上的“探头”开关位置栏(请参考下图)中选择相应的选项,以使软件将增益的改 变考虑进声级计算中。 virtins.com | However, if the input gain is adjusted through the hardware gain switch, you will have to change the “Probe” switch position [...] (see figure below) accordingly [...]in Multi-Instrument’s toolbar to account for the change. virtins.com |
不相信他的兄弟,拉美西斯摩西的宝座室,摩西透露,他已诚实地返回到释放的希伯来人,而不是被说服,拉美西 斯 硬 化 和希 伯 来 文 的 工 作 量增加一倍。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Having not believed his brother, Rameses takes Moses to the throne room where Moses discloses that he has honestly returned [...] to free the Hebrews, and rather than being [...] persuaded, Rameses is hardened and orders the Hebrew’s workload [...]to be doubled. seekcartoon.com |
事实上,已经出现了来自南 半球的硬件和 软件创新,适应当地的需求、条件,往往还有制约因素,比如经济 承受能力和不识字问题,或最后一英里连接挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, there has been an emergence of hardware and software innovations [...] from the South which address local needs, conditions, [...]and, often, constraints, such as affordability and illiteracy, or last-mile connectivity challenges. daccess-ods.un.org |
举例来说,硬件厂商必须支持基于 SLA 的中断 要求;服务 提供商必须负责 SLA 监控、事故与事件;消费者必须明确确定其数据分类、可 [...] 用性和性能要求及 SLA 要求)。 opendatacenteralliance.org | (For example: the hardware vendor must support the SLA-based Break [...] Fix requirement, the service provider must take care [...]of the SLA monitoring, incidents and events, and the consumer must define his data classification, availability and performance requirements, and SLA requirements). opendatacenteralliance.org |