

单词 来源於

See also:


source (of information etc)


stem fromv


has its origins in

External sources (not reviewed)

It is an oriental floral fragrance, a surprising blend of distinctive opulence and provocative sensuality, alluring and decadent.
而且,替代 燃料所含碳来源於燃料和/或生物质燃 料。
Moreover, the carbon contained in the AF
[...] can be of fossil and/or biomassorigin.
This fragrance is inspired by a woman who is radiant, frivolous and sensual, she plays with her charm and her joyful, lively personality to suggest and seduce.
http://www.uscaca.org. 该协会会员主来源於界、工业界和政府机构, 志在促进美国和中国的肿瘤研究人员以及从事肿瘤诊疗的医生之间的合作。
With members from academia, industry and government, USCACA facilitates collaborations among cancer researchers and physicians in the United States and China.
(17) 以一般药剂师及药商身份经营业务,及购买、出售、进口、出口、精炼
[...] 、准备及以其他方式经营各类药物、药品及化学制剂、商品及复合制品 (不来源於、植物或矿物)、卫浴用品、化妆品、油漆、颜料、油 [...]
(17) To carry on business as general chemists and druggists and to buy, sell, import, export, refine, prepare and otherwise deal in all kinds of pharmaceutical, medicinal, and chemical preparations,
articles and compounds (whether of animal,
[...] vegetable or mineral origin), toiletrequisites, [...]
cosmetics, paints, pigments, oils and
oleaginous and saponaceous substances, perfumes and all kinds of unguents and ingredients.
The origin of this design is in no doubt.
根 据 这 些 报 告,执 行 委 员 会 认 为,没 有 业 务 分 部 信 息 需 要 呈 报,因 为 超 过90%的 集 团 销 售 额 和 营 业 利来 源 於纸 制 品,认 为 这 是 具 有 类 似的 风险 与回报 的一个 业务分 部。
Based on these reports, the executive committee has determined that no business segment information is presented asover 90% of the Group’s sales and operating profits are derived from the sales of paper products, which is considered one business segment with similar risks and returns.
本 集 团 的 收来 源 於服 务 产 生 的 收 入,管 理 层 从 服 务 性 质 的 角 度 考 虑 本 集 团 的 业 务 并 划 分 以 下 经 营 分 部:货 运 代 理、船 务 代 理、海 运、仓 储 和 码 头 服 务,其 他 服 务。
Management considers the business from a service perspective and divides the business into the following business units which constitute the Group’s operating segments: freight forwarding, shipping agency, marine transportation, storage and terminal services and other services.
Madison” was named after renowned Madison Avenue in New York City, one of the most fashionableand sophisticated shopping avenues in the world,speaking to relaxed, confident, on trend fashionable ladies.
3.2 如有任何违反优惠或推广活动条款的行为,或有任何证据表明单独客户或一组客户所进行的一系列投来源於奖金、任何额外的奖金、免费投注或任何其他推广优惠,无论结果如何,只要导致客户获得保证的利润,bet365将保留索回此类相关优惠中奖金的权利,而且我们完全有权按照正确赔率结算投注、取消免费投注或取消任何使用存款奖金进行的投注。
3.2 Where any term of the offer or promotion is
breached or there is any
[...] evidenceof aseries of bets/wagers placed by a [...]
customer or group of customers, whichdue toa deposit bonus, enhanced payments,
free bets/wagers or any other promotional offer results in guaranteed customer profits irrespective of the outcome, whether individually or as part of a group, bet365 reserves the right to reclaim the bonus element of such offers and in bet365’s absolute discretion settle bets/wagers at the correct odds, void the free bets/wagers or void any bet/wager funded by the deposit bonus.
二 零 一 一 年
[...] 来 自 其 他 服 务(主来 源 於运 输 服 务 及 快 递 [...]
服 务)的 营 业 额 为15.830亿 元 人 民 币,比 二 零 一 零 年 的15.044亿 元 人 民 币 增 长5.2% 。
The increase rate in revenue of marine
[...] transportation was lower than that in business [...]
volume, which was mainly attributable
to the Group’s stepped-up efforts in exploring the domestic freight market, leading to the decrease in the proportion of international freight business.
风味正是这样一个笼统的概念,来源於果实的主要 特徵 ]的风味,与那些在葡萄酒酿造过程和成熟过程时的增浓的风味,并无法区分开来。
Flavours are just that, and those derived from the primary fruit character of the grape plus those that are added through the process of winemaking and maturation, are not distinguished from one another.
8. MSP430UIF本产来源於资料,可自由升级,支持全系列MSP430单片机,支持JTAG和SBW功能,是功能最好的仿真器,却不是最好的在线编程工具,支持MSP430F1XX系列、MSP430F2XX系列、 [...]
MSP430UIF This product
[...] is derived from theofficial data, freely [...]
upgrade to support the full range of MSP430 microcontroller
supports JTAG and SBW is the best emulator, but not the best on-line programming tool support MSP430F1XX the series, MSP430F2XX series the MSP430F4XX the series, MSP430F5XX series and MSP430F6XX of series.
期间结束时,有关未来的主要假设及其他估计不确定性之主来源有相当风险导致下个财政年度之资产 及负债账面值出现重大调整)如下。
The following are the
[...] key assumptions concerning the future, andotherkeysources of estimation uncertainty at the end of the reporting [...]
that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year.
司营运状况良好,来自营业活动之现金流 入稳定,近年重大资本支出之资来源系以自 有营运资金因应,故对本公司财务并无重大影响。
Due to excellent operations and cash flows in 2006, the Company was able to fund all major capital expenditures using internal capital; as such, no effect on the Company’s financials.
本集团亦机会出现时,考虑筹措长期借款作为资金之另来源有关投资 的回报将会令借款之债务成本用得其所。
The Group will also
[...] consider the raise of long-term borrowings as second resourceofcapitalwhen investment opportunities arise [...]
and the return
of such investments will justify the cost of debts from the borrowings.
The Sub-Fund considers observable data to be
[...] that market data that isreadily available, regularly distributed [...]
or updated, reliable and
verifiable, not proprietary, and provided by independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market.
於 来本 集 团 将 於 中 国 的 新 兴 城 市 设 立 更 多 销 售 办 事 处,同 时 继 续 拓 展 马 来 西 亚 等 其他亚洲 新市场;并分配更多业务网路,在这些市场寻找更多商机。
In the comingyear, theGroup will set up more sales offices in emerging cities in the PRC. Moreover, it will carry on expanding its business in new markets in Asia, such as Malaysia, and allocate more resources to develop its business [...]
network and explore
more business opportunities in these markets.
下 面 讨负 债 表 日 有 关 未 来 的 关 键 假 设 以 及 估 计 不 确 定 性 的 其 他 关来 源且 具 有 对 下 一 会 计 年 度 资 产 和 负 债 账 面 金 额 造 成 重 大 调 整 的 重 大 风 险。
The key assumptions concerning the futureand otherkey sources ofestimation uncertainty at the balance sheet date, that have a significant risk of causing [...]
a material adjustment
to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year, are discussed below.
情况及i)加工协议之性质与 贵集团之主要业务息息相关;ii) 加工订单费乃 贵集团之稳定收来源iii)加工协议乃以市场及正常商业 条款为依据,并按下文详析之公平交易原则订立,吾等认为加工协议之条款 符合 贵公司及股东之整体利益。
Given the above and the fact that i) the nature of the Subcontracting Agreement is related to the Group’s principal business and operations; ii) the Subcontracting Order Fee representing a stablesource of income tothe Group; and [...]
iii) the Subcontracting
Agreement will be based on market and normal commercial terms on an arm’s length basis as elaborated below, we consider the terms of the Subcontracting Agreement are in the interest of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.
奢华美钻护理是特别为对抗肌肤老化过程而研发,源於新的成份 - 钻石粉末;这种矿物成份,再配合维他命A及抗衰老蛋白的帮助下,能有效促使肌肤自我更生,具有抵御的保护作用。
This mineral ingredient, with the help of retinol and other anti-aging proteins, regenerates the skin and has a protective action against external aggressions.
凭 藉 贵 集贸 易 行 业 的 悠 久 历 史 及 良 好 声 誉、广 大 的 客 户 层 及 丰 富 的 销 售 及 营 销 经 验,再 配 合 来 自 韩 国 具 备 扎 实 根 基 及 丰 富 经 验 的 专 业 队 伍,董 事 相 信,收 购 事 项 能 扩 大 贵 集 团 的收来源利能力,确保箱板纸品有稳定的供应。
Leveraging on the
[...] Group’s prolongedpresence in paper trading industry with good reputation, its prevailing extensive client exposure and substantial selling and marketing experiences, together with the strong background and abundant experiences of the Korean professional team, the Directors believe that the Acquisition enables the Group to broaden its revenue base and profitability and secure the stable supply of containerboard [...]




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