

单词 来源国

See also:

来源 pl

origins pl


source (of information etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

在 2009 年和 2010 年,提交
[...] 报告的大多数西欧和中欧国家仍然认定摩洛哥是大麻树脂 来源国 , 但 有两个 国家提到阿富汗。
In 2009 and 2010, the majority of reporting countries in Western and
Central Europe continued to identify Morocco
[...] as a country of origin for cannabis resin, [...]
although two countries made reference to Afghanistan.
关于打击贩运活动,喀麦隆请赤道几内亚提 供其与被贩运儿来源国合作的资料。
With regard to combating trafficking, Cameroon
[...] requested information on Equatorial Guinea’s cooperation with the countries of origin of trafficked [...]
但是,如果同其他国家领养儿童,必须事先得 来源国 同 意 注册 同性伴侣领养儿童。
When adopting children from other countries, it is, however, a prerequisite that the country of origin agrees to [...]
adopt children to registered partners.
联合国示范公约》第 23A条基本转载了《经合组织示范公约》第
23A条; 但《经合组织示范公约》在 2000 年更新时新增了第 4
[...] 款,而委员会尚未采用该 款。21 经合组织该项规定针对所谓的双重免税情况,即住在国将条约解释为其必 须对收入免税,来源国则采 用不同的解释,基本上认 来源国 不 能 行使征税权 或仅可有限地征税。
Article 23 A of the United Nations Model Convention basically reproduces article 23 A of the OECD Model Convention; however, the OECD Model Convention included a new paragraph 4 in the 2000 update which has not yet been adopted by the Committee.21 This OECD provision directs itself to situations of so-called double non-taxation wherein a State of residence interprets the
treaty to mean that it
[...] must exempt the income, while the State of source adopts a different interpretation, to the [...]
effect that it cannot
exercise a taxing right or can do so only to a limited degree.
大会第六十届会议欢迎《联合国反腐败公约》于 2005 年 12
月 14 日生效; 并决定在大会第六十一届会议临时议程题为“全球化和相互依存”的项目下, 列入题为“根据《联合国反腐败公约》防止和打击腐败行径及转移非法来源资
[...] 产的活动,并将这些资产退回,特别是退 来源国 ” 的 分项目(第 60/207 号决 议)。
At its sixtieth session, the General Assembly welcomed the entry into force, on 14 December 2005, of the United Nations Convention against Corruption; and decided to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-first session, under the item entitled “Globalization and interdependence”, a sub-item entitled “Preventing and combating corrupt practices and transfer of assets
of illicit origin and returning such assets, in particular to
[...] the countries of origin, consistent with [...]
the United Nations Convention
against Corruption” (resolution 60/207).
[...] 因为如果外国人选择撤出其资金,所涉国家可能无法对其财政进行协调以 便同时将其外部总资产汇回最初 来源国 ( 尤 其是若对该国的投资和该国 对外进行的投资系由那些与此无关的投资方作出)。
Gross” would be more appropriate than “net” because, if foreigners chose to withdraw their funds, a country might not be able to coordinate its finances so as to
be able to remit its gross external assets
[...] back to the originating country simultaneously [...]
(particularly if the investments
to and from the country were executed by unconnected parties).
根据以上情况,秘书处表示担忧,提议的项目不符合 58/19 号决定的准则,也没有 明确地回应蒙特利尔议定书缔约方大会第二十一次会议第 XXI/2 号决定,其中请执行委员 会,除其他外,“审议其现行销毁活动中一次性供资窗口的成本,应对低消费量国家对那来源国缔约 方无法使用的臭氧消耗物质积聚库存的出口和环境无害处置问题”,因此该提 案更像是一篇研究,了解该区域同处置消耗臭氧层物质废物有关的问题和难题,以便找到 未来解决办法。
Based on the above, the Secretariat expressed concerns that the proposed project did not meet the guidelines in decision 58/19, nor does it clearly respond to decision XXI/2 of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol where the Executive Committee was requested, inter alia, “to consider the costs of a one-time window within its current destruction activities to address the export and environmentally sound disposal of assembled banks of ozone-depleting substances in low-volumeconsuming countries that are not usable in the Party of origin”, since the proposal is more of a study to see what are the issues and problems related to ODS waste disposal in this region with a view to finding a future solution.
禁运不能免除,除非苏丹政府向委员 会提供可核查的证据,证明记录由政府在达尔富尔的部队掌握的物资在转移给这 些部队时,没有违反军火禁运和(或)打破对物 来源国 做 出 的最终用户和最终使 用承诺。
The embargo should remain in place until the Government of the Sudan provides the Committee with verifiable proof that materiel documented in the hands of Government forces in Darfur was not transferred to those forces in violation of the arms embargo and/or in violation of end-user and end-use undertakings given to the State(s) from which the materiel was imported.
加强来源国、过境国和目的地国的国际、地区和双边合作,以通过 信息交流打击贩卖人口活动。
(f) Intensify its cooperation at the
international, regional and bilateral levels with
[...] countries of origin, transit and [...]
destination aimed at combating trafficking through information exchange.
1999 年和 2000 年,大会第五十四和五十五届会议审议了这个议题(第 54/205 和 55/188
[...] 号决议),其后大会第五十六届会议决定在其第五十七届会议临时议程 题为“部门政策问题”的项目下列入题为“防止和打击腐败行径和转移非法来源 资金的活动并将这些资金退来源国 ” 的 分项(第 56/186 号决议)。
After having considered this topic at its fifty-fourth and fifty-fifth sessions, in 1999 and 2000 (resolutions 54/205 and 55/188), the General Assembly, at its fifty-sixth session, decided to include in the provisional agenda of its fifty-seventh session a sub-item entitled “Preventing and combating corrupt practices
and transfer of funds
[...] of illicit origin and returning such funds to the countries of origin” under the [...]
item entitled “Sectoral
policy questions” (resolution 56/186).
为补充国家一级的努力,有关国际和区域机构以 来源国 的 适 当机构必须增 加对私人外国投资的支持,协助发展中国家及转型期经济国家发展基础设施和其 [...]
To complement national efforts, there is a need for the relevant international and regional institutions, as well as appropriate
[...] institutions in source countries, to increase [...]
their support for
private foreign investment in infrastructure development and other priority areas, including projects to bridge the digital divide in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
[...] 劳动力问题,发言人询问,特别报告员是否发来 源国和目的国开展有效合作的实例。
With regard to combating labour exploitation, he asked whether the
Special Rapporteur had found examples of effective cooperation
[...] between countries of origin and countries of [...]
一种建议是,由遗传资源组成或由遗传资源开发出的知识产权的申请者应该明确说明这些 资源的出处,并提供证据表明这些资源的获取是经 来源国 事 先 知情同意的。
One suggestion is that applicants for IP rights which consist of, or are developed from, genetic resources should identify the source of these resources and provide proof that they were acquired with the prior informed consent of the country from which they were taken.
为了打击贩运,必须动员这些武器 来源国 和过 境国。
To fight the trafficking, it is necessary to
[...] mobilize States of origin and transit [...]
of these arms.
[...] 民国家,对此类公约很有兴趣,为的是确保每位受惠人能够为此前在 来源国积 攒的社会保障信誉享受充分的福利。
Israel, as an immigration country, is interested in such
conventions in order to assure each beneficiary an adequate benefit for prior social
[...] security credits in their country of origin.
[...] 五章中的原则,将从腐败中得来的非法来源资产退回,特别是退回 来源国 ,使 各国能根据本国的优先事项设计发展项目并为其提供资金,因为这类资产对这些 [...]
Noting the particular concern of developing countries and countries with economies in transition regarding the return of assets of illicit origin derived from
corruption, in particular to countries
[...] from which they originated, consistent with [...]
the principles of the Convention, in
particular chapter V, so as to enable countries to design and fund development projects in accordance with their national priorities, in view of the importance that such assets can have to their sustainable development
[...] 护国外投资者和保留国内公共政策空间之间实现平衡,同时既是直接外资重要目 的地也来源国的国 家尤其面临这一挑战。
Related to this was the need for balance between protecting investors abroad and preserving public policy
space at the domestic level, a particular challenge for countries that are both
[...] important destinations and sources of FDI.
[...] 立的双重征税条约的规定,因此,这可以改 变税收收来源国个人 的地位,或降低税 率,例如、股息、利息或许可税。
Additionally, in some cases regulations of double treaties, of which Poland is part, can change the status of an
individual, and therefore the country of
[...] taxation of some income sources, or reduce tax rates, [...]
e.g. for dividends, interests or licence dues.
原为“第 23 A 条或第 23 B 条将决
[...] 法)”,现改为“第 23 A 条或第 23 B 条的规定将决定居住国是免除这样的收入还是 允许以向收来源国支付 的税款抵免其应对这种收入课征的税款”,因为一如一位 成员所指出,豁免办法并不一定具有专属性(例如,根据累进制下的豁免办法,居 [...] [...]
The reason was that the exemption method was not necessarily exclusive, as noted by one participant (e.g., exemption with
progression, where the
[...] residence State retained for itself the right to take the exempt income into account for [...]
the purposes of determining
the marginal rate at which the taxpayer’s non-exempt income was subject to tax).
然而,秘书处的代表补充,秘书处尚未拟定工作组使用的资金;一旦决定通过了,应 寻求预算外资金来涵盖移来源国和 接 收国广泛的地理覆盖率。
The representative of the Secretariat added, however, that the Secretariat had not foreseen funds for a working group and, should this be the decision adopted, extrabudgetary funds should be sought to include extensive geographic coverage of both sending and receiving countries of migrant populations.
亚太经社会与全球移徙问题小组密切合作,向移民 来源国 和 东 道 国提供了政策建议,并编写了一份关于全球经济危机对本区域迁徙工人影 [...]
ESCAP worked closely with the Global Migration Group, providing both
[...] the countries of origin of migrants and [...]
the host countries with policy recommendations
and developing an analytical fact-sheet on the impact of the global economic crisis on migrant workers in the region.
关于根据《联合国反腐败公约》防止和打击腐败 行径及转移非法来源资产的活动,并将这些资产退 回,特别是退来源国的决 议草案 A/C.2/64/L.64 (A/C.5/64/12)请秘书长继续向联合国毒品和犯罪问 题办事处提供必要资源,以便该办事处能够有效地促 [...]
约缔约国会议秘书处的职能;又请秘书长确保为审查 《公约》执行情况的新机制提供充足的资金。
Draft resolution A/C.2/64/L.64 on preventing and combating corrupt practices
and transfer of assets
[...] of illicit origin and returning such assets, in particular to the countries of origin, consistent [...]
with the United Nations
Convention against Corruption (A/C.5/64/12) requested the Secretary-General to continue to provide the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) with the resources necessary to enable it to promote the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and to discharge its functions as the secretariat of the Conference of the States Parties to the Convention.
这些案例表明成功的技术转让并不会自 行出现,而需要技来源国和东 道国双方政府的积极参与。
They showed that successful technology transfer did not happen on its own, but required the active participation of both home and host governments.
一种想法是,在共享某些 文明古国原有领土来源国之间 逐步建立以法律为形式的信托机构,以便具体 [...]
One idea was to develop a legal form of trust that could be
[...] established by source States sharing territory [...]
occupied by ancient civilizations
in order to litigate such cases on those States’ collective behalf.
有些发言者提到在来源国返还非法获取的文化财产或尤其通过司 法途径提出这类返还请求方面返还国政府花费巨大的问题。
Several speakers mentioned the problem of the large costs borne by Governments when returning illegally acquired cultural property to the source State or when requesting such return, especially through private law channels.
(b) 当一项研究是在某个或某几个国家(所在国家)实施或进行,但由另一个国家提供资金 来源时,此项研究应当接受所在国家和资 来源国 家 从 伦理的角度进行必要的审查。
(b) When research is undertaken or otherwise pursued in one or more States (the host State(s)) and funded by a source in another State, such research should be the object of an appropriate level of ethical review in the host State(s) and the State in which the funder is located.
现在,至关重要的是,国际社会应根据共同分担 责任的原则(按照这项原则来源国、 过 境国和最终 目的地国应合力打击毒品祸患),在技术专长和财政 [...]
资源方面提供及时和稳步的支助,使打击跨国犯罪股 运作起来,确保取得具体进展。
It is now essential that the international community provide timely and
steady support in terms of technical
[...] expertise and financial resources to make the TCU operational [...]
so as to ensure tangible
progress on the basis of common and shared responsibility, whereby the countries of origin, transit and final destination join efforts in the fight against the scourge of drugs.
(c) 改来源国、中 转国和目的地国之间以及政府间组织之间在执法合作 领域的信息交流,并考虑使这种交流制度化;各国特别是主要贩毒路线沿线国 [...]
家,应当根据本国立法,考虑建立执法官员联合侦查组处理贩毒和有组织犯罪 案件。
(c) Improve and consider institutionalizing the exchange of
[...] information among source, transit and destination [...]
countries and among intergovernmental
organizations in the area of law enforcement cooperation; States, in particular those situated along major drug trafficking routes, should, in conformity with their national legislation, consider establishing joint investigations and teams of law enforcement officers dealing with drug trafficking and organized crime.
荷兰认为,这些标准应包括:尊重接收国的国际承 诺/义务、尤其是针对恐怖主义和有组织犯罪的承诺/义务;考虑对区域安全与稳
[...] 定的不利影响的风险,包括对现有的或可能的国家间和国内冲突的影响;考虑被 转给非计划中的、未经批准的终端用户或转到非法市场的风险,包 来源国 没有 批准的再出口的风险;考虑对接收国可持续的经济和社会发展的影响。
In the view of the Netherlands, these criteria should include: respect of the recipient State for international commitments/obligations, in particular with regard to terrorism and organized crime; consideration of the risk of adverse effect on regional security and stability, including the impact on existing or potential inter-State and intra-State conflicts; consideration of the risk of diversion to
unintended and unauthorized end users or to the illicit market,
[...] including risk of re-export that is not authorized by the country of origin; and consideration [...]
of the impact on the
sustainable economic and social development of the receiving country.
鼓励在国家、双边、次区域、区域和国际各级,特别 来源国 、 过境国和目 的地国之间,进行有效的合作与协调,并利用相关组织提供的网络分享关于对付 [...]
和打击贩运人口的能力建设方面的最佳做法,同时强调必须进行法律互助和交换 资料,同时充分尊重数据保护法等国内法,包括提供行动资料、方案和最佳做法,
Encourage effective cooperation and coordination of efforts at the national, bilateral, subregional, regional
and international levels, especially
[...] among countries of origin, transit and destination, [...]
and take advantage of the networks
provided by relevant organizations to share best practices in capacity-building for responding to and combating trafficking in persons, while stressing the importance of mutual legal assistance efforts and the exchange of information with full respect for domestic laws, such as data protection laws, including operational information, programmes and best practices in supplementing the Convention and the work done by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention




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