

单词 来日

日来 ()

in the past few days



Vairocana, Buddha of supreme enlightenment


the future is long (idiom); there will be ample time for that later
We'll cross that bridge when we get there

External sources (not reviewed)

健康推广学校和幼儿园网络已经发展 来 , 日 内 以 托儿机构可以更好地了 解健康推广工作的信息。
Networks of health-promoting schools and kindergartens have been developed, as a result of which child care establishments are better informed about health promotion.
巴巴多斯欢迎巴哈马代表来日内瓦提出对普遍定期审议工作组所作建 议的答 复 。
Barbados welcomed the
[...] delegation of the Bahamas, which came to Geneva to present [...]
its response to the recommendations made in UPR Working Group.
自卡塔赫纳首脑会议来,日内瓦 国际人道主义排雷中心已帮助阿富汗、几 内亚比绍和伊拉克制定了国家标准。
Since the Cartagena Summit, Afghanistan, Guinea-Bissau and Iraq received GICHD support for the development of their national standards.
(a) 给予任何人士权利或选择权以于某一 来日 期 要 求按面值或协 议溢价获配发任何股份。
(a) To give to any person the right or option of requiring
[...] at a future date that an allotment shall be [...]
made to him of any share at par or at
such premium as may be agreed.
自 1983 年起,日本邀请了 700
[...] 多位联合国裁军研究金方案参加者 来日 本, 包括广岛和长崎两个城市。
Since 1983, Japan has invited more than 700
participants in the United Nations Disarmament
[...] Fellowship Programme to Japan, including to [...]
the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
但首先要做的是把侵权网站上你的作品 打印来(日期应可见),这样侵权者就不能把作品删除,然后装做 [...]
First of all, however, print out
a copy of your material in the
[...] infringing site (with the date visible) so that [...]
the infringer cannot simply delete the material
and pretend that nothing happened.
可调节图像大小、选择多种格式的日期、可立刻查看多个月的日期、可用作日期挑选以及在你的表格中添加希 来日 历。
Zoom, select multiple dates, view several months at once, use it as a date
[...] picker, add a Hebrew calendar to your forms.
自缔约国第十届会议来,日内瓦 国际 人道主义排雷中心已经协助哥伦比亚、刚果民主共和国、几内亚比绍、毛里塔尼 亚、莫桑比克和塔吉克斯坦制定国家政策和国家排雷行动标准,其中包括通过非 技术和技术手段核证土地无雷的章节。
Since the 10MSP, the GICHD has assisted Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Mozambique and Tajikistan in the development of a national policy and national mine action standards that included chapters on releasing land through non-technical and technical means.
联合国和非联合国组织对小岛屿发展中国家有关问题的重要性有比较高 的认识,这已转化成 2005 年来日益增多的实地活动。
There is a relatively high awareness among United Nations and non-United Nations organizations of the importance of issues
related to small island developing States, which
[...] has translated into a growing number of [...]
activities on the ground since 2005.
来, 日本为 完善安全理事会的工作方法作出了重要贡献, 包括在你的领导下编写了载于文件 S/2006/507 中的 主席说明声明,这份文件非常有益地汇总和澄清了我 [...]
Japan has made an important contribution over recent years to the development [...]
of Security Council working methods, including
through your leadership on the presidential note contained in document S/2006/507, which has helpfully codified and clarified our working practices.
码头游览令人印象深刻来日岁月 ,会让你知道,他们允许发现的特定视图汉堡的全景,欣赏广袤的欧洲第三码头后,“鹿特丹公约”和“ANVERS。
The marina tour is impressive, infact they permit to discover a particular view of Hamburg’s panorama and admire the immensity of the third European marina after Rotterdam and Anvers.
此外,各国需要帮助全面加强处理海上安保问题的能力, 尤其是处理近来日益增 加的海盗活动的能力,同时要深入探讨海盗的根源问题。
Furthermore, countries need support in order to strengthen their capacity to address maritime security problems, particularly
in relation to the escalation of maritime
[...] piracy in recent years, in a holistic [...]
manner, including through an in-depth look at the root causes of piracy.
进一步审查自 2008 年临时报告来日本的事态发展之后,关于国际劳工组织-教科文组 [...]
织实施《关于教学人员的建议书》的联合专家委员会建议政府和教师组织利用国际劳工组织 和教科文组织的咨询服务,以获得协商制度和社会对话、教师评价和优点评估方面的良好做
法,这些良好做法有可能成为改进的榜样,与国际劳工组织和教科文组织合作,用日文编写 相互可以接受的《1966 年建议书》案文谅解书。
In the further review
[...] of developments in Japan since the 2008 interim [...]
report, the CEART recommended that the Government
and teachers’ organizations use the advisory services of the ILO and UNESCO to access good practices on systems of consultation and social dialogue, teacher evaluation and merit assessment that might serve as models for improvement, and cooperate with ILO and UNESCO to prepare a mutually acceptable understanding of the text of the 1966 Recommendation in Japanese.
我们每来日内瓦 参加届会,是为了重申我们支持裁军谈判会议的核心目 [...]
We gather here in Geneva at every annual [...]
session to reconfirm our commitment to the core purpose of the Conference on Disarmament,
that is, to negotiate solutions for multilateral non-proliferation and disarmament.
他说,不丹执行 治理冰湖溃决所致山洪的第一个国家适应行动方案已进入高级阶段,并已参照近来日渐突 出的新的气候脆弱性更新了国家适应行动方案。
He mentioned that Bhutan is at an advanced stage in the implementation of
its first NAPA project
[...] on glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) and that it has also updated its NAPA to take into consideration [...]
new climate vulnerabilities,
which have become apparent in recent years.
主任专员和工程处高级工作 人员,因其努力解决巴勒斯坦被占领土的人道主义 危机而受到赞扬,这些工作涉及儿童营养不良、日 益严重的贫困和失业、卫生条件恶化、巴勒斯坦人 在其家园遭到毁坏及教育方案受到破坏后流离失 所、自 2000 年 9 月面临日益恶化的经济和社会条件来日益增加的需求。
The Commissioner-General and the senior staff of the Agency were to be commended for their efforts to address the humanitarian crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory involving malnutrition among children, increasing poverty and unemployment, deteriorating health conditions, the displacement of Palestinians following the destruction of their homes, the disruption of education programmes and the increasing demands since September 2000 of facing up to the worsening economic and social conditions.
鉴于许多非政府组织的谴责以及人们对智利、塞浦路斯和阿根廷人权状况 的普遍关切,联合国自1978 年来日益关 注秘密拘留问题及其与强迫失踪问题 的关系。
The United Nations has paid increasing attention to the issue of secret detention and its relation to enforced disappearances since 1978, in the context of denunciations by numerous non-governmental organizations and widespread concerns with human rights situations in Chile, Cyprus and Argentina.
上述变革本来意图的结果是让能力进一步靠近实地;加强妇女署外地工作人 员的权能;减少重要的任务进程中、因多层监督而产生的交易成本;把总部较高
[...] 层次的方案和业务监督及全球政策工作同日常监督和支持更好地区分 来 ; 日常 监 督和支持离实地越近,就运作得越好;并提高妇女署总体效率和效力。
The intended result of the preceding changes is to bring capacity closer to the field; empower UN-Women staff at the field level; reduce transaction costs arising from multiple layers of oversight for key business processes; better distinguish higher-level programmatic and
operational oversight and global policy work in
[...] headquarters from day-to-day oversight [...]
and support, which can function better closer
to the field; and improve overall efficiency and effectiveness of UN-Women.
同时,很高兴能在今天这个日来到 这 里,今天有这么多高级别代 来 到日 内瓦在会议上发言,又恰逢《禁止杀伤人员地雷公约》生效十二周年。
It is also a great pleasure to be here on this
[...] auspicious day, a day when so many high-level representatives have travelled to Geneva to address the Conference, and a day which coincidentally [...]
is the twelfth
anniversary of the entry into force of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.
2000年4月25日,来自44 个受疟疾折磨的非洲国家元首及高层代表,齐聚在尼日利亚阿布贾出席一个里程碑式的疟疾问题峰会。
On 25 April 2000, Heads of State and [...]
senior representatives from 44 malaria-afflicted countries in Africa came together
in Abuja, Nigeria to attend a milestone Summit on Malaria.
2008 年 10 月 9 日和 10 日来总部参观的约 2 000 名游客有机会参加了由秘书 长主持开幕的第一个联合国图书日。
Approximately 2,000 visitors to Headquarters on 9 and 10 October 2008 had the opportunity to participate in the first UN Book Days, which was opened by the Secretary-General.
肯尼亚北部,2013年1月2日 —— 来自美 国国家篮球协会的一群职业篮球运动员们访问了肯尼亚,以了解有关根除脊髓灰质炎工作的第一手资料。
NORTHERN KENYA, 2 January 2013 – A group of professional [...]
basketball players from the United States National Basketball Association
visited Kenya and learned first-hand about eradicating polio.
预计调查团在日 内瓦至少需要 20 个工日来分析 事实和文件并起草最终报告。
The mission is anticipated to require at
[...] least 20 work days in Geneva to analyse [...]
the facts and documents and to draft the final report.
有鉴于过去日来叙利 亚局势的升级,安全局势 日益严峻和危急——这些升级表现在持续的暴力行 [...]
径和相互炮击和射击,导致许多平民丧生,显然是叙 利亚政府提高了所谓的安全措施等级所致,它彻底违 背了它在阿拉伯行动计划以及阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 与阿拉伯国家联盟
2011 年 12 月 19 日签署的有关阿 拉伯联盟驻叙利亚观察员特派团任务授权的议定书 中所做的承诺。
The security
[...] situation is increasingly grave and urgent [...]
in light of the escalation that Syria has witnessed in the past
few days — the ongoing acts of violence, the shelling and firing and counter-shelling and counter-firing that have felled many innocent civilians in the Syrian Government’s clear resort to an escalation of the so-called security option, in complete contradiction of the commitments it took on in the Arab plan of action as well as in the protocol signed by the Syrian Arab Republic and the League of Arab States on 19 December 2011, on the mandate of the League’s observer mission in Syria.
工作组请秘书处在有关条文的改写本中明确提及工作日或日历日,并在《指 南》中解释,期限短的应当使用工 日来 表 示
The Secretariat was requested to make a clear reference to working or calendar days in the
redraft of the relevant provisions and to explain in the
[...] Guide that working days should be used [...]
for short period of time.
美国:9月23日,来自全 美的75名倡议者将参加美国绿色建筑委员会在华盛顿特区国会大厦举办的“国会倡议日”( Congressional Advocacy Day)活动。
United States: On September 23, 75 advocates from all over of the United States will be attending the U.S. Green Building Council's "Congressional Advocacy Day" at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
2010 年 2 月 10 日来自科 特迪瓦宪兵的一份订购单提及了致命武器和弹药, 这份给安保-CI [...]
公司主任的订购单记录了拉丰的公司和(蒙托亚的)黑木物流公司 之间的明确联系(见附件 28 内文件上的手写内容)。
A purchase order from the gendarmerie of
[...] Côte d’Ivoire, dated 10 February 2010, that [...]
refers to lethal weapons and ammunition
and is addressed to the Director of Protec-CI, documents a clear link between the company of Mr. Lafont and Darkwood Logistics (of Mr. Montoya) (see handwritten addition on document in annex 28).
根据 2009 年 8 月 6 日来文, 教育国际(EI)提交了补充资料来支持 [...]
DM 就《1997 年建 议书》中以下方面提出的申诉:丹麦各大学的个人研究自由、丧失联合领导、工作人员不能 有意参与决策机构、不承认非全时高等教育教学人员提供的服务价值、在同教师组织的谈判
By a communication of 6 August 2009, Education [...]
International (EI) submitted additional information in support of the DM
allegations concerning provisions of the 1997 Recommendation that relate to individual freedom of research within Danish universities, loss of collegiality and lack of meaningful involvement of personnel in decision-making bodies, as well as non-recognition of the value of services provided by part-time higher education teaching personnel, their nonrepresentation in negotiations with teachers’ organizations, and their lack of entitlement to pension benefits.
最近的恶性定居者恐怖事件发生在 2012 年 8 月 16 日星期四,日,来自被 占领西岸伯利恒附近的“Bat Ayin”定居点的以色列非法定居者向一辆汽车投掷 燃烧弹,这辆汽车被漆成浅黄色,清楚地标明是一辆巴勒斯坦出租车。
The latest vicious incident of settler terror took place on Thursday, 16 August 2012, when illegal Israeli settlers from the settlement of “Bat Ayin” near Bethlehem in the Occupied West Bank hurled a firebomb at a car, painted bright yellow, clearly marking it as a Palestinian taxi.
最近更新时间: 2011/11/29 // 2011年11月14至17日,来自挪 威科技大学(NTNU)、挪威科学和工业研究基金会(SINTEF)的研究人员以及挪威太阳能产业的代表,在上海同他们的中国同行举行了与太阳能相关的科研研讨会,并参观了一个较大规模的中国太阳能电池企业和上海交通大学。
Last updated: 29/11/2011 // A Norwegian delegation of scientists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the Norwegian research foundation SINTEF and the solar energy industries of Norway met their colleagues in Shanghai on 14-17 November 2011 for a joint scientific workshop on solar energy.




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