

单词 来文

来文 ()

received document
sent document


希伯来文 n

Hebrew n


Malaysian language

来往公文 n

routine correspondence n

(文章)读起来... v

read v

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会必要时可以对未显来文人处于明显不利境况 来文 不 予 审议,除非 委员会认来文提出 了具有普遍意义的严重问题。
The Committee may, if necessary, decline to consider a communication where it does not reveal that the author has suffered a clear disadvantage, unless the Committee considers that the communication raises a serious issue of general importance.
第五委员会秘书处的职责包括:(a) 向第五委员会主席和主席团主动提供 协助,以加强和便利他们的工作,包括提供有关其会议程序的分析性和历史性资 料;(b)
[...] 主动协助会员国代表处理有效安排会议时间和举行会议的所有相关事 项,包括预先提供工作方案并及时印发各种报告 来文。
The responsibilities of the secretariat of the Fifth Committee include: (a) provision of proactive assistance to the Chair and Bureau of the Fifth Committee, strengthening and facilitating their work, including provision of analytical and historical information on the proceedings of the Committee; and (b) provision of proactive assistance to representatives of Member States on all matters relating to the effective scheduling and conduct of
meetings, including the provision of an advance programme of work and the timely issuance
[...] of reports and communications.
经多次要求,专家组收到科特迪瓦司法部的一份正 来文 , 其 中说明被制 裁个人的法律状况如下:Charles Blé Goudé、Simone Gbagbo、Pascal Affi N’ Guessan、Alcide Djédjé和洛朗·巴博将被起诉,罪名是结伙盗窃、结伙武装抢劫、 危害公共经济罪、挪用公款和抢掠。
Pursuant to numerous requests, the Group of Experts received an official communication from the Ministry of Justice of Côte d’Ivoire on the legal status of the sanctioned individuals, in which it was indicated that Charles Blé Goudé, Simone Gbagbo, Pascal Affi N’Guessan, Alcide Djédjé, and Laurent Gbagbo were subject to prosecution for counts of group theft, group armed robbery, crimes against the public economy, misappropriation of public funds and looting.
因此,新来文程序 可就以下必须要做的事情方面向缔约国提供有价值的指 导:为儿童提供关于现有申诉机制和程序的相关信息;需要提高对这些申诉手段 的意义及其使用方法的认识;开展这些工作需要使用为儿童着想的语言、材料和 工具。
For this reason, the new optional protocol could include valuable guidance to States on the need: to provide children with relevant information on existing complaint mechanisms and procedures; to raise awareness of what these instruments mean and how they could be used; and to employ child-sensitive language, materials and tools in the performance of these tasks.
妇女地来文工作 组按照经济及社会理事会第 2002/235 号决定的规定, [...]
在妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议前召开闭门会议,其审议工作遵照由理事 会第 76(V)号决议规定并由理事会第 304 I(XI)号、第 1983/27 号、第 1992/19
号、1993/11 号和 2009/16 号决议修正的任务规定进行。
The Working Group on Communications on the Status [...]
of Women met in closed meetings before the fifty-fifth session of the
Commission on the Status of Women in accordance with Economic and Social Council decision 2002/235 and was guided in its deliberations by the mandate given to it by the Council in its resolution 76 (V), as amended by the Council in its resolutions 304 I (XI), 1983/27, 1992/19, 1993/11 and 2009/16.
本框架是在 1986 年文化统计框架的基础上修订的版本,经过修订后的文化统计方法充分考虑 了 1986 年来文化领域出现的新概念,其中也包括与新技术(它们对文化以及人们同文化打 交道的方式产生了显著的影响)、非物质遗产、演变中的文化实践和政策相关的概念。
Based on the 1986 Framework for Cultural Statistics, this revised version of UNESCO’s cultural statistics methodology takes into account new concepts that have emerged since 1986 in the field of culture, including those related to new technologies – which have so drastically transformed culture and the ways it is accessed – intangible heritage, and evolving cultural practices and policies.
大会第六十六届会议敦促所有国家配合并协助人权理事会特别报告员履行 其任务,及时提供一切资料,并毫无不当拖延地答复特别报告员递送 来文 ;吁请各国认真考虑积极回应特别报告员提出的访问要求,并敦促各国就特别报告员 各项建议的执行情况和后续行动与其进行建设性对话,以便特别报告员能够更加 有效地履行其任务;请特别报告员继续根据其任务规定,每年向大会和人权理事 会报告其活动(第 66/164 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly urged all States to cooperate with and assist the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on the situation of human rights defenders in the performance of her mandate and to provide all information in a timely manner, as well as to respond without undue delay to communications transmitted to them by the Special Rapporteur; called upon States to give serious consideration to responding favourably to the requests of the Special Rapporteur to visit their countries, and urged them to enter into a constructive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur with respect to the follow-up to and implementation of her recommendations, so as to enable the Special Rapporteur to fulfil her mandate even more effectively; and requested the Special Rapporteur to continue to report annually on her activities to the Assembly and to the Human Rights Council in accordance with her mandate (resolution 66/164).
根据 2009 年 8 月 6 日来文,教 育国际(EI)提交了补充资料来支持 DM 就《1997 年建 议书》中以下方面提出的申诉:丹麦各大学的个人研究自由、丧失联合领导、工作人员不能 有意参与决策机构、不承认非全时高等教育教学人员提供的服务价值、在同教师组织的谈判 中没有其代表,以及他们缺乏获得养恤金福利的应享权利。
By a communication of 6 August 2009, Education International (EI) submitted additional information in support of the DM allegations concerning provisions of the 1997 Recommendation that relate to individual freedom of research within Danish universities, loss of collegiality and lack of meaningful involvement of personnel in decision-making bodies, as well as non-recognition of the value of services provided by part-time higher education teaching personnel, their nonrepresentation in negotiations with teachers’ organizations, and their lack of entitlement to pension benefits.
已从菲律宾收到正来文,请 求将现审议的延长体制建设 项目(第八阶段)以及体制建设上一阶段(第七阶段)的余额由世界银行移交环境规划署。
The official communication had been received from the Philippines, requesting the transfer of the institutional strengthening project currently under consideration (phase VIII), as well as the balance of the previous institutional strengthening phase (phase VII) from the World Bank to UNEP.
莱索托来文中具 体报告称,该国采取了重要的 举措,即公众意识和信息传播、海关官员和制冷技术员的培训。
Specifically in its submission, Lesotho reports that it has taken important initiatives, namely public awareness and information dissemination, training of customs officers and refrigeration technicians.
提交人声称,事 实上,如来文和其 他不成功的申请者的证据所示,登记制度过于广泛地授予登 记官员酌处权实际上等于给予了他们不受约束的酌处权,他们会毫不迟疑地利用 该权力根据其意愿随时拒绝登记申请。
The author claims that, in effect, as his communication and testimonies of the other unsuccessful applicants show, the overbroad grant of discretion to registration officials by the registration regime amounts in practice to a grant to them of unfettered discretion, which they employ without hesitation, to reject registration applications as and when they like.
撤回不得妨碍对业已根据本条发出 来文 所 涉 任何事项的审议;在秘书长收到撤 回声明的通知后,除非有关缔约国作出新的声明,否则不得再接受任何缔约国根 据本条提交的其来文。
Such a withdrawal shall not prejudice the consideration of any matter that is the subject of a communication already transmitted under the present article; no further communication by any State Party shall be received under the present article after the notification of withdrawal of the declaration has been received by the Secretary-General, unless the State Party concerned has made a new declaration.
答:七十是最古老的翻译旧约,因此是非常宝贵的批评和纠正了解希 来文 ( Ma ssorah),后者,如它已回落到我们,在被马所拉学士文本建立公元六世纪的许多文字腐败,增补,遗漏或换位必须具有时代悄悄进入我们的希 来文 之 间 的第三和第二的第六和第七世纪公元前数百年,因此,该手稿曾在其70处理,可在地方,均高于massoretic手稿更好。
A. The Septuagint is the most ancient translation of the Old Testament and consequently is invaluable to critics for
understanding and
[...] correcting the Hebrew text (Massorah), the latter, such as it has come down to us, being the text established by the Massoretes in the sixth century AD Many textual corruptions, additions, omissions, or transpositions must have crept into the Hebrew text between the third [...]
and second centuries
BC and the sixth and seventh centuries of our era; the manuscripts therefore which the Seventy had at their disposal, may in places have been better than the Massoretic manuscripts.
秘书处不负责关来文的呈件的复制和 分发。
It shall not be responsible for the reproduction and the distribution of submissions concerning communications.
鉴于缔约国承认将第一申诉人的背景及其指控的性质合起来考虑,第一、第二和 第三申诉人会吸引埃及当局的注意,所以委员会认为,在提交 来文 时 , 如果将 第一、第二和第三申诉人遣返回埃及,他们可能面临可预见的、真实的人身危 险。
In the light of the State party’s acceptance that it was likely that the first, second and third complainants would attract the interest of the Egyptian authorities, taken together with the first complainant’s background and the nature of his allegations, the Committee concludes that the first, second and third complainants have established a foreseeable, real and personal risk of being tortured if they were to be returned to Egypt at the time of submission of the communication.
工作组指出,没有收到过联合国其他机关或专门机构 转发的关于妇女地位的保来文。
The Working Group noted that no confidential communications concerning the status of women had been received from other United Nations bodies or the specialized agencies.
该法令(第 15 节)规定工业和贸易部的任务范围如下:(a) 保存在管理局登 记的相关声明的记录;(b) 任命和召回专家审查委员会的成员,设立该委员会的 目的是测试专门知识并发布委员会的议事规则;(c) 就颁发和撤销专门知识证书 作出决定,保存来文书记 录;(d) 就颁发担保书和撤销已颁发的担保书作出决 定,保存来文书记 录;将颁发担保书或担保书过期及其理由通知管理局;(e) 同 意转让权利、义务和责任,保存 来文 书 记 录;(f) 开展视察活动;(g) 征收罚 款。
The scope of mandates of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is stipulated under the Act (section 15) as follows: (a) keep records of notifications registered by the Authority; (b) appoint and recall members of the expert examination board established to test the expertise and issue rules of procedure of the board; (c) decide on issuance and revoke certificates of expertise, and keep the corresponding records; (d) decide on
issuance and revoke
[...] certificates of sponsorship granted and keep the corresponding records; inform the Authority about the issuance or expiration of certificates of sponsorship and the reasons therefore; (e) give consent to assignment of rights, obligations and duties and keep the corresponding records; (f) carry out the inspection activities; and [...]
(g) levy fines.
[...] 忘录做了发言,除其他外对该备忘录进行更新,增列在编写备忘录后收到的全权 证书来文。
A representative of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat made a statement relating to the memorandum by the Secretariat of the Conference, in which,
inter alia, he updated the memorandum to indicate
[...] credentials and communications received subsequent [...]
to its preparation.
该Baraithoth,即格言的律法中没有发现密西拿,以及法律段落总是在希 来文 给 予 的,因此是最追加阐发,其余是在西阿拉姆语方言书面(G.达尔曼, [...]
“Grammatik DES judisch - Palastinischen Aramaisch”,莱比锡,1905年)。
The Baraithoth, ie the maxims of the Torah not found in the Mishna, as well
as the legal paragraphs are
[...] always given in Hebrew, and so are most of the appended elucidations; [...]
the remainder is written
in a West Aramaic dialect (G. Dalman, "Grammatik des judisch-Palastinischen Aramaisch", Leipzig, 1905).
UN-I-QUE (联合国资料文号数据库)是为回答常问问题而做的便览式文档, 提供对联合国资料(1946年来)文件号 /销售号的快速查检。
UN-I-QUE (UN Info Quest) is a ready-reference file created to respond to frequently asked
questions, and designed to provide
[...] quick access to document symbols / sales numbers for United Nations materials (1946 [...]
然而,委员会、工作组或报告员可酌情要 来文 提交 人、据称受害者或有关缔约国对此类呈件或资料的全部或部分保守机密。
However, the Committee, working group or Rapporteur may, as deemed appropriate, request the author or authors of a communication, the alleged victim or victims or the State party concerned to keep confidential the whole or part of any such submissions or information.
(h) 未在用尽国内补救办法后一年之内提交,但提交人能证明在此时限内无 法提来文的情况除外。
(h) The communication is not submitted within one year after the exhaustion of domestic remedies, except in cases where the author can demonstrate that it had not been possible to submit the communication within that time limit.
根据专家组 2009 年最后报告(S/2009/603)所载建议,委员会于 2010 年 3 月
[...] 向所有会员国发出了普通照会,提请会员国注意报告所载建议。在 2010 年期间, 委员会执行了接收和分发会员国通知的正常任务,收到会员国 50 份来文,向委 员会成员分发了 26 份说明,发出了 67 份公文。
Following up on the recommendations contained in the Group of Experts final report of 2009 (S/2009/603), the Committee circulated a note verbale to all Member States in March 2010 to draw their attention to the recommendations presented in the report, and carried out over the course of 2010 its
regular mandate regarding
[...] the receipt and circulation of notifications conveyed by Member States, receiving 50 communications [...]
from Member States,
circulating 26 notes to members of the Committee and dispatching 67 official communications.
虽然委员会 根据所收到的证据,认为没必要在审议案情时讨论这一可能的违约问题,但宣来文可以 受理表明委员会准备考虑提交人的这些说法,并反映了当代国际人权法 中的一种趋势,即不再假定地、人为地把各种权利分为不同“类别”,而认为所 有人权都是普遍的、相互依存的。
While in this case the Committee, on the basis of the evidence before it, did not find it necessary to address this possible violation in its consideration of the merits, the declaration of admissibility shows that the Committee is prepared to consider such arguments and reflects the trend in contemporary international human rights law away from the fictitious and artificial division of rights into “categories” and towards the view that all human rights are universal and interdependent.
秘书长应及时向委员会委员通报按照本议事规则第81 条收到的任来文并 应尽快地向他们发来文和有 关资料的副本。
The Secretary-General shall inform the members of the Committee without delay of any communications under rule 81 of these rules and shall transmit to them as soon as possible copies of the communications and relevant information.
鉴于这些理由,缔约国重申应该根据 《公约》第十四条和委员会议事规则第91 条宣来文不可受理,因为提交人提 出的初步证据未能使案件成立。
For these reasons, the State party reiterates that the communication should be declared inadmissible under article 14 of the Convention and rule 91 of the Committee’s rules of procedure, as the petitioners failed to establish a prima facie case.
在收来文后和 就是非曲直作出决定之前,委员会、工作组或报告员可酌情 参阅所有有关联合国机关、机构、专门机构、基金、方案和机制、包括国际文书 所建立的其他条约机构和联合国各项特别程序、其他国际组织、包括有关区域政 府间组织或机构以及可协助审来文 的 所有有关国家机构、机关、办事处提供的 有关文件,但条件是委员会应让每一方都有机会在确定的期限内就第三方文件或 资料发表评论。
At any time after the receipt of a communication and before a determination on the merits has been reached, the Committee, the Working Group or a Rapporteur, may consult, as appropriate, relevant documentation emanating from all relevant United Nations organs, bodies, specialized agencies, funds, programmes and mechanisms, including the other treaty bodies instituted by international [...]
and the special procedures of the United Nations, and other international organizations, including the relevant regional intergovernmental organizations or bodies as well as all relevant State institutions, agencies or offices that may assist in the examination of the communication, provided that the Committee shall afford each party an opportunity to comment on such third party documentation or information within fixed time limits.
委员会也可以在征得有关缔约国同意后,提请上述机构注意任何根据本议定 书审议来文所产 生的事项;据此协助它们在各自权限范围内决定是否应当采取 可能具有促进作用的国际措施,以推进各缔约国在落实《公约》和(或)其《任择 议定书》确认的权利方面取得进展。
The Committee may also bring to the attention of such bodies, with the consent of the State party concerned, any matter arising out of communications considered under the present Protocol that may assist them in deciding, each within its field of competence, on the advisability of international measures likely to contribute to assisting States parties in achieving progress in the implementation of the rights recognized in the Convention and/or the Optional Protocols thereto.




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