

单词 来回来去地

See also:


back and forth again and again


back and forth
return journey
make a round trip
and fro


go back

回去 v

return v

External sources (not reviewed)

我每天都高高兴地去上班”,回首 往 事, 他从头开始娓娓来:“ 我父亲以前就在博格豪森工厂工作,那时我就想我也一 定要在这里工作。
I enjoyed going to work every day,” he says, looking back, and also tells how it all started: [...]
“My father was already working
at the plant, so I was eager to get a job there, too.
在申诉人离开后,他的妹夫被逮捕并在警察拘留所被拷打,并且乌兹别克当 局让他的母亲和兄去找他 并向他们施加压力把申诉人 回来。
After the complainant‟s departure, his brother-in-law was arrested and beaten in police custody
and the Uzbek authorities sent his mother and
[...] brother to look for him and pressured them to bring the complainant back.
更复杂的是,种植者可能比较容 地回 头 去 用 甲 基溴,因为许多替代品都 不需要广泛地改变基础设施。
This is further complicated by the fact
[...] that growers can return to MB relatively [...]
easily, since many alternatives do not
require extensive changes in infrastructure.
故事的结尾说,医生以及听说他去世前,人们经常看到在过去的故事“的结果时, 去 的 火车上,没有目 地 , 再 也不 回来 了 , 不知道这是什么标志。
End of story as saying that doctors as well as the outcome of the story “Heard that
before he died, people
[...] often see the past, I went on a train with no destination and never come back , do not know what [...]
this sign.
由于教科文组织从去的孤 立主义发展 来 , 因此该组织需要拓宽和加深其对国家一 级面临的发展挑战以及基层与贫困相关问题的理解,以便将使我们的部门计划更 地 与 千年 发展目标和国际议程相联系。
As UNESCO emerges
[...] from its isolationist past, the Organization needs to broaden and deepen its understanding of development challenges at the country level and poverty-related issues at the grass-roots level, so as to better link our sectoral [...]
programmes to the
MDGs and international agenda.
E. 海关很少会要求你把每样物品从背包里他掏 来 , 因 为他们知道要把东西再 回去 的 时 候,是个多大的工程啊。
E. Custom will hardly request a backpacker to get things out
[...] from backpack, they knows it takes time and effort to put it all back again.
这些活动中的每一项——无论是在特派团驻留 期间建设和平,在我们撤出时切实转向可持续,本国 拥有自主权的和平,还是向合适地 方 派 遣合适的文 职工作人员并与我们的伙伴一起发挥适当的作用—— 都旨在履行我们的授权、建设国家机构、确保我们的 特派团离开后不用回去。
Each of those activities — be they focused on the building of peace during a mission, on effectively transitioning to a sustainable and nationally owned peace as we withdraw, or on the deployment of the right civilian
personnel to the
[...] right place and playing the right roles alongside our partners — are all aimed at delivering on our mandates, building national institutions, and ensuring that we do not have to return again once our missions have left.
根据以上情况,秘书处表示担忧,提议的项目不符合 58/19 号决定的准则,也没有 明地回应蒙 特利尔议定书缔约方大会第二十一次会议第 XXI/2 号决定,其中请执行委员 会,除其他外,“审议其现行销毁活动中一次性供资窗口的成本,应对低消费量国家对那来源国 缔约方无法使用的臭氧消耗物质积聚库存的出口和环境无害处置问题”,因此该提 案更像是一篇研究,了解该区域同处置消耗臭氧层物质废物有关的问题和难题,以便找到 未来解决办法。
Based on the
[...] above, the Secretariat expressed concerns that the proposed project did not meet the guidelines in decision 58/19, nor does it clearly respond to decision XXI/2 of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol where the Executive Committee was requested, [...]
inter alia, “to
consider the costs of a one-time window within its current destruction activities to address the export and environmentally sound disposal of assembled banks of ozone-depleting substances in low-volumeconsuming countries that are not usable in the Party of origin”, since the proposal is more of a study to see what are the issues and problems related to ODS waste disposal in this region with a view to finding a future solution.
根据执行局 169 届会议(第 169 EX/3.4.4 号决定),战略地回顾了 达喀尔会议后教科文组织在全民教 育中的角色,并已相地将现关文件提交给了制订 来 战 略 的本届会议委员会(参见第 170 EX/8 号文件)。
At the request of the 169th session of the Executive Board (169 EX/Decision 3.4.4) a strategic review of UNESCO’s post-Dakar role in EFA was carried out and a relevant document is accordingly presented to this session of the Board concerning future strategies (see [...]
document 170 EX/8).
他凝视地面说,“我被赶出了学校……但现在我 回去。
I was kicked out of school…but I want to go back to study.
[...] 协定,包括沙姆沙伊赫谅解,并执行四方提出的以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突的永久性 两国解决方案路线图,9 又强调指出必须全面执行 2005 年 11 月 15 日订立的《通行进出协定》和《拉 法口岸商定原则》,以便巴勒斯坦平民能够在加 地 带 内 来去 自 由 和自由出入加 沙地带
Stressing the need for full compliance with the Israeli-Palestinian agreements reached within the context of the Middle East peace process, including the Sharm el-Sheikh understandings, and the implementation of the Quartet road map to a permanent two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,9 Stressing also the need for the full implementation of the Agreement on Movement and Access and the Agreed Principles for the Rafah Crossing, both
of 15 November 2005, to
[...] allow for the freedom of movement of the Palestinian civilian population within and into and out of the Gaza Strip
这部分显示出阿斯马拉当局与青年党领导层之间的摩擦日益严重, 也部分反映出青年党在战场上的时运日益欠佳:自 2011 年 8 月来,这 一好战 团体在非洲联盟、肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚部队连同其索马里同盟的军事攻势面前持 续去地盘。
This is in part a symptom of growing friction between the authorities in Asmara and Al-Shabaab’s leadership, and in part a reflection of Al-Shabaab’s declining fortunes on the battlefield:
since August 2011, the
[...] militant group has steadily ceded ground in the face of military offensives by African Union, Kenyan and Ethiopian forces, together with their Somali allies.
关于根据《联合国反腐败公约》防止和打击腐败 行径及转移非法来源资产的活动,并将这些资产退 回,特别是退回来源国的决议草案 A/C.2/64/L.64 (A/C.5/64/12)请秘书长继续向联合国毒品和犯罪问 题办事处提供必要资源,以便该办事处能够有 地促 进 《联合国反腐败公约》的执行工作,并履行作为公 约缔约国会议秘书处的职能;又请秘书长确保为审查 《公约》执行情况的新机制提供充足的资金。
Draft resolution A/C.2/64/L.64 on preventing and combating corrupt practices and
transfer of assets of
[...] illicit origin and returning such assets, in particular to the countries of origin, consistent with the United Nations Convention against Corruption (A/C.5/64/12) requested the Secretary-General to continue to provide the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) with the resources necessary to enable it to promote [...]
the implementation of
the United Nations Convention against Corruption and to discharge its functions as the secretariat of the Conference of the States Parties to the Convention.
作为耶稣 的信徒,我们必须让耶来指导 我们的人生;必须愿意跟随他的脚步,无论他要我们做什么,我们 都会不计代地去完成他的命令。
As followers of Jesus, we must be willing to walk in the way of our Lord, allow Him to direct our lives, and do His will whatever the cost.
此外,总统表示,阿 根廷将等待合理的一段时间,但如果没有任何结果,将被迫开始审查两国现在仍 然有效的临时谅解,特别是 1999 年 7 月 14 日的联合宣言和换文,内容涉及智利 航空公司(Lan)在蓬塔阿雷纳斯和群岛 地 间 每周定期航班,每 来回 在 里 奥加 耶戈斯各停靠一次。
Further, the President stated that Argentina would wait for a reasonable period of time, but if nothing transpired, it would be forced to begin reviewing the provisional understandings between the two countries that are still in effect, in particular the joint statement and exchange of letters of 14 July 1999 on regular weekly Lan Chile flights between Punta Arenas and the Islands with two monthly stopovers, one in each direction, in Río Gallegos.
回去的路途上的情形记得不太 清楚了,但我印象最深的就是工兵桥 地 方 堆 满了尸体。
I don‘t recall much about what happened on my way there, except for a strong impression that many corpses were [...]
piled up at the Kohei Bridge.
眼下本案 与将某人送回可能遭酷刑地的案 例毫不相关。对于典型的案例,遣送发生之际 才有可能出现违约现象的属时原因是符合逻辑的思维,因为违约取决于当事人是 否被遣回去的情况下才存在。
The current case does not have anything to do with possible cases of deportation to a place where a person might be tortured; in that type of case, it is logical to consider ratione temporis the possible violation at the moment that the ordered deportation occurs, since the violation depends on the circumstances that exist in the country to which the person is sent.
专家组指出,如果这些武器是从非法市场上的不来源零星购入的,那么,(a) 没有什么理由去除序列号,(b) 即便如此,也不可 能以相同的方式如此有系地去除序 列号。
Groups noted that, if the weapons had been
acquired piecemeal from different sources on the illicit
[...] market, (a) there would be little reason to remove serial numbers and (b) even if this were the case, the serial numbers would not have been removed so systematically and in identical ways.
我虽然完成了翻译工作,但並没有向我的病人推荐,因为一个產品能治疗这么多病,效果又这样神奇,的確让我怀疑,今年5月,在纽约一个酒店召开有关NONI的大会,我介绍了几位病人去听,其中一位拄拐 来 的 膝 关节痛的病人买了一 回去 , 三 周后打电话给我说上下楼都不用拄拐杖了,並专程来看我感谢我,这个病例给了我很大的信心,於是开始介绍更多的病人服用,一些糖尿病、肝硬化、心臟病、高血压等病患得到了神奇的难以置信的疗效。
Although I complete the translation work, but did not recommend to my patients, because a product can cure so sickly, and so magical, it makes me wonder, in May this year, at a hotel in New York held on the NONI assembly, I introduced a few patient to listen
to, one of the crutch
[...] the knee pain patients bought a box back, three weeks after the call me downstairs [...]
without a stick,
and here I thank me, this case has given me the very big confidence, begin to introduce more patients taking, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease, hypertension and so on ill be hardly worthy of belief by the magic effect.
希望副規劃環 境㆞政回去再與他以往的同事研究㆒㆘,究竟前線㆟員所做的事與他所講的情況是 [...]
I hope the Deputy Secretary for Planning, Environment
[...] and Lands would go back to confirm with [...]
his colleagues involved in previous cases
to see if what the front-line staff have done is really in line with what he has told us.
根据您的假期类型,您可以选择那些您 去 的 地 方再根据我们的邮轮目 地来 选 择 ,当然您也可以根据邮轮航线来做决定,我们为您准备了独一无二的港口和城市来供您选择。
Depending on your holiday style, you can choose a cruise by destination, as [...]
in a specific part of the world you would like
to visit, or by itinerary, as in the unique listing of ports and cities that we created.
回去考慮 一下,看 看我們將來的宣傳策略可否吸納楊議員這項建議。
I will go back and study if [...]
we can take on board Mr YOUNG's suggestion in our future strategy for publicity.
敦促各国将海洋废弃物问题纳入国家沿海地区、港口和海运业包括回 收、重用、减少和处置在内的废物管理战略,并鼓励拟订适当的经济奖励措施处 理这一问题,包括建立回收费用制度,奖励使用港口回收设施,促使船舶不在海 上排放海洋废弃物,支持采取措施,如基于社区的沿海和水道清理和监测活动, 防止、减少和控制来自任何来源(包括 地来 源 ) 的污染,并鼓励各国开展区域 和次区域合作,发现潜在的来源和海洋废弃物集聚的沿海及海洋地点,拟定和执 行共同防止回收海洋废弃物方案
Urges States to integrate the issue of marine debris into national strategies dealing with waste management in the coastal zone, ports and maritime industries, including recycling, reuse, reduction and disposal, and to encourage the development of appropriate economic incentives to address this issue, including the development of cost recovery systems that provide an incentive to use port reception facilities and discourage ships from discharging marine debris at sea, and support for measures to prevent, reduce and control pollution
from any source, including land-based sources, such as community-based coastal and waterway clean-up and monitoring activities, and encourages States to cooperate
[...] regionally and subregionally to identify potential sources and coastal and oceanic locations where marine debris aggregates, and to develop and implement joint prevention and recovery programmes for marine debris
你將不得不將它移走或者刪除,這樣的話當你切 回去 的 時 候必須重新 clone 它——你可能會丟失你未推送的地 的 變 更或分支。
You have to either move it out of the way or
remove it, in
[...] which case you have to clone it again when you switch back—and you may lose local changes or branches that you [...]
didn’t push up.
本文介绍了这些技术的目前和可能的临床应用价值及 其优点和缺点,选择地回顾了 已发表的相关文献,及已发 现的正常和在不同心血管疾病时的异常表现,总结了目前尚 未解决的问题和来研究 的重点,并推荐了一些临床适应症。
This document describes the current and potential clinical applications of these techniques and their strengths and weaknesses, briefly surveys a selection of the relevant published literature while highlighting normal and abnormal findings in the context of different cardiovascular pathologies, and summarizes the unresolved issues, future research priorities, and recommended indications for clinical use.
在过去的许多年中,我总是用圆珠笔,细致、耐 地去 刻 画 这些动物, 来 我 开 始转向单版画,而现在我又用快速而自然的笔法来创作,仿佛在涂白的巨大画纸上跳舞一般。
For many years I used to draw them with ballpoint pens, with [...]
lots of detail and patience, then I moved to monoprints and
now I do them fast, elementally, almost as dancing over the enormous sheets of white-painted paper.
他们是联合国驻黎巴嫩临时 部队(联黎部队)部队指挥官阿萨塔·奎瓦斯少将,我 请回去主持 于星期三晚上举行的重要的三边会议, 还有就是非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动的部队 指挥官尼亚姆武姆巴中将,他不得不 回 实 地 解 决达 尔富尔一些营地当前的紧张情况。
They are Major General Asarta Cuevas, Force Commander of the United Nations Interim
Force in Lebanon
[...] (UNMIL), whom I asked to return to preside over the important tripartite meeting held on Wednesday evening, and Lieutenant General Nyamvumba, Force Commander of the African UnionUnited Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, who was compelled to return to his core tasks [...]
in the field to address
the current tensions in certain camps in Darfur.
我们要求安理会拿出勇气和政治意 愿,公正地作出决定,使刚果人民可以最终相信会有更 好的前景,使他们能够更加平静去 设 想 ,在一个普遍 实现更广泛和平、安全、公正和繁荣的国家 地 区 ,未 来应是何种景象。
We ask the Council to have the
courage and the
[...] political will to decide justly so that the Congolese people can at last believe in improved prospects, enabling them to envisage with much [...]
greater calm
the future of a country and a region where greater peace, security, justice and prosperity will reign.
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些都直回应肯 尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the following
strategic areas of
[...] support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening [...]
literacy development through
advocacy and technical support to strategic planning.




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