

单词 来华

External sources (not reviewed)

来,华盛顿 已经表示将在安理会否决将多数通过的关于承认巴勒斯坦作 [...]
For several days, Washington has been indicating [...]
that it will veto in the Security Council what will be a majority resolution
of the General Assembly: the recognition of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations.
对于中国艺术迷来说,托娃并不令人感到陌生,她曾经于1976年首次访华,并在其后多 来华 访 问,还曾经在上海、北京和苏州举办过数个展览。
Tove is not new to China, making her first visit already in 1976, and she has since then returned numerous times and held several exhibitions in both Shanghai, Beijing, and Suzhou.
自1985年创建来,华德士 集团一直通过全球分公司网络,支持各类本地慈善事业。
Since its inception in 1985, Robert Walters plc has supported [...]
various local charitable causes through its international network of offices.
自 1980 年代初债务危机来,华盛顿 共识一直是提倡发展中国家采用的主 要宏观经济模型,这是一种旨在建设健康经济和投资环境的“一刀切”做法,结 合了从紧的宏观经济政策、私有化、快速自由化和放松管制。
Since the debt crisis of the early 1980s, the predominant macroeconomic model advocated to developing countries as a “one size fits all” approach by which to build a healthy economy and investment climate was the Washington Consensus, a combination of tight macroeconomic policies, privatization, rapid liberalization and deregulation.
但是在我来,华为的 这种行动至少表明其终于意识到全球市场是一个艰难而充满竞争的地方,生存和成功的唯一道路就是与全球主要公司采用同样的规则。
But from my perspective, this
[...] kind of action by Huawei at least shows [...]
it finally realizes the global market is a tough and
competitive place, and the only way it will be able to survive and succeed there is to play by the same rules as other major global companies.
The President looks forward to welcoming President Hu to Washington to continue [...]
building a partnership that advances our
common interests and addresses our shared concerns.
另外,海外金融机来华的第 二波浪潮很受中国政府欢迎,因为政府意识到这些小型金融机构提供的服务正是市场急切需要的,因此中国政府破例批准了它们的许多新计划。
What’s more, this second wave of overseas financial firms are actually receiving a warm welcome from [...]
Beijing, which recognizes
their services are desperately needed in the market and is thus approving many of their new initiatives in record time.
自1985年来,华德士 通过孜孜不倦的耕耘、和与时俱进的热情实践,已跻身成为专业人才招聘行业中的佼佼者。
Since 1985 Robert Walters has excelled [...]
in specialist recruitment services through dedicated, passionate and evolving practices.
千多名与会者在七月二十二参加由澳门特区政府旅游局赞助的「褔 来华 寻 根 之旅」,游览多个世界遗产建筑物,包括马礼逊教堂、基督教坟场、圣安多尼教堂、大三巴牌坊、圣保禄教堂、大炮台、玫瑰堂、仁慈堂及民政总署大楼。
On July 22, over a thousand participants will
[...] attend "Gospel to China Heritage Tour" sponsored by the Macau [...]
Government Tourist Office (MGTO),
visiting various World Heritage sites including Morrison Chapel, Protestant Cemetery, St. Anthony's Church, Ruins of St. Paul's (including the façade and remains of St. Paul's College), Mount Fortress, St. Dominic's Church, Holy House of Mercy and "Leal Senado" Building.
在她来,华盛顿 第一银行这样的小银行同样会有导致摩根大通银行关闭该常驻团账户的费用问 [...]
In her view, small
[...] banks such as Washington First Bank [...]
would have the same cost issues that caused JPMorgan Chase Bank to
close the accounts of the Permanent Missions, which could again lead to account closures in the future.
纳索博士从2006年在华菱工作以来,积极搭建华菱同安赛乐米塔尔技术交流的平台和桥梁,多次组织安赛乐米塔尔的专 来华 菱 进行技术指导和共同试验,通过双方的技术交流解决了华菱宽厚板新产品开发、大盘卷生产、CSP新产品开发和石油管开发等方面的技术难题,提高了华菱板材和长材新产品开发的技术能力。
Since his work at Valin in 2006, Dr. Lazaridis has actively facilitated the platform for technical exchanges between Valin and ArcelorMittal, and organized ArcelorMittal's experts to visit Valin for technical guidance and joint experiments, which have improved Valin's capabilities of developing new plates and long products by resolving technological difficulties in new heavy plate R&D, large coil production, new CSP product development, oil pipe development, etc. He has also contributed to the synergetic efforts with Valin to successfully develop high-strength ship-building F40, cold rolled electrical steel, free cutting steel and CSP high-strength steel, as well as ArcelorMittal's technological transfer to Valin in terms of auto sheet and electrical steel based on Valin's "11th Five-Year Plan".
从2004年至今,来华七次 的双语歌手、词作人和班卓琴演奏家阿比盖尔·沃什伯恩(Abigail Washburn)再次回到中国,将带来仅有的几场演出。
For the seventh time since 2004, bilingual singer/songwriter and banjo player ABIGAIL WASHBURN returns to China for another extremely limited number of performances.
中国大学的申请是开放和透明的,中国大学欢迎世界各地的学 来华 深 造 ,因此,中国没有所谓的官方或唯 一申请机构, 但是,有些中国大学会授权某个机构全权负责他们的国际学生招生录取工作,比如中国六 大汉语教学基地之一的华中师范大学就已授权CUAC全面代理他们展开招生工作,因此,该校国际交 流学院官网(http://cice.ccnu.edu.cn/)上English version的链接是直接跳转到我们的在线招生系统 (http://ccnu.at0086.com/web/index.aspx)。
However, some Chinese universities might authorize some organizations or agents to recruit international students on their behalf; for example, CUAC is authorized by one of the six Chinese language education bases of China, Central China Normal University to manage international applications and offers, thus, the English version of official website of College of International Cultural Exchange, Central China Normal University (http://cice.ccnu.edu.cn/ ) is directly direct to the site of us (http://ccnu.at0086.com/web/index.aspx ).
为提升海外员工对中兴通讯的了解和认同,全面提升员工的素质和技能,促进跨文化融合,中兴通讯开展 “阳光行动”,通过外来华、远 程学习、当地培训中心等方式加强培训,促使海外员工培训覆盖率提升到80% 以上,新员工达到100%覆盖。
In order to enhance overseas employees’ understanding and recognition of ZTE Corporation, to improve employees’ quality and skills in an overall manner, and to promote cultural cohesion, ZTE Corporation has developed the “Sunshine Action Project.
自从华人春节晚会来,华人协 会参与了两 项文化活动--FAME 文化节和 IPFW 多元文化展示会。
Since we last gathered at the Chinese New Year Party, the Association has presented two Chinese Cultural Displays at the FAME Festival and IPFW Diversity Showcase.
6月27日上周五希腊总统Karolos Papoulias率领由众多知名希腊企业家组成的庞大代表团结束了对中国的正式访问;总 来华 的 主 要目的是加强中希经济合作关系,与此相关的两个商务论坛会分别在北京和上海举办,来访的希腊代表团也出席该论坛会。
Last Friday, June 27, the President of the Hellenic Republic Karolos Papoulias, heading a large delegation with numerous well known Greek entrepreneurs, concluded an official visit to China; the enhancement of economic relations between Greece and China was the main thrust of the talks President Papoulias had in China, and two business forums were organized in Beijing and Shanghai.
完美的修复和出色的照明为游客 来华 丽 效 果, 全面展示了印度伟大历史上建筑奇葩的辉煌。
The well-executed restoration and the fantastic lighting created a splendid sight for tourists, showing the architectural marvels of India’s great history in their full splendour.
这次挑战活动吸引了世界踢踏舞顶级高手 来华 巡 演的“王者之舞”踢踏舞团的制作监理Paddy带领舞蹈团的10位主要舞者从上海来到北京,为中国的踢踏舞爱好者挑战吉尼斯世界纪录助威。
This challenge has attracted the world 's top master tap dance china tour," Lord of the dance" tap dance production supervision Paddy led the dance of the10main dancer from Shanghai to Beijing, to China to tap dance enthusiasts challenges Guinness book of world records on.
在中国,全球赤足跑运动的先驱推动者VIBRAM于2010年将Vibram FiveFingers赤足运动鞋引进国内,并邀请意大利资深赤足跑教练Corrado Giambalvo来华展开 2011年VFF赤足与自然跑步方式全国巡回体验讲座。
In China, VIBRAM as the worldwide pioneer and promoter of barefoot running, introduced Vibram FiveFingers barefoot shoes to Chinese in 2010, and invited the senior Italian barefoot running trainer, Corrado Giambalvo, to come to China and conduct an experience-based lecture on VFF Barefoot and Natural Running Method in a tour around the country in 2011.
目前的资助水平可以支持每年约20位美国讲学者,约80位美国研究学者、研究生和刚毕业的大学 来华 , 以及近40位中国访问研究学者、20名博士生和40名年轻的英语教师赴美交流。
Current funding levels support the exchange of approximately twenty U.S. Lecturers, some eighty U.S. Research Scholars, Graduate Students and Recent Graduates, as well as fifty Chinese Visiting Research Scholars and Graduate Students and 40 Foreign Language Teaching Assistants each year.
2013年3月,摩登天空荣联手吉他中国、华人摇滚荣誉呈现Public Image Limited(公众形象公司)双城专场演出,这也是这支传奇乐队自1978年组队后首 来华。
Modern Sky x Guitar China x Xound Force proudly present Public Image Limited with two performances, March 2013, Beijing and Shanghai.
最近更新时间: 2013/3/1 // 挪威作家和北欧理事会文学奖获得者拉尔斯•索比耶•克里斯滕森(Lars Saabye Christensen)将于2013年3月8日至22日来华 , 参加分别于北京和成都举办的老书虫国际文学节。
Last updated: 01/03/2013 // The famous Norwegian author and winner of the Nordic Council's Literature Prize Lars Saabye Christensen will participate at the yearly Bookworm International Literary Festival 8-22 March 2013 in Beijing and Chengdu.
受罗马尼亚驻华大使馆的邀请,5月29日,中国节能总经理、新时代集团董事长余海龙在北京丽晶酒店会见 来华 访 问 的罗马尼亚政府成员、商业环境部部长代表Lucian [...]
On May 29, 2012, Yu Hailong, the General Manager of China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP) and
President of New Era Group, at the invitation
[...] of the Romania Embassy in China, met, [...]
in Regent Beijing, a delegation led by Romania’s
government members and Lucian ISAR, the representative of the Minister of the Ministry of Business Environment.
Over the decades, this community and its counterpart, the Australian community in China, have played a pivotal role in fostering the strong people-to-people ties that underpin the bilateral relationship.
与国际有色宝石协会(ICA)联合举办专场推介酒会,向全球ICA成员和宝石界大腕重磅推介博览会与产业园;拜会美国宝石贸易协会(AGTA)总裁道格拉斯·哈克(Douglas Hucker)先生并举行座谈会,AGTA将组织美国珠宝展商组团参加博览会;联系美国东岸西岸华人珠宝厂商会,会长王先生(Johnny Wang)将于3月组团来湘考察并商议合作事项;拜会ICA前任主席安琚·科迪(Andrew cody),其将携全球独一无二的欧泊化石极品在博览会举办特展,并组织20位欧泊展商来长参展;拜会美国宝石学院(GIA)相关负责人,专程听取其专家演讲,并商议 G I A 来华 合 作 办学及开展宝石科普与鉴定活动事宜。
The delegation also contacted NCAJA , National Chinese American Jewelry Assosiation,the president of which Mr. Johnny Wang will come to Hunan in May with a delegation to discuss on cooperation issues; visited the former president of ICA Mr. Andrew Cody, who will bring his one and only top quality opal piece to Changsha for a special exhibition, and will also organize 20 other opal exhibitors to participate in CMGS; met with relevant persons in charge at GIA, listened to the talks given by their experts, discussed with them about cooperation on opening schools in China, developing gemology popularization and gem identification etc.
各位部长铭记解决青年人挑战和潜力的方式将影响到当前的社会和经济条 件以及子孙后代的福祉和生计,强调需要进一步努力促进青年人的利益,除其
[...] 他外,支持青年人发展其潜力和华 , 并 解决青年人面临的社会挑战的负面影 响。
Bearing in mind that the ways in which the challenges and potential of young people are addressed will influence current social and economic conditions and the well-being and livelihood of future generations, Ministers stressed the need for further efforts to promote interests of the youth, inter alia, by
supporting young people to develop their
[...] potential and talents and tackling the [...]
negative impact of social challenges facing the youth.
参与此次交易的另外21家银行包括:Rabobank International、苏格兰皇家银行与苏格兰皇家银行(德国)有限公司、海湾第一银行新加坡分行、印度海外银行新加坡分行、卡塔尔国家银行新加坡分行、 华 银 行 有限公司、澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司、三菱东京UFJ银行株式会社新加坡分行、英国阿拉伯商业银行、中国信托商业银行有限公司新加坡分行、瑞弗森国际银行集团有限公司新加坡分行、东亚银行有限公司新加坡分行、天顶银行(英国)有限公司、巴西银行、台湾银行新加坡分行、恒生银行有限公司、泰京银行(大众)有限公司新加坡分行、兆丰国际商业银行股份有限公司新加坡分行、印尼国家银行新加坡分行以及阿拉伯法国联合银行。
The 21 participating banks joining the Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers in the transaction include: Rabobank International, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS (Deutschland) AG, First Gulf Bank PJSC, Singapore Branch, Indian Overseas Bank, Singapore Branch, Qatar National Bank SAQ, Singapore Branch, United Overseas Bank Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Limited, Singapore Branch, British Arab Commercial Bank plc, Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co.
例如,华盛顿 州西雅图,税款可通过厄立特里亚拥有的一家旅 行社缴纳。28 [...]
他们采用的方法是否具有敲诈或非法性质往往要视所在国或所在州 法律而定,并取决于收税人是外交官还是外国其他注册代理商、收税人的国籍以 及收税人利用了哪类法律和行政漏洞。
In Seattle, Washington, for example, [...]
taxes can be paid through an Eritrean-owned travel agency.28 Whether or not the techniques
they employ are extortive or illicit is often a matter of national or state law, and depends upon such questions as whether or not the collector is a diplomat or other registered agent of a foreign power, the nationality of the collector and the kinds of legal and administrative loopholes employed by collectors.
该项目成功地促使许多当地的合作伙伴参与有关活动,如在中国,有中国社会科学院 (CASS)社会学研究所、华全国妇女联合会(ACW F) 、 华 东 师 范大学、云南社会科学院哲学 所、地方当局(大连市政府、金堂县政府(2002 年)、云南迪庆藏族自治州)以及中国教 科文组织全国委员会。
The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, the local authorities (Dalian City Government, Jintang Country Government (2002), the Yunnan Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) and Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.




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