

单词 来函

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External sources (not reviewed)

工作组审议了秘书处编写的有关个 来函 程 序 的概况介绍,并修订了其关于 个人申诉的示范来文表。
The Working Group considered a fact sheet prepared by the secretariat on the individual communication procedures and revised its model communication form relating to individual complaints.
执行局第七十七届会议在议程项目 8.3
[...] 文化领域人权问题的函件之程序”项下,在决定了应遵循的程序之后,要求“总干事按照上 述程序将有来函报告 教育歧视问题特别委员会”,并决定“为此扩大该委员会的职权范 [...]
围”(决定 77 EX/8.3)。
At its 77th session, under item 8.3 of its agenda, entitled ‘Procedure for handling communications on individual cases involving human rights in education, science and culture’, the Board, having decided on the procedure to be followed, requested ‘the Director-General,
in accordance with the said procedure, to
[...] bring the communications in question [...]
to the notice of the Special Committee on
Discrimination in Education’ and decided ‘to extend the terms of reference of the Committee for this purpose’ (77 EX/Decision 8.3).
工发组织要求该国政府给臭氧秘书 来函澄 清这个问题。
UNIDO then requested the
[...] Government to send a letter to the Ozone [...]
Secretariat to clarify the issue.
检方小组和辩方小组在听讯前对法律问题进行了讨论,以在庭中出现争议 问题前集中加以审议和解决,并通过申请和 / 或 来函 方 式 解决诸多问题,以确保 法庭时间用于举证。
The Prosecution and Defence teams engage in pre-hearing discussions of legal issues to focus and resolve contentious matters before they are raised in court, and deal with many issues by way of filings and/or correspondence to ensure that court time is used for the taking of evidence.
由此,在实践中,一来函如果 (a) 是由某个国家的或国际性的教师组织寄给国际劳工 组织或教科文组织的秘书处的,(b) 并与国际劳工组织或教科文组织的有关建议书的规定相 关,(c) 但又属于国际劳工组织的公约与建议书实施专家委员会或结社自由管理机构委员会 或教科文组织的公约与建议委员会(CR)这类机构的职责范围,那么, 来函 则 应 由秘书 处转交给这其中的一个机构,而不转交给联合委员会。
Accordingly, in practical terms, if a communication is (a) received at the Secretariat of ILO or UNESCO from a national or international teachers’ organization, and (b) relates to the provisions of the Recommendations concerning either ILO or UNESCO, but (c) also falls within the competence of ILO committees such as the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, or the Governing Body Committee on Freedom of Association, [...]
or the UNESCO Committee on Conventions
and Recommendations, the communication is then referred by the Secretariat to one of those bodies instead of to CEART.
他还促使《公约》缔约国承认 消除种族歧视委员会审查个来函的 能 力。
He also encouraged States parties to the Convention to
recognize the competence of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to
[...] examine individual communications.
委员会讨论了对日内瓦联合国人权事务高级专员办事处收到 来函 的 处理 方式,尤其是其秘书处操作的过滤机制,并决定继续遵循其议事规则第 56 条, 转发由其秘书处发送的与明显不符合可受理性规定 来函 有 关的个人化标准函。
The Working Group discussed the handling of correspondence received by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, in particular the filtering
mechanism operated by its secretariat,
[...] and decided to continue to follow rule 56 of its rules of procedure and forward the individualized standard letter sent by its secretariat in relation to correspondence which clearly fails to meet admissibility requirements.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国政府通过一份正 来函 通 知 工发组织,政府“在同执行机构和有 关的伊朗受益者讨论后,商定采用执行委员会提议的第三种办法,从为计量吸入器改型项 目和国家淘汰计划核准的资金中共扣除 465,500 美元,扣除款平均分摊(各占 50%)”。
Through an official communication from the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, UNIDO was informed that the Government had agreed “after discussions with the implementing agencies and the relevant Iranian beneficiaries, to apply the third option proposed by the Executive Committee, i.e., to deduct the amount of US $465,500 from both the amounts of the funds approved for MDI conversion project and the NPP in an equally distributed manner (50 per cent each).
2008 年 7 月 1 日,工作组审议了政府关于三起未决案件并要求提供更多 资料的一来函。
The Working Group reviewed a communication sent by the Government on 1 July 2008, regarding three outstanding cases and requesting further information.
文件可以 包括、但不一定局限于供应链内部控制文件、与供应商的有关 来函 件 和合同条 款、公司概况和风险评估产生的文件、减少风险战略及其执行的文件以及第三方 提供的有关文件。
Documentation may include but should not necessarily be limited to documentation on supply chain internal controls, relevant communications and contractual provisions with suppliers, documentation generated by company fact and risk assessments, documents on risk mitigation strategies and their implementation and relevant documents supplied by third parties.
(b) 决定逐步实现经社会届会无纸化,从而可能以电子方式及 早提供所有会前文件来函,做到文件少而精,并在这方面请执行秘 [...]
书向常驻代表及经社会成员指派的其他代表咨询委员会第339次会议 提交一份报告,供经社会第六十八届会议根据该报告作出一项决定,
(b) Decided to move towards paperless Commission sessions with the possibility of
electronic early delivery of all pre-session
[...] documents and communications, with fewer [...]
but higher quality documents, and, in this
regard, requested the Executive Secretary to submit to the Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission at its 339th session a report that would serve as the basis for a decision at the sixty-eighth session of the Commission which would take effect as of its sixty-ninth session and affect the preparations therefor
贺利氏欢迎各来电来函进行有关个案合成以及新开 发化合物的垂询。
Heraeus welcomes direct contact for custom synthesis and new compounds enquiries.
在谈及问题清单中的问题 2 时,他询及乌兹别克 斯坦政府针对委员会建议的补救措施以及委员会就 个人根据任择议定书提交来函所发 表的有关意见 作出了哪些决定。
Referring to question 2 on the list of issues, he asked where decisions were taken within the Uzbek Government with respect to remedies recommended by the Committee and the Committee’s views concerning communications by individuals under the Optional Protocol.
联合国秘书处法律事务厅的一名代表就备忘录发言,包 括对备忘录作出补充说明,列出在备忘录定稿后收到的全权证书 来函。
A representative of the Office of Legal Affairs of the Secretariat made a statement relating to the memorandum, in which,
inter alia, he updated the memorandum to indicate
[...] credentials and communications received subsequent [...]
to its preparation.
[...] 一步申明,伊拉克政府在给安全理事会和原子能机 构的正来函(S/ 2010/37)中承诺遵守不扩散制度, [...]
In addition, the Iraqi Minister for Foreign Affairs had further affirmed his
Government’s commitment to the non-proliferation
[...] regime in official letters to the Security [...]
Council and IAEA (S/2010/37), both of which
had welcomed the steps taken by Iraq in that regard.
关于缔约国对1998 年发生的事件的意见,申诉人提出,司法部长故意曲解了一封墨西哥政 来函的 意 思,称申诉人的酷刑指控是没有根据的。
With regard to the consideration of the events of 1998 by the State party, the complainant submitted that the Minister of Justice had
deliberately misconstrued
[...] the sense of a letter received from the Mexican authorities, claiming that [...]
the complainant’s allegations of torture were unfounded.
(c) 下列 18
[...] 个缔约国代表的任命书由常驻纽约代表团以普通照会 来函形 式 递交大会秘书长:布隆迪、乍得、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、1 [...]
刚果民主共和 国、多米尼克、加蓬、几内亚比绍、洪都拉斯、基里巴斯、帕劳、圣基茨和尼维斯、 圣卢西亚、圣多美和普林西比、塞舌尔、索马里、苏里南、图瓦卢、瓦努阿图。
(c) The following 18 States parties had not submitted any
written notice that they were attending the
[...] Conference, or their credentials: Burundi, [...]
Chad, Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea,1 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Kiribati, Palau, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Somalia, Suriname, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
你在 2007 年 10 月 26 日来函中请洪都拉斯提供最新资料,以便安全理事会 [...]
该委员会编写有关全面执行第 1542(2004)号决议的报告。
Regarding your letter dated 26 October [...]
2007, in which you kindly requested Honduras to provide up-to-date information to
facilitate the preparation of the report of the Security Council Committee on the full implementation of resolution 1540 (2004), please find attached the relevant information requested from the authorities of Honduras by your office.
联系我们, 您将从我们的优化方案中受益匪浅, 欢来函, 我们 非常乐意为您提供解决方案和报价。
Get in touch and you too can enjoy the benefits of our extrusion press optimization package! We look forward to hearing from you and will gladly send you a quote, free of charge and without obligation.
(d) 在向 WGSN 查询我们的活动、发送电子邮件、来电 来函 或 者 以其他方式提供个人信息时 所提供的任何其他数据。
(d) any other data which you provide to WGSN when you enquire about our activities, email, telephone or write to us or otherwise provide us with personal information.
谨提及你 2007 年 10 月 17 日来函,并 随此信转递有关瑞士执行安全理事 [...]
会第 1540(2004)号决议情况的补充资料(见附件)。
I have the honour to
[...] refer to your letter dated 17 October [...]
2007 and to transmit herewith additional information relating
to the implementation by Switzerland of Security Council resolution 1540 (2004).
本说明是根据经社会 2011 年 5 月 25 日第 67/15 号决议第 8 段
[...] 编写——经社会在其中决定“逐步实现经社会届会无纸化,从而酌 情以电子方式及早提供所有会前文件 来函 , 做到文件少而精。
This note is produced in accordance with paragraph 8 of resolution 67/15 of 25 May 2011, whereby the Commission decided “to move towards paperless Commission sessions with the
possibility of electronic early delivery of all pre-session
[...] documents and communications, with fewer [...]
but higher quality documents.
若您对上述“供求信息”中的项目感兴趣, 或想刊登发表自己的广告 和供求信息,欢来函
If you’re interested in these offers and calls or if you want to offer something yourself, please get in contact with
我已经收到该集团主席的正来函, 通 知我该 集团已经达成协议,提名伊拉克常驻代表哈米德·巴 亚提为委员会 2011 年会议主席候选人。
I have received an official communication from the Chair of that Group informing me that the Group has reached an agreement on the nomination of Ambassador Hamid Al Bayati, Permanent Representative of Iraq, as a candidate for the chairmanship of the Commission for its 2011 session.
来函可 能 是真正的反对,但往往只是开启一次对话;对话可能导致反对,但也可能造成 [...]
Such communications may be true objections, [...]
but they may — and often do — initiate a dialogue that might indeed lead to
an objection, although it might also result in the modification or withdrawal of the reservation.
在上述栏目中刊登和发表信息属博信欧亚经贸中心的免费服务项目, 国内外读者均可使用上述信息!竭诚欢 来函 表 明您的愿望和刊登您 的信息广告。
Maxicom provides the service of publishing these offers free of charge, even to newsletter readers at home and abroad.
工作组每年向人权理事会报告工作组自理事会上届会议结束后至工作组第三 届年会最后一天所从事的活动,向理事会通报与政府和非政府组织 来函 件 、会 议及任务。
The WGEID reports annually to the Human Rights Council on the activities which it has carried out from the end of Council’s previous session up until the last day of the WGEID’s third annual session.
谨提及你 2009 年 1 月 19 日来函,其 中表示埃及希望参加建设和平委员会布 [...]
I have the honour to
[...] refer to your letter dated 19 January [...]
2009 expressing the interest of Egypt in participating in the
Peacebuilding Commission’s Burundi and Sierra Leone configurations.
2010年3月31 日,律来函阐明 ,她联系上了阿富汗境内的申诉人,申诉 [...]
人称他的生活十分艰难,在阿富汗与巴基斯坦两国之间的各个城镇东躲西藏,从 一地藏匿到另一地。
In a letter dated 31 March 2010, counsel [...]
indicated that she had been in contact with the author in Afghanistan and he had
stated that he was living a very difficult life, hiding and moving from city to city, between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国:对国际注册指定阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的临时驳回提出上诉的,递交经法律认 证的委托书截止日期 国际局收到了阿拉伯叙利亚共和国主管局 来函 , 内 容涉及对国际注册指定阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的 临时驳回提出上诉的,递交经法律认证的委托书的截止日期。
The International Bureau received a letter from the Office of the Syrian Arab Republic concerning the deadline to submit a legalized power of attorney when filing an appeal against a provisional refusal with respect to a designation of the Syrian Arab Republic made in an international registration.




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