

单词 来世

来世 noun ()

afterlife n

External sources (not reviewed)

这一轨道也最可能使按主要地区排列的 来世 界 人 口分布接近目前的分 布。
Such a path would also be the most likely to produce a future
[...] distribution of the world population by major [...]
area close to that which prevails today.
自成立来,世界中 小企业会议一直努力激励、促进、加强和协调国际合 作和国际运动,以促进中小企业的成长和发展。
Since its inception, WASME has been [...]
striving to stimulate, foster, promote and coordinate international cooperation and
movement for the growth and development of SMEs.
第二天,诺曼面临的在厕所告诉他一个特殊的书在日落前必须进行的仪式,这一天,在出发前 来世 最 近 去世的Prenderghast的鬼。
The next day, Norman is confronted by the ghost of the recently deceased Prenderghast in the restroom who
tells him that the ritual must be performed with a special book before sundown that day,
[...] before departing for the afterlife.
在 1974 年大会第六届特别会议上,联合国会员国庄严宣布他们“一致决心 紧急地为建立一种新的国际经济秩序而努力,这种秩序将建立在所有国家的公
正、主权平等、互相依靠、共同利益和合作的基础上,而不问它们的经济和社会 制度如何,这种秩序将纠正不平等和现存的非正义并且使发达国家与发展中国家
[...] 之间日益扩大的鸿沟有可能消除,并保证目前一代和 来世世 代 代 在和平和正义 中稳步地加速经济和社会发展”(第 [...]
At the sixth special session of the General Assembly in 1974, States Members of the United Nations solemnly proclaimed their “united determination to work urgently for the Establishment of a New International Economic Order based on equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, common interest and cooperation among all States, irrespective of their economic and social systems which shall correct inequalities and redress existing injustices, make it possible to eliminate the widening gap between the developed and the developing countries and ensure steadily
accelerating economic and social development and peace
[...] and justice for present and future generations” [...]
(resolution 3201 (S-VI)).
我们 应该通过集体行动进行这项工作,加强奠定一个以全 面、协调和团结为基础的系统,促进高效的公平治理
[...] 能够发挥关键作用的可持续人类发展,使我们能向来世代提 供有尊严的生活,并建造一个人人享有和 [...]
We should do this through collective action to strengthen the foundations of a global, harmonious, solidarity-based system to promote sustainable human development in which efficient, equitable
governance should play a key role, so that
[...] we may offer future generations a [...]
dignified life and build a future of peace,
stability, progress and prosperity for all.
例如,2006 年来,世界粮 食计划署(粮食计划署)与法国的 Axa Re [...]
公司合作,在埃塞俄比亚推行 了一项干旱保险计划。
For instance, since 2006 the World Food Programme [...]
(WFP) has developed a drought-insurance programme in Ethiopia in partnership with the French firm Axa Re.
教科文组织的世界报告-“来世界: 我们正在造就的未来”除已有法文、英文、西班牙文、波兰文和卡塔卢尼亚文 [...]
The UNESCO World Report The World Ahead: Our Future [...]
in the Making, which had already been published in French, English,
Spanish, Polish and Catalan, was also published, during the course of the biennium, in Vietnamese and Arabic.
特别是由于它是波斯的影响力,这个世界之间的反差,在这种邪恶,死亡和罪恶盛行,和 来世 界 “ ,这是完全好”(Tamid立法会),是如此强烈地强调,和流行的观点认为从一个过渡到其他可以通过一个巨大的危机带来了约,仅仅是一个垂死的世界和生育的一个新的阵痛衰退的迹象将迎来成立。
It was particularly owing to Persian influence that the contrast between this
world, in which evil, death, and sin
[...] prevail, and the future world, "which is altogether [...]
good" (Tamid lc), was so strongly
emphasized, and the view prevailed that the transition from the one to the other could be brought about only through a great crisis, the signs of decay of a dying world and the birth-throes of a new one to be ushered into existence.
这就是说,在不变式假设所产生的 来世 界 中 ,不仅人口达到巨大数目, 而且就存活机会而言平均福利也降低了。
That is, the
[...] no-change scenario produces a future world where not only does [...]
the population reach huge numbers but also where
average well-being in terms of survival chances diminishes.
欣见 2010 年 3 月 31 日在纽约举行的题为“海地走向新未来”的国际捐助者 会议和 2010 年 6 月 2
[...] 日在多米尼加共和国蓬塔卡纳举行的“海地 来世 界 首 脑 会议”上所作的支助认捐,并鼓励国际社会继续为海地恢复和重建的短期和长期 [...]
Welcoming the pledges for support made at the International Donors’ Conference entitled “Towards a New Future
for Haiti”, held in New York on 31 March
[...] 2010, and at the World Summit for the Future [...]
of Haiti, held in Punta Cana, Dominican
Republic, on 2 June 2010, and encouraging the international community to continue providing support for the short- and long-term needs for the recovery and reconstruction of Haiti
无论是毕业照片还是婚礼视频,捕捉了珍贵的瞬间之后,可以安心以原始格式将其安全地保存 来 , 世 代 流 传,成为无价的财富。
After capturing your most precious moments, whether they're graduation photographs or wedding videos, having
the peace of mind that they will be stored securely and in their
[...] original format for generations to come is invaluable.
自缔约方第二十三次会议来,世界 银行一直致力于为中国制定新的氟氯烃生 产逐步淘汰管理计划,因为及时逐步削减氟氯烃生产供应对按第 [...]
5 条第 1 款行 事的消费国实现其氟氯烃逐步淘汰管理计划第一阶段的目标至关重要。
Since the Twenty-Third Meeting of
[...] the Parties, the World Bank had focused [...]
on the development of a new HCFC production phase-out
management plan for China, as timely phase-out of HCFC production supply was critical for consumer countries operating under paragraph 1 of article 5 to meet the phase-out targets of stage 1 of their HCFC phase-out management plans.
在大学和教科文组织论坛--大学与遗产网络的框架内,在 2003 年 10 月举行的“世界遗 产--面向来:世界遗 产保护和大学教育国际研讨会”上,提出了为日本 Tsukuba 大学开设 世界遗产课程编写教学大纲的计划;2003 年 11 月在西班牙的 La Laguna 大学举行了第八届 教科文组织--大学和遗产的自然遗产国际研讨会,其题目为:发展,可持续性及伦理,会议 [...]
Within the framework of Universities and Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage network,
the preparation of a
[...] curriculum on World Heritage Studies at Tsukuba University, Japan, was initiated in October 2003 at the International Symposium “World Heritage: Stepping [...]
towards the future:
Protection of the World Heritage and University Education”; the eighth International Seminar of Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage was held in November 2003 at the University of La Laguna, Spain on “World Natural Heritage: Development, Sustainability and Ethics” and the preparation of a curriculum on vernacular and rural World Heritage at the University of Milan, Italy, at the Institute of Engineering Agronomy was initiated.
在这方面,我们必须承认,自联合国于 1945 年 成立来,世界发生了巨大变化。
In this regard, we have
[...] to admit that the world has changed dramatically since [...]
the foundation of the United Nations in 1945.
来,世界银 行和其他主流机构已提出证据表 明,对女童教育的投资对减少营养不良、改善儿童健康和其他福利产生直接影响。
For years, mainstream institutions like the World Bank and others [...]
have presented evidence that investing in girls’ education
has direct impacts on reducing malnutrition, improving the health of children, and other benefits.
从这个意义上,这个概念的重点与联合国拟定的可持续发展概念的 重点完全相符,后者把经济、社会和环境三个层面视为发展的三大支柱,强调发 展的代间公平的重要性,就是说,在确保满足这一代人的需要时,不可损害来 世代满足他们自己的需要的能力。
In this sense, the focus of the concept is fully consistent with that of the sustainable development concept elaborated by the United Nations, which perceives the economic, social and environmental dimensions as the three pillars of development and which stresses the importance of intergenerational equity in development, that is,
ensuring that meeting the
[...] needs of the present generation does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
自2000年来,“世界图 书和版权日”还促使开展了另一项活动,即,“世界图书之都”活动,这是专业组织提出来的,得到了教科文组织的赞助和各国的支持。
Since 2000, World Book and Copyright Day [...]
has inspired another initiative of professional organizations which receives the
assistance of UNESCO and backing from States: World Book Capital City.
自提出来,21 世纪地方议程已成为利 益相关者参与的成功典范。
Since introduction, Local Agenda 21 has been a success story for stakeholder involvement.
千年发展目标和《北京行动纲要》的 12 个关切领域确有协同作用,
[...] 为联合国,各国政府和民间社会的联合努力提供明确基准, 来世 界 各 地妇女赋 权和平等新时代。
The Millennium Development Goals and the 12 areas of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action have definite synergies and provide clear benchmarks for the United Nations, Governments and members
of civil society in their combined efforts to usher in a new era of empowerment and
[...] equality for women around the world.
自 1992 年来,世界各 地数千个城市制定和实施了本地 21 世纪议程战略(尽管有些 [...]
战略可能并不被称为 21 世纪议程战略),并在不同的方案中发展和重新调整了其 活动。
Since 1992, thousands of
[...] municipalities throughout the world have formulated [...]
and implemented local Agenda 21 strategies,
although they may not always be identified as such, having evolved and refocused their activities under different programmes.
多年来,世界银 行一直利用各金融机构作 为财务中间人,一般是各国的商业银行;由世界银行向这些财务中间人转移供资,并且在 [...]
接到世界银行的相关命令时,财务中间人向受益人支付资金(例如,用于采购某个技术转 换项目所需的设备)。
For many years, the World Bank has used financial [...]
institutions, typically commercial banks in the countries, as financial
intermediaries; funding is transferred from the World Bank to the financial intermediaries, and, when related orders are received from the World Bank, the financial intermediary pays (e.g. for equipment to be purchased for a conversion project).
[...] 统的一部分,评价亦应着重确保生态系统健康的资源,承认它们的固有价值,促 进它们为来世代予 以保全,同时应从居住国家领土内土著人民(玛雅人、加里 [...]
The Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources noted that “as the country’s natural wealth is part of the planet’s essential systems for preserving life, valuation should also focus on resources that support the health of the ecosystem by recognizing
their intrinsic value and promoting their
[...] conservation for future generations, in [...]
the same way as a valuation of nature from
the perspective of the indigenous peoples (Maya, Garifuna and Xinka) living in the national territory”.
卡诺尼科说,“行使驱逐权必须有正 当的理由”;70 后来 19 世纪末和 20 世纪初的许多学者也持这种说法。71 [...]
大家认 为,这些“正当理由的基本思路是,为保护最大利益,国家可以驱逐在领土上威 胁到国家内部或外部安全的外国人”。
Just grounds must be provided in order to exercise the right of expulsion”, said Canonico,70 a
position that was supported by various authors
[...] of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth [...]
century.71 These “just grounds”
were thought to be “related to the basic notion that, consistent with a higher interest in conservation, the State may expel an alien whose presence in the territory poses a danger to the internal or external security of the State”.72 75.
自从 1990 年通过了全民教育方案来,世界各地都在教育方面取得很大进展—— 例如,世界各地失学儿童人数减少 3 300 万人。
Since the adoption of Education for All (EFA) in 1990, much progress has been made in education across the globe — for example, the number of children out of school has dropped by 33 million worldwide.
而是实现了末世,鲁滨逊(以下乔治Florovsky)讲一个“开幕末世”,由耶稣的死亡和复活,该公司发行并引发了一场王国新阶段,在 来世 ” 上 帝的救赎的目的将达到成立一个末世其完成。
Instead of realized eschatology, Robinson (following Georges Florovsky) speaks of an "inaugurated eschatology", an eschatology inaugurated by Jesus' death and resurrection, which released and initiated a new phase of the kingdom in which "hereafter" God's redeeming purpose would achieve its fulfillment.
除了精彩刺激的足球比赛之外,这里还有令人激动的狂欢氛围和庆祝活动,同时,我们也希望为球迷们 来世 界 一流的啤酒和最具吸引力的足球体验;2013年,虎牌啤酒将会带来更加精彩的街头足球赛事。
With the thrilling carnival atmosphere and festivities on top of the
adrenaline-pumping football action, we strive to
[...] provide fans with a world-class brew and the [...]
best immersive football experience; Tiger
Beer will bring even more exciting street football action to come in 2013.
古兰经》以强有力的生动语言,描述了真主的真实面和属性、精神世界、真主对人类的旨意、人与真主的关系以及对真主的责任、审判日的来临以 来世 的 生 活。
The Qur'an speaks in powerful, moving language about the reality and attributes of God, the spiritual world, God's purposes with mankind, man's relationship and responsibility to God, the coming of the Day of Judgment, and the life hereafter.
[...] 问题列入安全理事会经常议程的时候到了,因为自 1945 年安全理事会设立来,世界已 经发生了巨大变 化。
My delegation believes that the time has come for the subject of the interdependence of security and development to
be on the regular agenda of the Security
[...] Council, for the world has changed significantly [...]
since 1945, when the Security Council was established.
孟 加拉国对 2010 年来世界上 上述人员数量的减少表 示欣慰,希望难民署能够克服导致国际冲突的各种 [...]
His country appreciated the reduction since 2010 of the number of
[...] such persons in the world, and hoped that [...]
UNHCR would be able to
address the new challenges resulting from international conflict and the frequency and magnitude of natural disasters.




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