单词 | 条纹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 条纹 noun —streaks plless common: streak n • pinstripe n • band n 条纹 adjective —striped adjExamples:色条纹 pl—stripes pl 有条纹—striped See also:纹—pattern • line • trace • grain (of wood etc) 纹 n—wrinkles n • mark n
接地线的标志是其绝缘层的外表面为绿色 (带或不带黄色条纹)。 graco.com | The wire with insulation having an outer surface that is green with or [...] without yellow stripes is the grounding wire. graco.com |
通过它们腹部上部的红色条纹,可 以很容易地将它们辨认出来。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | They are easily [...] recognisable by the red stripe on the top of [...]their abdomen. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在几乎所有的情况下,修正伪影比实际 的 条纹 可 取。 graphics.kodak.com | In almost all cases, this correction artifact is [...] preferable to the actual streak. graphics.kodak.com |
条纹可以是文档的 污染 (例如,污垢、灰尘或磨损的边缘) [...] ,或不遵循您扫描仪的建议清 洁程序所导致。 graphics.kodak.com | Streaks may be caused by [...] contaminants on your documents (e.g., dirt, dust or frayed edges) or by not following the recommended [...]cleaning procedures for your scanner. graphics.kodak.com |
精神是一个勇敢的领导者,但有一个严重的调 皮 条纹 和 极 大的好奇心。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Spirit is a courageous leader, but has a [...] serious mischievous streak and great curiosity. seekcartoon.com |
仿框花工艺使产品产生一种橡胶般的感觉和线 性 条纹 质 地 ,令人联想起不经加工的油画布料。 leo.com.hk | The Linear Motion process results in products with a rubber-like feel [...] and a linear striation texture that [...]is reminiscent of a raw canvas fabric. leo.com.hk |
在国家产量统计和粮农组织预计中有记录的5种杂交鱼类2010年世界产量为罗 [...] 非鱼杂交种33.33万吨(中国和巴拿马的奥利亚罗非鱼x尼罗罗非鱼)、胡子鲶杂交 种11.69万吨(泰国的革胡子鲶x斑点胡鲶)、巨脂鲤杂交种2.16万吨(巴西的细 鳞巨脂鲤x大盖巨脂鲤)以及巨脂鲤另外的杂交种4900吨(巴西的大盖巨脂鲤x短 盖巨脂鲤)和条纹鲈杂 交种4200吨(美国、意大利和以色列的金眼 鲈 x 条纹 鲈 )。 fao.org | Five finfish hybrids have been recorded with national production statistics and FAO estimates, indicating world production levels in 2010 of 333 300 tonnes of blue and Nile tilapia hybrid (Oreochrom aureus x O. niloticus, in China and in Panama), 116 900 tonnes of Clarias catfish hybrid (Clarias gariepinus x C. macrocephalus, in Thailand), 21 600 tonnes of “tambacu” hybrid (Piaractus mesopotamicus x Colossoma [...] macropomum, in Brazil), 4 900 [...] tonnes of “tambatinga” hybrid (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus brachypomus, in Brazil) and 4 200 tonnes of striped bass hybrid (Morone [...]chrysops x M. saxatilis, [...]in the United States of America, Italy and Israel). fao.org |
极脏的清洁垫需进行洗涤,并改用干净的清洁垫以避免形 成 条纹。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | If the pad becomes excessively soiled, launder and replace it with a [...] clean one to avoid streaking. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
如果打印机打印出来的页面仍然带有 条纹 或 缝 隙,请联系技术支持。 support.dell.com | If the printer is [...] still printing streaks or gaps on the [...]page, Contact Technical Support. support.dell.com |
典型的封装标志包含引脚 1 条纹和/或 引脚 1 圆点、公司徽标和最多四行文字,如图所示。 digikey.cn | Typical package markings [...] include a pin 1 stripe and/or pin 1 [...]dot, the company logo, and up to four lines of text, described below. digikey.cn |
定位在两个标尺光栅后的一个光电二极管将高对比度的光 学 条纹 转 换 为电流,直接测量出其移动的距离。 solartronmetrology.cn | A photodiode positioned behind the two gratings converts the high contrast optical fringes into a current, which is directly related to scale displacement. solartronmetrology.com |
从来自骑术世界的马衔和条纹束带到Gucci取自跑车的穿孔皮革,这些精美的细节令我们想到那些为这个意大利时尚品牌带来源源不断灵感的世界。 gucci.com | From the [...] Horsebit and the web stripe, both taken from [...]the equestrian world, to the use of perforated leather, recalling [...]Gucci’s design collaborations for sports cars, these details subtly reference the different worlds that have long provided inspiration for the Italian fashion house. gucci.com |
其卓尔不群的特色包括:深蓝色穿孔皮革表带;蓝色表盘则带有受到Steve McQueen所穿赛车服之上条纹启发 的垂直白 色 条纹 ; 红 色指针;位于12点钟位置的豪雅标志以及位于9点钟位置的著名表冠。 hautehorlogerie.org | Standout features include a dark blue perforated leather strap, a stylish blue dial with vertical white stripes inspired by the stripes on Steve McQueen’s racing suit, red hands, the HEUER logo at 12, and the famous crown at 9 o’clock. hautehorlogerie.org |
指南中称“经常冲洗清洁垫以避免形 成 条纹。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Your instructions say "rinse pad [...] often to avoid streaking. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
需要分析的纸病包括定量波动(如横 纹 、 纵 向 条纹 等 )、灰分(斜的亮条与暗条)、厚度(压光机造成的波纹)、光泽度、不透明度或透气度以及纵向/横向抗张强度比和弯曲挺度。 voith.com | Among the quality problems investigated are fluctuations in basis weight (e.g., barring, streaks in MD, etc.); ash (e.g., diagonal light and dark streaks); thickness (e.g., ripple marks due to the calender); gloss, opacity or porosity; and MD/CD tensile ratio and bending stiffness. voith.com |
画面取景主唱Shirley Manson的正侧面,身着红白条纹的服 装,如血滴般混合到背景中, [...] 她的乐队伙伴们身着黑色在背景中,每人手捧一颗心。 ba-repsasia.com | Lead singer Shirley Manson is seen front and [...] center, with the stripes of her outfit [...]bleeding out into the background where her [...]bandmates appear in black, each holding a heart. ba-repsasia.com |
我摘下一朵小花,近距离观察它,它确实在每一方面都很完美──小小的雄蕊,小小的黑 色 条纹 , 以 及小小的纯白色中心。 amccsm.org | I picked one of the small flowers and looked at it [...] closely and it was indeed perfect in every way - the tiny stamen, [...] the tiny black stripes and the tiny pure [...]white centre. amccsm.org |
条纹短攀 鲈栖息于静止、植被茂密、靠近稻田和池塘边缘的浅水中,本文研究了它在泰国稻田和小池塘两种生境中的繁殖特征。 actazool.org | Croaking gouramis Trichopsis vittata were investigated in the two types of habitats in which they occur in Thailand: rice paddy fields and small ponds. actazool.org |
建筑外层绘上类似星云的呈散发状的环 形 条纹 , 营 造了虚无缥缈的深邃意境。 chinese-architects.com | The complex utilizes special design treatment and is covered with [...] annular radiating nebular stripes. chinese-architects.com |
我们测定了13头条纹原海 豚的控制区全序列,初步分析中国台湾海峡及其附近水 域 条纹 原 海 豚的序列变异及种群结构, 以期为其保护和管理提供必要的种群遗传学资料。 actazool.org | The haplotype diversity and [...] nucleotide diversity of striped dolphins were higher than those found in the sympatric finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) populations, and also higher than those of other cetacean species reported previously in other waters, including some species having high level of genetic diversity, e.g. harbor porpoises (Phocoena [...]phocoena), humpback [...]whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) etc. This suggested that the striped dolphins had a relatively higher genetic diversity. actazool.org |
条纹,连 续线条以及平面或简单直线,自定义坐标轴标签,坐标轴游标,范围,选定区域。 evget.com | Stripes, constant lines as [...] planes or simple lines, custom axis labels, axis cursors, range selections. evget.com |
这种密封涂层测试片在一片白色区域上有六 道 条纹 , 颜 色由浅灰色渐次加深到黑色。 elcometer.com | These are sealed paint test [...] charts with six stripes on a white field, [...]ranging in shade from very light grey to black. elcometer.com |
无梗小穗3.8-5毫米; 胼胝体金色具髯毛; [...] 更低的颖片宽长圆形, 革质,暗褐色具一浅淡黄干膜质条纹 状 在 周围先端和上面边缘,,2 最外脉在每边在先端下面连结, [...]近相等的小花颖片; 披针形的下部的外稃,先端钝到截形; 上面外稃先端截形,或,awnless 2,短尖对短。 flora.ac.cn | Sessile spikelet 3.8–5 mm; callus golden bearded; lower glume broadly [...] oblong, leathery, dark brown with a pale [...] yellowish scarious band around apex and [...]upper margins, glabrous, 2 outermost veins [...]on each side connected below apex, connected vein minutely exserted, apex truncate, erose-denticulate, ciliolate; florets subequaling glumes; lower lemma lanceolate, apex obtuse to truncate; upper lemma apex truncate, awnless, or 2-denticulate, mucronate to shortly awned. flora.ac.cn |
几何线条,包括Gucci标志性的织带 条纹 图 案 ,则成为妆点店内空间的主要特征。 gucci.com | Geometric lines, including stylized characterization of Gucci’s signature [...] green and red stripe, define the internal [...]space by adding further symbolic detailing. gucci.com |
留意感染的征兆,比如发烧、发红、肿胀、灼热、疼痛加剧、流脓或割伤部位周围有红 色 条纹 等。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Watch for signs of infection, which are fever, redness, swelling, warmth, increasing [...] pain, pus, or red streaks around the cut area. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
屏幕上出现垂直条纹或图 像的某一部分抖 动。 eizo.com.au | Vertical bars appear on the screen or a part of the image is flickering. eizo.com.au |
它往往程度较轻,会导致牙齿上产生一般不易察觉的细小的白色斑点 或 条纹。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | It usually is mild and causes tiny [...] white specks or streaks on teeth, which [...]are often unnoticeable. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
出版社的大哥为了选服装首先带我去了银座的SAYEGUSA店,给我买了带浅蓝色大圆点的开襟罩衫 和 条纹 裤 子。 ginza.jp | One of the guys from the publishing company first took me [...] to Sayegusa to pick out some clothes and bought me an open-neck blouse with big pale blue [...] polka dots and striped pants. ginza.jp |
在视频一分钟左右之后,Daniel [...] Dreifuss有用英文表达他关于钟表风水,佛学灵感 和 条纹 衬 衫 气场学等等的演说。 iontime.ch | Daniel Dreifuss is sharing his view in English on Watch Feng Shui, Buddha inspiration and the [...] energy flow of striped shirts after [...]approx. 1 minute. iontime.ch |