

单词 条目

条目 ()

entry (in a dictionary, encyclopedia etc)
clauses and sub-clauses (in formal document)

External sources (not reviewed)

The number of entries in the global Ethics Observatory database is steadily increasing on target.
空中观察策略以及有关 机构和飞机操作员的详细联系信息应是相关应急 计划中的关条目。
The strategy for aerial observation
and contact details of appropriate agencies and aircraft operators
[...] should be key entries in relevant [...]
contingency plans.
最后,应利比亚有关当局的请求,委员会修订了 其接受旅行禁令和/或资产冻结的个人和实体名单的 一条目。
Finally, at the request of the relevant Libyan authorities, the Committee amended an entry to its list of individuals and entities designated as subject to the travel ban and/or asset freeze.
条目声明 Web、EJB 或应用程序客户机容器中 [...]
J2EE 组件所使用的对 Web 服务的引用。
These entries declare references [...]
to Web services used by a J2EE component in the Web, EJB, or application client container.
[...] 例说明一个项目包含一个电子邮件地址的典型情况,跟着提供一 条目 具有多个地址的例子。
The following illustration describes both the typical case of one
[...] email address per item, followed by an [...]
example that has multiple addresses per entry.
任何设置若需要执行除了简单选取以外的其他操作 (例如,输条目), 将会显示一个虚拟键盘让管理员输入比较复杂的数据。
Any setting that requires more than a simple selection (e.g. a typed entry) will display a virtual keyboard that allows the entry of more complex data.
这些国家是:澳大利亚、奥 地利、巴巴多斯、比利时、博茨瓦纳、保加利亚、柬埔寨、喀麦隆、加拿大、哥 斯达黎加、科特迪瓦、塞浦路斯、刚果民主共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼克、 多米尼加共和国、埃及、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、几 内亚、几内亚比绍、海地、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、印度、日本、肯尼亚、莱索托、 利比里亚、列支敦士登、卢森堡、马达加斯加、马拉维、马耳他、毛里求斯、墨 西哥、荷兰、新西兰、尼加拉瓜、尼日利亚、挪威、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、巴拉圭、 秘鲁、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、塞内加尔、斯洛伐克、索马里、西班牙、苏丹、 苏里南、斯威士兰、瑞典、瑞士、多哥、乌干达、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 和乌拉圭。上述各国声明的文本见法院网站(www.icj-cij.org)“管辖权 条目。
They are Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Botswana, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Japan, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Senegal, Slovakia, Somalia, Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Uruguay.
不实现通用分类命令“带确认的 条目 ” ( 信息序号 249)。
The generic command "Write entry with confirmation" (info number 249) is not implemented.
在本报告所述期间,委员会举行了一次正式会议 和三次非正式磋商;在此期间,委员会通过了暂行工 作准则;批准了一项给所有会员国的普通照会,提醒 其在 2011年6月26日前向委员会提出报告,介绍执 行武器禁运、旅行禁令和资产冻结的情况;批准了委 员会的个人和实体旅行禁令和(或)冻结资产清单上条目更新 ;会见了新任命的专家小组;听取了由国 际刑警组织的情况通报;讨论一个会员国援引第 1973(2011)号决议第 4 段提交的通知(S/2011/402); 听取了秘书处人道主义事务协调厅的情况通报;讨论 了委员会的待处理事项,主 要是指认提案以及会员国 要求就有关冻结资产提供指导的请求。
During the period under review, the Committee held one formal meeting and three informal consultations, during which it adopted provisional guidelines for the conduct of its work; approved a note verbale to all Member States reminding them to report to the Committee by 26 June 2011 on the implementation of the arms embargo, the travel ban and the assets freeze; approved an update to an entry on the Committee’s list of individuals and entities subject to the travel ban and/or assets freeze; met with the newly appointed Panel of Experts; heard a briefing by INTERPOL; discussed a notification submitted by a Member State (S/2011/402) invoking paragraph 4 of resolution 1973 (2011); heard a briefing by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat; and discussed outstanding matters before the Committee, mainly designation proposals and requests for guidance from Member States in relation to the assets freeze.
Boscolo 先生简要说明了森林合作伙伴关系的《可持续森林管理供资原始资
[...] 料手册》,并解释说该书最近得到增订,现其供资数据库中有 800 项条目。
Mr. Boscolo provided an outline of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests Sourcebook on Funding for
Sustainable Forest Management, explaining that it had recently been updated and now
[...] included 800 entries in its funding [...]
d) 拟建中心将成为负责与水有关的法律、政策和科学活动的全球性机构,将积极主 动地参加附件协定(附件 II)第 3 条“目标与 职能”所规定的与水资源有关的世 界性活动。
(d) The proposed IHP-HELP Centre is expected to serve as the global facility responsible for the water law, policy and science activities, with proactive outreach to
water-related initiatives worldwide, as
[...] set out under Article 3 entitled “Objectives and Functions” [...]
of the Annex to the Agreement (Annex II).
条目放在 方括号中(可作为指导颁布国决定是否将这 条目 列 入 本国法规 的政策考虑因素,见该条的评注第……段[**链接** ])。
These items are presented in square brackets (for the policy considerations that may guide enacting [...]
States in deciding whether
or not to include them in their legislation, see paragraphs … of the commentary to that article [**hyperlink**]).
巴西还支持目前正在为改进 1267 委员会工作而 采取的另外两项举措,即对受制裁个人或实体综合名 单进行全面审查,以及编写关于名单所列每 条目的 简要说明。
Brazil also supports the two other important initiatives under way aimed at improving the work of the 1267 Committee, namely, the general review of the consolidated list of sanctions and the preparation of narrative summaries for each entry on the list.
基于Telerik展示框架,该控制系统使你能够完全控 条目 外 观 、方向、文本打包,同时又使你能够套入复选框、图象或任何在设计时间的其他控制。
Based on the Telerik Presentation Framework the control gives you
[...] full control over item appearance, orientation, [...]
text-wrapping, while allowing you
to nest checkboxes, images, or any other controls easily in design-time.
每种受控物质的数据条目编排 在一个矩阵中,其中每个横行代表一个第 5 条国家, 其报告和计算的数据在矩阵的纵列中分析。
The database entries were organised for each controlled substance in a matrix where each row represents an Article 5 country [...]
whose reported and calculated
data are analysed in the matrix columns.
(c) 在一般和部门拨款中为可能需要社会措施包括积极行动的弱势状况下 的儿童( 例如女孩与残疾儿童) 界定战略预条目,并确保这些预 条目 即 使 在经 济危机、自然灾害或其他紧急状况下得到保护。
(c) Define strategic budgetary lines in general and sectoral allocations for children in disadvantaged or vulnerable situations (such as girls and children with disabilities) that may require social measures, including affirmative action, and make sure that those budgetary lines are protected even in situations of economic crisis, natural disasters or other emergencies.
处理程序可以访问 java:comp/env
[...] 上下文,以访问与处理程序关联的 Port 组件定义的资源和环条目。
Handlers can access the the java:comp/env context for accessing resources and
[...] environment entries defined by [...]
the Port component the Handler is associated with.
比 如,从由图书馆员控制(根据标准的)向社会构建元数据的方式转变中,我们认为很重要的就 是图书馆员降低新用户建条目的门 槛,以便让他们能够参与到创建元数据的工作中,这就意 味着放弃死板的元数据质量的控制。
For instance in moving from librarian-controlled (standards-based) to a socially-constructed metadata approach, it is found important that librarians lower the barriers to entry for new users, in order to enable them participate in the creation of metadata, which implies to relinquish the stringent metadata quality controls.
j. 安全性:提供服务合规交付的规则和指南,从而确保云服务的安全性符 合定义的要求目录条目。
j. Security: Provides rules and guidelines for compliant
delivery of services, and ensuring the security of the cloud service according to defined
[...] requirements and catalog entries.
一个不同的提议是,可删除建议草案 5 的下半部分,添加 有关建议草案 1 的一则相互参条目。
A different proposal was that the second half of draft recommendation 5 could be deleted and a cross-reference to draft recommendation 1 be added.
更改已登记到我的通讯组的通条目 的 信 息时,需要更改已登记在各通讯录和用户名单中的通条 目的信息。
You must change the entries in each address book and user list when you change entries of addresses entered in My address groups.
预付并增加。如果本订单中列明“预付并增加”,那么您必须预付所有装运成本并将发票上的实际装运成长包含为独立的线 条目。
Prepay & Add If this order says "prepay &
add", then you must prepay all shipping costs and include the actual shipping costs on your invoice
[...] as a separate line item.
给您的网格边际新增了一块支持Ajax的内容区域,以显示选定 条目 或 者与整个数据集相关的其他信息。
A new area of content added to the edge of your
grid AJAX-enabled to display either master
[...] details of a selected item or other information [...]
relevant to the entire data set.
如果用户在上次访问后又在设定的超时时间段内再次访问摄像机,则此次访问将添加到 Web 服务器日志文件的已条目中( 将访问计数加一,更新上次访问的日期和时间)。
If a user accesses the camera again within the time span specified in Timeout after the last access, this additional access will be added to the existing entry in the Web Server Logfile (increase access counter by one, update date and time of the last access).
在决定一个名单上条目是否 缺乏识别资料时,委员会通常会 适用国际刑警组织的标准,刑警组织向各国执法机构分发了刑警组织-联合国安 全理事会关于所有至少具有两种识别资料的列名个人和实体的特别通告。
To decide if a List entry lacked identifiers, the Committee would often apply the standards used by INTERPOL, which issues to national law enforcement agencies INTERPOL — United Nations Security Council Special Notices on all listed individuals and entities that have a minimum of two identifiers.
开发署还以其他固条目方案 安排下的经常资源为员额和相关费用提供经 费,并将其归入“方案”分类。
UNDP also funds posts and related costs from regular resources under other fixed-line programming arrangements and classifies these as “programmes”.
作为初始输出,采取补救行动工作计划、 将推动项目并指定下列的定量措施: 删除卷
[...] 的污染物质,棕色清理决定备忘录、 EPA Quartly 报告、 亩数条目、 外联会议 & 活动报告、 [...]
Quartly 劳动利用率报告、 里程碑监测报告和利用监测报告。
As an initial output, the Remedial Action Workplan, will drive the project and specify quantitative measures for the following: Volume of contaminated materials removed,
Brownfield Cleanup Decision Memos, EPA Quartly
[...] Reports, ACRES Data entry, Outreach Meetings [...]
& Activities Reports, Quartly Labor Utilization
Reports, Milestone Monitor Reports, and Leveraging Monitor Reports.
委员会收到监测组协调员 2011 年 10 月
27 日函,其中转递了按照第 1988(2011)号决议第 25(b)段提交的一份列入 1988(2011)制裁名单上的一些个人
[...] 和实体的名单,因为这些个人和实体 条目 缺 少足够的识别资料,委员会还收到 [...]
The Committee received a letter dated 27 October 2011 from the Coordinator of the Monitoring Team transmitting a list of
individuals and entities on the 1988 (2011)
[...] Sanctions List whose entries lack sufficient [...]
identifiers pursuant to paragraph 25 (b)
of resolution 1988 (2011), as well as a paper on identifying information in the Afghan context.
[...] 一项主要问题是处理各缔约方根据《蒙特利尔议定书》第 7 条汇报臭氧消耗物 质数据时使用的汇报格式中出现的零和空 条目。
The representative of the European Union requested more time to finalize the draft decision, pointing out that one of the main issues to be resolved was that of dealing with zeros and blank cells in the reporting formats
used by parties in reporting ozone-depleting substance data in
[...] accordance with under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol.
(h) 2010 年 1 月至 12 月期间亚太经社会的拟议会议和培训方案 日历:常驻代表咨委会审查了这一日历的各 条目 , 并听取了关于所提议 事项的澄清说明。
(h) Proposed calendar of ESCAP meetings and training programmes in the period from January to December 2010.




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