

单词 条件概率

See also:

条件 n

conditions pl
condition n
requirement n
circumstances pl
term n



External sources (not reviewed)

二、条规定概不影 响根据公共当局有关预定运输的法律、条例或其他要求, 提供有关货物的某些信息、指示和 件 的 任 何特定义务。
2. Nothing in this article affects any specific obligation to provide certain information, instructions and documents related to the goods pursuant to law, regulations [...]
or other requirements
of public authorities in connection with the intended carriage.
(a) 频率区块配置概念, 计划为特定无线电服务使用——如《无线条 例》第 5 条所载的频率分配表。
(a) The concept of block allocations of frequencies that are intended for use by defined radio services — table of frequency allocations as contained in article 5 of the Radio [...]
德意志联邦共和国:对确认适用的国际法以及这些规定的建议表示欢迎,这些规定当 时已被认为是源自
[...] 1907 年海牙公约(IV)“陆战法规和惯例公约”件 第 46 (2) 和 56 (2) 条 所载的保概念, 后来这些规定又在 1954 年《关于在武装冲突情况下保护文化财产的公 [...]
Federal Republic of Germany: welcomes the confirmation of applicable international law and this recommendation of provisions which at the time were already regarded as deriving from the
concept of protection
[...] contained in Article 46 (2) and Article 56 (2) of the Annex to the Hague Convention [...]
(IV) Respecting
the Laws and Customs of War on Land of 1907 and which were later dealt with more specifically in the 1954 (First) Protocol to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.
方案执行协调小组负责确保及时和全面执行联合国全球外勤支助战略,其 目标是:促进和改善对维持和平的支助;促进和改善对建设和平、选举援助、调 解支持和冲突预防的支助;改善工作人员的安全和生 条件 ; 加强资源管理和问 责制,同时实现更高的率和规 模经济;促进地方和区域的投资和能力;减少外 地行动对国内环境的影响。
The Programme Implementation Coordination Team is responsible for ensuring the timely and comprehensive implementation of the global field support strategy for the United Nations, which is designed to expedite and improve support for peacekeeping; expedite and improve support for peacebuilding, electoral assistance, mediation support and conflict
prevention; improve the
[...] safety and living conditions of staff; strengthen resource stewardship and accountability while achieving greater efficiencies and economies of [...]
scale; contribute to
local and regional investment and capacity; and reduce the in-country environmental impact of field operations.
关于方法,风险管理过程的主要构成部分是:内 部环境;对风险和目标的考虑,考虑始于探讨将风险 和目标对应起来的风险;事件确定和风险评估,包括 确定可能危及组织的潜在件;风 险应对和控制活 动,包括根据风险的影响概率将风险评级;信息和 沟通;监测,此部分属于管理层的责任。
With respect to methodology, the main components of the risk management process were the internal environment; the consideration of risks and objectives, beginning with a mapping of risks that aligned the two; event identification and risk assessment, which included identifying potential events that might entail risks for the Organization; risk response and control activities, including the prioritization of risks based on their impact and likelihood; information and communication; and monitoring, which would be the responsibility of management.
1 条第 1 款概述了跨国界破产件中可 能产生的、而示范法为其提供了 解决办法的问题的类型:(a)由外向内的要求承认某项外国程序的请求;(b)由内 [...]
向外的由颁布国法院或[破产 ]管理人提出的要求承认根据颁布国法律启动的某项 破产程序的请求;(c)对同时在两个或多个国家进行的程序进行协调;以及(d)外
Article 1, paragraph 1, outlines the types of issue that may arise [...]
in cases of cross-border insolvency and for which the
Model Law provides solutions: (a) inward-bound requests for recognition of a foreign proceeding; (b) outwardbound requests from a court or [insolvency] representative in the enacting State for recognition of an insolvency proceeding commenced under the laws of the enacting State; (c) coordination of proceedings taking place concurrently in two or more States; and (d) participation of foreign creditors in insolvency proceedings taking place in the enacting State.
各方可以采取审慎措施,确保某 条件 下 汇 率 的 稳定 性,但须以“必要性”检验和逐步取消要求为前提。
Parties are allowed to take prudential
measures to ensure the stability of
[...] the exchange rate under certain conditions, subject to the [...]
“necessity” test and the phase-out requirement.
本文件系按第 175 EX/51 号决定的要求编写。在这项决定中,执行 局请总干事为执行局第一七六届会议起草一份 件 , 概 括 介 绍关于指定 代表团成员担任教科文组织执行局委员以及担任联合国系统内类似机构 成员的现条例、规章和做法,并在起草过程中与执行局委员就此进行 磋商。
This document is presented pursuant to 175
EX/Decision 51 by
[...] which the Executive Board requested the Director-General to develop a document for its 176th session outlining the present rules, regulations and practices concerning the designation [...]
of members
to delegations to the Executive Board of UNESCO and to similar bodies within the United Nations system generally and, in that regard, to consult the Members of the Executive Board in this process.
(f) 编列后备投资项目清单:按标准列报能效和可再生能源投资项目,详述每个项目的费用总 额、投条件、内部收率和二 氧化碳减排量,以便向投资基金、银行和商业公司提交受 [...]
(f) Develop an investment project pipeline inventory: standard presentation of energy efficiency and renewable energy investment projects, with details of
the total cost of each project,
[...] investment requirements, internal rates of return and [...]
carbon dioxide emission reductions
for the submission of energy efficiency and renewable energy project proposals in beneficiary countries to investment funds, banks and commercial companies.
总线转换器 - CUI 的全调节中间总线转换器集 32 位基于 ARM 的微控制器与率优化固件于一体,实现了能效最大化、能效曲线扁平化,在超宽负 条件 范 围 内都能提供峰值性能。
Intermediate Bus Converters - CUI’s family of fully-regulated intermediate bus converters incorporate a 32-bit ARM-based
microcontroller with power-optimizing firmware
[...] designed to maximize and flatten the efficiency curve, providing peak performance across a much wider range of loading conditions.
文件可以 包括、但不一定局限于供应链内部控制文件、与供应商的有关往来 件 和 合 同条 款、公司概况和 风险评估产生的文件、减少风险战略及其执行的文件以及第三方 提供的有关文件。
Documentation may include but should not necessarily be limited to documentation on supply chain internal controls,
relevant communications and
[...] contractual provisions with suppliers, documentation generated by company fact and risk [...]
assessments, documents
on risk mitigation strategies and their implementation and relevant documents supplied by third parties.
件概述了第 5 条国家 氟氯烃的生产情况、清洁发展机制下的氢氟碳化物减产项目以及多边基金的筹资。
It presents a brief outline of HCFC production in Article 5 countries, [...]
HFC reduction projects under the CDM, and MLF funding.
[...] 高,因此可以轻松实现输入和输出阻抗匹配以及 18 GHz 或更高率的无条件稳定性。
A key attribute of these devices is their high active reverse
isolation which results in easy input and output impedance
[...] matching, and unconditional stability up to [...]
18 GHz and beyond.
实名制,即在办理和进行某项业务时需要提供有效的能证明个人身份的 件 或 资 料,便于彼此身份确 认,可以大幅度降低欺诈等问题的发 概率 ; 同 时更利于行业主管部门进行监管,打击犯罪,最大程度为交 易双方提供安全保障;因此,CNNIC实施域名实名制正是国家监管机构对互联网上不法分子的警示,对不法 [...]
Real-name system, namely valid certificate or materials proving the
personal identity are
[...] required when handling and conducting some business, so as to facilitate confirmation of identity and lower the probability of fraud and other [...]
problems to the largest
extent; in addition, it will facilitate the supervision by relevant competent department, crack down crimes and safeguard the security of both transaction parties to the largest extent; therefore, CNNIC implements real-name system to warn lawbreakers on Internet and crack down crimes committed by lawbreakers by registration of domain names, and it’s very necessary to advocate and support the system.
参加此项活动的学校报告说学 生中暴力冲突概率在明显下降,从而证实了这项活 动的有效性。
The participating schools have reported a marked decrease in the number of violent confrontations among students as a result, pointing to the effectiveness of the project.
压力不平衡功能 (状态码
[...] 24,第 43 页) 可检测出那些可能会造成喷涂率失 当 的条 件,如 供料失压/缺料、泵密封损坏、流体入 [...]
The pressure imbalance function (status code
[...] 24, page 43) detects conditions that can cause off-ratio [...]
spray, such as loss of feed pressure/supply,
pump seal failure, clogged fluid inlet filter, or a fluid leak.
正如学校招收有特殊需求儿童达45% 的率所示,在条件地招收有心理 和特殊需求学员方面已经取得了进展。
[...] has been made in the unconditional acceptance of students [...]
with psychological and special needs as demonstrated
by the admission of 45 % of children with special needs in schools.
从工艺过程的率来讲,在工条件 下,VACUUBRAND泵的大体积流量 以及在很大的压力范围内保持稳定抽速 的特性,是保证您在实际应用中满意的 关键因素。
For process effiency, however, the
[...] high volume flow rate of VACUUBRAND pumps under process conditions, as well as a consistently [...]
high volume
flow rate over a wide pressure range, is the key to your satisfaction in real-world application.
Terms-of-trade shock frequency was even higher than natural disaster frequency.
40 岁及以上年龄男性存概率出现 的一些变化可归因于压力、生活水准、 工作场所的安全性、不健康食品、环境污染、饮酒、吸烟。
Some variation in
[...] men’s survival probabilities for those aged [...]
40 and above could be attributed to stress, standard of living,
work-place security, unhealthy food, environmental pollution, alcohol and tobacco consumption.
[...] 约》保护程度上取得了巨大进展:它规定了可 以适用“军事需要概念的条件,从 而防止了 可能过于宽泛的解释或滥用;它为受到相关国 家法律保护、未用于军事目的、且对于人类极 [...]
体规定了制裁严重破坏文化财产行为的措施, 并界定了追究个人犯罪责任的条件。
The Second Protocol represents a considerable advance on the level of protection in the
Convention in the following respects:
[...] it provides for conditions in which the notion of “military necessity” [...]
may be applied, thus
preventing possible extensive interpretations or abuses; it creates a new category of enhanced protection for cultural heritage of the greatest importance for humanity which is protected by relevant national legislation and is not used for military purposes; it elaborates sanctions for serious violations against cultural property and defines conditions when individual criminal responsibility applies.
此共同核心件与根 据 《公民及政治权利国际公约》提交的具 条 约 报 告一 概 述 了马尔代夫在履行国 家人权义务上采取的立法、司法、行政及其他措施。
Together, the Common Core Document and the ICCPR treaty specific report outline the legislative, judicial, administrative [...]
and other measures
in the Maldives, which give effect to the country’s human rights obligations.
[...] 双方之间的协调,一方是联合国人权和经济、社会 发展领域的机构、方案和基金,另一方是国际金融 组织,以便减少南北差距,保证更好的生活水平以 促进人权,不附加有争议条件和概 念。
There should also be greater coordination between the United Nations organs, programmes and funds dealing with human rights and economic and social development, and the international financial institutions, in order to reduce the North-South divide and ensure better living standards that
would contribute to the promotion of human rights,
[...] without attaching conditionalities or imposing controversial concepts.
件提出了妇女署的订正财条例 和 细则, 概 述 了订 正 条 例 和 细则的理 由和过程。
The present document proposes revised financial regulations and rules for UN-Women and outlines the rationale [...]
and the process followed in revising the financial regulations and rules.
可序列化的语义确保它们的执行结果是相同的 条件 是 在 概 念 上对任何共享容器的有冲突的所有操作(读/写和写/写操作)被重新排序,以使 S1 中的所有操作的执行先于 S2 中的操作的执行,或者相反。
The semantics of serializability ensure that the results of their execution would be no different if all conflicting operations (read/write and write/write operations) on any shared container were conceptually reordered in such a way that either all operations within S1 are executed before those in S2 or vice versa.
在 L-C 电路中,共振率条件下的电感和电容电抗是相等的。
In an L-C circuit, inductive and capacitive reactances are equal at the resonant frequency.
(b) 为提高调查表答率创造条件,其 中特别是要明显地减少调查表中所提的问题; (c) 向执行局提交对会员国和全国委员会答复意见的计划分析以及对这些答复的量化分 析,以便于执行局评估对各项具体计划和活动的支持程度
(c) to submit to the Executive Board, besides the programmatic analysis of the responses of Member States and National Commissions to the questionnaire, a quantitative analysis of these responses, in order for the Board to assess the extent of support for specific programmes and initiatives
会议指出,条所概述的 程序不影响缔约国联合审议指称的不遵守《公约》 规定的件并按 照《联合国宪章》及适用的国际法规则作出适当决定的特权。
The Conference notes that the
[...] procedure outlined in this Article is without prejudice to the prerogative of the States Parties to consider jointly cases of alleged [...]
non-compliance with the
provisions of the Convention and to make appropriate decisions in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and applicable rules of international law.
此外, 尽管《非洲联盟组织法》规定,如果发生这类罪行, 联盟有权干预会员国,但执行这概 念 的 条件 仍在 讨论之中,因为它们属于联合国的范围。
Moreover, although the Constitutive Act of the African Union established the right of the Union to intervene
in a member State when
[...] such crimes occurred, the parameters for the implementation of that concept were still [...]
under discussion, as
they were within the United Nations.




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