

单词 束手无策

See also:

无手 adj

bodiless adj

External sources (not reviewed)

这次双重否决使安全理事会面对叙利亚政权的 暴束手无策,但 是,法国不会听任叙利亚人民面 对这些罪行,他们是这些罪行的唯一受害者。
This double veto leaves the Security Council helpless against the violence of the Syrian regime, but France will not leave the Syrian people to face the crimes to which they are victim alone.
在某些情况下,我们试图控制输出的价格而对输入价格的控制 束手无策 , 从 而导致营运亏损,供给也大幅削减。
In some cases we attempted to control output prices without being able to control input prices, forcing operating losses and large cuts in supply.
最近几天,国际社束手无策地 目睹利比亚人民持续遭受利比亚政府过度使用武力, 粗暴践踏人权和实施暴行。
In recent days, the
[...] world community has watched helplessly as the people [...]
of Libya continued to bear the brunt of the excessive
use of force, gross violations of human rights and brutality perpetrated by their Government.
另外由 于艾滋病病毒使人体自然免疫 束手无策 的 问 题以及该病毒的变异方式,有关该疫苗的研 究具有特别的科学挑战性。
For example, the majority of HIV vaccines are being developed for genetic profiles of subtype B, prevalent in developed countries, but most AIDS sufferers in developing countries are
types A and C. Vaccine
[...] research for HIV is also particularly scientifically challenging because of the way the virus evades the body’s [...]
natural immune responses,
and the way it mutates.27 Malaria vaccine research is also challenging, because of the size and diversity of the malaria parasite, and the complexity of its mutations.28 Thus, for the private sector, vaccine research is a high risk/low return investment, particularly in relation to disease types prevalent in developing countries.
最近这种局势造成了一种令 束手无策 和 费 解的气氛。
This situation has for some time created
[...] a climate of helplessness and incomprehension.
甚至更令人感到遗憾的是,联合国一 束手 无策,无法采取哪怕一项措施来结束巴勒斯坦人民承 [...]
Even more regrettable is the fact that
the United Nations has been helpless to
[...] take a single step to end the human tragedy [...]
suffered by the Palestinian people.
但与 此同时,大多数国家认为它们对即将发生的一 束手无策 , 因此在联合国内部, 沮丧感日增。
However, at the same time, there was a growing frustration within the United Nations because most countries felt they had no way of influencing what was about to befall them.
安全理事会作为负责维护国际和平与安全的最 高合法机构,根据《联合国宪章》赋予它的权限,应 当继续加强它的机制和它的决定的影响范围,以便更 有效地应对影响当代全球稳定的各种威胁,而不是面 对现束手无策。
The Security Council, as the highest legitimate body responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, in accordance with the prerogatives conferred on it by the Charter of the United Nations, should continue to strengthen its mechanisms and the reach of its decisions in order more effectively to address threats that affect contemporary global stability, instead of being overtaken by reality.
[...] 援助的呼吁属于紧急救灾呼吁,强调了用行动声援的 重要性,以及尽快向惨遭洪灾 束手无策 的 灾 民提供 有力援助的必要性。
This call for assistance from members of the international community is an urgent distress call underlining the importance
of solidity of action and the need for some form of robustness and rapidity in
[...] getting to the drowning and the hopeless.
即使基金 组织和世界银行也相束手无策,因为危机发生得太突然,规模太大。
Even IMF and the World Bank found themselves somewhat helpless, as the crisis arose so suddenly and on such a large scale.
人类开 发利用了强大的能源,但在自然力量面前 束手无 策。
[...] has harnessed powerful sources of energy but is powerless against the [...]
forces of nature.
有些研究所 (例如,教科文组织国际教育规划研究所)制定了加强资金稳定性的方法(例如,商定多年 拨款方案、举办捐助日活动和采用稳定储备金),但大多数机构对捐助者撤销支持的情况仍 然束手无策。
Some institutes (e.g. IIEP) have strategies for strengthening financial sustainability (e.g. negotiating multi-year funding, organizing Donors days, and operating stabilization reserves) but most remain vulnerable to a withdrawal of donor support.
1998年日本经济形势最艰难的一年,第一季经济成长率下降到-5.3%,第二季为-3.3%,银行坏帐严重,同时期东南亚金融风暴对日本海外出口市场和投资市场冲击巨大,而日本政府对经济衰 退 束手无策 , 频 繁出炉的经济政策毫无作用,民众的不满引发桥本内阁的下台;8月底开始,日圆大幅回升,原因在于美国经济成长放缓,美日贸易进一步扩大,导致日圆在短短2个月内反弹到114.33(期货在8月底贬值到1日圆:0.6807美分)的价位。
In 1998 the economic situation in Japan the most difficult year in the first quarter economic growth rate dropped to -5.3% -3.3% for the second quarter, the banks severe bad debt, in the same period of the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia to Japan from overseas export markets and the tremendous impact of the investment market, The
Japanese government on the
[...] economic recession at a loss, often out of economic policy at all, the people's [...]
discontent caused the
Hashimoto cabinet to step down; start by the end of August, the yen rebounded sharply, due to slowdown in U.S. economic growth, the United States and Japan to further expand trade, leading to Yen in just 2 months to 114.33 rebound (in futures by the end of August to 1 yen depreciation: 0.6807 cents) price.
当以色列轰炸、袭 击、杀害和掠夺巴勒斯坦土地的时候,安全理事会对束手无策;没 有任何一个国际组织能够阻止对巴勒 斯坦的轰炸和杀戮以及在那里进行的种族灭绝行为。
When Israel bombs, attacks, kills and takes Palestinian land, there is no Security Council for that; there is no international organization that can stop those bombings and killings, the genocide in Palestine.
这项任务却有些复 杂,因为不同藏品类型的数量实际上是无限的;习惯了描述绘图(graphics)的编目员 在遇到一枚硬币或一把班卓琴的时候会感 束手无策。
The task is complicated by the fact that the number of different object types is virtually unlimited; someone accustomed to describing graphics may be stymied by the challenges presented by a coin or a banjo clock.
[...] 的地方,等等原因和环境中,邪灵还会来攻击,但不 束手无策 了 ,我们完全可以胜 过邪灵并向他们夸胜了。
I reminded these Christian friends that sometimes when we did something good that angered evil spirits, or at
places where evil spirits were active, or for
[...] other reasons or under some other conditions, [...]
evil spirits might come again to attack us.
当涉及到怎样做 时,教育系统负责人往束手无策。 在 这种情况下,学习别人的经验,借鉴成功的做 法,运用业已被检验过并证明行之有效的工具,这些都是非常有益的。
In such cases, learning from the experience of others, basing oneself on practices that work and using tools that have already been tried and tested might seem very advantageous.
这无疑是弥合一两代平台之间的差 异的一种方法,但是时间一长,由于新系统不断出现,就可能会像大盒子套小盒子一样一个 一个套下去,最后变得十分复杂 束手无策。
This is certainly a way to bridge one or two generations of platforms, but over time, as new systems keep being introduced, one may be faced with a Chinese boxes effect that becomes complex to handle.
同时,西方国家的援助策束缚了 自己 手 脚 , 使得他 无 法 对 缅甸所发生的变化施加影响。
Their aid policies have weakened the West’s ability to influence the changes [...]
underway in the country.
我们接受,只有在其他所有的方法都已用尽 无效 的特殊情况下,才能对在押青少年使用导致痛苦的 束手 段。
We accept that the use of pain-inducing techniques in restraining young people must only take place in exceptional circumstances, when all other approaches have been exhausted or would not work.
例如,我上个月在索马里亲眼目睹,联合国和国 际社会在当今紧迫的问题之前仍如 束手无 措。
Last month in Somalia, for instance, I personally
witnessed how the United Nations and the international
[...] community remain helpless in the face [...]
of today’s pressing problems.
预计,石油价格水平将随着不同的政策组合而变动,但有明显迹象表 明,“廉价石油的时代”已经束, 在 无 政 策 行 动 的情况下,石油价格将会大幅 上涨。
Oil price levels were projected to vary according to different policy scenarios, but there were clear
indications that the “age of cheap oil” was over and
[...] that, in the absence of policy action, oil prices [...]
would rise substantially.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他 无 法 与 他们合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共 束手 段 都 未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住户搬走,而且 [...]
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the
same apartment or in
[...] the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the [...]
evacuation of the guilty
ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.
工业化国家必须承诺通过国内策立 即 、大幅 无 条 件 地削减碳排放和温室 气体排放,并在气候公约框架内具有法律 束 力 、 而且载有基于科学和公平的具 体目标的国际协定中作出表述。
Industrialized countries must commit to deep,
[...] drastic, and unconditional cuts in carbon and greenhouse gas emissions through domestic measures, to be expressed in international, legally binding agreements [...]
within the Climate Convention
that contain targets based on science and equity.
秘书长关于可持续森林管理的财政和其他执 手 段 的 报告 (E/CN.18/2009/ 9)以及秘书长关于可持续森林管理筹资:为支持执行关于所有类型森林 无 法律 约束力文书并促进可持续森林管理而调动金融资源的说明(E/CN.18/2008/2)最 全面地叙述了森林部门的资金流动情况,包括官方发展援助。
The report of the Secretary-General on finance and other means of implementation for sustainable forest management (E/CN.18/2009/9), and the note by the secretariat on financing for
sustainable forest
[...] management: mobilizing financial resources to support the implementation of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests and to promote sustainable forest management [...]
provide the most comprehensive description of the financial flows in the forest sector including official development assistance.
對於他們的批評,香港政 府是否覺得慚愧和內疚,尤其是駐京辦最初“放軟手腳”,後來 束手無 策,是否算得上失職失責呢?
Does the Government feel guilty and ashamed of itself after hearing all these criticisms? In particular, should the Beijing Office of the SAR Government, which did not seem to bother much initially and turned out to be so out of wits later, be criticized for dereliction of duty?
最令我感到困擾的是,財政司雖然認定通貨膨脹是㆒個問題,但其結論卻認為除 了等待經濟放緩外,本港對解決通脹這個問題,根本㆖可以 束手 無 策 , 尤其是經濟 放緩將會是本港競爭能力減弱的後遺結果,這問題更令㆟擔憂。
What is extremely disturbing to me is that, having identified inflation as a problem, the Financial Secretary's conclusion is that there is virtually no solution to it until our economy slows down; and that in particular, the slowdown will be the result of a reduction of our competitiveness.
正在与关键部委 进行的协商进一步显示,该国政府坚决支持创 无 氟 氯 烃的环境,计划采用 策手 段 帮助淘汰氟 氯烃并推广使用全球升温潜能值低的替代品。
Ongoing consultations with key Ministries further showed that the Government
strongly supports a HCFC-free
[...] environment and plans to apply policy leverage to assist the phase-out of [...]
HCFCs and promote the use of low GWP alternatives.
2010 年,项目管理业务组完成了从项目开始到 束 的 政 策 框 架 ;界定和衡量 项目的成功;加强了监测和项目审查过程;并印发了 220 页的最佳业务做手册。
In 2010, the Project Management
[...] Practice completed the policy framework for projects from start-up to closure; defined and measured project success; strengthened the monitoring and project review process; and issued a 220-page manual of best practices.
五光十色变幻莫测的热情氛围,让变色龙酒吧成为放松身心的绝佳场所,随着驻唱乐队的现场音乐释放身心,啜饮 手 中 的 精选混合鸡尾酒、葡萄酒和啤酒,享 无 拘 无束 的 时 光。
Radiating sophistication and a
welcoming ambience, Chameleon
[...] Bar is the ideal place to unwind. Relax to a selection of fusion cocktails, wine and beer at hand.




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