

单词 束手待死

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External sources (not reviewed)

當我們的 對
[...] 手大刀闊斧 地修改 政 策來利 便 營 商時,我 們 絕 不束 手 坐視, 守待 兔 。
When our competitors are taking giant leaps
forward revising their policies to facilitate business, we cannot
[...] afford just to sit tight and keep our fingers crossed.
这次双重否决使安全理事会面对叙利亚政权的 暴束手无策 ,但是,法国不会听任叙利亚人民面 对这些罪行,他们是这些罪行的唯一受害者。
This double veto leaves the Security Council helpless against the violence of the Syrian regime, but France will not leave the Syrian people to face the crimes to which they are victim alone.
间接的后果包括:因劣质或地下堕 手 术 生 造成 死 亡 ;死亡;有害习俗造成死亡;与贩毒、有组织犯罪和团伙活动相关 死 亡 ; 仅仅 因忽视、饥饿或待造成女孩或妇女 死 亡 ;以及国家蓄意的行为或不行为造成 的死亡。
The indirect category includes: deaths due to poorly
conducted or clandestine abortions;
[...] maternal mortality; deaths from harmful practices; deaths linked to human trafficking, drug dealing, organized crime and gangrelated activities; the death of girls or women from simple neglect, through starvation or illtreatment; and deliberate [...]
acts or omissions by the State.
最令我感到困擾的是,財政司雖然認定通貨膨脹是㆒個問題,但其結論卻認為除 了待經濟 放緩外,本港對解決通脹這個問題,根本㆖可以 束手 無 策 ,尤其是經濟 放緩將會是本港競爭能力減弱的後遺結果,這問題更令㆟擔憂。
What is extremely disturbing to me is that, having identified inflation as a problem, the Financial Secretary's conclusion is that there is virtually no solution to it until our economy slows down; and that in particular, the slowdown will be the result of a reduction of our competitiveness.
国际社会必须坚持不懈地谴责和打 击以色列占领军采取的所有犯罪措施,努力探测和 排除杀害无辜的巴勒斯坦、黎巴嫩和叙利亚戈兰儿 童的地雷和束炸弹,结束导致儿童 死 亡 人 数急速 上升的对加沙地带的封锁。
The international community must persistently condemn and combat all criminal measures taken by the Israeli occupying forces, endeavour to detect and remove landmines and cluster bombs that killed innocent children in
Palestine, Lebanon and the
[...] Syrian Golan, and end the blockade on the Gaza Strip, which had led to a sharp rise in the child death toll.
目前的本港經濟可說已經步入低增長、高通脹和結構性失業增加的階段,要徹底解 決問題,便必須追源溯始,對症㆘藥,而不是墨守成規,積極不干預,見步行步束 手待斃。
To solve this problem fully, we must find out its causes and then prescribe the right remedy, rather than adhering to conventions, pursuing a positive non-intervention policy, playing by ear or acting reactively.
不得对任何人实施酷刑或其他任何一种不人道或有辱人格的处 罚待遇,禁止实死刑(第 2 和第 3 款)。
No one may be subjected to torture or any kind of inhuman or degrading
[...] punishment or treatment and the death penalty is prohibited (paras. [...]
2 and 3).
我们接受,只有在其他所有的方法都已用尽或无效 的特殊情况下,才能对在押青少年使用导致痛苦的 束手 段。
We accept that the use of pain-inducing techniques in restraining young people must only take place in exceptional circumstances, when all other approaches have been exhausted or would not work.
这个体制长期存在,沉默成为普遍现象,而每个 有良好意愿的人都在呼吁谴责这个体制最显而易见
[...] 的做法,在这个体制中,利润、贫穷以及邪恶相互交 织,而那些由于待在沉默中死去的儿童,他们的生 活苦不堪言。
That system is perpetuated and silence is generalized, while everyone in good faith calls for condemnation of the most visible practices of a system in which profit, poverty and turpitude are
intertwined and the lives of children, who die
[...] in silence from mistreatment, constitute but [...]
a long litany of suffering.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他人无法与他们合
[...] 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共 束手 段 都 未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 [...]
益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住户搬走,而且 不提供其他住所。
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same
apartment or in the same house, and the preventive
[...] and public constraint measures have [...]
not showed any progress, the evacuation
of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.
為何政府對通脹仍然好像是坐待斃 、 束手 無 策 呢?
Why is the Government awaiting its doom and at [...]
a loss as to what to do in the face of inflation?
因此,收集重大 外手術的死亡率及發病率以作為確保醫療護理標準的方法,作用頗為有限;而且令 [...]
情況更加複雜的是,由於重大外科手術或疾病情況的死亡率及病發率很可能會因為病 ㆟的病症分類、並存疾病以及之前的健康狀況等因素而有截然不同的結果出現,所以 難以作出比較。
Collecting mortality and morbidity rates [...]
for major operations as a means to ensuring standards of medical care is therefore
of limited value. This is further complicated by the fact that it is difficult to draw comparisons on mortality and morbidity rates for major operations or disease conditions as they tend to vary significantly on account of the case mix, the co-existing disease and the pre-existing health status of the patient.
咨询委员会经 询问后获悉,在 12 项待解决的死亡和 伤残 索偿中,有 6 项索偿尚待联刚特派团调查委员 会确认,以确定所涉事故是否与任务有关,并 且已请求为其余 [...]
6 项索偿要求出具最新医疗 报告,以确定所涉及的个人是否终身残疾。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that of
[...] the 12 pending death and disability claims, 6 cases were awaiting confirmation by [...]
the Board of Inquiry
of MONUC to determine whether the incidents were Mission-related, and that updated medical reports had been requested for the remaining 6 cases to determine whether the individuals in question were permanently disabled.
委员会还促请缔约国 惩戒那些须为检查站的延误造成无人照料的路边生产、流产和产 死 亡 以及 虐待 巴勒 斯坦裔急救车司机负责的检查站官员。
The Committee also urges the State party to take disciplinary action against checkpoint officials who are found responsible for unattended
roadside births,
[...] miscarriages, and maternal deaths resulting from delays at checkpoints, as well as maltreatment of Palestinian [...]
ambulance drivers.
若这样做,则不用通过关于以下问题的规则,如豁免、大赦问题、 时效以及受时效法规禁止的案件、权利或时限到期等,同时确保被告得到充分保 障,特别是被告在缺席诉讼中的享有程序保障,适用一罪不二审的原则,有权上 诉,在涉及移交人员和防止使死刑 或 不人 待 遇 方 面享有保障。
This would preclude the adoption of rules regulating such issues as immunity, aspects of amnesty or general pardon, negative prescriptions and statute-barred cases or expiration of rights or time limits, while ensuring sufficient guarantees for accused persons and addressing in particular procedural guarantees in proceedings where the accused person is not present, cases in which to applyne bis in idem
因為借貸融資等於氧氣,如果現在不給予中小企生存的氧氣待 它們死了才 給予,屆時給予甚麼都無用了。
If the oxygen for the survival of
SMEs is not provided now, or if it is
[...] provided only after their death, no matter what is [...]
given to them, it would all be useless by then.
安全理事会作为负责维护国际和平与安全的最 高合法机构,根据《联合国宪章》赋予它的权限,应 当继续加强它的机制和它的决定的影响范围,以便更 有效地应对影响当代全球稳定的各种威胁,而不是面 对现束手无策
The Security Council, as the highest legitimate body responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, in accordance with the prerogatives conferred on it by the Charter of the United Nations, should continue to strengthen its mechanisms and the reach of its decisions in order more effectively to address threats that affect contemporary global stability, instead of being overtaken by reality.
The same applied in relation
[...] to the issue of the death penalty.
维持和平行动部和外勤支助部颁布了下列手册和准则,作为对维和特派团实 行的进一步内部控制:《水陆运输手册外地程序》、《航空手册》、《清理 束手 册 》 、 《综合特派团规划流程准则》、《联合国维持和平特派团财产管理手册》、《特遣队 所属装备手册》和《外勤财务程序准则》。
The Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support have issued the following manuals and guidelines as additional internal controls for peacekeeping missions: Surface Transport Manual: Procedures for the Field; Aviation Manual; Liquidation Manual; Integrated Mission Planning Process Guidelines; Property Management Manual for United Nations Peacekeeping Missions; Contingent-Owned Equipment Manual; and Field Finance Procedure Guidelines.
然 而,在这一年到期时,如退约国正处于冲突之 中,则退约行为待冲突结束、起 码是归还完 文化财产后方能生效。
However, if, on the expiry of this period, the denouncing Party is involved in an armed
conflict, the denunciation shall not
[...] take effect until the end of hostilities, or [...]
until the operations of repatriating cultural
property are completed, whichever is the later.
對於他們的批評,香港政 府是否覺得慚愧和內疚,尤其是駐京辦最初“放軟手腳”,後來 束手無 策,是否算得上失職失責呢?
Does the Government feel guilty and ashamed of itself after hearing all these criticisms? In particular, should the Beijing Office of the SAR Government, which did not seem to bother much initially and turned out to be so out of wits later, be criticized for dereliction of duty?
首先,那么,生活在其丰满,与0siris无休止的生活中,太阳神,谁行程每天通过黑社会,甚至与神与鉴定是由他的名字叫权,是虔诚的埃及 待 着 为 死 后 的 最终目标。
In the first place, then, life in its fullness, unending life with 0siris, the sun-god, who journeys daily through the underworld, even identification with the god,
with the right to be called by his name, is what the pious
[...] Egyptian looked forward to as the ultimate goal after death.
老挝人民民主共和国是世界上受爆炸人均伤害 最严重的国家,即占全世界所有能证实的 束 弹药死伤人 数的一半左右,而且其一半以上的土地 受到未爆弹药的污染,45 年多以来,这种情况一直 严重制约着该国的发展。
As the most bombed nation, per capita, in the world, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic accounted for nearly one half of all confirmed cluster munition casualties worldwide, and over one half of its land had been contaminated by unexploded ordnance, dramatically stunting the country’s development for more than 45 years.
[...] 被遣返回国的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国公民受到刑罚,以致拘留、酷刑、残 忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或死刑 ; 在这方面敦促所有国家尊重不推驱回 的基本原则,善待寻求避难者,并确保他们无阻碍地接触联合国难民事务高 [...]
据 1951 年《关于难民地位的公约》13 及其 1967 年议定书14 而对朝鲜民主主 义人民共和国难民所承担的义务,因为上述约法亦涵盖这些难民
(iii) The situation of refugees and asylum-seekers expelled or returned to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and sanctions imposed on citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea who have been repatriated from abroad, leading to punishments of
internment, torture, cruel, inhuman or
[...] degrading treatment or the death penalty, and, in this [...]
regard, urges all States to respect
the fundamental principle of non-refoulement, to treat those who seek refuge humanely and to ensure unhindered access to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and his Office, with a view to improving the situation of those who seek refuge, and once again urges States parties to comply with their obligations under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees13 and the 1967 Protocol thereto14 in relation to refugees from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea who are covered by those instruments
这些包括该决议第 4 段提出的下列
[...] 专题领域:包括笞刑和断肢在内的酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格 待 遇或 处罚死刑, 包括公开处决;处决少年犯;作为一种处决方式的石刑;妇女的权 [...]
论自由、以及按法律程序审判的权利,包括就 2009 年 6 月总统选举后发生的事 件而言的这种权利。
These include the following thematic areas, outlined in paragraph 4 of the resolution: torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment, including
[...] flogging and amputations; the death penalty, including public [...]
executions; executions of juvenile
offenders; stoning as a method of execution; women’s rights; rights of minorities, including the Baha’i community; freedom of religion, freedom of peaceful assembly and association, freedom of opinion and expression and due process of law rights, including in relation to the events following the presidential elections in June 2009.
事實上,新任金管局總裁的委任程序已到最後 階段待有關程序束後, 他會公布委任的詳情,包 括遴選程序、薪酬福利條件及離職後就業的監管措 施。
In fact, the procedures for appointment of the new CE/HKMA were in the final stage, and he would announce the details of the appointment upon completion of the procedures, including the selection procedures, the remuneration package and the control on post-termination employment.
审计委员会注意到,加沙外地办事处未开展年度资产核 查,有时,两地之间的资产移交未在资产登记表中登记,开展实物核查的手 不足,尚待核查 的资产已列入资产登记册,资产登记册上所列一项物品的价值 高估 176 220 美元。
The Board noted that the Gaza field office did not perform the annual asset verification, and that there were instances where transfer of assets between locations was not recorded in asset registers, insufficient personnel were allocated to physical verification, assets surveyed were still in the asset register, assets that required to be surveyed, and an instance of an item in the asset register that had been overstated by $176,220.
因此,選管會呼籲傳媒及有關機構, 待投 票結束後, 才公布票站調查結果,或就個別候選人的表現發表 具體評論或預測。
The EAC, therefore, appeals to the media and organisations concerned to refrain from announcing the results of exit polls or making specific remarks or predictions on the performance of individual candidate until after the close of poll.




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