

单词 杜绝

杜绝 ()

put an end to

See also:

surname Du
birchleaf pear (tree)

by no means
cut short

External sources (not reviewed)

非洲国家一直杜绝在体育运动中使用兴奋剂基金援助的主要受益者,以根据《反对在 体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约》制定和实施有效的反兴奋剂计划。
African countries have been the principle beneficiaries of assistance from the Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport to develop and implement effective anti-doping programmes in accordance with the Convention.
世卫组织、世卫组织附设杜绝结核病全球伙伴关系、艾滋病规划署秘书处 和全球基金已与若干伙伴密切合作,以求加强结核病防治界和艾滋病毒防治界之 [...]
间的合作,致力于在 2015 年前将死于结核病的艾滋病毒感染者减半,为此应增 强政治承诺,动员社区,投资进行研究并加强基于权利的办法,以确保普及结核
WHO, the WHO-hosted Global Partnership to Stop Tuberculosis, [...]
the UNAIDS secretariat, and the Global Fund to Fight Aids,
Tuberculosis and Malaria have worked closely with a number of partners to strengthen collaboration between the TB and HIV communities with commitments to halving TB deaths in people living with HIV by 2015, through increased political commitment, community mobilization, research investment and a strengthened rights-based approach to ensure universal access to integrated TB and HIV services.
6 个非洲国家(喀麦隆、厄立特里亚、马里、毛里求斯、索马里和乌干达)通过 教科文组织杜绝在体 育运动中使用兴奋剂基金获得财政援助,用于发展教育和提高认识的 项目,这些项目旨在使青年认识到体育运动的价值以及兴奋剂对健康和伦理造成的后果。
Six African countries (Cameroon, Eritrea, Mali, Mauritius, Somalia and Uganda) have received financial assistance through UNESCO’s Fund for the Elimination of Doping in sport for the development of education and awareness-raising projects aiming to sensitize youth to the values of sport and the health and ethical consequences of doping.
(c) 乍得政府为解决招募和利用儿童问题展现政治意愿,特别是通过举杜 绝招募 利用儿童问题区域会议以及主办《恩贾梅纳协议》后续行动监察委员会第 [...]
(c) The Government of Chad had shown political will in addressing the recruitment and use of children, in
particular through the organization of a regional
[...] conference to end the recruitment and [...]
use of children, as well as the hosting of
the first meeting of the monitoring committee to follow up the N’Djamena Declaration.
[...] 易;分享与扩散相关的交易的信息;关闭账户 杜绝 交 易 ;冻结账户、交易和其 他资产。
Looking forward, we also need to work together internationally to improve capabilities in identifying accounts and tracking transactions; sharing information on
proliferation-related transactions;
[...] closing accounts and rejecting transactions; [...]
and freezing accounts, transactions, and other assets.
该团队还设计了下列方面的产品:宣传土著人民的 问题、联合国和非殖民化、与武装冲突中的儿童这一主题有关的 杜绝 征募 18 岁以下儿童兵运动”。
The team also designed products promoting indigenous peoples’ issues, the United Nations and decolonization, and the Zero Under 18 Campaign, relating to children in armed conflict.
儿基会执行主任补充说,在大多数疟疾流行的国家消灭疟疾这一公共卫生 问题和在今后几年杜绝艾滋 病母婴传播的可能性,是一个真正的历史性机遇, 国际社会应为此更加密切地合作。
The Executive Director of UNICEF added that the potential to eliminate malaria as a public-health problem in most malaria-endemic countries and to virtually eliminate PMTCT over the next few years was a truly historic opportunity that should motivate the international community to work more closely together.
[...] 使用酷刑和虐待是获得信息的一种可接受的工具,而且为通过酷刑而获得的资料 创造了市场,长此以往,将损害防止 杜绝 酷 刑 的目标。
Receiving or relying on information from third parties which may be compromised by the use of torture does not only implicitly validate the use of torture and ill-treatment as an acceptable tool to gain information, but creates a market for
information acquired through torture, which in the long term undermines the goal of
[...] preventing and eradicating torture.
[...] 哥提出的概念说明(S/2010/322)中强调的那样 杜绝 犯有种族灭绝罪、危害人类罪和战争罪的人不受惩罚 [...]
的现象,是我们促进和平与安全任务的一个重要内 容。
As underscored in the concept note submitted to us by the Mexican presidency
(S/2010/322), the fight against the impunity of the
[...] perpetrators of genocide, crimes against [...]
humanity and war crimes is an essential
aspect of our mission to promote peace and security.
(a) 作为紧急事项,立即采取有效措施防止酷刑和虐待行为,包括开展公 众宣传并宣布一项杜绝国家 官员酷刑和虐待行为方面能够产生可衡量的成果的 政策
(a) As a matter of urgency, take immediate and effective measures to prevent acts of torture or ill-treatment, including through public sensitization as well as the announcement and adoption of a policy that would produce measurable results in the eradication of torture or ill-treatment by State officials
为保护妇女免遭此类暴力行为,打破暴力循环,大会在第 63/155 号决议中
强烈谴责一切暴力侵害妇女和女孩的行为,不论这种行为是国家、个人还是非国 家行为体所实施第 8
[...] 段);强调各国必须不以习俗、传统或宗教理由来规避其在 消除暴力侵害妇女行为方面的义务(第 9 段);又强调各国尽心尽力预防、调查、 起诉并惩处暴力侵害妇女和女孩的行为人,保护受害者(第 10 段);以及敦促各杜绝暴力 侵害妇女和女孩行为不受惩罚的现象,确保妇女受到法律的平等保护 并有平等机会利用司法手段(第 11 段)。
To protect women from such violence and break the cycle of violence, the General Assembly, in resolution 63/155, strongly condemned all acts of violence against women and girls, whether perpetrated by the State, private persons or non-State actors (para. 8); stressed that it was important that States refrained from invoking any custom, tradition or religious consideration to avoid their obligations with respect to elimination of violence against women (para. 9); stressed also that States must exercise due diligence to prevent, investigate,
prosecute and punish the
[...] perpetrators of violence against women and girls and to provide protection to the victims (para. 10); and urged States to end impunity for violence against [...]
women by ensuring
that women had equal protection of the law and equal access to justice (para. 11).
令我鼓舞的是,出席会议的过渡联邦政府、索马里再次解放联盟和索马 里“邦特兰”和“索马里兰”地区的官员都愿意商定在近期内成立一个工作组, 以审查索马里可如何与国际社会进行合作 杜绝 索 马 里沿海海盗和海上武装抢劫 活动。
I am encouraged by the willingness of the officials from the Transitional Federal Government, the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia and the Somali regions of “Puntland” and “Somaliland” at this meeting to agree to create a working group in the near future that would examine the way in which Somalia could work together with the international community to eradicate piracy and armed robbery at sea from their shores.
关键控制点:在本指南中特指通过对各类活动实施控制,从而防止杜绝危害植物产品完整性的活动,或将不利影响降低到可接受程度的 重要步骤。
Critical Control Point: Specific to this Guide, a step at which control can be applied and is essential to prevent, eliminate, or reduce to an acceptable level an activity that may compromise plant-product integrity.
安全理事会回顾所有国家均有义务确保国际人道主义法、包括日内瓦 公约四公约受到尊重,并再次强调各国有责任履行义务 杜绝 有 罪不罚现象, 起诉应对战争罪、灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪或其他严重违反国际人道主义法 [...]
The Security Council recalls the obligations of all States to ensure respect for international humanitarian law, including the four Geneva conventions, and once again emphasises the responsibility of
States to comply with
[...] their obligations to end impunity and to prosecute those responsible for [...]
war crimes, genocide, crimes
against humanity or other serious violations of international humanitarian law.
为此,我们敦促所有国家制订、强制实施和加强有效的措施,打击杜 绝一切 形式的人口贩运,遏止对被贩运者的需求,保护受害者。
To that end, we urge all States to devise, enforce and strengthen effective measures to combat and eliminate all forms of trafficking in persons to counter the demand for trafficked victims and to protect the victims.
杜绝所有 火源,如引火火种、烟头、手提电灯、塑胶遮布 (可能产生静电弧)。
Eliminate all ignition sources; such as pilot lights, cigarettes, portable electric lamps, and plastic drop cloths (potential static arc).
(a) 依照《儿童权利公约》和国际劳工组织关于准予就业最低年龄的第 138 号公约(1973 年)和关于禁止和立即行动消除最恶劣形式的童工劳动的第 182 号 公约(1999 年),在采矿杜绝一切 形式的童工现象。
(a) The eradication of all forms of child labour in the mining industry in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions No. 138 (1973) concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment and No. 182 (1999) concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
杜绝暴力 ,结束有罪不 罚的现象,并惩办犯罪分子,必须作出更为持久的承诺和努力,包括与男子和男 孩结成伙伴关系。
Much more sustained commitment and effort, including partnerships with men and boys, is required to stop the violence, end impunity and bring perpetrators to justice.
我们重申,我们毫不动摇地下定决心,作出承诺,通过开展国际合作,实杜绝非法 药品的非法供应和需求的国家战略,解决全球麻醉药品问题。
We reaffirm our unwavering determination and commitment to overcome the world narcotic drug problem through international cooperation and national strategies to eliminate both the illicit supply of and demand for illicit drugs.
最后,2010 年审议大会的最后报告应忆及,条 约缔约国在 2000 年审议大会上以协商一致的方式商
定,五个核武器国家向无核武器国家提供具有法律 约束力的安全保证将加强核不扩散制度;重申改进 现有核武器和开发新型核武器违反核武器国家提供 的安全保证,并且违反他们在缔结《全面禁止核试
[...] 验条约》时所做的承诺;以及重申彻底消除核武器杜绝使用这种武器的唯一绝对保障。
Lastly, the final report of the 2010 Review Conference should recall that States parties to the Treaty had agreed by consensus at the 2000 Review Conference that the nuclear non-proliferation regime would be strengthened by the provision of legally binding security assurances from the five nuclearweapon States to the non-nuclear-weapon States; reiterate that improvements to existing nuclear weapons and the development of new types of nuclear weapons contravened the security assurances provided by the nuclear-weapon States and violated the commitments undertaken by them at the time of the conclusion of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty; and
reaffirm that the total elimination of nuclear
[...] weapons was the only absolute safeguard against [...]
the use of such weapons.
美国还主张在澳大利亚集团和其他出口管制制 度中增加“全面”管制措施,以限制各种扩散者轻易获得任何管制或非管制商品、 有关服务或合同的能力,从杜绝对 扩 散者的任何方式、种类或形式的援助。
The United States has also championed the addition of “catch-all” controls within the Australia Group and other export control regimes to limit the ability of all proliferators to easily gain access to any commodity, controlled or not, or any relevant service or contract and thus deny aid to proliferators in any way, shape, or form.
秘书处还指出,执行委员会已敦促执行机构向正在执行体制建设项目的国家提供一切 可能的帮助,杜绝不申 报数据事件的发生(第 42/17 号决定)。
The Secretariat also pointed out that the Executive Committee urged implementing agencies to provide all assistance possible to countries for which they were implementing institutional strengthening projects, in order to eliminate instances of non-reporting of data (Decision 42/17).
一些代表团表示,《外层空间条约》不能充分禁止在外层空间部署常规武 器,必须采取适当而高效的措施 杜绝 在 外层空间发生军备竞赛的任何可能 性。
Some delegations expressed the view that the placement of conventional weapons in outer space was not sufficiently prohibited by the Outer Space Treaty and that it was imperative to adopt adequate and efficient measures to prevent any possibility of an arms race in outer space.
杜绝这 种 行 为 、确保森林资 源 的 可 持 [...]
续 性,王国政府迅速采取 措 施,对森林进行保护,禁止原 木 和 木 板出口 , 呼吁泰 国、越南、 老挝等 邻 国 抵 制 柬埔寨出口的原木。
To prevent these acts and to [...]
ensure the continuity of the forest resources, the Royal Government has taken up immediate
measures to preserve the forest, to ban log and plank exports, and called for the neighbouring countries such as Thailand, Vietnam and Laos to block the log exports from Cambodia.




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