单词 | 杜拜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 杜拜 —Dubai拜拜 —pay one's respects by bowing with hands in front of one's |
林健鋒議員及李慧琼議員關注近期 杜拜 世 界事 件對香港經濟發展的影響,特別是對發展伊斯蘭金融 [...] 的步伐和強制性公積金基金在市場波動下的投資回 報有何影響。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Jeffrey LAM and Ms Starry LEE expressed concern about the [...] impact of the recent Dubai World incident on [...]the economic development of Hong Kong, [...]notably on the pace for development of Islamic finance and on the investment returns of Mandatory Provident Fund funds arising from market volatilities. legco.gov.hk |
隨後,阿聯酋將採用此A380客機提供其中一班來 往 杜拜 與 紐約的定期航班。 ipress.com.hk | Subsequently, Emirates will deploy [...] the A380 between Dubai and New York, on [...]one of its scheduled twice-daily flights. ipress.com.hk |
欧洲人权法院在 2009 年的裁决中作出结论,法国没有错误解释第 7 条 保障的合法性原则。(b) 在一项 2008 年裁决中,下莱茵省巡回法院判处一名突 [...] 尼斯国民哈立德·本·赛义德八年有期徒刑,因其作警务专员期间,于 1996 年 下令在坚杜拜警察 局对一名突尼斯妇女施加酷刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a 2009 decision, the European Court of Human Rights concluded that France had not misinterpreted the legality principle guaranteed in article 7; (b) In a 2008 ruling, the Court of Assizes of the Bas-Rhin convicted Khaled Ben Said, a national of Tunisia, to eight years’ imprisonment for [...] having ordered, while he was Police Commissioner, the torture of a [...] Tunisian woman at the police station [...]in Jendouba in 1996. daccess-ods.un.org |
對Williams來說,杜拜最令人難忘的並非可在月球看到的建築物,而是機場的客流量。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | For Williams, the [...] most impressive of Dubai's superlatives are not [...]buildings you can see from the moon, rather it's the volume [...]of passengers going through the airport. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI) [...] 是一個嶄新傳媒機構,於中東媒體創作領域佔領導地位,憑藉清晰的願 景,實踐創意、高品質和與杜拜政府策略性的工作目標一致,透過可靠、有意義和具相關性的內容,促 [...] 進在阿聯酋、亞拉伯海灣和阿拉伯世界的社會、文化和家庭價值。 asiasat.com | Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI) is a pioneering media organisation and a creative services leader in the Middle East focuses through a clear vision on innovation and quality, and working [...] in line with the strategic objectives of [...] the Government of Dubai, owing to its credible, [...]meaningful and relevant content, [...]that respects social, cultural, and family values in the UAE, the Gulf and the Arab world. asiasat.com |
他的顧問公司設在杜拜,他 也住在 那裏,但需要經常往來倫敦分公司、澤西及 [...] 中歐其他城市,與客戶會面。 hsbc.com | He lives in Dubai where his consultancy [...] is based, but travels frequently to his branch office in London, to Jersey and to [...]other cities in continental Europe to meet clients. hsbc.com |
Dubai Sports」頻道致力為觀 眾搜羅頂級體育賽事,包括杜拜世 界盃 、 杜拜 網 球 公開賽、摩托艇世界錦標賽、阿聯酋足球聯 賽,和其他世界體壇活動及體育專訪。 asiasat.com | The Dubai Sports Channel is dedicated to featuring major tournaments such as the Dubai World Cup, Dubai Open Tennis, [...] World Powerboat Championship, [...]the UAE Football League and other important world sporting events and sports documentaries. asiasat.com |
香港,2008年6月13日】阿聯酋國際航空 [...] (下稱「阿聯酋」)於8月1日採用其簇新的A380客機首 航 杜拜 至 紐 約甘迺迪機場的航線,航程共14小時。 ipress.com.hk | HONG KONG, 13th June 2008 ¡V Air travellers will be able to experience Emirates Airline¡¦s state-of-the-art A380 aircraft [...] for the first time on 1st August, when the airline launches its first A380 [...] commercial service from Dubai to New York JFK. ipress.com.hk |
IRCAD的國際化擴張計劃,促成從史特拉斯堡同步將微創手術教學傳到亞洲IRCAD [...] (2008年5月26日在台灣開幕)、傳到布宜諾斯艾利斯IRCAD(2009年開幕)以及傳 到 杜拜 I R C AD (2010年開幕)。 websurg.com | The international expansion of the IRCAD that will allow simultaneous teaching of minimally invasive surgery from Strasbourg to the ASIA IRCAD (opening in [...] Taiwan on the 26th of May 2008), to the IRCAD in Buenos Aires (opening in 2009) and [...] to the IRCAD in Dubai (opening in 2010). websurg.com |
工商事務委員會主席方剛議員表示,工商 [...] 事務委員會及經濟事務委員會徵求內務委員會批准 在 2007年 8月 22日至31日期間前往杜拜、西 班牙、德 國及美國進行聯合海外職務訪問,以獲取該等國家 [...] 在會議及展覽設施和郵輪碼頭設施發展方面的第一 手資料。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Vincent FANG, Chairman of the Panel on Commerce and Industry, said that the Panel and the Panel on Economic Services sought the House [...] Committee's permission to conduct a joint [...] overseas duty visit to Dubai, Spain, Germany and [...]the United States (US) from 22 to 31 [...]August 2007 to obtain first-hand information on the development of convention and exhibition facilities and cruise terminal facilities in these countries. legco.gov.hk |
Awfully Chocolate十一年前在新加坡誕生,興盛於台北,現已遍佈雅加達、北京、上海,以至南韓、東京、悉尼 及 杜拜。 think-silly.com | Awfully Chocolate was launched in Singapore eleven years ago. think-silly.com |
杜拜聞名於世的特色,若非造型獨特的摩天大樓,即為填海造陸的離岸豪宅,如今也有愈來愈多的機構與計畫,都力圖創造藝術創意的永續基礎,以下簡介幾項內容。 thisbigcity.net | Often upstaged by the new iconic skyscraper being built across the road, or the new off-shore luxury housing estate on reclaimed land, Dubai has a growing number of institutions and initiatives that are showing signs of creating a sustainable base of artistic creativity. thisbigcity.net |
而 前 往 中 東 的 杜 拜 及 巴 林 , 則 直 接 經 由 海 洋 [...] 上 空 , 以 避 免 敏 感 地 區 的 領 空 , 所 有 飛 行 的 皆 是 屬 民 航 航 線 。 swirepacific.com | Its services to the Middle East [...] destinations of Dubai and Bahrain fly [...]directly over the sea and avoid any sensitive airspace. swirepacific.com |
在此活動中,許多政府官員發現這第一手的新技術所帶來的好處,他們展示了消化道癌症手術中心新的HD訓練系統,建立了國際間IRCAD(史特拉斯堡、台灣、布宜諾斯艾利斯 和 杜拜 ) 的 網 絡,以及新的"智慧OR1"手術室,3D模擬之病患解剖的虛擬實境技術發展,以及得以暢遊WeBSurg,腹腔鏡手術之虛擬大學。 websurg.com | They were shown the new HD system for training in digestive and cancer surgery, the set-up of the [...] international “IRCAD” network (Strasbourg, Taiwan, [...] Buenos Aires and Dubai), and of course [...]the new "intelligent OR1" operating room, the [...]department of Virtual Reality dedicated to automatic 3D reconstructions of patient anatomy, and a tour of WeBSurg, the Internet’s very own university dedicated to laparoscopic surgery. websurg.com |
从2004年起本集团积极拓展海外市场,成功赢得多个地标工程项目包 括 杜拜 塔 ; 澳门威尼斯人酒店;美国拉斯韦加斯Cosmopolitan渡假酒店及赌场;美国拉斯韦加斯City [...] Center东方文华及Veer Towers;加拿大多伦多Trump [...]International及香格里拉以及智利圣地亚哥Costanera中心等等。 fareastglobal.com | Since 2004, we have actively expanded geographically towards international markets, and have won many of [...] the prestigious landmark [...] projects, including the world¡¦s tallest tower ¡V Burj Khalifa of [...]UAE; Venetian Macau-Resort-Hotel; [...]Cosmopolitan Resort and Casino; City Center Mandarin Oriental and Veer Towers projects in Las Vegas; 605 W. 42nd Street in New York, U.S.A.; Trump International Hotel & Tower and Shangri-La in Toronto, Canada; and Costanera Center in Santiago, Chile. fareastglobal.com |
一如眾人所言,杜拜向來與任何傳統都市風格不同,房地產開發案相當巨大,又常遭批評不重視社區與文化,導致在外界眼中,很難 將 杜拜 與 西方城市所建構的創意樞紐相連。 thisbigcity.net | It’s gargantuan real estate developments coupled with its often criticised insouciance of community and culture make it a city that will inevitably struggle to be considered a creative hub in the style that has been precipitated by Western cities. thisbigcity.net |
这样的排除主要会让少数比较 富裕的国家如新加坡、杜拜、香 港、马来西亚、泰 国得到好处。 undpcc.org | A 5% share of the renewable energy programs in developed countries in 2005 would have provided approximately $500 million for renewable energy technologies in developing countries. undpcc.org |
这个专馆已吸引多个官方参展单位参展,当中包括巴林、捷克 、 杜拜 、 斐济、匈牙利、马来西亚及澳门等。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | This new feature has drawn tourism authorities from [...] Bahrain, Czech, Dubai, Fiji, Hungary, [...]Malaysia and Macau to join as exhibitors. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
在全球擁有超過20家的專賣店,遍布倫敦,香港,上海 , 杜拜 以 及 悉尼等城市。 sogo.com.hk | It has over 20 prestigious boutiques in cities around the world including London, [...] Hong Kong, Shanghai, Dubai and Sydney. sogo.com.hk |
在 能 源 價 格 部 份 WTI 原 油 的 最 近 月 期 貨 價 格 在 每 桶 85.3 至 99.37 美 元 的 區 間 內 移 動 同 一 期 間 杜 拜 原 油 價 格 則 在 每 桶 103.65 至 111.26 美 元 間 移 動 10 月 中 至 11 月 中 WTI 原油平均價格較上個月為高 均價上升了 12.1% 杜拜原油平均價格也上升了 4.6 apecscmc.org | As for energy prices, the WTI near month futures price moved within the range of 85.3 and USD 99.37 /barrel and Dubai crude prices between USD 103.65 and 111.26 /barrel during the same period. apecscmc.org |
其中著名的写字楼包括:悉尼Chifley 大厦,东京城山信托大厦,杜拜杜拜 酋 长 大厦,巴黎路易威登大厦。 servcorp.com.cn | Founded in Sydney in 1978, Servcorp now operates an international network of prime city locations throughout Australia, New Zealand, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America, China, South-East Asia, India, Europe and the Middle East ,including the [...] prestigious Chifley Tower, Sydney; Shiroyama Trust [...] Tower, Tokyo; Emirates Towers, Dubai; and Louis Vuitton [...]Building, Paris. servcorp.com.cn |
九月开幕的IBIZA店铺是品牌扩展计划的一部分, 随着杜拜(阿拉伯联盟), 台北(台湾), 克拉斯诺达尔(俄罗斯), [...] Dnepropetrovsk(乌克兰), 将世界总旗艦店数目达到41间之多。 ermannoscervino.it | The Ibiza store is part of an expansion plan scheduled by [...] September to extend Ermanno [...] Scervino’s presence also to Dubai (United Arab Emirates), [...]Taipei (Taiwan), Krasnodar (Russia), [...]Dnepropetrovsk (Ucraina), bringing the number of the flagship boutiques in the world to 41. ermannoscervino.it |
卡 拉 奇 與 杜 拜 均 是 主 要 的 貿 易 中 心 , 這 將 有 助 加 [...] 強 香 港 與 該 兩 個 城 市 的 商 業 聯 繫 , 亦 進 一 步 鞏 固 香 港 作 為 亞 洲 主 要 航 運 中 心 的 地 位 。 swirepacific.com | Both Karachi and Dubai are major trading [...] centres and providing flight services there will help strengthen business ties [...]between Hong Kong and the two cities. swirepacific.com |
何周禮建築設計事務所在短短13年間已經蜚聲國際,勇奪國際設計大獎超過96多項,其中包括香港特別行政區建築界殿堂級獎項優質建築大獎2012 & [...] 2010及國際盛事、有建築界諾貝爾獎之稱 的 杜拜 C i t ys cape建築設計大獎2008,成為該大獎設立以來首個香港註冊建築設計事務所獲得此項無上殊榮,名振中東及世界。 designdirectory.hk | BHA have won over 96 international design awards, including the [...] prestigious HKSAR Quality Building Award [...] 2012 & 2010 and Dubai Cityscape Architectural [...]Design Award in 2008, in which BHA [...]have become the first winning architectural design firm from Hong Kong to receive this supreme honour. designdirectory.hk |
銷售網路遍佈一百廿五個國家,包含愛爾蘭、俄羅斯、瑞典、美國、英國、德國、法國、荷蘭、希臘,土耳其,西班牙,拉脫維亞和挪威,以及亞太地區的新加坡 、 杜拜 、 中國、香港等地。 taiwanslot.com.tw | The Group's distribution networks spread over 125 countries including Ireland, Russia, Sweden, the US, the UK, Germany, France, the [...] Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Latvia, Norway and the Asia Pacific [...] region's Singapore, Dubai, China and Hong Kong. taiwanslot.com.tw |
因全球柴油運輸車輛造成之空氣汙染,日益嚴重,已制定嚴苛四期/五期排放標準來億至空氣汙染.世界主要汽車製造廠為了符合此一標準,大部分解採用SCR選擇性觸媒還源系統,諾瓦公司研發生產的觸媒還原劑 [...] AdBlue,獲得德國汽車工業協會VDA [...] QMC及美國石油協會API認證通過,品質優良,現已用於台灣/香港/新加坡/日本/澳洲/紐西蘭/印度/以色 列 / 杜拜 / 智 利 /巴西/加拿大/美國及中國大陸等國家及地區販售,隨著市場新車數量逐漸攀升,AdBlue之使用也將遞增.諾瓦公司在楊聯智董事長的帶領下,將以不斷的創新及成本控制,在全世界市場繼續創造事業的藍天. adblue.com.tw | Worsening air pollution caused by the global diesel transport vehicles, has developed a stringent four / five emission standards billion to air pollution in the world's major automobile factory in order to meet this standard, most of the solutions adopted SCR Selective Catalytic also source systems, R & D and production Nova catalyst reducing agent AdBlue, the German Automobile Industry Association VDA QMC and the American Petroleum Institute API certification through quality, is now used in Taiwan / Hong Kong / Singapore [...] / Japan / Australia / Benussi the blue [...] / India / Israel / Dubai / Chile / Brazil / [...]Canada / United States and mainland China [...]and other countries and regions sold, use of AdBlue will be incremented with the market the number of new cars rose gradually, Nova company, led by Yang Chi, chairman of the following will be constantly innovative and cost control, continue to create a career in the world market, the blue sky. adblue.com.tw |
在能源價格部份 [...] 西德州中級原油 WTI crude oil 的 最 近 月 期 貨 價 格 落 在 每 桶 93.87 至 102.59 美元的區間內 而杜拜原油 Dubai Crude 價 格 則 落 在 每 桶 102.99 至 110.59 美 元之間 11 月中旬至 12 月中旬 西德州中級 原油平均價格波動較上個月為大 均價下跌 6.3% 杜拜原油平均價格亦下跌 0.04% 而 有 色 金 屬 部 分 或 稱 基 本 金 屬 在 過去一個月間有兩種金屬價格走揚 [...]鉛和鋅的 價格延續上期走勢持續上揚 其均價分別上漲 3.9% [...]與 3.5% 另一方面 其他金屬如銅 鎳 錫 鋁等金屬 則呈現下跌的趨勢 apecscmc.org | As for energy prices, the WTI near month futures price moved within the range of USD 93.87 and 102.59 /barrel and Dubai crude prices between USD 102.99 and 110.59 /barrel during the same period. The WTI oil price average from midNovember [...] to mid-December was bigger [...]than that for the previous month, with the average price of WTI decreasing 6.3%, while the average price of Dubai crude oil decreased 0.04%. apecscmc.org |