单词 | 杖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 杖—walking sticka staffcaneless common: a rod flog with a stick (old) Examples:拐杖—crutch crutches walking stick 拐杖n—canen 杖刑—beating with wooden staves (as corporal punishment)
由于蓝精灵的蓝月亮节做好准备,蓝精灵爸爸在他的大锅看到龙魔杖,在笼子里的蓝精灵,格格巫笑拙Smurf攻击达到的愿景。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | As the Smurfs get ready for the Blue Moon Festival, Papa Smurf [...] sees in his cauldron a vision of Clumsy Smurf reaching [...] for a dragon wand andthe Smurfs [...]in cages while Gargamel laughs. seekcartoon.com |
由於这个日常的运动计 划﹐六个星期後﹐他说他的腿 已很强健而无需用手杖步行。 napca.org | Because of his new exercise routine, at the end of the sixweek class, he reported that his legs were now strong enough to walk without his cane. napca.org |
一些人 使用轮椅,一些人使用拐杖,如果您的患者是儿童,您将需要一个高度灵活和特 [...] 殊激励的跑步机解决方案。 hpcosmos.com | Some use [...] wheelchairs, othersneed crutches and if your patients [...]are children you need a highly flexible and especially motivating treadmill solution. hpcosmos.com |
哈利看到询问Gregorovitch,着名的魔杖制造商声称,一个十几岁的男孩曾经从他的商店偷了传说中的长老魔杖的伏地魔的愿景。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Harry sees a vision of Voldemort [...] interrogating Gregorovitch, a renownedwand-makerwho claims that a teenage boy had once stolen the legendary Elder Wand from his shop. seekcartoon.com |
1895年诞生的修改版本蕴含了拜耳成功实施业务运作全球化的含义:长着翅膀昂首挺胸的雄狮手握象征水星的权杖,立足于地球上方。 career.bayer.cn | To illustrate the company's globally successful business operations, the next modification followed in 1895: a lion with wings and the symbolic staff of Mercury rose up over the globe. career.bayer.cn |
(a) 羁押残疾在囚人士的院所均设置充足的伤残人士护理和治疗设施,包 括经改装的洗手间和浴室设备、拐杖、轮椅及轻便床等。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Prisoners with disabilities are detained in institutions with adequate facilities that are necessary for their care and treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
要不是出于商业和财政考虑,而是因为必须镇压 世界各地的动乱……若非如此,新世界的权杖迟早将落到黑人手中”。 daccess-ods.un.org | ... If not done so, the sceptreof the new world would sooner or later [have] fallen into the hands of the blacks. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,各国必须禁止针对儿童的所有形式的不人道刑罚,包括死刑、没有 假释可能的无期徒刑以及使用包括石刑、鞭刑、笞刑或杖刑在内的各种体罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, States must prohibit all forms of inhuman sentencing against children, including the death penalty, life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, and the use of corporal punishment, such as stoning, flogging, whipping or caning. daccess-ods.un.org |
臭粉可在华人超市买到(图B)。将核桃仁及腰果放入一塑料袋里(图C),封口后,用擀面杖敲压碎(图D),接着放面粉里,充分搅拌均匀(图E)。 maomaomom.com | Crash walnuts and cashew into very small pieces in a plastic bag and them put them into the flour and mix well. maomaomom.com |
联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处协助残疾人的努力包括:向 76 个 人提供现金援助;将 21 个残疾人包括在出国培训机会中;以技术专业知识和人 [...] 力资源支助,支持了 6 个基于社区的康复中心(有 134 名短期工);为 822 人提供 [...] 特殊教育服务;向近 2 000 人提供轮椅、助行器、拐杖、空气床垫等设备;开展 儿童增强信心的活动,譬如通过节日和纪念日庆祝;对截肢或受其他伤的人进行 [...]医疗随访;以及支持在加沙专门从事各种治疗的 17 个医疗服务设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNRWA’s effort to assist persons with disabilities includes the provision of cash assistance to 76 individuals; the inclusion of 21 disabled persons in training opportunities abroad; supporting six community-based rehabilitation centres with technical expertise and human resource assistance (134 short-term workers); special educational services for [...] 822 persons; equipment, such as wheel [...] chairs, walkers, crutches, air mattresses, [...]etc. for nearly 2,000 people; morale-boosting [...]activities for children, such as festivals and days of recognition; medical follow up for amputees or persons otherwise wounded; and support for 17 health-care facilities in Gaza that specialize in various treatments. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们乐於见到已有数间专业团体及专上学院,正研究利用无线网络、无线射频辨识系统、蓝芽及红外线等资讯传输技术,发展供视障人士在室内及室外走动之导航仪器;日後,视障人士将无须限於使用手杖走在引导径上进出各大厦及商场、到巴士站、铁路站及月台列车出入口等。 hksb.org.hk | We are pleased to see that a number of professional institutions are doing research on applying new data transmission technology such as WIFI, RFID, Blue Tooth, Infra-Red and etc, in the development of new mobility aids to assist the visually [...] impaired in indoor and outdoor navigation, other [...] than using awalking caneon tactile [...]guide paths to go in and out of buildings, [...]shopping malls, locating bus stops, entrance and exit gate inside rail stations and on platforms. hksb.org.hk |
事实上,对很多人來說,說话所带來的伤害比木杖及石头所带來的伤害更大。 global.gofamilylife.com | For many people the reality is words hurt much more than “sticks and stones. global.gofamilylife.com |
当厚雪如天鹅绒的覆盖黑暗的大地,生命好像再一次被被魔杖施法的重新改变。 visitfinland.com | The thick, velvet-soft drifts cover the dark soil and life changes [...] as if touched byamagic wand. visitfinland.com |
耐用医疗设备的承保范围可能包 括:氧气设备、轮椅、拐杖或糖尿病病患用的血 液测试条。 fepblue.org | Coverage for DME may include: oxygen equipment, [...] wheelchairs, crutches or blood testing [...]strips for diabetics. fepblue.org |
一双滑雪板、一双滑雪杖和一双滑雪靴,或一块单板滑雪板和一双滑雪靴 dragonair.com | One pair of snow skis withone pair of ski poles and one pair of ski boots, or one snow board and boots dragonair.com |
手持式移位辅具:手杖、拐杖,和步行时没有提供躯干支持的前推式和後拉式助行器。 motorgrowth.canchild.ca | Hand-held [...] mobility device –Canes, crutches,and anterior [...]and posterior walkers that do not support the trunk during walking. motorgrowth.canchild.ca |
联合国对湖泊州伦拜克东县的两个放牧牛群的营地进行的核查任务揭 示,10 月 17 日和 19 [...] 日晚,苏丹解放军包围了这些营地,并用皮鞭、绳索和苔杖毒打青年,以迫使他们放弃武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | Verification missions conducted by the United Nations to two cattle camps in Rumbek East County, Lakes State, revealed that SPLA had surrounded the camps on the nights [...] of 17 and 19 October and severely beaten youths [...] with whips,ropes andcanes inorder to force [...]them to give up their arms. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 伤残者所需的假肢、拐杖和轮椅的供应、修理和调试; (e) 伤员从出事地点到医院或住址的交通费 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The supply, repairing, or adjustment of artificial prosthetics, cane, and cart for cripple daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管他 的膝盖患有关节炎需要使用手杖﹐他实行了一个步行运动计 划。 napca.org | In spite of the arthritis in his knees that requires him to use a cane, he developed an action plan to walk around for exercise. napca.org |
展览以“从东方到西方”为欣赏路线,呈现各地因应地域及生活环境而发展、具地方特色的木偶,观众从中可以了解不同种类的木偶造型,如布偶、提线木偶、杖头偶及皮影戏偶等;同时,透过欣赏结合绘画、雕塑、各种综合技法和媒材制作而成的木偶藏品,使木偶成为领略不同文化的桥梁,激发观众的创造力及想像力。 yp.mo | It introduces exhibition-goers to the various types of puppets – glove, string, rod and shadow – produced through the integration of painting and sculptural techniques and using a comprehensive range of materials. yp.mo |
法语区各州流行扁平的圆面包。汝拉州的面包装饰有汝拉州州旗标志:一半是主教牧杖,一半是条纹。 swissworld.org | A flat, round loaf of a type popular throughout the French-speaking cantons, this one is decorated with the symbols of the flag of Switzerland's youngest canton: a bishop's crozier in one half and stripes in the other. swissworld.org |
我虽然完成了翻译工作,但并没有向我的病人推荐,因为一个产品能治疗这么多病,效果又这样神奇,的确让我怀疑,今年5月,在纽约一个酒店召开有关NONI的大会,我介绍了几位病人去听,其中一位拄拐杖来的膝关节痛的病人买了一箱回去,三周后打电话给我说上下楼都不用拄拐杖了,并专程来看我感谢我,这个病例给了我很大的信心,於是开始介绍更多的病人服用,一些糖尿病、肝硬化、心脏病、高血压等病患得到了神奇的难以置信的疗效。 int-tm.com | Although I complete the translation work, but did not recommend to my patients, because a product can cure so sickly, and so magical, it makes me wonder, in May this year, at a hotel in New York held on the NONI assembly, I introduced a [...] few patient to listen [...] to, oneof the crutchthe knee pain patients bought a box back, three weeks after the call me downstairs without astick,andhere I [...]thank me, this case has [...]given me the very big confidence, begin to introduce more patients taking, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease, hypertension and so on ill be hardly worthy of belief by the magic effect. en.int-tm.com |
我有一位病人有上述毛病,患病达二十年之久,在1990年曾做手术并装上人工关节,行动仍不方便,需用手杖,尤其在要起立时非常困难,在服用NONI果粉三天后,便可以不使用手杖。 int-tm.com | One of my patients have the above problems, the prevalence of up to twenty years, in 1990 have operation and fitted with artificial joints, [...] action is not [...] convenient, need to stick, in particular to stand up is very difficult, taking NONI powder after three days, we can not usea walking stick. en.int-tm.com |