单词 | 村民 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 村民noun—villagerspl村民—villagerSee also:村n—villagen
有 消息说,没有告知村民新的布雷地点,这些地雷分布在村民使用的繁忙路径、田 间小路、稻田附近以及河渠岸上。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to [...] the information, villagersare notbeing notified of the location of the new landmines, which are on busy paths used by villagers, in farm field [...]huts, around paddy fields [...]and along the banks of canals. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于 Kothmale 项目,教科文组织正 在以具有成本效益和创新的方式帮助把互联网带给村 民。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With Kothmale, UNESCO is helping to [...] bring the Internet to villagepeopleina cost-effective [...]and innovative manner. unesdoc.unesco.org |
梅塞雷特回到村庄时,她的家人和村民们迎接她回家。 unicef.org | When Meseret was returned to her village, she was welcomed by her [...] family and members of thevillage. unicef.org |
在一些村庄,这些民兵占村民总数的 10%至 15%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Insome villages, these militias amount to 10 [...] to 15 per cent of the overall population. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为一种文化表现形式,“Caravela Culturii”深受偏远乡村村民的欢迎,而在过去的 10-15 [...] 年中,他们从未欣赏过任 何专业艺术团体的表演。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a cultural manifestation the [...] “Caravela culturii” is especially welcome [...] for the distantvillages,which have not [...]enjoyed any group of professional artist in the last 10–15 years. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年,若干媒体报告多名儿童在涉及缅军、克伦民主佛教军、克伦民族 解放军、克伦族军或 Mon Pyi Thit(村民兵组织)的小规模冲突中被杀或致残,或 被地雷和未爆弹药炸死或炸残。 daccess-ods.un.org | There were a number of media reports in 2010 of children being killed or maimed during skirmishes involving the Tatmadaw, DKBA, KNLA, KA or Mon Pyi Thit, or by landmines and unexploded ordnance. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们不得不忍受所有村民的围观和议论。 voith.com | We had to endure the immense interest and the corresponding [...] remarks of the entirevillage population. voith.com |
证词:2012 年 6 月 6 [...] 日星期三下午 4 时,他听所在 Majdal村的村民议论说 当天下午 3 时,一个武装恐怖团伙进入 [...]Qubayr 农场并与执法部队发生冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | Stated that on Wednesday 6 June 2012 at 4 p.m., he heard [...] talk among thepeople of his village, Majdal, to [...]the effect that at 3 p.m. that day, [...]an armed terrorist group had entered Qubayr farm and clashed with the law enforcement forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年 3 月 8 日当地时间 16 时许,亚美尼亚武装部队从被其占领的阿格达 姆地区沙克拉尔村中的阵地开枪射击,造成阿格达姆地区奥尔塔加尔万村正在家 中院内与其他儿童玩耍的村民法利兹·巴达洛夫(2002 年出生)头部中弹,他在送 往医院的途中死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 8 March 2011 at about 1600 hours local time, Armenian armed forces opened fire from positions in the occupied village of Shykhlar in the Agdam district of the Republic of Azerbaijan. As a result of this, a resident of the village of Orta Garvand in the Agdam district, Fariz Badalov, born 2002, who at the time was playing with other children in the yard of his home, received a bullet wound to the head and died on the way to hospital. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,无地或只有边际土地的家庭被赋予了土地权,而愿意出售取水权的村民也可以进行出售。 teebweb.org | In addition, families with no land or marginal land have been given landrights,and those who wish to can sell water entitlement. teebweb.org |
但与此同 [...] 时,这项调查也有一些积极的发现,包括各种各样的行动者正在运用该法——从僻野村民到城市精英——为了各种各样的目的——不仅作为反腐败的手段,而且也用来解决个人问题、 [...]应对广泛的社会和政策问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the same time, there were a number of positive findings, including that [...] the Law is being used by a range of actors [...] – from remote villagers tourbanelites [...]– and for a wide range of purposes – not [...]only as an anti-corruption measure but also to solve personal problems and to address broad social and policy issues. unesdoc.unesco.org |
鲍莎在她的朋友 - 另一位 16 岁的少年记者普迦.德瓦干 (Puja Dewangan) 的帮助下,报道了当村里有人生病时,村民求助于巫医而不是专业医生的危险做法。 unicef.org | With the help of another child reporter and friend, Puja [...] Dewangan, 16, Pausha has also tackled [...] the dangerous village practice of consulting faith healers rather than traineddoctors. unicef.org |
部分收成会卖给本土市场,但熟透果实的数量甚丰,村民未能从中获取最大利润。 clarinsusa.com | Part of the harvest is sold in local [...] markets but the size of the trees' [...] production means the villagers cannotprofit [...]from all the fruits that reach maturity. clarinsusa.com |
从这些设施中获 益的只是土地所有者,但全体村民通过更好的水共享方案获益才是此计划的重点。 teebweb.org | As these structures could benefit only landowners, an important element of the plan was to have better water sharing arrangements which could benefit all the villagers. teebweb.org |
在农村中,他们好比一些土皇帝,较 有同情心的地方势力人士会为村民争取福利,但他们会视此为在上者对下层农民所施行 [...] 的责任,而不将它看待成下层农民的必然权益。 hkahe.com | In villages, these men of influence acted as if they were little emperors. Some [...] better men of influence might seek for some [...] benefits forvillagers,but they would [...]regard this act as a duty of the superior [...]towards the peasants and would never see this as their rightful privileges. hkahe.com |
三名泰国村民在2001 年泰国和缅甸军队的 交火中被炸死。 crisisgroup.org | Three Thai villagers were killed in [...] artillery exchanges between the Thai and Myanmar armies in 2001. crisisgroup.org |
近二十年来,随着世界各地人民在经济与文化上的交流和互动日益频繁,以及经济相互依存度的大幅度提高,「地球村」与「世界公民」(或称「地球村村民」)的提法出现在媒体的频率也愈来愈多。 hkupop.hku.hk | In the past two decades, the ever-increasing frequent exchanges and interactions of people around the world economically and culturally, as well as the intensifying degree of economic dependency between [...] countries, had led to the increased mentions [...] of "global village" and "global citizen" (also known as "global villager")in media. hkupop.hku.hk |
2 月 5 日午夜后骑摩托车的武装定居者袭击 Nabi Saleh 村,企图恐吓村 民和毁坏财产,但被保护自己村庄的村民家庭赶了出来。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 5 February, armed settlers on [...] motorcycles raided the village ofNabi Saleh after midnight in an attempt to terrorize the villagers andvandalize property, but they were repelled by thefamilies who came out to protecttheir village. daccess-ods.un.org |
在2010年对2,280位中国村民进行的调查中,有69%表示他们的家庭经济状况在前五年里“有一些改善”,16%表示状况“改善很多”。 amccsm.org | In a 2010 survey [...] of 2,280 Chinese villagers, 69 percent said [...]their family economic situation had "improved some" in the [...]previous five years, and 16 percent said conditions had "improved a lot". amccsm.org |
政府为此推出「建立新根基」(BNG)政策,让贫民更接近人口稠密的市中心,也让新社区生活在此蓬勃发展,「史洛沃计画」即为范例,乡村民众搬迁至城市求发展,原本住在脏乱聚落中,这项计画要把社区改建为永续都市规划典范。 thisbigcity.net | In response, the Government launched Building New Ground (BNG), designed to bring the poor closer to urban centres in more attractive high-density settings, creating a space where new community life could develop and flourish. thisbigcity.net |
在解决水浸问题的防洪措施完成前,水浸警报器的设立可以为当地村民发出洪水警告。 devb.gov.hk | The flood sirens are set up to provide flood [...] warningsto local villagersuntil completion [...]of flood protection measures to address the flooding problems. devb.gov.hk |
大家顶着酷暑坐了很长时间的汽车来到陌生的城市,一定很疲惫, [...] 但各村以青年团为主的孩子们还是通俗易懂地在大纸上总结自己的调 查结果,并在村民和VINAX 工作人员的注视下非常自信地进行了发表。 global.lixil.co.jp | In spite of the overbearing heat, the long bus rides, the unfamiliar city air, and the general exhaustion from the trip, the youth [...] groups and other children from the hamletsused large, easy-to-read sheets of paper and confidently presented their survey results amidst the proud [...] eyes offellow villagersandVINAXemployees alike. global.lixil.co.jp |
这一场面吸引了附近的许多村民来围观,村民们议论纷纷,不断地打量着这辆奇特的车以及车上不知所措的乘客。 voith.com | The spectacle attracts many [...] onlookers from the village, nosily inspecting the unusual vehicle and its perplexedpassengers. voith.com |
按照 1998 年“托克劳现代议会”报告,长老大会代表目前是在村民比例代 表制的基础上选出的,代表由村民普选产生,而不是像以前那样采取平等村代表 制由各村委员会任命代表。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with the terms of the 1998 “Modern House of Tokelau” report, General Fono delegates are [...] now elected on the basis [...] of proportionalvillage representation with delegates elected through universal village suffrage, rather [...]than a system of equal villagerepresentation with delegates [...]appointed by the respective Village Councils, as previously. daccess-ods.un.org |
5 月 28 日,还有报道称,以色列占领军和定居者袭击了耶路撒冷西北方的 Nabi Samwil 村,他们骚扰和羞辱村民,包括命令年轻男子一边跳舞一边演唱“我 爱以色列”的歌曲,对拒绝执行命令者拳打脚踢并使其受伤,与此同时,另一批 定居者围着村子开车,试图撞击年轻人,并攻击了一名 [...] 16 岁男孩。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 28 May, it was also reported that Israeli [...] occupying forces and settlers [...] had raided the village ofNabi Samwil, to the north-west of Jerusalem, and harassed and humiliated villagers, including by [...]ordering young men to [...]dance and sing “I love Israel”, physically beating and injuring those who refused the orders, while at the same time another group of settlers drove around the village trying to run over the youths and assaulted a 16-year-old boy. daccess-ods.un.org |
联刚稳定团还在上帝抵 抗军继续为害小村居民的下韦莱省和东方省北部偏 远地区进行农业巡逻,让村民能在自己的农田上安全 耕作。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the very remote areas of Bas-Uele, in northern Orientale province, where the Lord’s Resistance Army continues to prey onsmall village communities, MONUSCO is also conducting farming patrols, allowingvillagers to work insafety [...] in their fields. daccess-ods.un.org |