

单词 李舜臣

See also:



surname Li

Shun (c. 22nd century BC), mythical sage and leader

surname Chen
serve a ruler as his subject
state official or subject in dynastic China
"Your Servant", form of address used when speaking a ruler
Kangxi radical 168
submit oneself to the rule of or acknowledge allegiance to

External sources (not reviewed)

龟甲船在壬辰卫国战争中发挥了突击舰的功能,战乱后其形态略有变化,龙头变龟头、尺寸也加大等建造得越来越大,壬辰卫国战争结束并经过200余年的1795年(正祖19)中,根据正祖命令收集、整李舜臣甲船相关资料并刊行的『李忠武公全书』中,大概记录有‘全罗左水营龟甲船’及‘统制营龟甲船’图片和建造所需的部分尺寸 。
As the turtle ship asserting its function as the leading ship in the battle during the Imjin War the appearance made a little change at a time after the war, and the dragon head was changed into the turtle head with the dimension enlarged in general with much larger size later. Some 200 years after the Imjin
War, in 1795 (the 19th year of King
[...] Jeongjo), thedata on Yi Sun-sin and theturtle [...]
ship were gathered comprehensively under
the decree of King Jeongjo and issued the 『Entire Collection on Yi Chungmugong』 with some recording of partial dimension needed for shipbuilding along with the 'turtle ship of Jeolla Jwasuyoung' and the 'turtle ship of Tongjeyoung'.
於美国哈佛大学取得其博士学位, 并曾於Memorial [...]
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 从事博士後研究工作。
After hisPhD education at [...]
Harvard University and Post-doctoral training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New
York, Dr. Li moved to HKU and teamed up a group of talents with a research focus on chemical biology and medicinal chemistry in 2009.
We thank Mr. Turner for his contribution and welcome Mr. Tong to the Company.
Persons returning to their previous place of
[...] residencein the Chechen Republic receive assistance for travel and the transport oftheirbaggage.
冯连勇雄奇,唐旭,赵林,赵庆飞, 《基于石油峰值预测模型的中国石油供需预测及分 [...]
Lianyong, Feng; Junchen, Li; Xiongqi, Pang; [...]
Xu, Tang; Lin, Zhao; Qingfei, Zhao, “Peak Oil Models Forecast China’s Oil Supply, Demand”, op. cit.
我 谨代表董事局多谢邱博士在任内贡献良多,并且祝贺委任为工程及卫星运作副总裁。
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Dr. CHIU for his invaluable service and congratulate Roger TONG on his appointment as Vice President, Engineering and Operations.
Now you can neither surpass Yao andShun in virtue nor match the sky and the earth in greatness.
Roger Tong, Vice President, Engineering and Operations. On 1 August 2011, the Engineering and Operations Departments were merged into one technical department and Mr. Tong assumes managerial responsibilities for the combined group.
那桐 (1857年 –
[...] 1925年),字琴轩,叶赫那拉氏,1900年兼任总理各国事务衙门、进理藩院侍郎,又允留京办事鸿、奕匡跟八国联军议和;光绪二十七年五月,那桐授为专使大臣,因为日本使馆书记杉山彬殁於拳乱就前往日本谢罪,二十八年三月派充管理沟渠河道大臣,本壶是七个月以後画成的。
After the fall of Beijing in the Boxer
[...] Rebellion, he, Yikuang, and Li Hongzhang were charged [...]
with negotiating with the foreign powers;
the year before the date on this bottle, Natong had gone to Japan to convey official apologies for the death of a member of the Japanese delegation during the Boxer Rebellion.
此外,助理秘书长兼首席信息技术官鸿生参加了 2010 年 6 月在马耳他举行的电子外交国际会议。
In addition, Mr. Choi Soon-hong, Assistant Secretary-General and Chief Information Technology Officer, participated in the International Conference on E-diplomacy, held in Malta in June 2010.
集 团 定 期 为 员 工 提 供 合 适 的 培 训,并 鼓 励 他 们 终 身 学 习 及 提 升 自 己,确 保 集 团变 的 市 场 环 境 下 维 持 竞 争 力。
The Group provides training to staff members, and encourage them to engage in lifelong learning and self-development, thus ensuring our competitiveness in an ever-changing market environment.
谨随函附上 2010 年 6 月 6 日卡塔尔国首相兼外交 哈马德·本·贾 西姆·本·贾贝尔·阿勒萨尼给你的信(见附件)及其附文,即关于和平解决厄立 特里亚国和吉布提共和国边界争端的协定,该协定由厄立特里亚国总统和吉布提 共和国总统以及卡塔尔国埃米尔谢赫哈马德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨尼殿下作为调 解人和见证人代表卡塔尔国于 2010 年 6 月 6 日签署。
I have the honour to enclose herewith a letter dated 6 June 2010 addressed to you by Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar (see annex), with its enclosure, the Agreement concerning peaceful settlement of the border dispute between the State of Eritrea and the Republic of Djibouti, signed on 6 June 2010 by the President of the State of Eritrea and the President of the Republic of Djibouti, and signed on behalf of the State of Qatar as mediator and witness by His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar.
俄罗斯联邦外交部长与联合王国外交事务同意合力促进和支持奥 林匹克休战的理想,以建立一个更美好的世界并使来自不同国家的多样化的人们 共同在和平的环境中通过体育而进行竞赛。
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom agreed to work together to promote and support the ideals of the Olympic Truce to build a better world and bring people from different nations and diversities together to enjoy competition through sport in a peaceful environment.
我们於今年三月宣布委任生为工程部总经理,接替於二零零七年底自亚洲卫星退休的 唐立明先生。
In March this year we announced the appointment of Mr. Roger Tong, as General Manager Engineering.
副董事长雷凡培先生 因工作原因未能出席,委托副董事长谢伟良先生行使表决权;董事张俊超先生因工 作原因未能出席,委托董事王行使表决权;独立董事曲晓辉女士因工作原 因未能出席,委托独立董事谈振辉先生行使表决权;独立董事魏炜先生因工作原因 未能出席,委托独立董事陈乃蔚先生行使表决权;独立董事石义德先生因工作原因 未能出席,委托独立董事陈乃蔚先生行使表决权。
Mr. Timothy Alexander Steinert, Independent Director, was unable to attend the meeting due to work reasons, and had authorised Mr. Chen Naiwei, Independent Director, to vote on his behalf.
除上文所披露者外及於最後实际可行日期先生、高翔先生及刘肇晖先生各自 [...]
於过往三年内概无在任何其他上市公司担当任何董事职位,彼等各自亦无於本集团任何成 员公司担当任何职务,与本公司其他董事、高级管理人员、主要股东或控股股东概无任何关 系,亦无在本公司拥有其他股份权益(定义见证券及期货条例(香港法例第571章)第XV部)。
LIZhengbang,GAO Xiang and LAU [...]
Siu Fai did not hold any directorship in any other listed public companies in the last three
years and does not hold any position in any member of the Group, nor does each of them have any relationship with any other Directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company or any interests in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
前工 程部副总裁二零一一年八月一日开始肩负更多职责,成为工程及卫星运作副总裁。
Former Vice President, Engineering Roger TONG took on an expanded role on 1 August 2011 to become Vice President, Engineering and Operations.
贵公司已成立由颜永红先生、邓诗诺先生先生及陈为光先生(全部均为独立非 [...]
执行董事)组成之独立董事委员会,就授出一般授权对独立股东而言是否属公平合理及 授出一般授权是否符合 贵公司及独立股东整体利益向独立股东提供意见。
The Independent Board Committee, comprising Mr. Yan Yonghong, Mr.
[...] Tang SzeLok, Mr. LeeKwok Yungand [...]
Mr. Chan Wai Kwong, Peter, all being the independent
non-executive Directors, has been formed to advise the Independent Shareholders as to whether the grant of the General Mandate is fair and reasonable so far as the Independent Shareholders are concerned and whether the grant of the General Mandate is in the interests of the Company and the Independent Shareholders as a whole.
除上文及下文「购回股份」一节所披露者外及於最後实际可行日期,朱小坤先生、朱志 和先生、吴锁军先生先生各自於过往三年内概无在任何其他上市公司担当任何董 事职位,彼等各自亦无於本集团任何成员公司担当任何职务,与本公司任何其他董事、高级 管理人员、主要股东或控股股东概无任何关系,亦无拥有本公司股份的任何权益(定义见证 券及期货条例(香港法例第571章)第XV部)。
ZHU Xiaokun, ZHU Zhihe, WU Suojun and LEE Cheuk Yin, Dannis did not hold any directorship in any other listed public companies in the last three years and does not hold any position in any member of the Group, nor does each of them have any relationship with any other Directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company or any interests in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
株式会社村田制作所 (社长: 村田恒夫) 、户田建设株式会社 (社长: 井) 和USHIO LIGHTING株式会社 (社长: 吉川隆雅) 共同携手合作开始进行“智能医院照明系统”的实证实验。
(President: Tsuneo Murata) has started field tests of the "Smart Hospital Lighting System" in a joint effort with Toda Corporation (President: Shunzo Inoue) and Ushio Lighting, Inc.
[...] Chan女士;两名非执行董事生及 季鹤群先生;以及三名独立非执行董事陈思翰先生、林卫邦先生及杨青山先生。
the Board of the company comprises seven Directors, of which two are executive Directors, namely Mr. cheung tsun Hin, samson and Ms.
ivy chan, two are non-executive Directors,
[...] namely Mr. chanshun Kuen, eric and [...]
Mr. Ji He Qun, and three are iNeDs, namely
Mr. chan sze Hon, Mr. Lam Wai pong and Mr. Yeung Mario Bercasio.
成立时间:1964年 11月 10日 产品项目:无心精密研磨机 、无心刀具、特殊研磨机 营业型态:制造商、出口商 资 本 额:USD$200,000.00 厂房面积: 7117 平方英尺 付款方式:L/C、T/T及现金票 外销市场:美国、日本、东南亚 主要客户: 宝熊渔具股份有限公司 优乃克股份有限公司 冈崎精工股份有限公司股份有限公司 九俐切削刀具股份有限公司 员工人数: 11 人
PRODUCTION: Manufacture of Centerless Grinding Machines/ Centerless Guide Board / Special Grinding Machines TYPE OF BUSINESS: Manufacturer and Exporter CAPITAL: USD$200,000.00 FACTORY AREA: 7,117 ft2 PAYMENT TERM : L/C / T/T / CHECK AT SIGHT MAIN MARKET: East-south Asia / Japan / America etc. MAIN CUDTOMER:CHIU LI CUTTING TOOL CO.
她的儿子说:“我所认为是圣贤的人,没有超过尧 而我们都直呼尧字;我所认为大的东西,没有大过天、地的,而我们也都直呼天、地的名字。
), and both of them are addressed by their name; of those whom I honor as greatness there is none who can match the sky and the earth, and both of them are addressed by their name.




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