

单词 李天禄

See also:


plum n

surname Li

official salary


day n
heaven n
sky n

External sources (not reviewed)

对由多纳Tichonius组成规则本书在较小的“大炮”由普里西利安圣 禄 书 信 一个比喻。
The book of rules composed by the Donatist Tichonius has an analogy in the smaller "canons" of St. Paul's Epistles by Priscillian.
此外,阿布沙耶夫集团成员在三宝颜省和 禄 省 绑 架老师,在平民中造成惊恐, 并使受冲突影响地区儿童的学习生活受到破坏。
Furthermore, accounts of schoolteachers abducted
[...] in Zamboanga and Sulu provinces by members [...]
of the Abu Sayyaf caused fear among
the civilian population and disrupted the learning activities of children in conflict-affected areas.
3月4日至5日,为迎合这潮流,本教会的万民电视台为期 天 参 加了在菲律宾马尼拉举办的“第11届菲律宾国际有线电视台会议及博览会(以下简称FICAP)”,对堂会 李 载 禄 牧 师 和万民电视台的宣教事工做了宣传。
Recognizing the importance, Manmin TV attended
[...] "The 2010 Federation of International Cable Television Association of the Philippines (FICAP) Exposition" and promoted the ministries of Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee and Manmin TV.
天 ,李卓人議員的 發 言 將 會 集 中 談 論 今 年 及 未來數年政 府開支“封頂”對民生的 影響; 而我現在的發 [...]
言 則和政 府討論如 何 共度時艱 , 特別是 政 府和公務員之 間同舟 共 濟 的 重 要 性 。
Mr LEE Cheuk-yan's speech, to be delivered tomorrow, will [...]
focus on the impact of capping government expenditure this year
and in the next few years on the livelihood of the public, and my speech will deal with how the Government can tide over the present hardship together with the public, in particular, the importance of the Government and civil servants to stand by each other in times of difficulty.
禄和巴 西兰岛的阿布沙耶夫组织被俘人员报告,该组织队伍中 [...]
The presence of children among the ranks of Abu Sayyaf
[...] Group (ASG) in Sulu and Basilan [...]
was also reported by former captives of ASG,
although these allegations could not be verified owing to security constraints.
之后那些所谓的皇帝开始顺序是:第一,凯厄斯朱利叶斯,谁在位3年4个月6天,然后奥古斯都,56年4月1日;厄斯,22岁;然后再凯厄斯,3年8个月7天克劳狄斯,23年8个 月 2 4 天 ; 尼 禄 , 13 年6个 月 5 8 天 ; 加 尔 巴,2年7个月6天; Otho,3个月5天; Vitellius,6个月22天;维斯帕先,9年11个月22天;提图斯,2年22天;杜米仙,15岁5个月6天; NERVA,1年4个月10天;图拉真,19年6个月16天;阿德里安,20年10个月28天;安东尼,22年7个月6天; Verus,19岁10天。
Afterwards those who are called emperors began in this order: first, Caius Julius, who reigned 3 years 4 months 6 days; then Augustus, 56 years 4 months 1 day; Tiberius, 22 years; then another Caius, 3 years 8 months 7 days; Claudius, 23 years 8 months 24 days; Nero, 13 years 6 months 58 days; Galba, 2 years 7 months 6 days; Otho, 3 months 5 days; Vitellius, 6 months 22 days; Vespasian, 9 years 11 months 22 days; Titus, 2 years 22 days; Domitian, 15 years 5 months 6 days; Nerva, 1 year 4 months 10 days; Trajan, 19 years 6 months 16 days; Adrian, 20 years 10 months 28 days; Antoninus, 22 years 7 months 6 days; Verus, 19 years 10 days.
一体化橡胶表带的纹理如同60年代的 禄 普 ( Dunlop)轮胎橡胶,与表壳完美整合为一体,佩戴体验更加流畅舒适。
Finally, the rubber strap with the 1960’s Dunlop racing-tyre motif is integrated with the case for a more flowing look and feel.
主席,我 再次呼籲有意反對天 李柱銘議員決 議 案 的議員,能 夠 懸 崖勒 馬 , 支 持 成立專 [...]
責委員會,使 香港及 國 際 社 會明白 到 立法會作為一個人民代 表 的 地 方,能 夠 追 尋 真 相 , 對 學 術 自 由也是執 和 尊 重 的 。
Madam President, once again, I
call upon Members who intend to
[...] oppose Mr Martin LEE's resolution today to wake up to [...]
and escape disaster at the last moment
and support the setting up of a select committee so that Hong Kong and the international community will understand that this Council representing the people pursues the truth, and insists on and respects academic freedom.
天李柱銘 議員寫了一封信給我,信的 內容我已經回覆了,我覺得答得很清楚,所以我不打算在這裏補充,不過, [...]
就李柱銘議員和張文光議員所提出有關行政長官職位空缺的問題,我有沒有 與中央人民政府(“中央”)交換意見,或就這方面與其磋商,我的答案很
As to the question raised
[...] by Mr Martin LEE and Mr CHEUNG [...]
Man-kwong on whether I have exchanged views with or consulted the
Central People's Government with regard to the matter of a vacancy in office, my answer to that question is simple and clear — I have not.
天李華明議員的原議案及其他同事提出的修正案,就供港食物安全提 出了多項具體建議,但卻沒有提到一個先決條件,便是要先行諮詢。
However, no mention is made of a prerequisite and that is, consultation should be conducted in advance.
承董事會命 中國基建港口有限公司 公司秘書 黎碧芝
[...] 於本公佈日期,董事會包括二名執行董事劉琴女士及段岩先生;二名非執行董事 閻志先生及方一兵先生;以及三名獨立非執行董 李 鏡 波 先生、 天 祐 博 士及范 駿華先生。
Lai Pik Chi, Peggy Company Secretary As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises two executive directors namely Ms. Liu Qin and Mr. Duan Yan; two non-executive directors namely Mr. Yan Zhi and Mr. Fang Yibing and three
independent non-executive
[...] directors namely Mr. Lee Kang Bor, Thomas, Dr. Wong Tin Yau, Kelvin and [...]
Mr. Fan Chun Wah, Andrew.
於 本 公 佈 日 期 , 董 事 會 包 括 一 名 執 行 董 事
周 光 暉 先 生 ; 三 名 非 執 行 董 事 黃 月 良 先 生 、 李 佐 雄 先 生 及
[...] 吳 伯 炎 先 生 ; 以 及 三 名 獨 立 非 執 行 董李 鏡 波 先 生 、天 祐 博 士 及 范 駿 華 先 生 。
As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises an executive director namely Mr. Chow Kwong Fai, Edward; three non-executive Directors namely Mr. Wong Yuet Leung, Frankie, Mr. Lee Jor Hung, Dannis and Mr. Goh Pek Yang, Michael and three
independent non-executive
[...] Director namely Mr. Lee Kang Bor, Thomas, Dr. Wong Tin Yau, Kelvin and [...]
Mr. Fan Chun Wah, Andrew.
随后我们访问了天津气候交易所,然后参加 天 津 副市 长 李 文 喜主持的午餐会。
We followed this by a visit to the Tianjin Climate Exchange, and then had a lunch
[...] hosted by the Vice Mayor of Tianjin, Li Wenxi.
天然橡胶邓禄普赛 车表带具备令人一眼识别的特性,2010年问世的版本为44mm直径钢制表壳,容纳自动上链计时码表机芯,并获CSOC认证。
Immediately recognisable thanks to its natural rubber Dunlop Racing strap, it appears in 2010 in a 44 mm-diameter steel case housing a self-winding chronograph movement chronometer-certified by the COSC.
李白原本是天上掌 管诗歌的仙人,后因得罪玉帝,被贬到人间成为一个富商的儿子。
Legend has it that Li Bai was originally the God in charge of poetry in Heaven, but he offended the [...]
Heavenly Emperor and
thus was exiled to Earth, where he become a son of a rich merchant.
The most beautiful
[...] piece for piano solo, Liszt was a genius.
簽字儀式由恒管副校長 (課程、學術及研究) 李天生教 授和 John Duffield 教授共同主持,儀式圓滿完成,標誌著兩校的學生交流計劃合作關係正式建立。
On the signing ceremony, Prof. Lee Tien-sheng, Vice-President [...]
(Academic and Research) signed the MOU agreement representing
HSMC, while Prof. Duffield signed the agreement representing ENU.
畫展:2007年「視界無限大」,北京,「Beyond Life,
[...] Beyond Birds李銳個展」,法國;2008年「左燈右行」,北京,「夢想與現實」,北京,「李銳作品展」,美國;2009年「Post-Mortem」,印尼;2010年 李 銳 20 09作品展 天 子 」 ,台灣,「不同凡想」,北京;2011年「物件的生命」,北京,「鳥的傳奇」,泰國,「懷雲祈石。
Art exhibition: 2007 "Infinite Horizon", Beijing; "Beyond Life, Beyond Birds", France; 2008 "My Own Way", joint exhibition, Beijing, "Dream & Reality", Beijing, "Solo Exhibition", USA; 2009
[...] Indonesia; 2010 "Son of Heave", Taiwan; 2011 "Li Rui and Wang Yang Dual Exhibition", Beijing, "Legendary of Birds: Oil Paintings By Li Rui", Thailand, [...]
"Stone Dreams" joint
exhibition, Taiwan; 2011 "Art Nova 100", Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuxi.
當日大喊李鵬下台」的人,天不 還 是要 李 鵬 言 笑甚歡嗎?
Many who once yelled "Down with Li Peng" have now become his acquaintances.
本公司五位董事吳光正先生(彼亦為本公司的主要股東會德豐的主席及主要股東) 李 唯 仁 先生、 天 海 先生 、 李 玉 芳 女士和吳梓源先 生為會德豐及╱或會德豐旗下附屬公司的董事,因此根據上市規則第8.10條彼等被視為在會德豐佔有權益。
Five Directors of the Company, namely, Mr P K C Woo, who is also the chairman and a substantial shareholder of the Company’s substantial
shareholder, Wheelock,
[...] and Mr G W J Li, Mr S T H Ng, Ms D Y F Lee and Mr T Y Ng, who are also directors [...]
of Wheelock and/or
subsidiaries of Wheelock, are considered as having an interest in Wheelock under paragraph 8.10 of the Listing Rules.
在本財政年度內,本公司的董事會成員為吳光正先生 李 唯 仁 先生、 天 海 先生 、 李 玉 芳 女士、陳茂波先生、陳坤耀教授、錢果豐博士、 方剛議員、捷成漢先生、吳梓源先生及詹康信先生。
The Directors of the Company during
the financial year were Mr
[...] P K C Woo, Mr G W J Li, Mr S T H Ng, Ms D Y F Lee, Mr P M P Chan, Professor [...]
E K Y Chen, Dr R K
F Ch’ien, Hon V K Fang, Mr H Michael Jebsen, Mr T Y Ng and Mr J E Thompson.
於本公佈日期,董事會包括執行董事Michael John
[...] Hibberd先生及沈松寧先生,非執行董事蔣學明先生、劉廷安先生 李 皓 天 先 生 及Gregory George Turnbull先生,以及獨立非執行董事馮聖悌先生、Wazir [...]
Chand Seth先生、Robert
John Herdman先生及Gerald Franklin Stevenson先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the Board consists of Mr. Michael John Hibberd and Mr. Songning Shen as executive
directors, Mr. Hok Ming Tseung, Mr.
[...] Tingan Liu, Mr. Haotian Li and Mr. Gregory George [...]
Turnbull as non-executive directors
and Mr. Raymond Shengti Fong, Mr. Wazir Chand Seth, Mr. Robert John Herdman and Mr. Gerald Franklin Stevenson as independent non-executive directors.
航空手提李全天候專 利防雨罩數碼單反相機超袖珍傻瓜相機手機MP3播放器相片 瀏覽器閃光燈登山包,顧名思義是登山者用來裝載物資裝備的背囊。
Airlines hand luggage weather patented rain cover [...]
digital SLR camera super pocket shoot camera mobile phone MP3 player photo
browser flash mountaineering bags, as the name suggests is used to load supplies and equipment rucksack. climbers backpack is loaded with all kinds of travel goods equipment, travel essential we can backpack, clothing, food, shoes backpack and sleeping bags as a field trip the five elements of a good backpack is a good partner, traveler who attaches great importance to and cherish their own backpack. except for mountaineering, adventure sports (such as rafting through the desert, etc.) and long-distance travel is also widely used.
出席本次颁奖论坛的嘉宾有:西门子东北亚区CEO、西门子(中国)总裁兼CEO程美玮,中共天津市委统战部副部长、天津市工商联党组书记、第一副主 李 广 文 , 天 津 市滨海新区人民政府经济信息化委员会主任金东虎,北京大学光华管理学院教授武常歧,罗兰贝格高级合伙人、大中华区副总裁刘文波,《环球企业家》杂志社执行副主编仇勇以及获奖企业代表。
Attending the ceremony were Mei-Wei Cheng, President and CEO of Siemens China and Cluster CEO of Northeast Asia; Li Guangwen, Vice Director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC of Tianjin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, and Deputy Director of the Tianjin Federation Of Industry and Commerce; Jin Donghu, Director of the Tianjin Binhai District Economic Informationalization Commission; Wu Changqi, Professor of the Peking University Guanghua School of Management; Watson Liu, Senior Partner and Vice President of Roland Berger Greater China; and Qiu Yong, Global Entrepreneur Magazine Vice Executive Editor-in-Chief.
我们之前的“当班出结果”的大肠杆菌0157检测试样(包括增菌阶段)和现在的“ 天 出 结 果” 李 斯 特 菌属某些种检测试样均获得了AOAC PTM认证,为FoodChek向全球食品生产商推广其专利的MICT纳米技术检测平台打开了大门。
Securing the AOAC PTM Certification, previously with our "same shift" E. coli O157
assay (including enrichment phase),
[...] and now with the "same day" Listeria spp. assay opens [...]
the door for FoodChek to introduce
its patented MICT nanotechnology testing platform to all processors worldwide.
2009年5月12日,汶川地震后第365天,德 高中国 李 连 杰 先生的壹基金合作,在德高中国所运营的6个地铁城市(上海、北京、天津、南京、广州及重庆)同步发布“地震一周年纪念篇”宣传画面,呈现这一年中灾区重建和恢复的景象,借此呼吁大家对四川灾区持续的关注。
JCDecaux China decided to give cash donation and offer our support by launching a National campaign in all our segments associated with the Red. With the influence of its outdoor advertising platform across China, JCDecaux China will also place a large number of charity advertisements on its outdoor advertising network to call for enterprises and warm-hearted people to pay attention to the disaster more actively and give victims of the earthquake a hand.




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