单词 | 李代桃僵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 李代桃僵—carry the can for sb.less common: substitute one thing for another lit. the plum tree withers in place of the peach tree
也有人表示,如果僵局持续,替代解决方案将不可避免。 daccess-ods.un.org | Views were also [...] expressed that if the stalemate persisted, alternativesolutions would [...]be unavoidable. daccess-ods.un.org |
不 同株系致病力不同,例如 M 型在一般情况下在侵染杏、欧洲李子、日本李子和桃时比D 型的 分离物引起的病害流行速度更快、症状更严重。 ippc.int | The strains vary in the pathogenicity; for example, M isolates generally cause faster epidemics and more severe symptoms than D isolates in P. armeniaca, P. domestica, P. persica and P. salicina. ippc.int |
联合国秘书长去年亲自对本会议讲话时提到“新的多边主义:用合作取代对抗, 用创造取代僵局”,并敦促本会议把握机会,推进裁军议程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General of the United Nations, in his personal address to the Conference last year, referred to “the new [...] multilateralism where [...] cooperation replaces confrontation, where creativity replaces stalemate”, andhe urged [...]the Conference to seize [...]the opportunity to move the disarmament agenda forward. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧盟代表团对于以下农药/商品组合的最高残留限量建议表达了保留意见:对于除 虫脲的总体保留意见,因为该化合物在欧盟正在接受评估;具体保留意见包括:桃子、李子和青椒的建议值;噻螨酮(草莓);醚菊酯(葡萄);麦草畏(大豆);啶虫脒 (欧芹(除菠菜外的叶类蔬菜)),以及粉唑醇(葡萄干(无核葡萄干、葡萄干和小葡萄干) 和葡萄)。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of the European Union expressed its reservation on the following proposals for MRLs for pesticide / commodity combinations: general reservation on diflubenzuron as the evaluation of this compound was ongoing in the EU and specific reservations for the proposals for peaches, plums and peppers; [...] hexythiazox for strawberries; [...]etofenprox for grapes; dicamba for soybeans; acetamiprid for scarole (leafy vegetables except spinach) and flutriafol for dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) and grapes. codexalimentarius.org |
但是,对安全理事会改革问题的审议仍有可能陷入僵局,我国代表团希望不惜一切代价避免发生这种 情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, there remains the potential threat of [...] reaching a deadlockin the Security Council reform deliberations, whichmy delegation would like [...]to avert at all costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
该研究指出,不应该用这些公式来 准确确定不同职能的人员配置水平,取代深思熟虑合理论证的预算提议,因为这种僵化的方法可能造成情势发生时某些领域关键人员配置需求得不到满足,或者 不需要额外员额的领域硬是造成冗员。 daccess-ods.un.org | The study points out [...] that the formulae should not be usedas areplacement for carefully considered and justified [...]budget proposals to [...]precisely determine staffing levels for various functions, because such a rigid approach carries the risk of the understaffing of areas that would be critically needed should special circumstances arise, or could force overstaffing in areas where additional posts are not needed. daccess-ods.un.org |
裁军谈判会议的僵局持续得越久,其成员国之间的信任损失就越多,就越难 [...] 以建立妥协的精神,而如果各国要开始谈判,妥协的精神又是如此必要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The longerthe stalemate inthe Conference [...] on Disarmament lasts, the more trust among its members is lost and the harder [...]it becomes to build the spirit of compromise that is so necessary if States are to begin negotiations. daccess-ods.un.org |
多哈回合贸易谈判的僵局是若干代表关注的问题,一些人表示希望贸发十 三大将有助于活跃发展议程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thedeadlock in theDoha Round of trade negotiations [...] was a cause of concern to several speakers, but some expressed the [...]hope that UNCTAD-XIII could help invigorate the development agenda. daccess-ods.un.org |
这幅图详细描述了将从西班牙进口的桃树、李树、梨树和其它果树嫁接到墨西哥本土的苹果树和樱桃树的情形。 wdl.org | The map provides details [...] about the graftingof peach, apricot,pear, and [...]other fruit trees imported from Spain onto apple [...]and cherry trees indigenous to Mexico. wdl.org |
我要正式声明,我们非常真诚 地希望解决所有悬而未决问题,但是,南苏丹尚未对 我们的真诚投桃报李,也没有把它的言语化作行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish to place on record that we are very sincere in our desire to resolve all outstanding matters, but that South Sudan has not reciprocated our sincerity or translated its words into deeds. daccess-ods.un.org |
主流教育计划与特殊教育计划 之间的僵化分野,必须代之以制定更加一体化的计划或在该两项计 划之间建立更灵活的通道。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The rigid separation between mainstream education and special education [...] programmes hasto bereplaced by more integrated programmes [...]or more flexible pathways through programmes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
通过提供大量的水果和蔬菜 ,如杏、梨、李子、李子乾、桃子、浆果、酪 梨、番茄、绿豌豆、胡萝卜、花椰菜、豆子以 [...] 及全谷类,如燕麦、糙米、大麦,全麦等食物 ,是预防便秘的最佳方式。 ucsfchildcarehealth.org | It is best to prevent constipation by offering plenty of [...] fruits and vegetables such as [...] apricots, pears, plums, prunes, peaches, berries, avocados, [...]tomatoes, peas, carrots, broccoli, [...]peas, beans and whole grains like oats, brown rice, barley, and whole wheat. ucsfchildcarehealth.org |
纳瓦霍部落代表克里丝塔.李在青年事务讨论会上发言,该会议是联合国土着问题常设论坛的场外边会。 unicef.org | Crystal Lee, representingtheNavajo people, speaks [...] at the youth panel, a side event to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. unicef.org |
特别报告员指出,一会员国表示第 11 条草案的规定过于僵化,随着武装 冲突的展开,对条约存续问题的看法也可能改变,因此,可能有些时候只有当武 装冲突对条约已产生影响时,才能认识到决定丧失终止条约权利的条件,而不一 定在冲突爆发之际就能如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur noted that a Member State had expressed the view that the rule in draft article 11 was too rigid and that the perceptions and matter of survival of treaties could change as an armed conflict unfolded, and that, accordingly, the circumstances that led to the loss of the right to put an end to a treaty could sometimes only be appreciated once the armed conflict had produced its effect on the treaty, which was not necessarily the case at the outbreak of the conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,它突显了当前世界经济和金融危机 对贸易流动产生的深远的负面影响;重申维护公平的 多边贸易体制的重要性,再次呼吁抵制一切保护主义 [...] 倾向并纠正已采取的任何此类措施,同时承认发展中 国家有权充分利用世界贸易组织(世贸组织)下的灵 活性;以及强调多哈回合取得平衡、丰硕和注重发展 [...] 的成果的重要性,他呼吁所有会员国表现出必要的灵 活性和政治意愿,打破目前的谈判僵局,确保早日结 束谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same time, it highlighted the profoundly negative impact on trade flows of the ongoing world economic and financial crisis; reaffirmed the importance of an equitable multilateral trade system, reiterating the call to resist all protectionist tendencies and to rectify any such measures already taken, while recognizing the right of developing countries to make full use of the flexibilities under the World Trade Organization (WTO); and stressed the importance of a balanced, ambitious and development-oriented outcome of the Doha Round, calling on all Member States to show the [...] necessary flexibility and political will to [...] break the current impasseandensure the [...]early conclusion of the negotiations. daccess-ods.un.org |
提交人还援引了人权观察和大赦国际两个非政府组织的一 些报告,主要包括:《科特迪瓦:政治僵局的人权代价》,人权观察,2005 年 12 月 21 日, 第 27 页。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author also cites the reports of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, particularly Human Rights Watch’s [...] report “Côte d’Ivoire: le [...] Coût de l’Impasse Politique pour les Droits Humains” (Côte d’Ivoire: The costs of the politicalimpasse for human rights), of 21 December 2005, p. 27. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他影响人权的新情况包括国家安全部的严重违法行为;目前政府和最高法 [...] 院之间的紧张态势,包括在选择总检察长方面的僵局;继哥伦比亚革命武装力量 人民军在本年度上半年释放多名被绑架警察和政治家等之后难以再释放更多人 [...]员;游击队组织继续无视国际人道主义法并袭击平民;以及因不确定是否举行公 [...]投允许总统乌里韦竞选第三个任期而加剧的政治分歧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other developments which affected human rights were serious irregularities involving the Department of National Security (DAS); on-going tension [...] between the Government and the Supreme Court, [...] includingthe impasse inthe selection [...]of the Attorney General; difficulties in [...]achieving more releases after the release of, inter alia, various kidnapped policemen and politicians by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of ColombiaPeople’s Army (FARC-EP) in the first half of the year; continued disregard for international humanitarian law by guerrilla groups and their attacks on the civilian population; and the political polarization fuelled by the uncertainty around a possible referendum that could allow President Alvaro Uribe to run for a third term. daccess-ods.un.org |