

单词 权力分享协议

See also:

权力 n

exercise n


divide out
get one's share
share (joys, benefits, privileges etc) with others

协议 n

agreements pl
protocols pl
arrangement n
bargain n

External sources (not reviewed)

新政府是在各主要政治集团于 2010 年 11 月 11 日达成权力分享协议的基 础上成立的。
The new Government was formed on the
[...] basis of a power-sharing agreement, reached on 11 [...]
November 2010, between the main political blocs.
权力分享协议的其他方面尚未得到解决,其中包括冻结负责去复兴党化档案 的问责制和司法委员会的活动并对其进行审查。
Other aspects of the power-sharing agreement have yet to be addressed, [...]
including a freeze of the activities and a review
of the Accountability and Justice Commission, which handles de-Baathification files.
大多数部长职位依权力分享协议划 分
Most ministerial
[...] posts were divided on the basis of the power-sharing agreement.
权力分享协议中商 定的成立拟议的全国战略政策委员会的工作仍未开 展。
The formation of the proposed National [...]
Council for Strategic Policies, also agreed upon in the power-sharing agreement, has not taken place.
我们对在该国努力恢 复过程中各方之间权力分享协议持 续 有效感到鼓 舞。
We are encouraged
[...] that the power-sharing agreement between the parties [...]
continues to hold as the country tries to recover.
鉴于伊亚德·阿拉维 先生在
[...] 3 月 3 日宣布,他决定不担任提议的国家高级 政策委员会的主席,目前尚不清楚将如何有效执行在 2010 年 11 月关于政府组建问题的谈判中达成 权力 分享协议。
With the announcement by Mr. Ayad Allawi, on 3 March, of his decision not to chair the proposed national council for
higher policies, it is as
[...] yet unclear how power-sharing agreements reached during the Government formation negotiations [...]
in November 2010 will be effectively followed.
主要分歧涉及区域管理 当局在达尔富尔贯彻和协议的权力 、 达尔富尔的副总统职位,以及有关安全安 排权力分享和赔偿的问题。
The main points of disagreement are related to the powers of a
regional authority to
[...] implement the peace agreement in Darfur, a vice-presidency post for Darfur, as well as issues related to security arrangements, power-sharing and compensation.
在这方面,我们欢迎 正式请求联伊援助团继续议会委 员会提 协 助 ,帮 助处理基尔库克权力分享、财 产和人口问题。
In that context, we welcome the fact that UNAMI has been
formally requested to continue to provide
[...] assistance to the parliamentary committee dealing with issues of power-sharing, property and demography [...]
regarding Kirkuk.
协议所规定的权力分享应尊 重比例原则,达尔富尔应全面参与苏丹国家政 府所有形式的政治权力。
Power sharing, as provided for in this Agreement, shall respect [...]
the principle of proportionality, and Darfur shall fully
participate in all forms of political power in Sudan's National Government.
所有这些都是为了支持各方执行《全面和 协议》 在分享权力、分 享财富、选举和全民投票等方面的规定。
All of these are geared towards supporting the parties in the implementation of the
provisions of the
[...] Comprehensive Peace Agreement, including with regard to power-sharing, wealth-sharing and the elections [...]
and referendums.
和平进程涵盖联苏特派团旨在支持 享权力 、 分享 财 富 、选举和全民投票、 扩大政治进程以加强执行《全面和 协议 》 的活动,包括为了支助执行《阿卜耶 伊议定书》开展的活动。
The peace process encompasses UNMIS activities in
[...] support of power-sharing, wealth-sharing, the elections and referendums and broader political processes to reinforce the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, including activities [...]
in support of the
implementation of the Abyei Protocol.
各区域委员会使用以下方式执行其 工作方案:(a)提供基于证据的分析为各种 讨论和对话提供支持;(b)利用召集 议的 权力使专 家和政策制订者聚集一堂处理区 域问题;(c) 倡导为重大举措提供实质性的 政治支持;(d) 通过区域协调机制使联合国 和其他区域发展伙伴聚集在一起协调各专 题领域的努力,以确保区域协调; 和(e) 在统计、经济和社会分析和趋势领域通过能 力建设分享区域 各地的经验,实现知识分 享和结成网络联系。
Regional Commissions use the following modalities in implementing their programme of work: (a) providing evidencebased analysis to support discussions
and dialogue; (b)
[...] using their convening authority to bring together experts and policymakers to address regional issues; (c). advocating substantive and political support for key initiatives; (d) ensuring regional coordination, through the Regional Coordination Mechanisms (RCMs), bringing together UN and other regional development partners to coordinate efforts in thematic areas; and (e) knowledge-sharing and networking by building capacity and sharing experiences across region, in areas such as statistics, economic and social analysis and trends.
关于知识产权,世界知识产权组织正在编制与生物多样性有关的使用和惠分享协议可检 索网上数据库,特别注重这种协议的知识 权 方 面
In relation to intellectual property rights, the World Intellectual Property Organization is compiling an online, searchable database of
[...] access and benefit-sharing agreements, with a particular emphasis on the intellectual property aspects [...]
of such agreements.
他还表示,该 国政府已落实《全面和协议》的三个关键领域, 权力分享 、 财 富分享以及阿 卜耶伊、南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州的地位,而苏丹人民解放军仅部分撤出停火区。
He further stated that the Government had already implemented the
three key
[...] areas of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement: power-sharing, wealth-sharing and the [...]
status of Abyei, Southern Kordofan
state and Blue Nile state, while the Sudan People’s Liberation Army had only partially withdrawn from the ceasefire zone.
(b) 协助拟 订报酬和服务条件及人力资源共同事务的审查和扩大等领域的 共同制度人力资源政策;促进机构间机关的工作,包括管理问题高级别委员会和力资源 网,并在国际公务员制度委员会内代表联合国;监督薪金、津贴和其他享权利等 方面的政策指示和指导方针的执行情况;在立法机关 议 这 些 问题时 向他们提供实务支助。
(b) To contribute to the development of a common system human resources policy in the areas of compensation and conditions of service, and in the review and expansion of common services in the human resources area; contribute to the work of inter-agency bodies including the High-level Committee on Management and the Human Resources Network, and represent the United Nations at the International Civil Service Commission; and monitor the implementation of policy instructions and guidelines related to salaries, allowances and other entitlements, providing substantive support to legislative bodies during the consideration of these issues.
特别是,由于 《生物多样性公约》支持国家对其自然资源的 权 原 则 ,所以那些对利用遗传资源感兴趣 的行业必须保证它们的勘探行为建立在事先知情同意和利 分享协议 的 基 础上。
In particular, since the CBD asserts the principle that
[...] nations have sovereignty over their natural resources, those industries that are interested in making use of genetic resources need to ensure that prospecting activities take place on the basis of prior informed consent, and agreements on benefit sharing.
38. 咨询人和专家议资源767 300 美元(比 2009 年核定资源增加 690 100 美元),其中包括秘书长大湖区问题特使办公室所需 315 000 美元,还包 括秘书长塞浦路斯问题特别顾问所需 212 400 美元,用于提供治理权 力分享、经济和财产事项方面协助。
A provision is also included for the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Cyprus ($212,400) to make available assistance in such areas as governance, power-sharing and economic and property matters.
迄今为止,我们举行过多次议,讨 论了塞浦路斯问题的各个方面,我们感 到鼓舞的是,迄今为止,我们在治理 分享权力 、 欧 洲联盟和经济等部分取得了 重要进展,我们深信,只要坚持下去,我们就能够找到全面解决办法。
After many meetings that have taken place to date, and our discussions on all aspects of the Cyprus problem, we are encouraged by the important progress we have made so far on the chapters of governance and power-sharing, European Union [...]
matters and the economy,
and we are convinced that with perseverance we shall achieve a comprehensive settlement.
为了全国和解,我还呼吁伊拉克政治领导人 建立战略政策全国委员会,因为这是各政党之间达成 权力分享协 定 的 一部分。
In the interest of national reconciliation, I also call upon Iraqi political leaders to establish the National
Council for Strategic Policies, which was agreed as
[...] part of the power-sharing agreement reached between [...]
the political parties.
铭记国际社会分实现 千年发展目标的承诺,并在这方面着重指出各国元首 和政府首脑在《联合国千年宣言》17 中表示的决心,即至迟在 2015 年使无法或力享受安 全饮水的人口减半,并根据在《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计 划》(《约翰内斯堡执行计划》)18 中达成协议,使不能享受基 本卫生设施的人 口减半
Bearing in mind the commitment
made by the international
[...] community to fully achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and stressing, in that context, the resolve of Heads of State and Government, as expressed in the United Nations Millennium Declaration,17 to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people who are unable to reach or afford safe drinking water and, as agreed in the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (“Johannesburg Plan of Implementation”),18 to halve the proportion of people without access to basic [...]
议提供 了文件和工具,以通报立法改革 力 和 促 进分 享全球 经验,包括在宪法改革中尊重儿 权 利 以 及为法律执行制订扶持性政策 和做法方面的经验。
The initiative provides papers and tools to inform legislative reform efforts and promote the sharing of global experiences, including in respect of child rights in constitutional [...]
reform, and supportive
policies and practices for the implementation of laws.
缔约国会议在第 3/4 号议中欢迎秘书处力分析公 约缔约国和签署国在自 评清单答复中确定的技术援助需要,并请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(毒品 和犯罪问题办公室)继续与其他可能的技术援助提供者 享 根 据 对自评清单的 答复加以汇编的、载于技术援助需要矩阵表中的技术援助需要方面的信息,特 别是有关国家一级的需要的信息,以便经与受惠国进 协 调 ,为援助活动提供 信息依据。
The Conference, in its resolution 3/4, welcomed the efforts of the Secretariat to analyse the technical assistance needs identified by States parties and signatories to the Convention in their responses to the self-assessment checklist and requested the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to continue to share with other possible technical assistance providers information on technical assistance needs compiled on the basis of responses to the self-assessment checklist and included in the matrix of technical assistance needs, in particular information on needs at the country level, in order to inform assistance activities in coordination with the beneficiary [...]
国际社会应采取的措施可包括公开声 明对日益恶化的局势表示关切,并提醒国家注意有关保护的责任;参与或进行调 解努力,以达成政治解决,确 权力分享 ; 建 立国际事实调查团和问责机制;推 动和解进程;分析冲突的根源,以及为防止某些人口群体之间的暴力行为重演提 出具体议。
Measures to be taken by the international community may include public statements expressing concern at the deteriorating situation and reminding the State about its responsibility to protect; the
participation in, or conduct of, mediation efforts to reach a political
[...] settlement ensuring power sharing; the establishment of international fact-finding missions and accountability mechanisms; the promotion of the reconciliation process; analyses about the root causes of the conflict, as well as the formulation of concrete recommendations aimed at preventing the [...]
resurgence of violence
among certain groups of the population.
应当指 出,O 根据其担保权享有的权利与 O 根据许协议享有的在 B 不履行其根据许 可协议负有的义务时终止许协议的 权 利 是 相 分 离 的 ,并且服从不同的要求。
It should be noted that O’s rights pursuant to its security right are separate from and
subject to different
[...] requirements than are O’s rights under the licence agreement to terminate the licence agreement upon B’s default in its obligations under the licence agreement.
大会第六十四届议请秘 书长和联合国 权 事 务 高级专员继续加紧 力 ,协 助各 国成为《公约》的缔约国,以期实现各国普遍参加《公约》;还请秘书长就 《公约》现况及决议的执行情况向大会第六十四届会议提交报告(第 64/167 [...]
号决 议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General and the United
[...] Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue with their intensive efforts to assist States to become [...]
parties to
the Convention, and also requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report on the status of the Convention and the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/167).
力协调安 全部门改革工作方面,技术评估团一致认为有必要绘制安全机 构分布图,开发一个供安全部门改革伙伴共享的基于网络的信息总库,举办安全 部门改革研讨会,并促进与其他国家的交流方案, 使 议 员 和 国防部工作人员能分享经验和教训。
With regard to efforts to harmonize security sector reform efforts, the technical assessment mission concurred with the need for mapping security institutions, developing a web-based matrix for information-sharing between security sector reform partners, conducting seminars on the subject, and facilitating exchange programmes with other countries for Parliamentarians and Ministry of Defence staff to share lessons learned [...]
and experiences.
安全理事会在其第 1880(2009)号和第 1911(2010)号决议中要求联科行动全 力支持执行《瓦加杜协议》余下的任务,特别是对于举行总统选举至关重要的 任务;向选举委员会提供技术和后勤支助;支持解除武装、复员和重返社会方案 及民兵解除武装和解散方案;继续帮助政府恢复国 权力 , 包 括在全国派驻民警 和建立法治机构;继续协助调解人及其在阿比让的特别代表;以及继续与紧张地 区的人道主义机构就流离失所者返回问题密切合作,以便及时和适当地应对可能 爆发的暴力行为和平民面临的其他威胁。
In its resolutions 1880 (2009) and 1911 (2010), the Security Council requested UNOCI to bring its full support to the implementation of
the remaining tasks
[...] under the Ouagadougou agreements, in particular those that are essential to the holding of the presidential election; provide technical and logistical support to the Electoral Commission; support the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme and the disarmament and dismantling of militias; continue to assist the Government in restoring State authority, including a [...]
civilian policing presence
and rule of law institutions throughout the country; continue to assist the Facilitator and his Special Representative in Abidjan; and continue to work closely with humanitarian agencies in areas of tension and with respect to the return of displaced persons in order to respond to possible outbreaks of violence and other threats against civilians in a timely and appropriate manner.
尤其是,鉴于⽬前金融和经济危机及⽓候 变化等全球性挑战,它重点关注⼏⼤关键领域,包 括 加 强对可持续发展挑战的教育对策;培养和建⽴适应变化 的力;分享知识和经验;以及加强不同教育和发展议间的协同作用。
In particular, in light of the present context of financial and economic crises and global challenges like climate change, it places emphasis on several key areas, which include: reinforcing the educational response to sustainable
development challenges;
[...] developing and building capacities for adapting to change; sharing knowledge and experiences; and reinforcing synergies between different education and development initiatives.
在获取和利分享协议中,专为知识 权 管理 作出的特别安排对于确保遗传资源提供者从中受益,特别是确保利益的公平分配及充分 尊重资源提供者的利益和关切,可能具有至关重要的意义。
Within access and benefitsharing agreements, the specific arrangements made for IP management can [...]
be crucial in ensuring
that they operate to create benefits from access to genetic resources, and in particular to ensure that those benefits are shared equitably and the interests and concerns of the resource providers are fully respected.
2 月 24 日,调解方向三方提出了六份议 文本,涵盖的内容有:第一,财富 享 ; 第二 , 权力 分享;第三,难民和境内流离失所者的回返与赔偿; 第四,伸张正义和实现和解;第五,人权和基本自由; 第六,安全安排。
On 24 February, the mediation presented to the
[...] three parties six proposed texts covering, first, wealth-sharing; secondly, powersharing; thirdly, the return [...]
and compensation
of refugees and internally displaced persons; fourthly, justice and reconciliation; fifthly, human rights and fundamental freedoms; and sixthly, security arrangements.




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