

单词 杂项

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

因货币兑换产生的赢利或 亏损的净余额将在该财政期结束时记 杂项 收 入 或从中扣出。
The net balance resulting from all
gains and losses on currency exchange is added to or
[...] deducted from Miscellaneous Income at the [...]
end of the financial period.
本双年度结束时记在普通资金项下的汇率盈亏的净余额,包括上述盈亏, 都将记杂项收入或从中扣除。
The net balance resulting from all gains and losses on exchange, including those
mentioned above, under the General Fund at the end of the biennium shall be added to
[...] or deducted from Miscellaneous Income.
(e) 包括汇率盈余和损失以及创收活动收入毛额在内的其 杂项 收 入 ,除 非执行委员会对于使用来自这些活动的收入另有指示。
(e) other miscellaneous revenue, including exchange gains
[...] and losses, as well as the gross revenue [...]
of revenue-producing activities unless
the Executive Committee has directed otherwise on the use of revenue from those activities.
在这 方面,估计费用不包括举行区域会议期间通常发生的其他费用,如租用会议设 施、安全方面的特殊安排杂项支出
In that regard, the estimates do not include other costs usually incurred during the holding
of regional meetings, such as rental of conference facilities, special security
[...] arrangements and miscellaneous expenses.
所需经费增加的主要原因是:(a) 地震后为新办公室和宿舍购置了预制设 施、水净化和空调设备杂项办公设备以及备件和用品;(b) 增购了发电机, 以支持境内流离失所者营地以及安全理事会第 1908(2010)号决议通过后立即部 署的新特遣队中的电力供应;(c) [...]
为运送更多设备到海地增购了海运集装箱; (d) 柴油的平均费用增至每升 0.60
美元,而预算编列的费用为每升 0.47 美元; (e) 在没有得到稳定团的法律审查结果之前处理稳定团燃料供应商以往索赔预 计所需费用;(f) 地震后在船上为工作人员提供住所的所需经费。
The additional requirements resulted primarily from: (a) the acquisition of prefabricated facilities, water
purification and air
[...] conditioning equipment, miscellaneous office equipment, and spare parts and supplies for the new offices and accommodation as a result [...]
of the earthquake;
(b) the acquisition of additional generators to support power supply in internally displaced persons camps as well as for new contingents deployed immediately following the adoption of Security Council resolution 1908 (2010); (c) the acquisition of additional sea containers for the shipment of the additional equipment to Haiti; (d) the increase in the average cost of diesel fuel to $0.60 per litre compared to the budgeted cost of $0.47 per litre; (e) projected requirements for the settlement of past claims by the Mission fuel supplier, pending the outcome of the Mission legal review; and (f) requirements to provide staff accommodation on a naval vessel following the earthquake.
履行机构请秘书处将这些提 交的材料汇编为一杂项文件 ,供履行机构第三十五届会议审议,并基于提交的 [...]
It requested the secretariat to compile these
[...] submissions into a miscellaneous document for consideration [...]
at its thirty-fifth session
and to prepare a synthesis report based on the submissions and other relevant information before its thirtyfifth session.
Miscellaneous income includes [...]
proceeds from the sale of used or surplus nonexpendable property.
特设工作组进一步请有能力的附件一缔约方,在2010年7月2 日之前,向
秘书处提交现有新的数据和资料,说明其在下一个承诺期预期对土地利用、土地 利用的变化和林业及排放量交易和基于项目的机制的预计使用情况,包括预期从
[...] 第一个承诺期向下一个承诺期结转的单位,以及在作出排减目标承诺时依据的假 设,以便汇编入一杂项文件 ,供特设工作组第十三届会议审议。
The AWG-KP further invited Annex I Parties in a position to do so to submit to the secretariat, by 2 July 2010, available new data and information on their expected use in the next commitment period of LULUCF and emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms, including expected carry-over of units from the first commitment period to the next commitment period, as well as related assumptions made when presenting their pledges
for emission reduction targets, for
[...] compilation into a miscellaneous document and for [...]
consideration by the AWG-KP at its thirteenth session.
为了尽量减少这些增加,又在仔细评估可能可以提高效率的基础上,提议减 少某些预算项目的经费,如会议临时助理人员、A
[...] 编“经常性支出”下一般临时 人员费用和加班费杂项服务及收费(包括银行手续费)、特别服务费(外部审计)、 [...]
及外部印刷和装订费(见第 26、60、75、77、78、90、92 和 96 段)。
In order to minimize these increases and on the basis of a careful assessment of possible ways to optimize efficiency, decreases are proposed in certain budget lines, such as temporary assistance for meetings, general temporary assistance
and overtime under Part A, “Recurrent
[...] expenditure”, miscellaneous services and charges [...]
(including bank charges), special
services (external audit) and external printing and binding (see paras. 26, 60, 75, 77, 78, 90, 92 and 96).
(b) 批准秘书长仅在必要时用杂项收入 支付 2011-2012 年财政期间因处理 勘探工作计划而发生的任何超支部分。
(b) To authorize the
[...] Secretary-General to apply such miscellaneous income to the extent [...]
necessary to meet any overexpenditure
incurred in the financial period 2011-2012 as a result of processing plans of work for exploration.
为了更准确反映立法原意,并与《食物业规例》(第132X章)附表6有关预先包装冷冻牛肉、羊肉或猪肉的标签采用的中文译本“此日期或之前食用”日期一致,《2008年成文法 杂项 规 定)条例》对《食物及药物(成分组合及标签)规例》(第132W章)内有关“此日期前食用”的字句作出修订。
In order to better reflect the legislative intent and to tie in with the Chinese translation of “use by” date in Schedule 6 to the Food Business Regulation, Cap. 132X on the labelling of prepackaged chilled beef, mutton or pork, amendment to the Chinese rendition of “use by” date in the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations, Cap. 132W had been included in the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance 2008.
与此相反,汉堡适用的每日生活津贴以及会议加班费和临时助理费用、 一般临时人员费用杂项服务 及收费(包括决算后收费)、特别服务费(外部审计) [...]
Conversely, the reduction in the applicable daily subsistence allowance for Hamburg as well as in the budget lines for overtime and temporary
assistance for meetings, general
[...] temporary assistance, miscellaneous services and [...]
charges (including back charges), special
services (external audit) and external printing had lead to decreases in the draft budget.
预算杂项事务费用增加 30%,主要反映银行服务费用 预期增加。
The increase of 30 per cent in
[...] the budget for miscellaneous services largely [...]
reflects the expected increase in bank service charges.
杂项收入 净额系指纪念币和纪念章计划出售产品,包括钱币、纪念章和礼 [...]
品所获得的收入,偿还本组织代表第三方所承担的支出的款额以及为直接支持或偿 还正常计划供资的规范活动而提供的预算外捐款。
Net Other Sundry Income represents [...]
income from the sale of products for the Money and Medals Programme, including coins,
medals and gift items, reimbursements to the Organization of expenditure incurred on behalf of third parties, and ad-hoc extra budgetary contributions in direct support or reimbursement of Regular Programme funded normative activities.
2.16 对于经常预算,以前各财政期支出款项的退款、出售剩余财产所得的收益、旅行代理人的佣金、 禁核试条约组织的支助费用和其 杂项 贷 项 均 记 作 杂项 收 入
2.16 For the regular budget, refunds of expenditure charged to previous fiscal periods, proceeds from the sale of surplus
property, commissions from travel agents, CTBTO support costs and other
[...] sundry credits are treated as miscellaneous income.
从产量看,亚洲的水产养殖主要为有鳍鱼类(64.6%), 接下来依次为软体类(24.2%)、甲壳类(9.7%) 杂项 水 产类(1.5%)。
In terms of volume, Asian aquaculture is dominated by finfishes
(64.6 percent), followed by molluscs (24.2 percent), crustaceans
[...] (9.7 percent) and miscellaneous species (1.5 percent).
包括现金支付、期票、双边合作信贷、利息收入 杂项 收 入 的基金总收 入额为 2,334,964,959 美元。
The total income to the Fund including the cash payments, promissory notes, bilateral cooperation, interest income and miscellaneous income amounted [...]
to US $2,334,964,959.
(d) 有能力以符合时间要求的方式同时掌握和管理发展中国家缔约方的多 个杂项目, 包括有能力为了共同和互补的目标而与不同的客户和利益团体有效 [...]
(d) The ability to simultaneously manage and administer
[...] multiple and complex projects in developing [...]
countries in a timely manner, including
the ability to work effectively with different clients and interest groups towards shared and complementary objectives; and the ability to evaluate the operational performance of project management and to take measures to enhance its effectiveness.
杂项管制 法》还对清点进入巴巴多斯的某些材料规定了一些机会(见下文 第12段)。
The Miscellaneous Controls Act also [...]
provides some opportunity for accounting for certain materials entering Barbados (see para. 12 below).
执行机构对使用在工业化国家刚刚成熟的新技术的 杂项 目 的 持续时间的预测有时 过于乐观,比如从泡沫塑料和制冷成套设备向油气技术的转换,或从泡沫塑料成套设备向 [...]
Implementing agencies were sometimes
overly optimistic with their
[...] forecast of project duration for complex projects using new [...]
technologies which had only just
become mature in industrialized countries, such as conversion of foam and refrigeration manufacturing plants to hydrocarbon technology, or conversion of foam plants to LCD technology.
杂项设施 如门把、升降机控制按钮和特别设计的公众电话 亦已更换,使之更方便残疾人士使用。
Other miscellaneous facilities such [...]
as door handles, lift control panels, specially designed public telephones were also
replaced to make them more user-friendly for persons with disabilities.
出版:外部印刷和装订;期刊;纸张和印刷;其他印刷:期刊发表的文章的重印;小册子; 条约;文本汇编;手册;办公表格和其 杂项 印 刷材料;以及制作 CD-ROM、录像带、磁带 [...]
Publishing: outside printing and binding; reviews; paper and printing; other printing: reprints of articles published in reviews; brochures; treaties;
collections of texts; manuals; working
[...] forms and other miscellaneous printed material; [...]
production of CD-ROMs, videos, magnetic
tapes and other forms of electronic publishing.
(c) 达到70% 的筹资目标,从所有资金来源的未支配余额 杂项 收 入 中一 次性注入现金。
(c) To attain a funding goal of 70 per cent by
collecting a one-time cash infusion taken from unencumbered
[...] balances and miscellaneous income against [...]
all sources of funding.
履行机构请缔约方在2011年9月19 日之前向秘书处提交关于向发展中国
[...] 家缔约方提供支助的信息,以及关于为加强现有及必要时建立国家和区域系统观 测和监测网络而开展的活动的信息,以汇编为一 杂项 文 件 ,供履行机构第三十 五届会议审议。
The SBI invited Parties to submit to the secretariat, by 19 September 2011, information on support provided to developing country Parties and activities undertaken to strengthen existing and, where needed, establish national and regional systematic
observation and monitoring networks, for
[...] compilation into a miscellaneous document for consideration [...]
by the SBI at its thirty-fifth session.
科技咨询机构 请秘书处将这些提交材料汇编为一 杂项 文 件,供科技咨询机构第三十五届会 议审议。
It requested the secretariat to compile these
[...] submissions into a miscellaneous document for [...]
consideration by the SBSTA at its thirty-fifth session.
贸易法委员会私人融资基础设施项目立法指南》(2000 年)[…]载有关于含私
[...] 人融资成分复杂采购合同管理的详细建议:该文书中的许多观点同样适用于各 类采购合同的管理,尤其是涉及 杂项 目 合 同的管理。
Detailed suggestions for contract administration in complex procurement with a private finance component are set out in the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects (2000) […]: many of the points made in that instrument
apply equally to the management of all procurement contracts, particularly where the
[...] contract relates to a complex project.
[...] 包含了所有常规支出项目之外的其他项目,如:工作人员酬金、餐饮住宿交通费用、摄影 机、胶片、冲洗、剪辑、特效、服装、灯光、置景、道具及其 杂项。
Below-the-line costs are everything else, including crew, food costs during the shoot, housing, transportation,
cameras, film stock and processing, editing, special effects, costumes, lighting,
[...] sets, props, and miscellaneous expenses.
[...] 收入,付给妇女署的政府或政府间其他款项,包括基金会、私营部门组织和个人 在内的非政府来源的其他捐助,利息收益 杂项 收 入
These shall include revenue from voluntary contributions, other governmental or intergovernmental payments to UN-Women, other contributions from non-governmental
sources, including foundations, private sector organizations and individuals,
[...] interest earnings and miscellaneous revenue.
科技咨询机构还商定,第2/CP.17 号决定授权审议的“通用制表格式”工作
[...] 方案内应列入缔约方提交的意见,这些意见可以汇编成一 杂项 文 件 ;还应列入 编制这些意见的综合报告,主办一次研讨会和编写一份研讨会报告。
The SBSTA also agreed that the work programme on a common tabular format mandated by decision 2/CP.17 should include the submission
of views from Parties, which would be
[...] compiled into a miscellaneous document, the preparation [...]
of a synthesis report of these
submissions and the organization of a workshop and the preparation of a workshop report.




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