

单词 杂配

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屏幕中蓝色发射器生产的最新进展是基于有机或金属有机 材料(“OLED”, 有机发光二极管),如,贵金属铱的杂 配体配合物
The latest developments for the manufacture of blue emitters for screens are based on organic or
organometallic materials (“OLEDs”,
[...] “Organic-Light-Emitting Diodes”), e.g. highly sophisticated precious metal complexes of iridium.
免除在 VM 上运行代理服务器的杂配置、 额外资源消耗及安全顾虑问题。
Remove the configuration challenge, additional [...]
overhead, and security concerns associated with agents running in each VM.
它们有能力快速地或多或少移至界面或在 杂配 方 中降低表面张力。
They have the ability to migrate more or less quickly to interfaces and to lower
[...] surface tension in complex formulations.
该产品可用作修改纹理或流变性、乳化油、稳定 杂配 方 、 延长活性剂功效甚至对表面进行修改。
Their properties are used to modify texture or rheology, emulsify
[...] oils, stabilize complex formulations and prolong the [...]
efficacy of active agents or even modify surfaces.
最简单的配置情况下,该数据库只是一个基于文件的Map,更 杂 的 配 置 , 该数据库将使用B+树数据结构来提供快速搜索、新增和事务支持。
The simplest configuration, the database is a file-based Map, a more complex configuration , the database will use the B-tree data structure to provide fast search, adding and transaction support .
加工食品通常指包装食品,里面含有肉眼无法辨认并且名称 杂 的 配 料 和添加剂、脂肪和单糖,这些成分有一个共性就是容易导致便秘。
Processed foods – often packaged and containing ingredients that you cannot see and that have weird names, fat, and simple sugars –tend to produce the same result: constipation.
PDI国际销售副总裁Jose Luis Crespo表示:“在客户的设施和数据中心遇到 杂 的 配 电 难题时,PDI为客户提供技术和服务,满足他们的需求,从而树立了良好的声誉。
At PDI, we've built a reputation for having the technology and services customers demand when faced with meeting complex facility and data center power distribution challenges," said Jose Luis Crespo, VP International Sales at PDI.
但对于那些因为他们自己的原因坚持要选择“ 杂 和 错 配 ” 的 各 式无铅材料组成和设计的人,我门要详细说明一下我们的参数。
But for those who do, for reasons of their own,
[...] choose to “mix and mismatch” various Lead Free [...]
material compositions and designs, let
us please spell out our parameters.
配方灵活性——可用作完整的乳化体系,或作为一种成分,加入更为 杂 的 产 品 配 方。
Formulation flexibility—can be used as a complete emulsifier system or as a component of a
[...] more elaborate product formulation
没有杂的反馈配置, 仅需要另加两个电阻器,即可通过一个独立引脚在 TS9002 的 HYST 引脚上增加外部磁滞。
Without complicated feedback configurations and only requiring [...]
two additional resistors, adding external hysteresis via
a separate pin is available on the TS9002’s HYST pin.
项目简介: Checkstyle 可寻找:·不能使用的或者多余的输入
[...] ·空格更好的地方不使用跳格符,反之亦然 ·不遵循命名标准的变量、方法或者类 ·过分杂的分配或者返回语句。
Project Information: Checkstyle can look for : · can not be used or redundant input space a better place without tabbing character , and
vice versa does not follow standard variable naming , method or
[...] class assignment , or overly complex return statement .
对联合国内部出版业务成本和商业出版成本进行基于事实的比较分析还受到以下因素的制约: 联合国的产品种类杂,工作人配 置 水 平较高,而印数少而且还在减少,周转时间快,特别 是对于时间性较强的会议文件来说。
A fact-based analysis comparing the cost of in-house United Nations publishing operations with commercial ones is further constrained by the product mix in the United Nations, the relatively high staffing levels despite low and decreasing print runs and the quick turnaround time, especially for time-sensitive parliamentary documents.
[...] VPN功能为基础,已经增强了BAS和开放标准,可通过BAS Web用户界面进行管理,无需再改变 杂 的 最 终用 配 置 , 如证书操作或在第三方路由器转发端口,从而使远程部署更易于管理。
In release 4.1, the BAS has been augmented with an Open Standards based SSL VPN capability that can be administered via the
BAS Web user interface without
[...] the need for complicated end user configuration changes such [...]
as dealing with certificates
or forwarding ports on a third party router, making remote deployments easy to manage.
具体来说,FPX解决方案在优配置复 杂 的 产 品与服务、准确确定这些独特配置的价格及迅速形成准确的销售报价与方案等方面成功地解决了大量难题。
Specifically, FPX solutions address the challenges
[...] of optimally configuring complex products [...]
and services, accurately pricing these
unique configurations, and quickly generating accurate sales quotes and proposals.
正在申请专利的状态配置的 定时器(SCT),是一个 杂 的 , 但易 配 置 的定时器,它提供前所未有的灵活性,使工程师们在未来证明他们的设计,并减少进入市场的时间。
The patent-pending State Controlled Timer (SCT) is a sophisticated, yet easy-to-configure timer that delivers unprecedented flexibility, enabling engineers to future-proof their designs and reduce time-to-market.
口香糖生产往往是一个涉及数道工序并使用众多不 配 料 的 复 杂 工 艺
The production of chewing gum
[...] is usually a complex process that is performed in several stages and uses a number of different ingredients.
对于特别 困难的呼吸道疑杂症的医疗配备 了血和血产品以及 更复杂的病人监护设备,使得空中救护直升机,比简单 的基本生命支持的空中版或先进生命支持的地面救护车 更接近一个“飞行的急救部门”。
Critical care for especially difficult breathing complications, blood and blood products, and more sophisticated patient monitoring tools make air ambulance helicopters more closely resemble a “flying emergency department” than simply an air-borne version of the typical BLS or ALS-level ground ambulance.
(c) 达到70% 的筹资目标,从所有资金来源的未 配 余 额 和 杂 项 收 入中一 次性注入现金。
(c) To attain a funding goal of 70 per cent by
collecting a one-time cash infusion taken from
[...] unencumbered balances and miscellaneous income against [...]
all sources of funding.
在我开始为网站寻找在线聊天支持解决方案时,我的目标是可以方便地追踪用户访问网站的踪迹,并且不需很 杂 的 设置 或 配 置 即 可在防火墙后进行强大的在线聊天。
When I started looking for an online chat support solution for my web sites, I was targeting a simple tracking capability
of users' access to my web sites and a strong online chat behind firewalls
[...] without a very complex setup or configuration.
其表系分为三大产品线:高级钟表产品线包括唯一款式设计与报时表(“慢板”与“女高音”型号);X-TREM表款旨在探索以前几乎从来不应用于制表的研究领域(DualTow与X-TREM-1型号);以及与博彩世界的宏大 杂 性 相 匹 配 , 包 括“21点”与Baccara腕表的趣味产品线。
The collection comprises three lines: The Haute Horlogerie line composed of One-of-a-Kind creations and striking watches (Adagio and Soprano models); the X-TREM watches, a collection that aims to explore fields of research rarely or never applied to watchmaking until now (DualTow and X-TREM-1 models);
and the Playful line with the 21 Blackjack and Baccara
[...] watches which matches grand complications with [...]
the world of gaming.
AlliedBarton 近期被《G.I.Jobs》(乔布斯军事杂志)列入其 2012
[...] 年“百强军事友好雇主”名单并被 《Military Spouse》 杂志列为“军配偶友好雇主 20 强”名单第三位。
AlliedBarton was recently included by G.I. Jobs Magazine in their “Top 100 Military Friendly
Employers” list for 2012 and ranked third on the list of “Top 20 Military
[...] Spouse Friendly Employers” by Military Spouse Magazine.
至于可做到查出近似匹配的查询逻辑,一般认为,虽然现代查询算法在设 计上可限制近拟匹配的数量,但这种设计带来例如下列问题:(a)并非所有近似
[...] 匹配的通知都查出来,因为需要解决如何定义“近似 配 ” 这个 复 杂 问 题 ,并 且由此会导致法律上的不确定性;(b)近似匹配的通知列表可能很长,这种情况 [...]
担;(c)允许查询结果查出近拟匹配可能会造成负面影响,不明确什么构成一项 登记有效所需的充分的设保人身份识别标志(见《担保交易指南》建议 58)。
As to a search logic that would allow close matches to be retrieved, it was generally thought that, while modern search algorithms could be designed to limit the number of close matches, such design presented problems, such as the
following: (a) not all closely matching notices would be retrieved, as it
[...] required addressing a complex question of defining [...]
“close matches”
and resulted in legal uncertainty; (b) the list of closely matching notices could be long, a fact that might lead to additional searches and result in high fees for the user and administrative burden on the registry; (c) allowing search results to retrieve close matches might have a negative impact on what constituted a sufficient grantor identifier for a registration to be effective (see recommendation 58 of the Secured Transactions Guide).
Genta将这些漫画人物附在富有艺术气息且形状各异的表盘上 配 以 复 杂 的 机 芯,并将他的这些创作定位为奢侈品−−一项这个传统行业的大胆举动。
Genta combined the comic figures on the dial with artistic shapes and complex mechanisms to position his creations in the luxury segment – a daring move in a traditional industry.
大豆粉是水产配合饲料中植物蛋白的最普遍来源,是水产养殖饲料中替代鱼 粉的最显著蛋配料,草食性杂食 性 鱼类物种和甲壳类饲料通常含有15–45% 的大豆粉,2008年平均数是25%。
Soybean meal is the most common source of plant protein used in compound aquafeeds and the most prominent protein ingredient substitute for fishmeal in aquaculture feeds, with feeds for herbivorous and omnivorous fish species and crustaceans usually containing 15–45 percent soybean meal, with a mean of 25 percent in 2008.
一些国家为获得鱼子酱产量建立 了数量增加配备有复杂设备 的养殖系统,进行大量投资。
An increased number of farming systems with sophisticated equipment requiring high investment have been set up to target caviar production in some countries.
对于 4.25 亿美元的 一次性注资,秘书长提议㈠
[...] 批准暂停适用财务条例 5.3,从维持和平 行动 2008/09 财务期间的未配余额和杂项收 入中划转 2.9 亿美元; ㈡ 从薪酬储备基金中划转 [...]
5 190 万美元;㈢ 从医疗和牙科储备金中 划转 8 310 万美元。
For the one-time infusion of $425 million, the Secretary-General
proposes (i) a transfer of $290
[...] million from unencumbered balances and miscellaneous income under peacekeeping [...]
operations for the
financial period 2008/09, with approval for the suspension of financial regulation 5.3; (ii) a transfer of $51.9 million from the compensation reserve fund; and (iii) a transfer of $83.1 million from the medical and dental reserves.
新喀里多尼亚的独特之处在于它是南太平洋主要依赖开采业的 经济体,并且拥有与开采部门配的 较为 复 杂 国 内 产业和服务业,从而创造了更 多的就业机会。
New Caledonia is unique in being a South Pacific economy predominantly based on mining, and has some highly sophisticated domestic industries and services to support the mining sector, thereby creating further employment opportunities.
随着所研发的机械机芯日益丰富完善,伯爵以一枚1957年出品的历史表款为蓝本,于1998年推出伯爵Altiplano超薄表款,成为简洁、经典和优雅的象征;此外,伯爵还于1999年推 配 有 最 复 杂 机 械 机芯的伯爵Emperador系列。
In 1998, building on this broader range of mechanical movements, Piaget launched the Piaget Altiplano collection of ultra-thin watches – inspired by a vintage 1957 model – embodying purity, classicism and elegance, and introduced in 1999 the Piaget Emperador line destined to house the most sophisticated mechanical movements.
黑色钛钢表壳与橡胶表带相配,使 这款 杂 精 密 计时表极具时尚气息,而透过矩形镂空窗口还可以观察到内部复杂的机械构造,正是 Zenith Port Royal 手表在该领域中绝对优势的最佳例证。
Encased in black titanium with a rubber strap, this watch is a super sleek complicated chronograph with a rectangular window to its complicated mechanics, a true testament to the Zenith Port Royal Watches group superiority in this genre.
人们认为,按选举法程序配 席位是很杂的工 作,因为要兼顾到四个不同的少数群体(基督徒、沙巴克族、 亚兹迪族和萨比安族)、为国家级选区保留的席位、以及宪法规定的 25%妇女定额。
The allocation of seats under the electoral law was considered to be highly complex, accommodating [...]
four different minority
groups (Christians, Shabak, Yazidi and Sabean), seats reserved for a national level constituency, and a constitutionally imposed women’s quota of 25 per cent.




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