

单词 杂费

杂费 ()

incidental costs

See also:


miscellaneous adj

External sources (not reviewed)

这些数字反映的是学生上学的年度总成本,包括 费 、 杂费 、 书 费 、 教 育用品费、生活费和其他跟 教育相关的费用。
Figures reflect annual total cost of attendance, including tuition, fees, books, educational supplies, living expenses, and other education-related charges.
(a) 确保包括贫困儿童在内的所有儿童能够享有免费义务教育权,为此,
[...] 要提供高质量的学校教育,学校离家要在安全的距离内,不 杂费
(a) Ensure that all children, including those living in poverty, are able to enjoy their right to free and compulsory
primary education through the provision of high-quality education in schools within safe
[...] reach and without indirect costs
免费获得中等职业教育的权利,在《教育法》第 4(7)节有规定;根据这节
[...] 规定,在公立教育机构获得中等教育(分为普通中等教育和职业中等教育),免收 任何杂费。
The right of acquiring vocational secondary education free of charge is stipulated in § 4(7) of the Education Act, according to which the acquisition of secondary education (divided into general
secondary education and vocational secondary education) in public educational institutions is
[...] free of any tuition fees.
基金会与地方政府合作,为寄 养家庭装修公寓、提供家具、为寄养父母提供补贴、持续的培训及其杂 费。
The Foundation partners with local governments
to renovate apartments, provide furnishings, a small stipend for foster parents,
[...] ongoing training and miscellaneous fees.
[...] 原则和实际问题——新做法,无视同工同酬的原则——隐私问题——管理起 来杂,费用高
Possibility of “tailoring” pensions of individual judges to take account of acquired pension rights and assets raises serious issues of principle and practice —
novel approach, ignores basic principle of equal pay for equal work — privacy
[...] issues — complex and costly to administer.
根 据资料得出如下结论:未遵守合同标的,因为所支付款项涵盖了在开普敦以外出差的费用 (尤其是 UNEP
[...] 项目的某工作人员出差至突尼斯);缺少证明文件(文件中没有上述工作室 所在宾馆的签名);每日补贴税的计算存在不一致; 杂费 ” 一 栏(兑汇及其他)在财政报 告中没有任何说明内容。
The following observations may be made on the basis of the file: non-compliance with the purpose of the contract since payment covered travel outside Cape Town (including a trip to Tunis by a UNEP official), absence of supporting documents (document not signed by the hotel in which the workshop concerned was held), inconsistencies in the
calculation of daily
[...] subsistence allowances, and “miscellaneous expenses” category (currency [...]
exchange and other) not supported
by any documents in the financial report.
原来的安装成本、填充物费用、财务费用、送货 费、清洁或维修费,或其他任杂费 明 确 不包含在内。
Original installation costs, padding, finance charges, delivery charges, cleaning or maintenance costs, or other incidental expenses of any variety are specifically excluded.
从2006年至2008 年分步骤地在农村和城市地区 免除义务教育阶段学生杂费,真 正实现免费的义务教育,保障所有适龄儿童、 少年平等接受义务教育的权利。
From 2006 to 2008, sundry school fees for students at the compulsory education level were waived in urban and rural areas, genuinely implementing free compulsory education and safeguarding the right of all school-age children and youth to receive compulsory education on an equal footing.
大多数公立学校和很多私立学校都被迫在削减开支的同时提 高费和杂费。
Most public institutions and many private ones have been forced to reduce expenses and raise tuition and fees.
每位董事可获偿还或预付所有旅费、酒店费及其 杂费 , 包 括出席董 事会会议、董事委员会会议或股东大会或本公司任何类别股份或债权证的独立会议 或 因执行董事职务所合理支出或预期支出的费用。
Each Director shall be entitled to be repaid or prepaid all
travelling, hotel and
[...] incidental expenses reasonably incurred or expected to be incurred by him in attending [...]
meetings of the Board
or committees of the Board or general meetings or separate meetings of any class of shares or of debentures of the Company or otherwise in connection with the discharge of his duties as a Director.
[...] 府、机构或组织将达成一项书面协议,具体说明由儿基会提供的服务的性质和费 用,并提供用于支付与购置有关的一切实 费 用 和 杂费 的 全 部资金。
A written agreement is to be concluded between UNICEF and the requesting Government, agency or organization, specifying the nature and cost of the services to be
furnished by UNICEF and providing for full financing of all
[...] actual and incidental expenses connected with [...]
such procurement.
按照本有限保证,AVANTI唯一及全部的责 任将根据AVANTI的选择提供换货, 所换产品可能是新品也可能是功能正常 的修复品(包括客户支付的相杂费 及运 费 ),或 者 在 产 品 退 回 A V A N T I 后 退 还 购 买 费 用 ,运 费 和 保 险 费 。
The sole and exclusive remedy and the entire liability of AVANTI under this limited warranty, shall be, at the option of AVANTI, a replacement of the Product (including incidental and freight charges paid by the Customer) with a similar new or reconditioned Product of equivalent value, or a refund of the purchase price if the Product is returned to AVANTI, freight and insurance prepaid.
日 内,不论是否开课日期已过,学生均可向 PEI
提交书面退学通知,并会收到由 PEI 依 照第 2.4
[...] 条提供的最高退费金额,(其中扣减学生已用学费部分,若退学日期晚于开课 日期且学生已开始上课杂费中规定的 PEI 管理费以及依照第 3 条已妥当支付/应付的 [...]
days and regardless whether the Course Commencement Date has passed, the Student can submit written notice of withdrawal to the PEI and receive the Maximum Refund amount stipulated by the PEI under Clause 2.4 (less any Course Fees consumed by the Student if the withdrawal date is later than the Course Commencement
Date and the Student has started
[...] the Course, any PEI administrative charges which are [...]
stipulated in the Miscellaneous Fees
and any applicable bank administrative charges properly paid/payable under Clause 3).
2006年至2008 年分步骤在农村和城 市地区免除义务教育阶段学生杂费 , 真 正实现免费的义务教育。
Rural compulsory education has been completely incorporated in the framework of national budgetary guarantees; education
fees for urban and rural
[...] students at the compulsory education stage were waived in stages from 2006 to 2008, resulting in a compulsory education system that is truly free [...]
of charge.
在撒 哈拉以南非洲和泰国,越来越多的人认识到祖父母向艾滋病造成的孤儿提供照护
[...] 服务的重要性;这类照护包括用自己的养恤金支付孙辈的 杂费 、 提 供餐饮和医 疗服务。
In sub-Saharan Africa and Thailand there has been increasing recognition of the care that grandparents provide to children who have been orphaned as a result of AIDS; such care includes
sharing their pension with their grandchildren to pay for
[...] school tuition and fees and providing [...]
meals and medical care.
国际学生在离开本国前应该完全了解课程的学费和其他行 费 和 杂费。
International students are advised to be fully aware of
[...] the tuition fees and other administrative charges and fees of the college [...]
before departing from their home country.
汉弗莱奖学金提供国际旅费及所需的美国国内 费 、 学 杂费 、 书 本费、每月生活津贴,并为参加会议、进行实地考察和加入专业团体等专业发展活动提供数额不多的费用。
Humphrey Fellowships provide for international travel and travel within the U.S. as required, tuition and fees, books, a monthly maintenance stipend, and limited funds for professional development activities such as attendance at conferences, field trips and professional affiliations.
b) 制定课程和授予学位的组织名称以及您预计获得学位的日期 c)
[...] 计划表 2.1 中所列的学费和缴费时间表(包括确切缴费日期)以及计划表 2.2 中所列的应杂费
date of receiving your qualification c) The course
fees and payment schedule (with exact payment dates) stated in Schedule
[...] 2.1, and payable miscellaneous fees in Schedule 2.2
正如以前的报告所述,2000 年代后期以来,来自领土的学生在英国大 学就读不必支付学费,并能够享受英国本土学生 杂费 低 费 率。
As previously reported, since the late 2000s, local students have not had to pay tuition fees, and benefit from the home-student fee rate at British universities.
(b) 只有2.8% 的国民生产总值用于教育部门, 杂费 仍 然 有学生家长承 担,因而影响到儿童有效接受教育
(b) Only 2.8 per cent of GDP is devoted to the education sector and families are still responsible for paying for school supplies, which limits children’s effective access to education
委员会赞扬缔约国通过了为期十年的基本教育发展计划;在2009 年制定了
[...] 国家职业培训和指导方针;继续增加教育部门的预算拨款,从而改进了学校基础 设施、教师招聘以及小学入学和学前教育,同时取消了 杂费。
The Committee commends the adoption of a 10-year Development Plan for Basic Education (PDDEB), the development since 2009 of a national vocational training and guidance policy, and the continuous increase in budget allocations to the education sector, which have led to improvements in schools infrastructure,
the recruitment of teachers, primary school enrolment and pre-school
[...] education, as well as the abolition of school fees.
德意志邮政银行 的没落源于其隐藏的杂费用, 有限的ATM 机和分行网点,漫长的等待时间和糟糕的服 务 。
Deutsche Postbank was called out
[...] for its hidden and complicated fees, limited access [...]
to ATMs and branches, long waiting
times and poor service, making it an unpleasant retail banking experience overall.
应收款——其他”数额 340 276 欧元,包括 2010 年 12 月为第 17 和 18 号
[...] 案件预支的旅费、应收主要是工作人员和德国当局(《房地协定》)的数额以及一 些小杂费。
Accounts receivable — others”, amounting to €340,276, include travel advances paid in connection with cases Nos. 17 and 18 in
December 2010, amounts due from staff or from the German authorities (Premises
[...] Agreement) and some minor miscellaneous charges.
根据大会第52/221 号决议,每年向主席办公室调拨将近29 万美元的预算, 以支付有关他或她履行官方职责所需要的旅费、招 费 和 杂费。
Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 52/221, a budget of approximately $290,000 is allocated annually to the Office of the President to cover expenses relating to travel, hospitality and incidentals required for him or her to undertake official responsibilities.
(b) 支持最不发达国家超越千年发展目标在教育领域的具体目标,尤其是通 过取消杂费、提 供校餐并确保学校提供男、女生分用的环卫设施等措施,提高 [...]
(b) Support least developed countries to go beyond Millennium Development Goal targets in education,
especially in increasing enrolment and decreasing drop out rates through measures such as
[...] abolishing school fees, providing school [...]
meals and ensuring
that schools have separate sanitation facilities for boys and girls
[...] 联合国支付旅费的每名家庭成员,从机场或其他抵达或启程地点到旅馆或其他住 宿地点之间,乘坐交通工具所需的一 费 用 和 杂费。
Terminal expenses shall be deemed to cover all expenditures for transportation and incidental charges between the airport or other point of arrival or departure and the hotel or other
place of dwelling in respect of the staff member and each family member authorized to
[...] travel at United Nations expense.
但是, 2006
[...] 年国际货币基金组织的记录也显示,“行政障碍多,当地政府收取很 杂费 , 进 出口 清关存在很多阻碍,标准和规定执行力度弱,缺乏透明的竞争政策,以及在电脑化上的进 [...]
However, the IMF is on record in 2006 ‘Administrative
[...] barriers, and ad hoc fees levied by local [...]
governments and cumbersome import and customs
clearing procedures, weak standards and regulations, the absence of transparent competition policies, and limited progress on computerisation continue to affect adversely the expansion of private sector activity.
多边工具和伙伴关系对主要成果领域 2
[...] 的成功与否至关重要,包括全民教育 快车道倡议、取消杂费倡议 、联合国女孩教育倡议、失学儿童倡议和全部门筹 [...]
Multilateral instruments and partnerships are critical for KRA 2 success,
including the Education for All Fast Track
[...] Initiative, the School Fees Abolition Initiative, [...]
United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative
(UNGEI), Out-of-School Children Initiative, and sector-wide financing mechanisms.
新杂志主要面向在教科文组织各网络里活跃 的人士,是费杂志, 批量发送给全国委员会和教科文组织世界各地的办事处。
Aimed primarily at individuals active in different UNESCO
[...] networks, the new magazine is free of charge [...]
and distributed in bulk to National Commissions
and UNESCO Offices around the globe.
为了尽量减少这些增加,又在仔细评估可能可以提高效率的基础上,提议减 少某些预算项目的经费,如会议临时助理人员、A
[...] 编“经常性支出”下一般临时 人员费用和加费、杂项服务及收费(包括银行手续费)、特别服务费(外部审计)、 [...]
及外部印刷和装订费(见第 26、60、75、77、78、90、92 和 96 段)。
In order to minimize these increases and on the basis of a careful assessment of possible ways to optimize efficiency, decreases are proposed in certain budget lines, such as temporary assistance for meetings, general temporary assistance
and overtime under Part A, “Recurrent
[...] expenditure”, miscellaneous services and charges [...]
(including bank charges), special
services (external audit) and external printing and binding (see paras. 26, 60, 75, 77, 78, 90, 92 and 96).




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