单词 | 杂说 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 杂说 —different manners of speakingless common: scattered essays • various opinions See also:杂 adj—miscellaneous adj
据《建筑记录》杂志说,Isozaki的这幢住宅设计与Frank Gehry和Frederick Fisher等建筑师在威尼斯海滩沿岸建造的其它知名建筑相得益彰。 tipschina.gov.cn | According to Architectural Record, Isozaki's design of the home complements other esteemed architectural works in Venice by the likes of Frank Gehry and Frederick Fisher. tipschina.gov.cn |
2009 年 8 月 7 日,罗纳德·里根总统时期的国务卿乔治·舒尔茨对秘鲁 Caretas 杂志说:“ 我认为维持禁运的决定是不明智的。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 7 August 2009, George Schultz, who was Secretary of State during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, told the Peruvian magazine,Caretas , that “The decision to keep the embargo does not seem smart to me. daccess-ods.un.org |
最大化的空间感,歌剧院的美景和错综 复 杂 的 说 明 引 发和由Emily Forgot设计的坐垫,模特穿成圣女贞德,侯爵萨德,玛丽·安托瓦内特,高更和图卢兹劳特累克。 luxe-immo.com | Common to all is maximising the feeling of space, great views of the Opera and intricately illustrated throws and cushions designed by Emily Forgot featuring models dressed as Joan of Arc, the Marquis de Sade, Marie Antoinette, Gaugin and Toulouse Lautrec. luxe-immo.com |
这位乡村乐明星兼NBC当红节目The Voice裁判向杂志述说了他对Twitter的喜爱和他的节目。 ba-repsasia.com | The country music star and coach on the hit NBC show The [...] Voice spoke to the magazine about his love [...]of Twitter and his big year. ba-repsasia.com |
这一新现的复杂状况说明,国际社会 采取协同一致的办法非常重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | That new complexity showed the importance [...] of a coherent approach by the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
提及 开办企业的复杂过程时,他说正在 制定一项行动计 划,目的是为企业发展和吸引更多投资提供便利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Referring to [...] the cumbersome process involved in setting up businesses, he said that an action plan [...]was being developed to [...]facilitate business development and attract more investment. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于书籍和杂志出版商来说,hy bris新功能可以允许他们单独出售书的章节或文章, 或者捆绑销售。 hybris.com | For book and magazine publishers, hybris’ new capability [...] makes it possible to sell individual chapters or articles, or bundle them on the fly. hybris.com |
1981年,Renée被知名时尚杂志编辑发掘 , 说 服 她拍摄了一些照片。 clarinsusa.com | In 1981, Renée caught the attention of a famous fashion editor, who convinced her to do some photos. clarinsusa.com |
对于有不同历史和不同政治体系的两个 复 杂 的 大国 来 说 , 这 在意料之中。 embassyusa.cn | That’s to be expected from two large and complex nations with different histories and different political systems. eng.embassyusa.cn |
关于本届会议第四委员会议程中有关中东局势 的复杂问题,他说,需 要更多的努力、更大的灵活 性以及更深入的合作;第四委员会就这一难题所做 的工作对总体进程具有非常重要的意义。 daccess-ods.un.org | Turning to the complex issue relating to the situation in the Middle East, which was on the Committee’s agenda for that meeting, he said that it would demand [...] further dedication, [...]flexibility and cooperation; the Committee’s work on that difficult topic was very important to the overall process. daccess-ods.un.org |
对我们来说,适应赛道情况和赛车是非常 复 杂 的 , Enjal be rt 说道, 我们共同努力合作,不断调整自己的状态,从而让我们抓住更换队友的最佳机会,并发展我们的合作战略。 lamborghini.com | For us it is [...] more complicated to adapt to the track conditions and the car," said Enjalbert. lamborghini.com |
澳大利亚拥有200 年稳定的政治局面,而对于中国这样一个庞大而又 复 杂 的 经 济体 来 说 , 长 期稳定的供应是宏观经济妥善规划中不可或缺的关键因素。 australiachina.com.au | Australia has 200 years of stable political history and long term stable supply is a critical ingredient to proper macroeconomic planning, particularly in an economy as large and complex as China. australiachina.com.au |
通常详细说明 [...] 实况调查团调查结果的很长书面报告,不见得能更容易充 分 说 明 复 杂 的 情 况,或 可能无法吸起广泛受众的注意。 daccess-ods.un.org | The long written reports that generally detail the results of a [...] fact-finding mission may not make it easy to [...] fully explain the complexities of a situation, [...]or may fail to engage a broad audience. daccess-ods.un.org |
其广播电视节目对社会和文化都是 有益的,包括纪录片、小说、杂志, 在法语区广为传播。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Radio and television productions consisted of socially and culturally relevant [...] broadcasts and could take the form of [...] documentaries, fiction or magazines that were widely [...]disseminated throughout the French-speaking world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这一点说明了使用复杂的多 次方式以保证彻底抹除信息的必要性。 seagate.com | This knowledge speaks of the necessity of complex multipass methods to guarantee information wiping. seagate.com |
这款机械杰作完全考虑到闰年的复杂 状 况 ︰换句 话 说 , 它能界定所有可被四整除而不留下余数的年份(如2012年),以及可被400整除的百年,(如2400年)。 iwc.com | A mechanical masterpiece, it takes [...] into account all the complexities of the leap years; [...]in other words, it recognises all [...]the years that can be divided, without remainder, by four (e. g. 2012), as well as the centuries that can be divided, likewise without remainder, by 400 (e. g. 2400). iwc.com |
我们的写作人员拥有多年的 IT 行业工作经验,可以通俗简明的语言 说 明 复 杂 的 技 术系统,并且与您一样对技术充满热情。 pactera.com | Our technical authors can draw on many years of IT writing experience to describe complex technical systems. pactera.com |
事实上,这个问题肯定不是像评论家们通常 所 说 的 那么 复 杂 , 这 并不意味 着情况完全令人满意。 daccess-ods.un.org | (6) In reality, the issue is [...] unquestionably less complicated than it is generally [...]presented – which does not mean that the [...]situation is entirely satisfactory. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下是一位村长有感于巴布亚新几内亚利希尔境内的采矿活动对经济、环境 和社会文化的复杂影响而说的话 ,2 他的话今天对很多受采矿活动影响的土著社 区仍然适用:“……请不要认为所有利希尔人都从这个矿山中受益。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following words of a village leader reflecting on the compounded economic, environmental and sociocultural impacts of mining in Lihir, Papua New Guinea, remain true for many mine-affected indigenous communities today:2 ... Please don’t think that all Lihirians benefit from this mine. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你不熟悉退税流程,准备退税文件对来 你 说 是 复 杂 烦 琐。 taxback.com | Preparing a tax return can be [...] confusing and complicated if you're not [...]familiar with the process. taxback.com |
然而,职责分离对一个复杂的组织来 说 是 一 条不可侵犯的原则,不可能免除,否 则必然会破坏内部监督系统的效率。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The fact remains, however, that task separation is an inviolable principle to which there can be no exception in a complex organization without undermining the very efficiency of the internal control system. unesdoc.unesco.org |
行业 间水权转让的水市场将更复杂,总的 来 说 , Tu rral et al62 (2005)得出结论:尽管再分配 的水量相对较少,但在澳大利亚以大多数标准衡量,水市场运行良好,但进一步的适 应于水市场机构安排的变革对保持和促进成功至关重要。 wrdmap.org | Water markets for inter-sectoral transfer will be much more elaborate. Overall, Turral et al35 (2005) conclude that despite the relatively low rate of reallocation, the market performs well in Australia against most criteria but that further evolution of institutional arrangements is critical for sustained and improved success. wrdmap.org |
说到时尚界,ELLE杂志刊登了一则题为“Fragrance by Design”(设计的香氛)的文章,文章分析了时尚产业中嗅觉品牌塑造的存在意义。 labbrand.com | In terms of the fashion [...] industry, ELLE magazine featured an article [...]titled “Fragrance by Design” where they investigate [...]the presence of olfactory branding within the fashion industry. labbrand.com |
富有新意且设计精美的封面和内页可 以 说 是 杂 志 最 有力的竞争优势之一。 labbrand.com | Innovative and well-designed covers and inner-pages can become one of the best [...] competitive advantages for a magazine. labbrand.com |
包括在线书籍,小说、图书、漫画、 杂 志 等 ;支持本地TXT书籍的阅读;优秀的阅读体验,便捷、易用、轻量级的移动阅读软件。 peopeo.de | The reading contents include [...] online books, novels, picturebooks, comics, magazines, etc.; and it [...]also support local TXT books reading. peopeo.de |
其最后一期于 1925 [...] 年 8 月 15 日出版,其中一篇文章悲情向读者诉 说 了 杂 志 的窘困财务处境。 wdl.org | Its last issue, dated August 15, 1925, included a sad article explaining [...] to readers the magazine’s difficult financial [...]situation. wdl.org |
只有通过进一步的研究、测试后 金米才能够推向市场,但理清这一系列复杂的专利所需的法律程序对有关科学家 来 说太 过于复杂和麻烦,于是在 2000 年 5 月他们和 AstraZeneca 公司(现在是世界最大的农 业生物技术公司 Syngenta 公司的一部分)达成了协议。 iprcommission.org | The legal complexities of navigating this complex of patents, so that the rice could be further developed, tested and marketed, proved highly onerous for the scientists who, in May 2000, negotiated a deal with AstraZeneca (now part of Syngenta, the world's largest agricultural biotechnology company). iprcommission.org |
这些结果和 意见说明局势很复杂,也 很微妙,机会近在咫尺却难以把握,普通民众承受着痛 苦,曾经是该次区域稳定和繁荣支柱的这个国家正在缓慢而稳步地衰退。 daccess-ods.un.org | They tell a [...] story of a complex and delicate situation, of opportunities that have become elusive when they were [...]within reach, of the [...]suffering of ordinary people and the slow but steady decline of a country that once served as a pillar of stability and prosperity for the subregion. daccess-ods.un.org |
对企业来说,面对日趋复杂的市场环境,要长期生存,必须不断完善自身,增强抵御各类风险的能力。 sgsgroup.com.cn | The scope for modern corporations to operate flexibly and across international boundaries can help them ensure long-term survival but brings with it the need to constantly evolve to keep pace with peers and manage risk effectively. sgsgroup.com.cn |
07年底下单的魔方,饱受了周折,起初因为色差问题(这应该是我的问题,因为我确认了的,因为供应 商 说 做 6色 非常 复 杂 , 其 实颜色相差不多,看起来还比原先客户要的好看,我也就答应做下去),在供应商完成了产品前我收到了样品,寄去公司看后,公司回复说颜色有色差,虽然这个好看些,但是不能够让客户勉强来接受我们的产品,要求重新做,当时货已经全部做好,我也付了30%预付款,如果重新做那我们要付了全部货款后再重新下单,我当时头一下大了,那要损失一大笔,还有时间,公司回复:即使损失再大,也要交给客户满意的产品,除此之外我们没有任何理由与客户协商。 666toys.com | Place an order by the end of 07 the Rubik's cube, suffered setbacks, at first because the problem of chromatic aberration ( this should be my [...] problem, because I confirmed, [...] because suppliers do 6 colors is very complicated, in fact, color [...]difference not many, look than [...]the original customers want to look good, I also promised to do so ), the providers completed products before I received the samples sent to look after, company, company replied that color color, although this good, but can not let customers reluctant to accept our products, asked to do, then the goods already all ready, I also pay 30% in advance, if to do that we have to pay all payment to place an order, I had a big head, it will lose a lot of, have time, reply: even if the loss, but also to pay to the customer satisfied with the products, in addition we have no reason to negotiate with customer. 666toys.com |