

单词 杀人不过头点地

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,这些缔约国必须做出具体努 力,确保所提供的每一内有或被怀疑内有地雷的雷区信息尽可能完备,即:包括 所确定的每一雷区的名称、确切的地理位置、面积、该雷区布设 杀 伤 人 员 地雷 数量估计、清过的地带、使雷不 再 构 成危险而采取的措施、销毁 杀 伤 人 员 地雷数量、地带清除完毕的日期以及仍待清除的雷区面积。
Accordingly, these State parties must make a particular effort to ensure that the information they provide on each area that contains mines or is suspected to contain mines is as comprehensive as possible, i.e. that it includes the name of each area identified, its precise geographical location, its size, the estimated quantity of anti-personnel mines emplaced in the area, the area of land released, the methods used to make the area non-hazardous, the quantity of anti-personnel mines destroyed, the date of land release and lastly the size of the area still to be cleared, if applicable.
这些报告内容涉及:2009 年 11 月和 2010 年 3 月在北
[...] 达尔富州尔与苏丹解放军的一个派别发生冲突,据称轰炸导致两名平民死亡,供点附近数十头牲畜被杀;2010 年 4 月在西达尔富尔州一次、2010 年 5 月在北 达尔富尔两次与正义运动发生冲突,据称轰炸造成附近村庄和供水点的 [...] [...]
11 名平 民死亡、30 名平民受伤。
These reports relate to bombings in two clashes with an SLA faction in Northern Darfur in November 2009 and March 2010, allegedly
resulting in two
[...] civilian deaths and the killing of dozens of livestock near water points, and with JEM in Western [...]
Darfur in April
2010 and twice in Northern Darfur in May 2010, allegedly resulting in 11 civilian deaths and the injury of 30 civilians near villages and nearby water points.
不吃也不睡,整天哭泣,甚至过 自 杀 的 念 头。
She was not eating or sleeping, cried all the time and even admitted to suicidal thoughts.
缔约国进一步指出,普遍加入《公约》的最通常 的障碍仍然是,许多非缔约国始终认为,使用杀伤人员地雷造成的严重的人道主 义后果不足以抵销杀伤人员地雷所 产生的 点点 军 事 作用,可能需要做出广泛 的努力,采用新的办法,以克服有关杀伤人员地雷用途的落伍思想。
It was further noted that the most prevalent barrier to universalisation remains a persistent
view on the part of
[...] many States not parties that a perceived marginal military utility derived from anti-personnel mines is not outweighed [...]
by the grave humanitarian
consequences of their use and that intensive efforts likely are needed, with new tools, to overcome outdated thinking about the utility of antipersonnel mines.
过采矿技术 提取的各种资源都有自己的尾矿成分,视欲提取资源 地点 和 纯 度 不 同 而 有不 同。
Each resource extracted through mining techniques will have its own tailings composition, which varies depending on the location [...] [...]
and purity of the desired resource.
工作点的这种集中还使教科文组织得以在这五个领域中重新确立了在国际上的某种 “领地位” ,例如:在达喀尔会议(2000 年 4 月)之后,它在全民教育运动中的总协调员 的作用得到了承认;它在世界水资源状况的评估和监测方面肩负的首要责任得到了承认;它 是联合国系统中生物伦理问题方面的“ 头人 ” ; 它在保护文化遗产的准则和活动(阿富 汗、伊拉克……)发挥着主要监督者的作用;它在维护表达自由和建设知识社会方面发挥着 唯一一个在政府与公民社会之间进行对话的机构的作用。
This concentration of effort has also enabled UNESCO to regain a degree of international “leadership” in these five fields, as is witnessed by, inter alia: the recognition (gradual and difficult, but real) of its role of general coordinator of the Education for All movement, after Dakar (April 2000); recognition, too, of its primary responsibility for the evaluation and monitoring of the state of water resources worldwide; its role as “lead agency” for all questions relating to bioethics within the United Nations system; its role of principal authority, in both normative and operational terms [...]
(in Afghanistan, Iraq
and elsewhere), with respect to the preservation of the cultural heritage; lastly, its role as the unique institution promoting dialogue, between government and civil society, in all matters relating to the defence of freedom of expression and the organization of knowledge societies.
最后 双人员聚集到村里农田边 并达成以下共识 我们将提供材料 你 们自己负责修路 王桂玲说 农民们点点头 此外 我们还会帮你们铺设灌 溉系统 帮你们争取修建温室大棚所需的 贷款天色已不过 双方最终都表示满
the Ministry of agriculture’s project leadership would like local people to protect the wild soybean. in return, the farmers would like a motorised water pump, a better road or a modern pig sty.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个 杀 伤 人 员 地 雷 的 世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严过着 幸 福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
从这个讲台上,我们谴责对洪都拉 人 民 的杀,并要毫不含糊地点穿暗杀塞拉 亚总统的阴谋。
From this rostrum, we
[...] denounce the massacre of the Honduran people and point in no uncertain terms to the assassination [...]
plot against President Zalaya.
根据缔约国提供的资料,自《公约》对其生效以来,在阿根廷、刚果、大 不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国所报告的在其管辖或控制 下的任何雷区,均未清过杀伤人员 地 雷 或 者确 不 再 因 布有或怀疑布有杀伤人 员地雷而有危险性。
On the basis of information provided by States Parties, since entry into force no mined areas that Argentina, Congo, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) have reported under their jurisdiction or control have been cleared of anti-personnel mines or otherwise determined to be not dangerous due to the presence or suspected presence of anti-personnel mines.
在国际武装冲突的情况中,人经常 说,“可在任何时间、任 地点杀 死敌 方士兵”,而且通不会试图实施逮捕,也不需要给予投降的机会。
In the case of international armed
[...] conflict, it is often stated that enemy soldiers “may be killed at any time and any place”, and as a general rule no attempt [...] [...]
to arrest has to be made and no opportunity to surrender need be given.
联合国进行的调查证实, 至少有 33 人,其 中包括 9 名儿童和 6 名妇女,在这些袭击中死亡,他们要么是 被活活烧死,要么是被头或枪杀。
A United Nations
[...] investigation confirmed that during those attacks, at least 33 persons, including 9 children and 6 women, had been killed, either burned alive, decapitated or shot.
为了对抗全头号杀手— —心血管疾病,HBI自1984年以来一直免费 不 同 年 龄、性别、宗教信仰、文化或政治派别的贫困患者提供全新的从未使 过 的 心 血管植入式装置和治疗。
Combating the
[...] world's number one killer -- cardiovascular disease -- since 1984, HBI provides new, unused cardiovascular implantable devices and treatment to economically disadvantaged patients at no charge regardless of [...]
age, gender, religion,
culture or political persuasion.
(c) 与践踏人权、容忍强迫或强制劳工或使用童工者e 沆瀣一气、参与出售或制杀 伤人员地雷或其部件、或在其他方 不 能 履 行联合国规定的相关义务或责任的企 业实体没有资格成为合作伙伴。
(c) Business entities that are complicit in human rights abuses, tolerate forced or compulsory labour or the use of child labour,e are involved in
the sale or
[...] manufacture of anti-personnel mines or their components or otherwise do not meet relevant obligations [...]
or responsibilities
stipulated by the United Nations are not eligible for partnership.
35 C/DR.30(提案国:法国,共同提案国:比利时、荷兰和波兰,附议国:阿根 廷)涉及第 01000 段之 2(b),请总干事在预期成果 10 后面增加预期成果 11, 内容如下:“进一步采取行动,保存对纳粹大 杀 的 记 忆, 过 教 育 与一切否认 大杀的行为作斗争,以便有地禁 止 反犹太主义行为,特别是青 人 的 这 种行 为。
35 C/DR.30 (France, co-sponsored by Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland, supported by Argentina) concerning paragraph 01000, 2(b), which invites the Director-General to insert an additional Expected Result 11 after Expected Result 10 containing the following text: “Deepen actions undertaken aiming to
conserve the memory of
[...] the Holocaust and to combat all forms of denial of this latter, in order to fight effectively against anti-Semitism, particularly in young people, through education.
大会在第 63/248 号决议第五节第 4 段中表示注意到秘书处内部监督事务厅 在其关于审计四个主要工地点语文部门征聘临时工 人 员 方面的现行特别安 排的报告(A/63/94)中提出的建议,请秘书长确保全面落实这些建议,并 过会 议 委员会向大会第六十四届会议报告有关情况。
In section V, paragraph 4, of its resolution 63/248, the General Assembly took note of the recommendations provided by the Office of Internal Oversight Services of the Secretariat in its report on the audit of the existing special arrangements governing the recruitment of temporary assistance staff in the language
services across the four main duty
[...] stations (A/63/94), and requested the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session through the Committee on Conferences.
其目前的职责包括:是在实施《联合国海洋法公约》第七十六条方 面的技术头人之一,且作地质学 家和地理信息系统专家参与了肯尼亚大陆架 划过程的所有活动。
Among the current duties is being one of the technical lead persons in implementation of article 76
of UNCLOS and
[...] has been involved in all the undertakings in the process of delineation of Kenya’s Continental shelf serving as a geologist and GIS [...]
10 月 23 日发生卡拉奇袭击事件后,人民党高级领导人、布托女士的律师 Farook Naek 先生在其办公室收到了一封手写信函,来 人 自 称 是“ 杀 炸 弹头领,基地组织 的朋友”,并威胁说布托女士将死得很惨。
After the Karachi attack, on 23 October, senior PPP leader and Ms. Bhutto’s lawyer, Mr. Farooq Naek, received a handwritten letter at his office from a
person claiming to be
[...] the “head of suicide bombers and a friend of Al-Qaida” and threatening that Ms. Bhutto would be assassinated in a gruesome manner.
此外,国际传媒集团应遵守道德标准, 并且还应保持其公信力,特别是过 报 道 巴勒斯人民身 受苦难的实情,这些都是以色列公然违人 权原 则和国际法的规定,实施侵略、封锁 杀 戮和点扩建政策的结果。
Moreover, international media conglomerates should abide by ethical standards and also maintain their credibility by,
inter alia,
[...] broadcasting the facts about the suffering of the Palestinian people as a result of the policies of aggression, blockade, killing and settlement expansion being pursued by Israel in flagrant violation [...]
of human rights
principles and the provisions of international law.
为了防止他们,厄里斯发送一组警报器,谁入口和勾引男人乘坐辛巴达的船与他们的 人 诱 惑的,柔软的旋律歌唱的声音,但也没有影响码头,飞行员的船舶安全;和后来的ROC,谁抓住 头 , 但后 来 杀 死 了 辛巴达。
To prevent them, Eris sends a group of sirens, who entrance and seduce the men aboard
Sinbad’s ship with their
[...] enchantingly seductive, soft melodic singing voices, but do not affect Marina, who pilots the ship to safety; and later a Roc, who captures Marina, but is later killed by Sinbad.
民间社会承认私营部门能够发挥有益作用,但我们看到的却是企不可持续地采矿、捕鱼和砍伐森林, 过 土 地 掠 夺 偷取资源和 地人 生 计, 通过 生物 燃料场毁坏森林和农田,通过食品倾销摧毁农民生计,通过项目让当地人失 去水源面对污染的环境。
Civil society accepts that the private sector can play a useful role, but our experience is
of companies that
[...] have unsustainably exploited minerals, fish and forests; land grabs that have stolen the resources and livelihoods of local people; biofuel [...]
plantations that
have destroyed forests and agricultural lands; food dumping that has destroyed farmers’ livelihoods; and projects that leave local people with no water and a polluted environment.
比尔盖茨的专家们似乎不了解这一 点 ; 基金会的年度信件如是提及DDT:“在1950和1960年代,全世界都希望(疟疾)能够 过 用 D D T 杀 灭 蚊子的方式被消灭,但这种策略由于蚊子逐渐产生耐药性而失败。
Bill Gates’s
[...] experts seem not to know that; the foundation’s annual letter contains the following single mention of DDT: “The world hoped in the 1950s and 1960s that [malaria] could be eliminated by killing mosquitoes with [...]
DDT, but that tactic failed
when the mosquitoes evolved to be resistant to the chemical.
田园诗》中最出色的诗歌是《无限》,写于 1819 年,这一年人处于重度忧郁状态, 点 到 了 自 杀 的 地 步 , 同时也激发了他的欲望,以创作作为自我救赎的方式。
The most defining poem of the Idilli is L’Infinito, written in 1819, a year in which the poet
experienced a deep state of
[...] melancholia, leading him almost to the point of suicide but which at the same time [...]
sparked in him a need
to write as a means of salvation.




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