

单词 杀人不眨眼

See also:

杀人 v

murder v

杀人 pl

homicides pl

眨眼 adj

blinking adj


kill (a person)

External sources (not reviewed)

人在证词中强调指出不查明 或逮 杀 害 其 丈夫凶手的 原因是杀案系由警人员策划的,他们曾多次威胁提交人及其家人。
The author stressed in the affidavit
[...] that the reason why the murderers of her husband had not been identified or arrested was because the murder had been organized by [...]
the police
officers who had threatened the author and her family on various occasions.
与猫咪进行视觉上的交流时,注意 不 停 的 眨眼 睛 , 这样是告诉猫咪: 不是 他人。
When having eye contact with a cat, blinking demonstrates to them that you are not an enemy.
Some people may develop a
[...] fixed staring expression and unblinking eyes.
PQI Nano 隨身碟,首創業界最大容量,一舉提升至 128GB,可儲存高畫質影片約 160 小時、 20,000 張精彩張照片以及 32,000 首人歌曲 ,在傳輸速度上則擁有絕佳的效能表現,最高可達讀入 195 MB/Sec,寫入 100 MB/Sec,複製一部 HD 電不用一 分鐘,水庫般大容量,傳輸僅需 眨眼。
PQI Nano Thumb Drive leads the industry with the largest capacity of up to 128GB (up to
160 hrs of HD movie,
[...] 20,000 photos, and 32,000 songs) and extreme performance at 195 MB/Sec read and 100 MB/Sec write (transfer a whole HD movie within one minute), even PQI Nano's large capacity can be filled up in a blink of an eye.
那裏算得那麼盡,這裏數十億元, 數億元,百億元卻隨意抛出去眼也 不眨 一 下
But here, billions, hundreds of millions or tens of billions are nonchalantly
[...] thrown away, without batting an eyelid.
因此,这些缔约国必须做出具体努 力,确保所提供的每一内有或被怀疑内有地雷的雷区信息尽可能完备,即:包括 所确定的每一雷区的名称、确切的地理位置、面积、该雷区布设 杀 伤 人 员 地雷 数量估计、清除过的地带、使雷不 再 构 成危险而采取的措施、销毁 杀 伤 人员 地 雷数量、地带清除完毕的日期以及仍待清除的雷区面积。
Accordingly, these State parties must make a particular effort to ensure that the information they provide on each area that contains mines or is suspected to contain mines is as comprehensive as possible, i.e. that it includes the name of each area identified, its precise geographical location, its size, the estimated quantity of anti-personnel mines emplaced in the area, the area of land released, the methods used to make the area non-hazardous, the quantity of anti-personnel mines destroyed, the date of land release and lastly the size of the area still to be cleared, if applicable.
眨眼偵測 功能會自動檢視拍攝對象是否拍出閉眼照片,並立即提出重拍提醒,再 不 用 擔 心事後留下拍不好的遺憾。
The Blink Detecion function alerts you when a subject has blinked, allowing the shot to be retaken immediately or saved according [...]
to your preference.
在您按下快門的剎那,若拍攝人物 眨眼 時 ,馬 上會在螢幕中顯示詢問是否保留或刪除此張照片,這時您 可以依據各人喜好挑選滿意的照片做儲存或刪除的動作,快速、方便的功能,可以幫您省 不 少 挑 照片的時間。
The Blink Detector function alerts you when a subject has blinked, allowing the shot to be retaken immediately or saved according to your preference.
最近“華叔”的回憶錄出版,發覺他 原來與共產黨有着密切的關係,這可能是共產黨的本質,即“說不 眨眼”。
Recently, the memoirs of "Uncle Wah" were published and I found that he had close relationships with the Communist Party.
在您按下快門的剎那,若拍攝人物 眨眼 時 ,馬上會在螢幕中顯示詢問是否保留或刪除此張照片。
Ever discovered later that an otherwise perfect shot of somebody was spoiled because she blinked at the crucial moment?
它对女孩和妇女人生的每一阶段都产生影响,从针对胎 儿性别进行的选择性人工流产杀婴 、女孩的保健和营 不 足 、 切割女性生殖器、 童婚、将强奸作为战争武器、为商业性剥削和劳工剥削的目的贩运人口、家庭暴 力、所谓的“名誉杀人、因嫁妆引起的谋杀,到忽视和排斥寡妇等 不 一 而 足。
It affects girls and women at every point in their lives and
ranges from
[...] sex-selective abortion and infanticide, inadequate health care and nutrition given to girls, female genital mutilation, child marriage, rape as a weapon of war, trafficking for purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and labour exploitation, domestic violence, so-called “honour” killings, dowry-related [...]
murder, to the neglect and ostracism of widows.
(d) 遭受性虐待和性剥削的女童有可能成为为维护名誉 杀人 的 对象,被 当作血钱谢罪或被迫与她们的强奸犯结婚,以 不 被 自己的家人接纳。
(d) Girl victims
[...] of sexual abuse and exploitation are at risk of honour killing, the practice of baad or forced marriage with their rapist, [...]
and rejected by their families.
说服其他行为不使用杀伤人员地 雷的努力正在取得成果。
Endeavours to
[...] convince other actors not to use anti-personnel mines [...]
are bearing fruit.
He had brought to
[...] the tree two moon-blinked, a catatonic state [...]
of entrancement caused by sleeping under the moonlight for
a prolonged period of time, owlets, one of which is Soren’s sister, Eglantine.
恢复死刑的理由包括,“自从冈比亚废除死刑以 来杀人和叛乱案不断上 升,如不加以有效遏制,会使法制崩溃”,国家有义 务“为公民的生命安全和自由提供充分的机制,以维持法律和秩序,确保个人人 权得到更大的尊重。
Among the reasons given for the restoration of the death penalty were that “since the abolition of the death penalty in The Gambia there has been a steady increase of cases of homicide and treasonable offences which, if not effectively checked, may degenerate into a breakdown of law and order” and that the duty dawned on the “State to provide adequate mechanisms for the security of life and liberty of its citizenry thereby maintaining law and order and ensuring greater respect for individual human rights.
事实上,促进媒体专人员的安全是 2010 年的一大关切, 教科文组织总干事公开谴杀害 62 名记者不法行径。
Indeed, the promotion of the safety of media
[...] professionals was a critical concern in 2010, the UNESCO Director-General publicly condemning the killings of a total of 62 journalists.
缔约国进一步指出,普遍加入《公约》的最通常 的障碍仍然是,许多非缔约国始终认为,使用杀伤人员地雷造成的严重的人道主 义后果不足以抵销杀伤人员地 雷所产生的一点点军事作用,可能需要做出广泛 的努力,采用新的办法,以克服有关杀伤人员地雷用途的落伍思想。
It was further noted that the most prevalent barrier to universalisation remains a persistent
view on the part of
[...] many States not parties that a perceived marginal military utility derived from anti-personnel mines is not outweighed [...]
by the grave humanitarian
consequences of their use and that intensive efforts likely are needed, with new tools, to overcome outdated thinking about the utility of antipersonnel mines.
政黨這些雙重標準的表現真是人感 到 齒冷,但香港的政黨出名 表裏不一,出名“說不眨眼”,欺騙選民無需眨眼。
However, the political parties in Hong Kong are well-known for their duplicity, famous for telling blatant lies.
WowWee Alive幼仔通过两个触觉传感器对人 的 情感作出喊叫、咆哮和轻唤、咂嘴 眨眼 等 反 应。
Responding to their owner's affection via two touch sensors, the
[...] WowWee Alive Cub responses include yelps, growls and mews, moving lips and blinking eyes.
眨眼已10 年,他 們繼續“鵪鶉”,繼續提出一些有等於無的所謂放權工作。
Ten years
[...] have passed in the blink of an eye, but they continue [...]
to act like a "quail", continue proposing arrangements that
claim to devolve powers but not so in actuality.
幼仔通過觸覺感應器對人的喜 愛作出反應,當 人 撫 摸它們的頭部和背部時,它們就會做出各種表情, 眨眼 、 動 嘴,並發出逼真的聲音。
Responding to owner's affection via touch sensors, the
[...] baby animals respond when caressed on the head or back with various expressions including blinking eyes, moving mouths, and realistic noises.
只要你拥有了我们开发先进的ExpressDataController的技术,你就可以在 眨眼 工 夫里迅速载入100,000行数据,并且用同样的速度来进行分组和排序处理。
Blazing Fast Data Loading - The ExpressQuantumGrid has no equal when it comes to speed - With our
advanced ExpressDataController - you can load
[...] 100,000 rows in a blink of an eye and group/sort against [...]
them just as fast!
确认尽管对疟疾控制的全球和国家投资增加,在减少许多国家的疟疾负担方 面取得很大成果,而且一些国家正在朝消除疟疾的方向迈进,但许多国家的疟疾 负担仍然很高,令人无法接受,为了实现国际商定的发展目标,包括与卫生有关 的千年发展目标,必须迅速加强预防和控制疟疾的努力,这些努力严重依赖药物杀虫剂,但由人类对 抗疟药剂产生抗药性以及蚊子 杀 虫 剂产生抗药性,药 物杀虫剂的效不断受到威胁
Recognizing that, despite the fact that increased global and national investments in malaria control have yielded significant results in decreasing the burden of malaria in many countries, and that some countries are moving towards elimination of malaria, many countries continue to have unacceptably high burdens of malaria and in order to reach internationally agreed development goals, including the health-related Millennium Development Goals, must rapidly increase malaria prevention and control efforts, which rely heavily on medicines and insecticides whose utility is continuously threatened by the development of resistance in humans to antimalarial agents, as well as resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides
(b) 采取更有效的措施解决青少年依然居 不 下 的 自 杀 率 问 题,包括分配 充足人力、技术和财政资源深入开展根源研究,支持青年发展和对性别具有敏 感认识的保密咨询,并提供照料和康复设施
(b) Take more effective measures
[...] to address the continued high rate of suicide among adolescents, including the allocation [...]
of adequate
human, technical and financial resources to conduct in-depth research on the root causes, support the development of youth and gender-sensitive and confidential counselling, and provide care and rehabilitation facilities
[...] mode)可設定出您一直想要的背景,還有超過20種生動逼真的場景任您挑選,再搭 眨眼 提 示(anti-blink)模式,即可輕鬆拍出清晰鮮明的影像。
In addition, a pre-composition mode can configure the background that you have
always wanted, and more than 20 vivid scenes are available for you to get a clear
[...] image, along with an anti-blink mode.
这一形态有可能与美 洲和欧杀人类型的不同分布有着密切的联系,在美洲的杀人案件中与有组织 犯罪和犯罪团伙有关的案件比例较大,而欧洲杀人案件中与伴侣或/家人有关的 [...]
The pattern is likely to be closely tied to the
[...] different distribution of homicide typologies in the [...]
Americas and Europe — a larger proportion
of homicides in the Americas are linked to organized crime and gangs, whereas a large proportion of homicides in Europe are linked to partner- or family-related causes and other forms of crime.
1995 年,安理会请秘书长成立一个布隆迪问题国际调查委员会,调查 1993 年 10 月布隆迪总统遇刺及随后的大屠杀,并建议采取措施, 杀人 负 责 者绳之以法, 以防止悲剧重演,消除有不罚现 象,在布隆迪促进民族和解。
In 1995 the Council asked the Secretary-General to establish an international commission of inquiry for Burundi, with a mandate to investigate the assassination of the President of
Burundi in October 1993 and the
[...] massacres which followed as well as to recommend measures to bring to justice persons responsible for the killings, to prevent any [...]
repetition and to eradicate
impunity and promote national reconciliation in Burundi.
本组织力求为未出生的婴儿、残疾人、体弱者和老人代言,促进尊重从受精 到自然死亡的所有人类生命,加强和推动公众对生命问题的理解和知识,包括不限于 胎儿发育、人工流产、新的生殖技术、领养、安宁看护、安乐死、医生协 助杀、人体实 验、人工流产后综合征及贞节/禁欲教育。
The organization seeks to advocate for the preborn, the disabled, the infirm and the elderly by promoting respect for all human life from fertilization to natural death by fostering and promoting public understanding in and
knowledge of life
[...] issues, including, but not limited to, foetal development, abortion, new reproductive technologies, adoption, palliative care, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, human experimentation, [...]
post-abortion syndrome and chastity/abstinence education.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个 杀 伤 人 员 地 雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.




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