

单词 杀一儆百

See also:

一百 n

hundred n

External sources (not reviewed)

暴力侵害记者行为的最严重的形式是通常所谓的 杀一儆百 ”。
The most severe form of violence against journalists is what has often been
[...] referred to as “censorship by killing”.
政府必須加大力度,調查那些騙取綜援的個案,套用內地的 術語,便是嚴打綜援騙子,把一兩隻大老虎揪出來加以重罰, 一儆百。
The Government must make greater efforts to investigate cases of obtaining CSSA by deception and, to use the jargon on the Mainland, hit the
swindlers of CSSA hard by
[...] singling out one or two serious offenders for severe punishment, so as to give a warning to other people.
遗憾的是,这些让人高度关注的案例在工作人员 中众所周知,似乎起杀鸡儆猴的 作用,不成文地告诫员工如果真的举报不法行 为会落到何等下场。
Unfortunately these high profile cases are well known by the staff members and seem to be serving as a bad example and implicit warning of what will happen if a staff member does report misconduct.
此外, 寻求庇护者还遭受蛇头和人贩子迫害,留在国内的家 人则成杀鸡儆猴的惩罚对象。
In addition, asylum seekers fell prey to smugglers and traffickers in persons and their families who had remained in the country were the target of sanctions as a collective deterrent measure.
加強執法,加重罰則,才能收一 儆百之效
Only by stepping up enforcement and toughening punishments can there be the effect of
[...] deterring many with the execution of one.
说明:柱形代表了涉及犯罪团伙或有组织犯罪集团 杀 人 案 件所 百 分 比 的中位数、一和第三四分位数。
The bars represent the
[...] median, first and third percentage quartiles of homicides involving gangs or organized [...]
criminal groups.
那是一儆 百,使香港人明白廉潔的重要性,無論是大事或小事都要很小心、很 [...]
That was an exemplary case which [...]
taught Hong Kong people of the importance of integrity and the awareness that all issues,
from big ones to trivial ones, should be handled prudently and cautiously.
如果有人真的想一儆百,想 藉這事件令前線某些社工、代人爭取權益(不論在人權、 社區環境的改善或任何方面)的人騰騰震,失失慌,甚至要令有關機構 以後凡向政府bid撥款或求取政府合約時都會感到惶恐,以致覺得要小 [...]
If anyone
[...] intends to give a warning by punishing the social worker, so as to make certain [...]
social workers in the front line
and people fighting for the public's interest (whether in respect of human rights, improvement to the community environment or improvement in any other area) feel intimidated and apprehensive, and to make the organizations concerned feel nervous whenever they bid for government funding or government contracts and hence become cautious in choosing the teams to be hired or even consider it necessary to urge their supervisory staff to keep an eye on their subordinates, and if the Government really wishes to achieve this purpose, then I can say that it may have succeeded this time around.
我現在代表人民宣布 裁決,便是罰一個月 薪金和留任觀察, 儆 效 尤
On behalf of the people, I hereby announce the verdict that he should pay a month's
salary in fine and stay in
[...] his post for observation as a warning to others because of his 10 [...]
shortcomings, or so-called "10 sins".
一个在过去几周残杀害了本国 百 名 平民 和公民,而且此时此刻仍在继续这样做的政权的代表 谈恐怖主义,令人有些天方夜谭的感觉。
It is somewhat surreal to hear a
[...] representative of a regime that brutally killed hundreds of its own civilians and [...]
over the past few weeks, and which continues to do so as we speak, talk about terrorism.
我覺得政府應落實處理這類情況,研究可否就詐騙方面提出檢 控,政府一定要一儆百,不 能任由這些人為所欲為,令香港整體蒙羞,令 [...]
I think the Government should really take actions to deal with such issues and conduct studies to see whether prosecutions can be pressed against
frauds. The Government must
[...] punish some as a warning to others, and [...]
such persons should not be allowed to bring Hong Kong into
disrepute and jeopardize the interests of employees by doing whatever they please.
最 重要的是,我们所有人都必须谴一 切 形 式的恐怖主 义,通过这种残忍行径肆杀害无辜 百 姓 的 行为永无 道理可言。
Above all, all of us must condemn terrorism in all its forms;
[...] there can never be justification for the wilful killing of innocent civilians through such brutal acts.
安理会一次无法 团一致, 向叙利亚当局发出强有力的信息,要求叙 利亚当局停止屠杀和折磨叙利亚人民,即使最近几小 时内又有百人惨遭杀害。
Once again, it was unable to act to send a forceful and united message to the Syrian authorities to stop killing and torturing their people, even though in the recent hours hundreds more have been killed.
那些自始至终保儆醒的人,虽然他 们没有看到所有他们所守候期望的,但这 样做,他们就仍然是非常有福的,而且能 与世俗保持分离;当他们生活在“所定的 日期”并顺从地“守望”,他们就将会 了解、明白,“将会理解”,而且不会对处在 这个时代美妙的“收获”事件一无 所 知。
Those who watched all down the age, though they did not see all they watched for, were nevertheless greatly blessed and kept separate from the world, by so doing; while those who will be living in the “due time” and shall obediently “watch,” shall know, shall see, “shall understand,” and not be in ignorance, in the midst of the wonderful events of the “harvest” of this age.
我認為政府應該加強藥劑督察巡查藥房的㆟手,同時司法機關亦應該嚴 懲違例的藥房,儆傚尤
I think the Government should increase the number of Pharmacist Inspectors to step up inspections on pharmacies.
[...] 以「擒賊先擒王」,條例針對的應該是犯罪集團的首腦,並對他們判以重刑,以收殺儆 百之效 ,那才是根絕嚴重罪案的有效做法。
The Bill should be directed against the
leaders of these organized crime groups and should impose heavy penalties on the convicted
[...] so as to serve a warning on others.
然而,一方面 ,囚禁劉曉波的政權企圖用殺儆 猴的 方式來攝服羣眾,同樣是無法得逞的。
On the other hand, though the political power imprisoning LIU Xiaobo attempts to [...]
use his case to coerce people into submission,
its attempt again ends in vain.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实一个 无 杀 伤 人 员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
[...] 国者何塞·安东尼奥·阿庞特领导的非洲裔人独立运动两百周年,以及肤色独立 大杀一百周年
Activities will also be organized to commemorate the bicentenary of the independence movement of
people of African descent, which was led by the Cuban patriot José Antonio
[...] Aponte, and the centenary of the massacre of the
尽管在与政府达成协议两周以后取消了抗议,但这次大罢工使日常生活限于 瘫痪,并导致罢工支持者和尼泊尔警察与武装警察部队之间发生激烈的冲突,结 果六名平民一名武装警察部队警官 杀 害 , 几 百 人 受 伤,其中包括警察人员。
While the protests were called off after two weeks following agreements reached with the Government, the bandh paralysed daily life and led to violent confrontations between bandh supporters and both the Nepal Police and Armed Police
Force (APF), in which
[...] six civilians and an APF officer were killed and hundreds of people injured, including [...]
police personnel.
同样,在他据称开小差前的三日内,作一名中 士,他不可能丝毫没有介入在纳杰夫的狂轰滥炸,逐户搜捕,抓捕神职 人员,公开执行死刑和杀平民百姓。
Similarly, it was unlikely that, as a Sergeant, he could have abstained from participating in any of the
indiscriminate artillery
[...] attacks on Najaf, houseto-house arrests, round-ups of clerics, public executions, and massacres of civilians during the three days before he allegedly deserted the army.
在刚果西部的金沙萨和下刚果省,无法无天而且政治派性强的治安部队在 2007年和2008 年杀害了数百名反对派支持者。
In the west of the country, unaccountable and politicized security forces in
[...] Kinshasa and Bas Congo killed hundreds of opposition [...]
supporters in 2007 and 2008.
一个无论何时都忽儆醒的 人,总会错过上 帝赐给他的特别祝福,这也证明他自己要么 被这个世界的神的偏见蒙蔽了双眼,要么为 生活琐事和当前的利益所累,证明他忽视了 [...]
向上帝奉献全部的誓约,只是寻求将要到来 的天国和生命。
He who at any time neglects to watch, loses a blessing upon which the [...]
Master laid great stress, and proves himself to be
either blinded with prejudice by the god of this world, or overcharged with matters of this life and present interests, to the neglect of his vow of full consecration to the Lord, to seek chiefly the Kingdom and life to come.
與此同時,律政司亦須就一些被證實虛報、誇大或欺詐的索 償人士進行刑事檢控,不能因為涉及金額不多或罪行性質輕微,便不 追究涉案的索償者,以收一儆百之 效
To achieve the desired deterrent effect, it must not refrain from taking legal action to pursue these claimants only because the amount of compensation involved may be small or the nature of the crime is minor.
而我们的主 非但不为这一般的推测辩解,反而鼓励他 们的考察。耶稣的话明确指出:虽然还没有 让他们知道那日期和时节,但是在将来的 某个时候它们非常重要,并有可能透露给 那儆醒的人。
His words clearly show that though the times and seasons were not yet given to them to know, they would be very important some time, and would then be revealed to those watching.
在以弗所书6:18-20节中,保罗请求以弗所人为所有教会和他自己代祷:"靠着圣灵,随时多方祷告祈求;并要在 儆 醒 不 倦,为众圣徒祈求,也为我祈求,使我得着口才,能以放胆开口讲明福音的奥秘,我为这福音的奥秘作了带锁炼的使者,并使我照着当尽的本分放胆讲论。
In Ephesians 6:18-20, Paul asked for prayer for all the church and for himself: "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints - and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
當中最令人憤怒的例子,是借奧運殺 儆 猴 ,以煽 動顛覆國家政權罪,判網絡作家胡佳入獄三年半。
The most outraging example is that the opportunity of hosting the Olympic Games was taken to openly punish an individual in order to warn others by sentencing HU Jia, a web writer, to three and a half years of imprisonment on a charge of "incitement to subvert state power".
仍然深感关切的是,还有百万杀伤 人员地雷和战争遗留爆炸物,对民 众构成很大的威胁,是经济恢复活动及复原和重建工作 一 大 障
of anti-personnel landmines and explosive remnants of war, which constitute a great danger to the population and a major obstacle to the resumption of economic activities and to recovery and reconstruction efforts
通过非法政策和做法 有计划地夺取巴勒斯坦土地杀戮和 伤害 百 上 千名 巴勒斯坦人、在巴勒斯坦制造空前的人道主义危机, 是这个残暴政权惯常活动的组成部分。
The systematic acquisition of Palestinian lands
through unlawful policies and
[...] practices, the killing and injury of hundreds of Palestinians, [...]
and causing an unprecedented
humanitarian crisis in Palestine are part and parcel of the normal activities of this brutal regime.




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