

单词 机械能


(old) cunning



External sources (not reviewed)

The ISE fuel cell hybrid system powering these buses converts the chemical
[...] energy of hydrogentomechanical energy.
Sweeping three centuries of watchmaking
[...] conventionin the waymechanical energy to regulate the [...]
Mikrogirder Concept opens a promising
era, suggesting new movements potentially more powerful and efficient, with a split time even further.
Eliminate hazards outside the fuel cell module, when the quantity of fuel and other stored energy (for example,
flammable materials, pressurised
[...] media, electricalenergy, mechanical energy)in thefuel [...]
cell module is released nearly instantaneously, or
再者,由於非路面流机械发出订单後几天内运往香港, 建议的进口核准程序或会延误付运。
In addition, since NRMMs may have to be shipped [...]
to Hong Kong within a few days after the placement of purchase orders, the
proposed import approval may cause undue delay in delivery.
(a) 节约能源:废热回收、以伺服马达或变频技术驱动 生机械理系统应用,以优化能源表现、 先进保温涂层技术,以减少热散失、及加热系统的 [...]
(a) energy saving through waste heat recovery, use of servo
[...] motors orvariable speeddrives topower production [...]
machines, application of energy
management system to optimize energy performance, use of advanced insulation coating to reduce heat loss, application of electromagnetic induction or infra-red technologies in heating components of production machines
金属爪具嵌固件机械、尺寸、荷载承载力及个别 专利型号/系列,须展示於呈交屋宇署批准的相关图则内。
Themechanical properties, dimensions, [...]
load capacities and specific proprietary model number/series of metal spider fixing
should be shown in the relevant plans submitted for approval.
[...] 处所的任何部分唱歌、跳舞或演奏任何乐器或其他器具,亦不得使用收音机、卡式机、雷射碟机 或类似的设备、电视或任何其他电气机械,而相当人造成烦扰、不便或骚扰。
No person unless authorized in writing by the Corporation or any of its officials while upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall sing, dance or perform on any musical or other instrument or use a radio, cassette recorder, compact disc player or similar
device, television or any
[...] other such electricalor mechanical device which islikely [...]
tocause annoyance, inconvenience or
disturbance to any other person.
(66) 经营铸铁工、机械工程师及农具及其他机器之制造商、工具制造商、黄 铜铸工、金属工、锅炉生产商、技工、机械师、钢铁转炉商、铁匠、木
[...] 、农民、印刷商、搬运商及商人之业务,以及购买、出售、制造、修理 、转换、改制、出租及处置各机械工具辆及五金器具,及 经营本公司认上述者便利经营或旨在直接或间接提高本公司当 时之任何财产及权利之价值之任何其他业务(制造或其他)。
(66) To carry on the business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, and manufacturers of agricultural implements and other machinery, tool-makers, brass-founders, metal-workers, boiler-makers, millwrights, machinists, iron and steel converters, smiths, wood-workers, builders, painters, metallurgists, electrical engineers, water supply engineers, gas-makers, farmers, printers, carriers, and merchants, and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, alter, let on hire, and
deal in machinery,
[...] implements, rolling-stock, and hardware of all kinds, and to carry on any other business (manufacturing or otherwise) [...]
which may
seem to the Company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above, or otherwise calculated, directly or indirectly, to enhance the value of any of the property and rights of the Company for the time being.
(e) 高级别小组认为,目前的危机应用多数取胜规则加以 解决,由于地面局势紧张,双方立场极端两极化,就更不能如此解决。
(e) The Panel observes that the
present crisis cannot be resolved on
[...] the solebasis of a mechanical applicationof the [...]
majority rule, more especially as the
situation is tense on the ground and the positions are extremely polarized.
事实上,透过完善的建筑设计,便可以更有效地运用资源,以改善现时 医院服务水平欠佳的问题,例如联系建筑物之间的通道,可以作出适当的设 计安排,建设高效率的运输带,甚至可以参考新加坡的经验,引进“能机 械,使用职员专用通道协助运送医疗物资,提升医院运作的效率,为病 人提供更高质素的服务。
In fact, through well-conceived architectural design, it is possible to utilize resources more effectively and improve the present unsatisfactory standard of hospital services. For example, appropriate arrangements in design can be made so that highly efficient conveyor belts can be installed in the passages linking various buildings and reference can even be made to the Singapore experience by introducing "intelligent robots" to help transfer medical supplies via staff-only passages to enhance the operational efficiency of hospitals and provide higher-quality services to patients.
(B) 加盖有关印章之每份文据均须由董事签署,并由秘书或另一名董事 或董事会就此委任的其他人士加签,惟董事会可一般或於任何特定情况下决议(须 受董事会之加盖印章方式之限制规限),股票、认股权证或债权证或任何 其他形式之证券可以有关决议列明之若机械而非签名方式签署,或该等证 书无须由任何人士签署。
(B) Every instrument to which a seal shall be affixed shall be signed by a Director and shall be countersigned by the Secretary or by a second Director or some other person appointed by the Board for the purpose, provided that the Board may either generally or in any particular
case or cases resolve
[...] (subject to such restrictions as to the manner in which a seal may be affixed as the Board may determine) that such signatures or any of them may be affixed to certificates for shares, warrants or debentures or representing any other form of securityby some mechanical means other than autographic [...]
to be specified
in such resolution or that such certificates need not be signed by any person.
(i) 就起重机及所有其他起机械车及升降机除外)而言,任何工厂内(aa) 其中每一部分(包括固定或不固定的工作装备、绳索及链条及锚及固定装 置)须为(i)结构良好、材质坚实及具足够强度;(ii)妥善保养;(iii)由主管人 员至少每十二个月彻底检验一次,且须保存载有每次检验规定详情的登记 册;(bb)该等机器的负荷不得超出其上清楚标示的安全工作负荷;及(cc)倘 任何人士受雇在起重机轮道或接近轮道的地方工作,因而起重机 碰伤,须采取有效措施以确保起重机无法到达该地方的二十英尺之内。
(i) In respect of cranes and all other lifting machinery, other than hoists and lifts, in any factory (aa) every part thereof, including the working gear, whether fixedor movable, ropes and chains and anchoring and fixing appliances shall be (i) of good construction, sound material and adequate strength; (ii) properly maintained; (iii) thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in every period of twelve months, and a register shall be kept containing the prescribed particularsofevery such examination; (bb) no such machinery shall be loaded beyond the safe working load which shall be plainly marked thereon; and (cc) while any person is employed or working on or near the wheel-tract of a travelling crane in any place wherehe would be liable to be struck by the crane, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that the crane does not approach within twenty feet of that place.
(b)  本公司可备有按该条例第 73A
[...] 发行之股份或其他证券之证书上盖印(以及在加盖该正式印章之任何该等证明书或 其他文件上毋须任何董事、高级人员或其他人士之签署机械制签署,且该等 证书或其他文件即使没有任何该等签署或上机械制签署仍属有效及应视为已 在董事会之授权下盖章及签立),以及可备有按董事会决定根据公司条例条文规定之 [...]
任何一名或多名代理人或者一个或多个委员会作为本公司之获妥为授权之代理人, 目的在於加盖及使用该正式印章,并可施本公司认为合适之有关使用正式印章之限 制。
securities issued by the Company as permitted by Section 73A of the Ordinance (and no signature of any Director, officer or other person and no mechanical reproduction thereof shall be required on any such certificates or other document and any such certificates or other document to which such official seal is affixed shall be valid and deemed to have been sealed and executed with
the authority of the
[...] Board notwithstanding the absence of any suchsignatureormechanical reproduction as aforesaid) and an official seal for use abroad [...]
under the provisions
of the Companies Ordinance where and as the Board shall determine, and the Company may by writing under the seal appoint any agents or agent, committees or committee abroad to be the duly authorised agents of the Company for the purpose of affixing and using such official seal and they may impose such restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit.
在监察工作方面,中心已参考世界衞生组 织和国际原能机国际组织的建议,并会密切留意情况,在有需要时调整监察策略。
In the surveillance, recommendations from international authorities, such as World Health Organization and International Atomic Energy Agency would be taken reference to.
(29) 与任何政府最高、市、地方或其他级别)或任何实践本公 司全部或其中任何目的之法团、公司或人士订立任何安排,并向任何该等政 府、机关、法团、公司或人士取得任何约章、合约、法令、权利、特权及优 [...]
申请、促进及取得任何可直接或间接令本公司受惠之法规、法令、规例或其 他授权或颁令,及反对任何可能直接或间接损害本公司利益之法案、法律程 序或申请;及促使本公司在任何其他海外国家或地方根据当地法例登记或取 得认可地位。
(29) To enter into any arrangementswith any Governmentsor authorities (supreme, municipal, local [...]
or otherwise), or any
corporations, companies, or persons that may seem conducive to the attainment of the Company's objects, or any of them, and to obtain from any such Government, authority, corporation, company or person any charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions; to apply for, promote and obtain any statute, order, regulation or other authorisation or enactment which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the Company, and to oppose any bills, proceedings or applications which may seem calculated or likely directly or indirectly to prejudice the Company's interests; and to procure the Company to be registered or recognised in or under the laws of any other foreign country or place.
经 营 范 围 为 航 天 技 术 产 品机 械器 产 品,仪 器 仪 表;电 子 [...]
产 品,塑 料 制 品,化 工 制 品,起 重 运 输 产 品,五 金 家 具,建 筑 材 料,磁 性 材 料,粉 末 冶 金,国 产 汽 车(小
轿 车 除 外 )、仓 储 及 进 出 口 业 务 等。
The scope of business includes aerospace
[...] technology products, mechanical products,electrical [...]
appliance products, apparatuses and
instruments; electronic products, plastic products, chemical products, hoisting and transportation products, hardware and furniture, construction materials, magnetic materials, powder metallurgy, Chinese-manufactured automobiles (except sedans), warehousing and import and export operations.
Mostly it concerns the destination disc's bootability and capability of using the entire space on large discs.
2012 年亚太农工发举措的重点将主要放在以 下领域:(a)亚太农业机械测试网络;(b)收获后技术;(c)防治荒漠 化和土地退化;(d)农村可替代能源。
In 2012, capacity development initiativesof UNAPCAEM would focus primarily on the following areas: (a) the Asia-Pacific network for the testing of agricultural machinery; (b) post-harvest technology; (c) antidesertification and land degradation; and (d) rural alternative energy.
(k) 一般性购买、承租或交换、租用或以其他方式获取本公司认爲对其业务乃属 必需或可为其业务带來方便的任何土地及非土地财产、权利或特权,尤其是 土地、建筑物、地役权机械业装置及商品存货。
(k) Generally to purchase take on lease or in exchange hire or otherwise acquire any real and personal property and any rights or privileges which the Company may think necessary or convenient for the purposes of its business and in particular any land buildings easements machinery plant and stock-in-trade.
(3) 如 发生意外或 其他紧急事故 , 任何人可 操作、移动或开 动吊 车系统上或吊车系统区内的任何 有告示於其上面 或附近展示 ,说明是供在 发 生意外或紧急事故 时 操作的开关掣、控 制 杆机械力器具或 其他器 件。
(3) In cases of accident or other emergency, a person may operate, move, or work any switch, lever, mechanical or electrical appliance or other device on the Cable Car System
or in the Cable Car
[...] System area on or near which is displayed a notice that it is intended tobe operated in cases of accident or [...]
(B) 本公司每份股票、证券、债权证或债权股证须加盖印章或证券印
[...] 章发行,惟经董事会决议授权,任何有关股票可加盖印章或证券印章但免除签署, 或以其机械方法或系统加上签署发行。
(B) Every certificate of shares, stock, debentures or debenture stock of the Company shall be issued under the Seal or a Securities Seal provided that, with the authority of a resolution of the Board, any such certificate may be issued under the Seal or a
Securities Seal but without such signatures or with such signatures made or
[...] affixed bymeans of some mechanical method or system.
然而,及早诊断和治疗,配合职业治 疗和复康用具等的使用,可帮助患者保持活机能慢肌肉退 化和萎缩,亦减少并发症和有助提高生活质素。
However, early diagnosis and treatments, accompanied by occupational therapy and the use of rehabilitation aids, could help slow down the deterioration, lower the emergence of complications and improve patients' quality of life.
An industrial gearbox is a system of assembled
[...] gears that transmit mechanicalenergyfrom a prime [...]
mover to an output device, typically
changing the speed, direction or torque of the input energy during the process.
(c) 就曾在入院时作临床推定为感染综合症,接受综合症的类固 醇治疗,但其後界定为非综合症的人士而言,如他们因综合 症接受类固醇治疗受影响( 若有的话) ,引起较长远的後遗 症,而可能令身体出现某程度机能,向他们提供援 助,包括特别恩恤经济援助( 必须有医生证明和有确切的经济 需要)(即附件所指的「曾接受医治综合症的类固醇治疗的综 合症『疑似』患者」) 。
(c) assistance, including special ex-gratia financial assistance, for patients who were clinically diagnosed as having SARS on admission, treated with steroids as medication for SARS, but turned out subsequently not to haveSARS, suffering from longer term effects, attributable to the effects of steroids received (if any), which may result in some degree of physical dysfunction, subject to medical proof and financial need, in case this happens.
通讯协定是 电脑之间互相沟通的特定语言, TLS 协定可为你的电脑及网站间建立已加密 的沟通渠道,从而使你转送到网站的所有﹝能机资料,在转送到互聯网 时均已加密。
A protocol is a method computers use to communicate with each other, and the TLS protocol establishes an encrypted channel between your computer and a web site so that all the (potentially sensitive) information you submit to the web siteis encrypted as it passes through the Internet.
又谈室内空间,是与每个人日常生活关系最密切的环境,相对於外在环境极度恶化的情况下,室内空间成为个人所能掌握的最後防线,它具有相当程度的生活表徵和期望,除了满机能与作为个人的象徵符号外,同时也是一种因时/因地而生的空间表现(表情是也);在个人化(或内在化) [...]
/ Designing完整过程,因此命题Ordering与设计Designing之间,可以有更敏锐而深入的契合,甚至启发使用者(业主)思考自身定位与外在环境(社会)的互动关系。
Also on Interior space is most closely each person's environment, daily life, as opposed to the external environment worsen the situation, interior space a person can control the last line of defence, which has considerable
representation of life and hope, in
[...] addition tomeet the functionalneeds of and as [...]
a personal symbol, the same time is also
a result of time / space due to the performance of students (expression is also); in personal (or internalisation) and by the time / to system-inch case, the designer can be involved in Interior Space Programming / Designing a full process, so proposition between Ordering and Design Designing, can be more sensitive and deeper fit, and even inspire users (owners) thought about their own position and the external environment (social) interaction.
(C) 本公司可为本公司签发的股份或其他证券的证书加盖印章而设置证券 印章,且任何该等证书或其他文件可不须任何董事、高级人员或其他 人士的签署及可毋须机械制本形式签署;加盖该证券印章的任 何证书或其他文件均属有效,并被视为已加盖印章及获董事的授权而 签立 (即使该等文件没有上述的任何签署或机械署的复制本)。
(C) The Company may have a Securities Seal for use for sealing certificates for shares or other securities issued by the Company and no signature of
any Director, officer or
[...] otherpersonand no mechanical reproductionthereof shall be required on any such certificates or other document and any such certificates or other document to which such Securities Seal is affixed shall be valid and deemed to have been sealed and executed with the authority of the Board notwithstanding the absence of any such signature or mechanical reproductionas aforesaid.
实用楼面面积"指楼层或建筑物内的楼面面积总和,但不 包括任何楼梯、公众通道空间、升降机等候处、洗手间、水 厕、厨房,以及由任何为建筑物而提供的升降机、空调系统 或相类设施机械用的空间。
Usable floor area” means the aggregate of the areas of the floor or floors in a storey or building excluding any staircases, public circulation space, lift landings, lavatories, water-closets, kitchens, and any space occupied by machinery for any lift, air-conditioning system or similar service provided for the building.
Steam explosion method: steam explosion
burst the material in the process of
[...] steam will heat tomechanical energy,the separation [...]
of lignin and cellulose and amylopectin
dissolved, accompanied by the physical process of cooling resulting expansion will enable the material in 0.00875S time, from the explosion before the 250 ° C to room temperature, the cooling process so there is no material directly into the next production processes, the production rhythm is only required holding pressure for 1-2 minutes.
(l) 建造、改进、维修、发展、改建、经营、管理、执行或控制任何看來旨在直
[...] 接或间接促进公司利益的道路、路、电車轨道、铁路、支线或侧线、桥梁、 贮水库、水道、码头、工厂机械库、电气工程、工场、贮物室、建筑 [...]
物及其他工程及便利设施,资助或以其他方式协助或參与建造、改进、维修、 发展、改建、经营、管理、执行或控制该等项目,或在这方面作出贡献。
(1) To construct improve maintain develop alter work manage carry out or control any roads ways tramways railways branches or
sidings bridges reservoirs watercourses
[...] wharves factories machineries warehouses [...]
electric works shops stores buildings and other
works and conveniences which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to advance the Company’s interests and to contribute to subsidize or otherwise assist or take part in the construction improvement maintenance development alteration working management carrying out or control thereof.




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