

单词 机密文件

机密文件 ()

secret document

See also:

机密 n

confidentiality n
secret n
discretion n


coded text


secret documents

文件 n

documents pl
documentation n
file n
papers pl
paper n

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,她关切的是,如果塞尔维亚将国际法庭认为可以公开的 件 归 属 机密文件, 信 息中心就不能让民众获取这类文件,否则将违反塞尔维亚法律。
However, she was concerned that, if documents
considered as public by the
[...] Tribunal were granted confidential status in Serbia, such documents could not be [...]
made accessible to the
public by Information Centres or the Centres may find themselves in violation of the Laws of Serbia.
因此,上诉法 庭承认,争议法庭要求出机密文件 的 命 令可构成一个错误,成为对最终判决提 出上诉的理由。
The Appeals Tribunal therefore acknowledged that a
Dispute Tribunal’s order for
[...] the production of a confidential document would constitute [...]
an error that would form a ground
for appeal of the final judgement.
[...] 施,防止机密证据在诉讼当事方以外进一步传播,但该条款没有处理是否在所有 案件中均需当事方披机密文件的问 题。
While article 18 envisages that protective measures may be imposed to prevent the further dissemination of confidential evidence beyond the parties to the
proceedings, it does not address the
[...] issue of whether confidential documents need to be disclosed [...]
by the parties in all cases.
当我们需要转换成只读的PDF机密文件 , 我 们不能相信网上转换。
When we need to
[...] convert read-only PDF confidential files, we cannot trust [...]
online converter.
执行局第一七六届会议鼓励总干事根据委员会提交的建议 机密文件 176 EX/CR/HR Add.2),采取一切必要的措施,进一步确 机密文件 的 印 制程序和分发程序,以解决委员会 委员就未经批准而透露公约与建议委员会文件内容而表达的各种关注问题。
At its 176th session, the Committee encouraged the Director-General to take all necessary steps, based on the
recommendations submitted
[...] to the Committee (confidential document 176 EX/CR/HR Add.2), to improve the security of procedures concerning the composition and distribution of the confidential documents, with a view to [...]
addressing the various
concerns expressed by Committee members following the unauthorized disclosure of confidential information contained in CR documents.
这些是 限制获取官方信息的全部理由,而 机密文件 上 必 须标注基于哪条规定该文件不予公开。
These are the only grounds for restricting access to
[...] official documents and, where a document is confidential, a notation must [...]
be provided on the document,
indicating the provision under which the restriction is authorised (Article 16).
一成员表示,任何办法都应该考虑到现有处 机密文件 的 程 序,例如“多边基金政 策、程序、准则和标准”所载程序,并就秘书处和执行委员会如何处理这一事项提出了进 [...]
One member said that any approach should
take account of existing
[...] procedures for dealing with confidential documents, for example as [...]
contained in the Policies, Procedures,
Guidelines and Criteria of the Multilateral Fund, and offered further suggestions as to how the Secretariat and the Executive Committee might deal with the matter.
最近,董事会批准了一项新的信 息开放政策,除了少数明确界定 机密文件 之 外,将公开或以其他方式提供有关 世界银行交易的几乎所有其他文件。
Very recently, its Board approved an entirely new access to information policy
whereby, except for a well-defined
[...] shortlist of classified documents, virtually every [...]
other document relevant to the Bank’s
transactions will be released or otherwise made available.
另外,拟议从人道主义和发展协调股调出 1 个行政助理(外勤人员)职位任副 特别代表个人助理,以执行保持副特别代表的日历;准备必要的会议背景文件; 管理非机密机密文件包括 密码电报;处理信件和将紧急信件提请副特别代表注 意;与支持部门落实行政问题;通过引入新备案归档制度重组该办公室;安排副 特别代表在任务区内外的公务旅行;组织高级别代表团访问,并起草英法文信件 等任务。
In addition, it is proposed that one post of Administrative Assistant (Field Service) be redeployed from the Humanitarian and Development Coordination Unit to serve as Personal Assistant to the Deputy Special Representative, to perform tasks including maintaining the Deputy Special Representative’s calendar; preparing necessary background documentation for meetings; managing both unclassified and classified documents, including code cables; clearing correspondence and bringing urgent correspondence to the attention of the Deputy Special Representative; following up on administrative issues with the support component; reorganizing the Office with the introduction of a new filing and archiving system; organizing the Deputy Special Representative’s official travel both within and outside the mission area; organizing visits of high-level delegations; and drafting correspondence in English and French.
政府 -政府官员,处理成千上万机密文件 和 材 料,也许费时和枯燥。
Government – To government officials, dealing
[...] with thousands of confidential papers and materials [...]
maybe time-consuming and boring.
比利时、芬兰和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的代表提交一项关于分 机密文件的 决定草案,请秘书处提供指定的技术文件或执行委员会的文件,给提出请求的执行委员会 成员代表团中任何指定的个人,并请求秘书处将执行委员会会议将要审议所有文件上传到 多边基金的网站,除非执行委员会要求不上传。
The representatives of Belgium,
[...] Finland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland submitted a proposal for a draft decision on the distribution of confidential documents, requesting [...]
the Secretariat to provide
any identified technical information or Executive Committee document to any designated individual identified to be on the delegation of the requesting Executive Committee member, and requesting the Secretariat to upload all documents to be considered at an Executive Committee meeting onto the Multilateral Fund website unless requested not to do so by the Executive Committee.
大会不妨考虑修正争议法庭的规约,承认若出 机密文件 将 损 害重大组织 利益,譬如工作人员的安全和本组织与会员国通信的保密性,则秘书长可拒绝出机密文件或部 分内容,争议法庭可依据此类不出示行为做出适当、合理的推断。
The General Assembly may wish to consider amending the statute of the Dispute Tribunal
to recognize that
[...] where the production of confidential documents would undermine significant organizational interests, such as the security of staff members and the confidentiality of communications between the Organization and Member States, the Secretary-General may decline to produce confidential documents or portions thereof [...]
and the Dispute Tribunal
may then draw appropriate and reasonable inferences from any such non-production.
所有这些文件必须标记机密文件, 并标明保密期限(第 36 条)。
All of these documents must be marked confidential and the expiry date of this confidentiality must be indicated [...]
(Article 36).
By releasing
[...] stolen and classified documents, Wikileaks has put [...]
at risk not only the cause of human rights but also the
lives and work of these individuals.
委员会同意根据议程项目 14(其他事项)审机密文件的分 发问题、环境规划署就 尼泊尔批准哥本哈根修正案的进展情况提交的报告和执行委员会举行第六十七次会议和第 [...]
The Committee agreed to consider under
agenda item 14 (Other matters)
[...] the distribution of confidential documents, a report by UNEP [...]
on progress by Nepal in ratifying
the Copenhagen Amendment, and the dates and venues of the 67th and 68th meetings of the Executive Committee.
鉴于争议法庭程序规则比较笼统,需要就程序提供进一步指导,以确保合 法的组织利益不会因出机密文件而 受 到损害。
In view of the general nature of the rules of procedure of the Dispute Tribunal, further guidance is needed on the
procedures for ensuring that legitimate organizational interests are not compromised by
[...] the production of confidential documents.
文后机密 附 件(不用于分发)引用了从非公开会议所讨论 机密文件 中 抽取的相关实例。
Relevant examples taken from
[...] confidential documents discussed at private meetings are cited in the attached confidential Annexes which are not [...]
for circulation
We condemn in the strongest terms the unauthorized
[...] disclosure of classified documents and sensitive national [...]
security information.
相比之下,一些政府间组织的行政法庭制订了比较严密的规定,确保合法 的组织利益不会因出机密文件而受 到损害。
By contrast, the administrative tribunals of some intergovernmental organizations have adopted more narrowly tailored
rules to ensure that legitimate organizational interests are not compromised by
[...] the production of confidential documents.
上诉法庭在一份判决中指出,若 争议法庭错误地命令出机密文件, 并 以不出示文件为由得出关于法律或事实问 题的错误结论,则当事方可对载有此类错误结论的判决提出上诉。
In one judgement, the Appeals Tribunal stated that where the Dispute Tribunal erred in ordering the production of a privileged document and drew conclusions from the non-production of the document that erred on questions of law or fact, the party may then appeal the judgement containing such erroneous conclusions.
除非对某机密文件采取必要的保密措施,教科文组织和法语国家议会大会将经常交 换涉及共同关心的问题的信息和文件。
Subject to provisions that may be necessary to
[...] preserve the confidential nature of particular documents, UNESCO and the [...]
Parliamentary Assembly
of the Francophonie will continuously exchange information and documents on matters of mutual interest.
在开展调查时,信息专员有权索取和接收任何公共机构的文件和说明,包 机密文件 (第 48 条)。
In conducting an investigation, the information commissioner shall have
the power to request and receive documents and clarifications from any public
[...] body, including confidential documents (Article 48).
[...] 的资料,道德操守干事却可以要求项目厅的其他人员回答问题,并提供文件的印 本或准予查阅文件,但医疗记录及内部审计和调查小组 机密文件 除 外
While the Ethics Officer cannot be compelled by UNOPS management or other personnel to disclose information he considers to be confidential, the Ethics Officer may require other UNOPS personnel to answer questions and to provide copies of or access to
documentation, with the exceptions of
[...] medical records and confidential papers of the Internal [...]
Audit and Investigations Group (IAIG).
一旦科赛全球员工与公司解除工 作合同,该员工不得持有因其工作而获得 机密文件 、 项目、规范等副本。
When terminating employment with the Company,
Kordsa Global employees shall not
[...] retain copies of confidential documents, projects, regulations, [...]
etc. that were confined
to them due to their positions.
它拥有一机密文件,文 件中的所有来函均是 按国别介绍的。
It has before it a confidential document setting out [...]
all the communications by country and clearly showing the stage reached
in the consideration of each communication.
科索沃警察机构的人事管理、接 机密文件 许 可 以及信息分类等方面进行监测、 辅导和咨询,并且设置情报与分析管理局,作为科索沃警察刑事情报系统的有效 核心。
Furthermore, as part of its effort to build sustainable capacity in the rule of law institutions in Kosovo, the Mission continued to monitor, mentor and advise the Kosovo police on the management of personnel, security clearances and classification of information, as well as the development of the Directorate of Intelligence and Analysis as the effective hub of the Kosovo police criminal intelligence system.
与《公约》第三十一条所规定的委员会职能有关的委员会所有 件 均 为 机密 文件,一 直到委员会按照《公约》和本议事规则的规定决定将其公布时为止。
All documents of the Committee relating to
its functions under article 31 of
[...] the Convention are confidential until such time when [...]
the Committee decides, in accordance
with the provisions of the Convention and the present rules, to make them public.
(c) 向公众公开技术执行委员会的会议文件,技术执行委员会视 机密的 具体文件除外
(c) Make documents of the meetings of the TEC available to the public,
[...] unless a specific document is deemed confidential by the TEC.
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Except as otherwise provided below or as otherwise agreed upon in writing, you agree that any communications you transmit to anyone through the Site or copyrighted works you post on the Site, including, without limitation, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, plans, notes, drawings,
[...] specifications, purchase orders, quotes or requests for quotes, performance data, account information, or other material, data or information (collectively, "Information"), are non-confidential and upon transmission of such information to QUADRANT via email or other means you grant to QUADRANT an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, world wide license (including but not limited to a copyright license) to use such Information in any media for any purpose in accordance [...]
with our Privacy Policy.
保密性:Impinj创新的QT技术是Monza 4QT的核心,通过维护两个独立的资 文件 ( 公 开和 密 ) 并 允许标签所有者控制资料披露,从而达到保 机密 信 息 的目的。
Privacy: Impinj's
[...] revolutionary QT technology, at the heart of Monza 4QT, protects confidential information by maintaining two separate data profiles (public [...]
and private)
and allowing the tag owner to control data exposure.




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